AutoCAD Architecture :: True Text In Attribute Definition
Oct 4, 2011
I am attempting to create my first Title Block with attribute definition. I am having trouble finding a way to use True Text. My goal is to use Arial Black. The Attribute Definition window provides only 3 text options: Pres, Notes, and Standard. Adjusting the Width Factor does not yield a text that will replace Arial Black. Is there a way to import true text into CAD for this purpose?
I having problems trying to resolve a formula in the property definitions. I have a field that has USAGENO 060, 050 that the user inputs. But I would like to auto populate another field ROOMNAME with its corresponding text, to reduce input and avoid user error. The number always equals a room name as shown below.
060=Office 050=Lobby
I tried on the ROOMNAME field this but its not working. My field is set to formula.
I am ACA 2013. I received a file from an equipment company and has these blocks that are huge in file size, so I am cleaning things up on them. Their blocks have multiple layers in them with different colors and linetypes. I see the setbylayer command and it works, but not all the time. On some of the blocks, they have attribute text in them. the individual lines of the attribute are on different layers. I want to keep the info, but set all to layer 0. then I can move it to the block to the layer I want.
another question, is there a way to make an outline of a block? Some of these blocks are so detailed that I want to make a simple outline and then delete the block.
I am wondering what Block Authoring actions i can use to move my Attribute Definitions up and down in a Dynamic Block. I understand duplication the definitions can get really ugly.
So i want to be able to have a second visibility tab in my block the nwhen i select it my Attribute Definitons insertion point moves to another co-ordinate with in the block.
I am having issues with the Batch File changing a attribute definition. I do not want to go in to the 500 or so dwgs just to change the one attribute definition i can code to replace.
The code format works for every one of my att in the title block except the DEPT#. I think it is because it is the only att with the # sign as an end character in the Att definition. I can not change the attribute name bc it is my customers title block. I am working on 2013 LT and would prefer a fix for LT but can get access to mechanical 13.
I am trying to assign a plotstyle to attribute while creating a block. First I create the block, then I insert the Blockref, in that process I have errors assigining a plotstyle to the attribute. (I have also tried to assign the plotstyle while creating the block and attribute with poor results.)
Here is my attempt to do this:
For Each objId As ObjectId In blkTblR Dim obj As DBObject = objId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) If TypeOf obj Is AttributeDefinition Then
I'm having trouble getting my attribute definitions to work with my blocks.
I'm trying to create a tag that can flip around (dynamic) and have a tag number easily entered (attribute).
I notice that I could only get the attribute definition to work during a drawing insertion is when I wblocked out my block and inserted that drawing file. I was not able to insert the drawing file that had the block in it.
I can't seem to make a dynamic block drawing file, and then insert that dynamic block drawing file if I want the attribute to work..
I am trying to customize AutoCAd for a special domain where attribute values need to have a type. I can have a clean integrated solution by manipulating the acad.dcl or base.dcl .I am using AutoCAD 2012 . I want to extend the " define attribute" and "edit attribute" dialog boxes to promt the user for a value type when they define an attribute .I can't find the definition for these dialog boxes in acad/ base dcl files. Ideally I want to add another tile definition to these dialog boxes .If that is not possible atleast spawn a different dialog box from the "define attribute " dialog box that will collect the value type from the user.
By default, the PDF print drivers we use (Bluebeam, PDF 995) set True Type text handling to be "as graphics" rather than "as text" (see below), which makes for some ugly text. I know I can make this change and save as a .PC3 file, but all our page setups for sheets & templates in the office all reference these default drivers, so it would be preferable to change the way the default driver works if possible. Is the default plotter configuration editable?
I am working on extracting information from DWG with extended Property Set Definitions. I have added Location Property on my Door objects, and would like to retrieve it in my application.
Definition as shown in AutoCAD > Manage > Style Manager > Property Set Definitions
DoorObjects Property Set Name: AtSpaceID Description: Space - SpaceObjects - SpaceID Type: Location (becomes Automatic inside .NET API code) Source: Space - SpaceObjects - SpaceID Space Objects Property Set Name: SpaceID Description: SpaceID Type: Integer
I have tried the .NET API. see Code below. I am stuck at Property Definition Location. Not too sure where I can retrieve the value for my At Space ID at my Door Objects.
I tried the following code below and it throws error such as eInvalid Input or eNot Applicable.
Part of my code
Door doorEntity = trans.GetObject(doorObjID, OpenMode.ForRead) as Door;ObjectIdCollection idsPropSet = PropertyDataServices.GetPropertySets(doorEntity);foreach (ObjectId idPropSet in idsPropSet){ PropertySet propSet = trans.GetObject(idPropSet, OpenMode.ForRead) as PropertySet; PropertySetDefinition propSetDef = [Code]........
I want to change the color of a material definition in 2d wireframe (plan view). For example, for walls, when the mat. def. is checked in the wall display props, the hatching shows orange->color 30.
When I look at one of the materials listed for said wall, in style manager, for that display component, there are diplay components similar to an object format, but in the mat. def. the components control the color (see attached example).
Now is there a "master setting" to change them - I want to change say the plan linework or section hatch to a different color to match our layer color standards or do I have to go into every since display rep. for every single mat. definition and change them or is there a way I can do it once & all will change?
The out of the box objects are great but what I am worried about is that those colors that are given don't work well with our office standard, esp. if we go back to old projects.
A way to update a property set definition programmatically?
Or via a tool palette tool.... I see there is with schedules for instance a right-click option to import a schedule style to update it... but I can't find a way to do this with property set definitions.
This would be in AutoCAD Arch (or MEP) 2012 or 2013.
I tried to use the command "Remove Material" from the rippon, and I get no rsponse, and deleted the material from the palette and yet the material there, How can I get rid of the materials I attached to the walls?
I am developing an simulation application, leveraging on using Space objects and applied additional Property Set Definitions for Space objects where I introduced a new Property "Value".
I applied a display theme to my DWG, and based on the value of the Property, different colors will be displayed according to the display theme.
For a single DWG file containing the building, I am able to simulate the color changes by updating the “Value” Property in the Spaces using .NET APIs functions such as PropertySet.SetAt, and committing the transaction.
However, one building can consist of many different levels, and I have split up the modeling of the building into its separate levels. For example, a 3 storey building, I will have 3 DWG files for each individual levels.
A main empty DWG was then used to XREF the 3 levels, to combine the different levels into a whole building. I would like to simulate such colour change through the main DWG which references my individual level DWGs.
what .NET API I can use to access the XREF DWGs in my main DWG, so that I can update the "Value" property in all my Space objects?
I would like to add a automatic property set definition for door "swingdirection" in my door schedule and replace the “left” with LH, “right” with RH and if neither (N/A) with DBL (for double leaf doors).
I thought I remembered being able to view source code in 2004 ADA for how to change and replace but I’m lost in 2013.
In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks? Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA? The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.
Explode will not retain the value of the field.
Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.
You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM. So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.
I am trying to create a property definition that will display the elevation of a space object. I looked through the automatic properties and did not find anything that looked like the elevation.
I have tried the following but was unable to achieve any success.
RESULT="--" On Error Resume Next Set AcadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application") Set Obj = AcadApp.Activedocument.Objectidtoobject("[ObjectID]") RESULT = Obj.elevation
That formula does work if i swap elevation with say height, width,length or any of the properties found in the automatic property list that are a single word. I know the elevation is there I just don't know how to access it.
I am using M Text Attributes to store imperial lengths in the drawing, feet inches and fractions (stacked). When I read back the Text String property which, is the M text Attribute.Contents parsed, I am having problems because the parser does not add a space between the inch and the fraction. So, is there any setting that could be used to tell the parser to add the space between the inch and the fraction?
I installed acad 2014 and copied all my font files into the directory that cad says it looks in under the support paths, and the main font used is a true text font (penguin) and it is not showing up right.
Possible to send attribute data that is in our title block to a schedule that is populated with property set definitions? We are not using the Project Navigator at this time.
I'm getting a little frustrated with the multiline attribute. Every time a place it in a block and save the file, the tag moves to the left when I re-open the block file or try to insert the block in another file. how to stop the tag from moving? FYI Locking the tags position makes no difference.
I have received drawings from someone else that utilize what I believe to be custom room tags. The tags consist of multiple lines of information e.g. Number, name line 1, name line 2, floor, base, north, south, east, west, occupancy, prog area, room area, etc. As of right now there is information in all of the data boxes as seen in the properties box.
However the only information shown in the drawing area is Number, name, and room area. What I would like to know is how would i keep the room area information, but not show it in the drawing area? Basically I would like to be able to make different pieces of information visible or invisible.
Is it possible to have attributes (annotative text) with a background mask in a block? Our intention is to include text to describe the status (demolition, existing or new) of various equipment.
The drawings themselves (lines, hatchs, etc.) would not be scalable or annotative, but we do want the text included to be annotative.
We normally include a hatch behind text or drawing elements (with a 'ByBlock' color) so we can 'manually' give it a background color of our liking and then scale the block in question. This way, the 'manual background' automatically scales with it.
However, with the annotative way of doing things, our solutions doesn't work anymore because blocks like these ones are now insert at a 1:1 scale and the text included will scale accordingly. I'm looking for a way to add a background mask to an annotative attribute.
I have stored a few blocks in our library in 2D. They contain attributes such as detail numbers, elevation/sheet numbers, and side attributes for keynotes. But whenever I drag the blocks in now, instead of prompting for the information to be filled out for the attributes it only asks for insertion point and scale and that's it. it inserts the block but no text shows up, not even a default text. There has to be a setting to turn off or on.
I am trying to find a way to programmatically move our AutoCAD room tag attribute data to new AEC space property sets. I work in a hospital that has approx. 1 million s.f. and over 3000 rooms. Obviously a daunting task to do room by room.