AutoCAD Architecture :: Attribute Info In Blocks Not Showing Up?
Jan 4, 2011
I have stored a few blocks in our library in 2D. They contain attributes such as detail numbers, elevation/sheet numbers, and side attributes for keynotes. But whenever I drag the blocks in now, instead of prompting for the information to be filled out for the attributes it only asks for insertion point and scale and that's it. it inserts the block but no text shows up, not even a default text. There has to be a setting to turn off or on.
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Jul 19, 2011
I have found a few things on here, but not exactly what I want. We have a excel spreadsheet with borehole references and coordinates. I need to be able to insert a block according to these coordinates and the borehole reference as the attribute.
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Sep 16, 2013
is there an way to display attribute data using a multi-leader inside a single dynamic block.
To elaborate, I'm trying to create a borehole dynamic block that I can enter the ground level and end of borehole level as attributes, and have them show up in a multi-leader. The reason for the multi-leader is that I can add a background mask to it and it automatically adjusts the length of the outline obox around it.
I just want to insert the borehole block from a tool palette, enter a couple of attributes, stretch the bottom down to whatever level, and I'm done.
I've been playing with it all weekend trying to get fields to show the attributes and I can get it to work if I use another block for the levels (multi-leaders), but even then I have to into the fields an mess with them. It's go to be east so my CAD guys can do it without slowing down, otherwise they may as well carry writing everything out long-hand as they do now.
I'm using Civil 3D 2012, if that matters.
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Jan 30, 2013
I want to create a dynamic block with multiple visibility states. Each of these states will have it's own attribute for users to enter in information. Is there a way to have the attribute automatically prompt for entering information upon changing the visibility state? That is without hashing too much into the API and code?
Then maybe even go a step further and clear out existing attribute information if the visibility is changed?
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Mar 26, 2011
Seems like Multi-View Blocks are like that hot red-head in high school that you really want to get to know until you get to know them.
I made a bunch of blocks for my electrical plans. Annotative symbols for plan view, 3D blocks for model view, and elevation blocks for elevations. I then started creating the MVBs.
Upon insertion the annotative blocks appear super small and the model view blocks scale way up. The model view blocks are not annotative and are not supposed to scale at all. It seems MVBs see any block inside that is annotative as an indication that the entire MVB shall be annotative. Fustrated, I finally found a work-around that is a bit half-arsed:
I made another block as a sort of holder for the annotative symbols that was set to not be annotative and inserted that into the MVB. VOILA! the MVB itself doesn't scale, but the annotative symbol inside the non-annotative block does. This works fine except for one caveat: I can't edit attributes that are in blocks inside of blocks. If I made another block to use in the MVB for the attributes, it would work, so long as I don't make it annotative, which isn't what I want.
So, A) is there a better work-around than the block-in-a-block-in-a-multi-view-block method, or B) Is there a way to access and edit attribute data of sub-blocks inside a MVB?
Maybe my next thread will be about red-headed Multi-View Blocks with carpets that match the drapes.
Edit: Running ACA 2009
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Jun 3, 2011
I've got hundreds of files to convert.
In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks? Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA? The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.
Explode will not retain the value of the field.
Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.
You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM. So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.
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Jul 3, 2012
I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?
Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?
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Jan 24, 2012
I have the same block repeated multiple times in a drawing, and I want to delete the last attribute in all of the specific blocks. When I edit the block in block editor, the attributes do not show up. After I explode the block, there is no text. The attached image shows the properties of the block.
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Mar 9, 2011
I got a problem with my autocad architecture 2011.
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May 31, 2013
Why is the gps info not showing up in PSE-11 or PS-5?
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Jan 12, 2012
why I can't export the "Distance 1" attribute out of thsi drawing using the ATTOUT command. I need to build a series of constrained drawings using Dynamic blocks so I can send info from an Excel spreadsheet back and forth bewteen a drawing. I think I'll have to buy a 3rd party utility for that but for now, how to simply get the info out of ACAD and into Excel thsat would be a great start.
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Jan 26, 2012
knows a lisp to extract each attribute value from multi-entity single layer blocks to respective different user-named layers? Say tag1 value to layer1, tag2 value to layer2,entity1 to layer-entity1 .The source blocks are all in one layer containing texts and symbols/entities.
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Sep 14, 2011
I want to make a block with an attribute. But over the attribute I want to make a hatch. So at the place of the hatch the attribute shouldnt be visible. When I make the block AutoCAD puts the attribute on top. Is there a way that the hatch will be on top?
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May 25, 2011
I have an attribute definition and I need to add its value to an mtext. I added it in mtext insert field it is ok, every thinks work fine it is only needs a regen but it is not a problem.
The problem is when my mtext and att in a block regen does not work in model space, I had to enter block and regen. Is there any way to do it without entrance in block editor?
I attached a simple example.
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Nov 4, 2011
How do you edit attribute tags (only) and retain the values of the attributes? When I try to redefine a block the attribute values change with ATTSYNC.
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Nov 7, 2013
Using Enhanced Attribute Editor one can set attribute text rotation to 0 when the block is rotated. But it must be done for each block individually. Is there a way to do this for several blocks at the same time or globally?
I know making block or text annotative does it but it requires redefining block, something I do not want to do.
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Nov 10, 2011
I need a rectangle block which on insertion prompts me for some data (name/tag/item number) and then displays it (this I can do). This is al pretty straightforward. But I also want to be able to fill in width and height and then have the block stretch to the correct size. So basically what I think I need is to have the value of a parameter refer to the value of an attribute. I've gotten it to work the other way around, where the attribute displays the size of one side of the rectangle (after stretching and regenerating), but I'd really like to have it working the other way.
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Mar 6, 2007
I've created a dynamic block with two visibility states. The second state is a copy of the first state, but some of the attribute definitions have been moved, along with some of the geometry.
When I insert the block, then toggle between the two visibility states, the geometry changes as I would expect, but the attributes stay in the position dictated on the first state.
How can I make sure that the attributes move for the second state, as I need them to.
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Oct 17, 2011
ACAD LT 2006
I have various blocks with a letter assigned to them as a type. Problem is that some blocks are the same one but have a different letter as an attribute.
Is there a way to extract the number of blocks by a different attribute?
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Sep 24, 2012
making dynamics blocks and more over utilizing the attribute feature but I have discovered some chnages tat i need to make.
My question right now is, once an attribute is created and put into the block editor is that it? Ifi need to edit it can i edit it? I don't really see an option or command right off that would allow me to do this ?
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Dec 12, 2013
I have LR 5.3 on a Mac running Mavericks. The Info Overlay in the Print Module can not be found with the "I" key? I can see info in the Library.
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Aug 27, 2013
I am trying to set constraints to this block and having some issues. I want to constrain the attribute text so when I stretch the block from the grips the text centers itself automatically within itself. The constraints will not let me pick the grip on the attribute text as a point.
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Jan 27, 2009
I've built this nifty block for holdowns, but the attributes get all goofy on me when I use the flip command. The problem is that the justification of the attributes does not change when they are flipped - so if I modify the text in the attribute while the block is in the FLIPPED state, how to modify the justification?Check out the attached file to see what I'm talking about. The block instances are numbered so you can follow along:
1. block is inserted
2. attribute text is modified in NOT FLIPPED state - everything is dandy
3. block is flipped
4. attribute text is modified in FLIPPED state - text justification is jacked up
5. block is flipped again, in order to demonstrate the continued jacked-uppedness of the attribute
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Dec 17, 2012
What I'm trying to do is have a graphic scale with a set list of scales the user can pick from. This was easy using the Visibility Parameter.
However, I want to add a "custom" vis state where, once they select this option, the attributed definition box will pop up and give them the option to input whatever scale they are using.Check out the attached .dwg to see what I've done so far (I just have the attributes on the "custom" vis state).
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Jul 2, 2013
Fairly versed with Dynamic blocks here, so the first thing I checked was to make sure that my FIELDEVAL was set to 31 to ensure updates but this one isn't working for me and may be a limitation of the software?
I'm making a dynamic block for my users who aren't familiar with electrical wiring so I am developing a series of blocks for our typical wiring configurations. In this instance, I've setup a pair of attributes to allow the changing of wire color codes and I want to use that single attribute entry to used in multiple other locations that are also connected to that conductor in certain situations. I have setup a field within this block to be the "VALUE" of the object (the attribute) in order to accomplish this. Unfortunately it is only displaying the default value I have for the attribute and will not update either upon insertion of the block or after an edit. Is this beyond the capabilities of Dynamic blocks or do I need to take a different approach?
Find file attached.
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Nov 19, 2013
I need to create a small table to ID the User, Computer name, Door Key, etc for a floor plan drawing of our office. I'd like to get this done in Excel and link it all so the bldg manager can make changes to the drawing without me. I have created the excel file and created a "name set" in excel for each room. In Autocad 2013 I have inserted a table from a data link and pointed that link to the named range of the room (the named range in excel is an 8 cel block with al the info I need repeated and uniquely named for each room.
This works my next step is to create a block out of the table and make the DATA LINK a variable attribute...that's where I'm stuck. i cannot figure out how to do this. I would love to be able to INSERT BLOCK and have one attribute question...ROOM NUMBER?. That should look to the excel NAMED SET the corresponds and populate the table.
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Feb 14, 2013
I wanted to get a few opinions regarding exporting data.
We are working with AutoCAD 2013 Vanilla.
We have dynamic blocks with attributes that contain the block Name, Size, Color, material etc...
What is the best way to export the information?
Schedule and linked to a spreadsheet?
(I have experience with schedules but not so much with linking to spreadsheets)
DbConnect? (I know very little on this)
Another way to ask the question;
What is the best way to export the data that I can successfully train 20 designers on how to do it correctly.
So part one is determining the best method,
part two is training a group of designers to use it correctly.
I worked on getting a schedule out and linking to a spreadsheet but even after talking to my reseller support I feel that is too cumbersome. I would like a more streamlined process, you know the one, click here and presto!
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Mar 23, 2012
I have a attributed block with multiple attributes (called pkey). In some cases these block attributes will the same values save for one, "Total".
pkey #1
Value AA, Value BB, Value CC, Total 20
pkey #2
Value AA, Value BB, Value CC, Total 30
Is there a way by which I can have AutoCad group these blocks together (when extracted into a table for example) and have the SUM of those "Totals" added together to produce a result such as:
Value AA, Value BB, Value CC, Total 50.
I've explored using fields, but I don't think they work in this case, unless I'm using them wrong.
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Jan 29, 2013
I have created a rectangle whose length changes.The value of the paameter "Dist1" is this length field that I associate to the attribute value. Basically, echo length from Dist1 into the attrib value.
The problem is when I insert the block into the drawing the value is shown as "DIST1", even after regen.
Once I pull the grip point to a new length and regen it still shows "DIST1".
If I go into the ddedit and select the edit box (for multiline data field) the shown value will correct itself, but only one time.
If I change the length again, the dimension does not update.
It worked fine when I tested the block but is having issues days later.
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May 17, 2013
I have two visibility states. STATE1 and STATE2 used at attribute .
I only see the first (STATE1) or the default.
Changing the state works fine with objects ( a simple box and circle) but not with the attribute.
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Jul 11, 2011
Attached is a dynamic block for a civil grid tick. It's my first time creating a dynamic block so it's probably not the most efficent use of the dynamic parameters etc.
I have it setup with 4 visibility states to allow the northing and easting attributes to "rotate" about the center of the grid tick, to give options for readablity and/or text overlap.
What I wanted to add was figure out how to make the individual attributes flip 180 degrees about a point (roughly the center of the attribute). Again this would be for readability.
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