AutoCAD Map 3D :: Attribute Text Rotation For Several Blocks
Nov 7, 2013
Using Enhanced Attribute Editor one can set attribute text rotation to 0 when the block is rotated. But it must be done for each block individually. Is there a way to do this for several blocks at the same time or globally?
I know making block or text annotative does it but it requires redefining block, something I do not want to do.
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Jun 3, 2011
I've got hundreds of files to convert.
In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks? Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA? The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.
Explode will not retain the value of the field.
Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.
You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM. So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.
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Dec 14, 2012
This is just a basic block to specify a section plane. What I would like to have is a BPT with 4 rotation options (0, 90 180, 270) that would rotate the whole block but it would keep the text upright and be able to stretch the ends of the arrows. I know I must be including/not including something important. Pointers on how to do this
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Aug 27, 2013
I am trying to set constraints to this block and having some issues. I want to constrain the attribute text so when I stretch the block from the grips the text centers itself automatically within itself. The constraints will not let me pick the grip on the attribute text as a point.
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Aug 24, 2011
Attached is a block that I use a lot. Originally I had two separate single line text attributes for the "title". I modified it to have a single multiline text attribute instead. I want this attributes text box width to stretch along with the line below it, so that long text strings will automatically adjust to single or multiple lines as necessary and not run off the end of the line. As it stands now I have to stretch the line and then adjust the width of the text box to match.
Also it would be nice if the bulk of the text would stay on the bottom line and only the "overflow" would move up to the next line.
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Nov 22, 2012
In the attached block, how can I contraints the red line to follow the end of the attribute text?
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Feb 6, 2009
I have been trying to convert my offices blocks to dynamic blocks and this one is giving me a hassle.
Essentially we have a line with an arrow at the end of it to show drainage pathways. I added a multiline attribute so we can add the percentage along the line with a mask. The line, arrow and attribute all need to be able to be aligned perpendicular or tangent to a given line. Everything looks great until the arrow flips sides to work from the other direction and then the text is mirrored backwards.
Mirrtext is set to 0 and I even tried it while in the Beditor to see if there was independent. Multiline or Regular attribute have the same effect as well as if they are locked position or not.
I tried adding a flip, but then the mirrortext settings work just fine and the text won't flip back.
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Jun 3, 2013
I have a block that I want to show on a vertical exaggeration of 10x. How do I make it so that a block has a Y scale of 10 without the attribute text inside the block being stretched in the Y direction 10x?
I would like to use a Y scale of 10 rather than a block with 10x the length because I have a field that returns a length parameter and I don't want that value to be 10x what it's supposed to be, and it would make things much easier to not have to multiply my values by 10x each time I use the block.
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Jul 3, 2012
I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?
Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?
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Jan 24, 2012
I have the same block repeated multiple times in a drawing, and I want to delete the last attribute in all of the specific blocks. When I edit the block in block editor, the attributes do not show up. After I explode the block, there is no text. The attached image shows the properties of the block.
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Nov 21, 2013
I can not for the life of me get my attributes to rotate with my block. I've attached the block to better understand what I'm talking about. I'd like the attributed text to rotate with the brown line. I don't care if the text ends up upside-down, I just want it to rotate with the block.
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Aug 29, 2011
when trying to create dynamic rotation for a block with attributes. If I constrain the attribute to a line in the block it damaged the behavior of the block when using the dynamic rotation.
I tried both multiline and non- multiline attributes. I tried to fiddle with the "constraint settings" and leave only the Parallel constraint running with no effect.
When I open a new clean acad drawing and paste the block there, no problem.
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Jan 11, 2008
We use this light switch block for work. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to make the attribute to stay (LOCKED) at rotation 0 when inserting no matter which angle the swtich is inserted. The only way the text stays at rotation 0 is if I insert the block as is (pointing right), then align the switch to a wall. The block is created with alignment grip. So if I add the switch to a wall at an angle (eg:45 degrees), the text will be rotated and stay rotated. If I insert the switch on the left side of the wall, the attributes will be upside down. I can manually rotate the attributes back to 0 degrees and it will stay locked to 0 degrees. But what I want it to do is to be inserted at 0 degrees to begin with.
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Mar 16, 2012
I am using M Text Attributes to store imperial lengths in the drawing, feet inches and fractions (stacked). When I read back the Text String property which, is the M text Attribute.Contents parsed, I am having problems because the parser does not add a space between the inch and the fraction. So, is there any setting that could be used to tell the parser to add the space between the inch and the fraction?
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Aug 24, 2011
I've got a block that has a couple of rotation parameters. The main one works OK. But the secondary one that is incremental and only 180 doesn't. Everything looks OK but the objects don't rotate according to the parameter but 90 degrees from what I think it should.
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Aug 11, 2012
I need to make block with certain random elements in it which regenerate when the block is copied. In this case it's the rotation of the main part of a drawn tree, In which I want the trunk to stay the same but for the polyline that makes up the leafy part to rotate randomly.
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Aug 30, 2011
In .NET environment I'm seeking a method to detect the orientation (rotation angle) of blocks and solids in 3D space through the X,Y and Z axis.
There is a object.method? or a procedure?
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Nov 23, 2011
if it's possible to link a rotation with a stretching action. I have a text (or an attribute) inside a box that can be stretched. But if the box becomes too small to hold the text horizontally, I would like that the text automatically rotate vertically without any other action that stretching the box. If that is possible, is it also possible that instead of a text, there's an attribute, and that it rotates according to the attribute's length ?
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Jan 12, 2012
I have attached a drawing that I am trying to stretch two lines - one lengthen and one shorten as I rotate the connecting line.
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Jan 22, 2012
I have been trying unsuccessfully for several days to achieve a stable setup for the attached. This is the closest I have been able to get so far but as you can see if you change the width then the rotation parameter, the stability of the block very quickly breaks down.
The problem seems to be associated with the move action which determines the center point of the angle parameter. It seems to only work properly when you change the width parameter and the rotate handle is in the 180deg. Any other position of the angle parameter results in incorrect alignment of the geometry.
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Jan 9, 2013
Just exactly what does "Angle" represent when placing a "Rotation Parameter" in a DBlock?
I've tried a bunch of diff angles and haven't noticed a difference. I'm trying to figure out just what effect diff values would have. I thought that maybe when rotating the block instance, I'd only be able rotate it "so far" (270 degrees in the example I've shown). But it still went well beyond that.
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Jan 26, 2012
knows a lisp to extract each attribute value from multi-entity single layer blocks to respective different user-named layers? Say tag1 value to layer1, tag2 value to layer2,entity1 to layer-entity1 .The source blocks are all in one layer containing texts and symbols/entities.
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Sep 14, 2011
I want to make a block with an attribute. But over the attribute I want to make a hatch. So at the place of the hatch the attribute shouldnt be visible. When I make the block AutoCAD puts the attribute on top. Is there a way that the hatch will be on top?
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Jan 11, 2013
I need to prepare a linked chain araound a defined path. (Please have a look at the attached drawing) My idea is to have one element of the chain defined as a dynamic block and to manually "rotate" one side of the chain element. After that inserting the next element (previously aligning the user coordinate system) and "rotating" the right part again to the next position...
After doing the rotation, the block definition will change and the next block will be "disformed". So far no big problem, but the grip of the rotation parameter will stay there and I am not able to "rotate" the right part back into the old position (0 degree).
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May 25, 2011
I have an attribute definition and I need to add its value to an mtext. I added it in mtext insert field it is ok, every thinks work fine it is only needs a regen but it is not a problem.
The problem is when my mtext and att in a block regen does not work in model space, I had to enter block and regen. Is there any way to do it without entrance in block editor?
I attached a simple example.
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Nov 4, 2011
How do you edit attribute tags (only) and retain the values of the attributes? When I try to redefine a block the attribute values change with ATTSYNC.
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Nov 10, 2011
I need a rectangle block which on insertion prompts me for some data (name/tag/item number) and then displays it (this I can do). This is al pretty straightforward. But I also want to be able to fill in width and height and then have the block stretch to the correct size. So basically what I think I need is to have the value of a parameter refer to the value of an attribute. I've gotten it to work the other way around, where the attribute displays the size of one side of the rectangle (after stretching and regenerating), but I'd really like to have it working the other way.
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Mar 6, 2007
I've created a dynamic block with two visibility states. The second state is a copy of the first state, but some of the attribute definitions have been moved, along with some of the geometry.
When I insert the block, then toggle between the two visibility states, the geometry changes as I would expect, but the attributes stay in the position dictated on the first state.
How can I make sure that the attributes move for the second state, as I need them to.
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Oct 17, 2011
ACAD LT 2006
I have various blocks with a letter assigned to them as a type. Problem is that some blocks are the same one but have a different letter as an attribute.
Is there a way to extract the number of blocks by a different attribute?
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Sep 24, 2012
making dynamics blocks and more over utilizing the attribute feature but I have discovered some chnages tat i need to make.
My question right now is, once an attribute is created and put into the block editor is that it? Ifi need to edit it can i edit it? I don't really see an option or command right off that would allow me to do this ?
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Jan 27, 2009
I've built this nifty block for holdowns, but the attributes get all goofy on me when I use the flip command. The problem is that the justification of the attributes does not change when they are flipped - so if I modify the text in the attribute while the block is in the FLIPPED state, how to modify the justification?Check out the attached file to see what I'm talking about. The block instances are numbered so you can follow along:
1. block is inserted
2. attribute text is modified in NOT FLIPPED state - everything is dandy
3. block is flipped
4. attribute text is modified in FLIPPED state - text justification is jacked up
5. block is flipped again, in order to demonstrate the continued jacked-uppedness of the attribute
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