AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Attribute In Visibility Parameter
Dec 17, 2012
What I'm trying to do is have a graphic scale with a set list of scales the user can pick from. This was easy using the Visibility Parameter.
However, I want to add a "custom" vis state where, once they select this option, the attributed definition box will pop up and give them the option to input whatever scale they are using.Check out the attached .dwg to see what I've done so far (I just have the attributes on the "custom" vis state).
I need a rectangle block which on insertion prompts me for some data (name/tag/item number) and then displays it (this I can do). This is al pretty straightforward. But I also want to be able to fill in width and height and then have the block stretch to the correct size. So basically what I think I need is to have the value of a parameter refer to the value of an attribute. I've gotten it to work the other way around, where the attribute displays the size of one side of the rectangle (after stretching and regenerating), but I'd really like to have it working the other way.
I've got a block with 2 lines of text, the second line being optional. If the second line is omitted, the first line should be moved down, so it's centered.
I can handle the second line being omitted with a visibility parameter. And I can handle the first line being moved down with a move parameter. But how can I link the two?
Ideally, I'd be able to re-use the line 1 attribute and display it in whichever place was correct, but that doesn't seem to be possible.
I am very new to dynamic blocks. I am starting off learning the small stuff before I get to the larger more complex blocks to convert to dynamic.
I have a reference block I am trying to "master" all the functions we would like to see.
I have two major concerns.
1) Why can't I rotate this block (via rotate action) and have the attributes stay at angle zero? I thought I built the parameters and actions correct.
2) I haven't ran across anything that explains how to stretch 2 linear parameters at the same time with the same distance (ex: stretch both at .25, .5, .75)
I want to create a dynamic block with multiple visibility states. Each of these states will have it's own attribute for users to enter in information. Is there a way to have the attribute automatically prompt for entering information upon changing the visibility state? That is without hashing too much into the API and code?
Then maybe even go a step further and clear out existing attribute information if the visibility is changed?
usage of dynamic title blocks with visiblity states and defining page setup override templates which use same for quick plotting using sheet sets.
I have attached a simple dynamic block that I built which is the outter frame of our company title block, it is designed to allow users to quickly switch between Landscape and Portrait orientations.
The problem I am having is when I go to define page setups for my Sheet Set Page Setup Override Template I am unable to use the "Extents" option with auto-center because the "Extents", as defined by the page setup, includes ALL objects in the paper space regardless of visibility, so my title block ends up being centered in a stupid way if that printing configuration is used.
The only solution I have found is to use the "Layout" option when defining page setups, but this option produces other issues in other ways when printing. I don't want to use the "Window" option either for the potential for users to be using the page setup overrides to print drawings using different paper sizes or drawings that were not originally created using the current template the override is designed to accomodate.
Is there perhaps a system variable that defines whether invisible objects are included in the "Extents" setting in the page setup? I'm sure you'll all agree that Extents is the way to go in this situation, but it is not performing exactly as required.
I have over 100 blocks that I need to add the exact same objects and visibility state to. Is there a way to globally make this change, or even to copy the visibility states from one block to the next without having to recreate the states in each block? I thought I had previously run across a routine on here that would make changes to multiple blocks at once, but I can't seem to find it now.
How do I manipulate a height parameter all of the dynamic blocks in the drawing from one single field? Say a field located in the drawing properties or on the drawing itself.
For example: Multiple blocks of different walls of same height with other blocks of things on located on those walls, dependant on the wall height, all linked to and changed by a single field. Possibly a Wall Height field located in the custom tab of the drawing properties.
I can pickout each of the blocks and change them at the same time in properites menu because they all share the same parameter name. I would just like to have that height parameter of every block in the drawing, that has that specific parameter controled by a single field. Which I could enter a new height at anytime that would change every block in the drawing to that height.
Is it possible to have 1 instance of a dynamic block (with multiple visibility states and/or look up properties) in your drawing and view a different visibility state or look up in different viewports?
I wish to create a dynamic block containing some attributes. These attributes are inside rectangles that can't be modified in length using linear parameters ; but the attribute has to be always in the middle of the rectangle. So, I draw a line inside the rectangle (in a hidden layer) and insert the attribute with center justification (not sure for the translation) that I place in the middle of this line ; then I put a coincidence constraint (not sure for the translation, but it's the first one) linking the middle of the line with the middle of the attribute.
But here's the problem : when stretching my rectangle, the insertion point of the attribute suddenly changes from "center" to "bottom left".
I am looking for a way to use the ATTIN/ATTOUT workflow to bring in data from an excel spreadsheet to drive the size of each of my block's instances. The block will be simple, a rectangle, with width and length parameters. For each entity in my excel/csv file these parameter values are spelled out. I know how to display these parameters in my attributes, but I don't know how, if I were to feed in these values, to drive the geometry. If there's a better way to take a list of width and length values to generate a series of blocks each with a rectangle containing its respective size.
I have created a Dynamic Block with various visibility states.The block has attributes in that are not displayed depending on which visibility state that is selected.
Is there a way for VBA to look at attributes in my dynamic block and tell which attributes are visible?
I have the same block repeated multiple times in a drawing, and I want to delete the last attribute in all of the specific blocks. When I edit the block in block editor, the attributes do not show up. After I explode the block, there is no text. The attached image shows the properties of the block.
Is it possible to make a dynamical block where the attribute is horizontal in combination of the alignment parameter (not rotate)? If I align to an arc the attribute need to stay at an horizontal position.
I'm trying to create a dynamic block that uses a parameter and an attribute definition to determine the diameter of a circle in that block. I plan to export GIS points with diameter in the attribute table into a CAD file with the block definition. I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up the parameters to read to attribute definition and adjust the circle diameter. Using AutoCAD 2013
Creating a dynamic block that contained more than one visibility parameter. I have tried and it wouldn't let me do more than one. I was thinking of using multiple visibility to work through some text or attribute option all contained in one block instead of having 5 seperate blocks. Wanted to combine all 5 into one, just cannot get the multiple visibility to work.
I have a rather unusual problem. I'm using AutoCADLT2013. I have a dynamic block, with chained parameters. The block works perfectly, however, I'm expanding the contents, and trying to add more polylines to existing actions.
I have the following Actions showing: Stretch, Lookup, and Visibility. All of these actions are on unchained Parameters. The 2 Actions I'm missing are Arrays, both on chained Parameters with no Grips.
I've used ACTIONBAR on both Parameters (Show, then Hide, then Show again, I don't want to use Reset!), yet the Action Bars still won't show!
I've been messing for nigh on 2 hours and I can't figure it out. To make things worse, I can't use the Parameter Manager, due to it disappearing when in Block Editor.
I really don't want to have to start again, as it was a right pain in the rectum to get to work right.
I've got a block that has a couple of rotation parameters. The main one works OK. But the secondary one that is incremental and only 180 doesn't. Everything looks OK but the objects don't rotate according to the parameter but 90 degrees from what I think it should.
So, while it wasn't common before, I am finding a need for multiple visibility states in blocks more and more these days, since AutoCAD can't do it I was wondering what work around and tricks people had come up with??
I have created a block with 3 different elements (A B C). This 3 elements are totally independents and they can be visible or invisible. Whit only one visibility parameters, there are 7 different visibility states:
xxC, xBx, xBC, Axx, AxC, ABx, ABC
If there are 4 or more elements there are too much possibilities.
I've tried to create 3 visibility parameters, but it's not possible.
¿How can i create independent visibility states for each different object in a block?
Experimenting with visibility states, and though I've searched this group I find no mention of whether or not it is possible to insert a dyna-block with the visibility state preset from LISP.
Example: I have a block with several defined visibility states. Is it possible to have that block insert with not the first VS but maybe the 3rd or 4th VS?
I have this view label block I have been using for some time know and it worked fine up until today. I asked a user to add a visibility state to show a triangle around the ViewNumber. In doing so the user wanted to cleanup the viibilty state names. In the block editor all the states and names look good, but in the drawing it shows the old vis state names and the added state for the triangle is not available.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
Is it possible for a dynamic block to have one attribute which is set to different visibility parameters; eg. i have a block made for a Setting Out Point. I wish to have 4 different locations that the user can place the attribute after insertion of the block ie top, bottom, left, right, of the SOP.