AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Link Move Action To Visibility Parameter

Sep 12, 2012

I've got a block with 2 lines of text, the second line being optional.  If the second line is omitted, the first line should be moved down, so it's centered.

I can handle the second line being omitted with a visibility parameter.  And I can handle the first line being moved down with a move parameter.  But how can I link the two?

Ideally, I'd be able to re-use the line 1 attribute and display it in whichever place was correct, but that doesn't seem to be possible.  

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Passing A Value From The Action Parameter To A User Parameter

Dec 1, 2013

I need to use the dimension created by an action-parameter as a variable in a user defined function but AutoCAD will not allow me (see attached).

How may I access the action-parameter's dimension ?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Attribute In Visibility Parameter

Dec 17, 2012

What I'm trying to do is have a graphic scale with a set list of scales the user can pick from. This was easy using the Visibility Parameter.

However, I want to add a "custom" vis state where, once they select this option, the attributed definition box will pop up and give them the option to input whatever scale they are using.Check out the attached .dwg to see what I've done so far (I just have the attributes on the "custom" vis state).

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Link Dynamic Block Custom Rotation Action

Mar 22, 2013

So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it.  However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle.  Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.

This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Blocks - Action Bar Visibility

Jul 10, 2012

I have a rather unusual problem. I'm using AutoCADLT2013. I have a dynamic block, with chained parameters. The block works perfectly, however, I'm expanding the contents, and trying to add more polylines to existing actions.

I have the following Actions showing: Stretch, Lookup, and Visibility. All of these actions are on unchained Parameters. The 2 Actions I'm missing are Arrays, both on chained Parameters with no Grips.

I've used ACTIONBAR on both Parameters (Show, then Hide, then Show again, I don't want to use Reset!), yet the Action Bars still won't show!

I've been messing for nigh on 2 hours and I can't figure it out. To make things worse, I can't use the Parameter Manager, due to it disappearing when in Block Editor.

I really don't want to have to start again, as it was a right pain in the rectum to get to work right.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Link Parameter Value To A Function

Aug 14, 2011

Is it possible to link a parameter value  to a function? I want text or attributes to never be "upside down".

If it is rotated with a rotation parameter the text would need to be automatically flipped or rotated if the angle is less than say >3*PI / 4 and  < 7*PI/8.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Scale 3 Circles With One Parameter / Action

Nov 14, 2011

I have 3 circles, randomly spaced. They will always be the same size. I want to resize them all about there centre points using just one parameter in the properties fly out. I've created individual linear/stretch for each circle, but I can't work out how to combine them.

AutoCAD 2012 Structural Detailing SP1 & Revit Structure 64bit
Win 7 64bit

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Parameters With Stretch Action On Objects Which Are Shared In Visibility States

Oct 18, 2011

I have a block which I want 2 visibility states.  VS1 and VS2 share some objects and not others.  I have a linear parameter in each which I want to do a stretch action on.  The stretch action in each visibility state acts upon entities both shared and unshared between VS1 and VS2.  This doesn't seem to work..

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Move Attributes In Constraint Parameter Environment

Mar 12, 2012

I have a dynamic block that I am trying to add some pretty basic functionality to (at least it seems like it should be simple!). Since I’m still relatively new to DB’s, I figured I’d give some background on what I’m trying to do, cause maybe it could be done with a much easier approach than I have come up with. So if you don’t feel like reading the details, see the fourth paragraph for my actual question.

The block is a sheet reference annotation (that shows:  SheetNum/TotalNumOfSheets)  that we typical put in the notes section of our construction drawings.  It looks nice when the text (which are attributes), lines up with the text in the note (usually Mtext, but sometimes a Mleader). So I constantly find myself completing the tedious task of placing the block at the insert point of the Mtext (which is always justified LEFT TOP), and then calculating the distance down to line that I want the block to line up with.

So what I want the block to be able to do is to be able to have the user grab the block by its basepoint, place it at the insert point of the Mtext object, and just enter the text height of the Mtext note, the line space factor, and the target line of the note that the sheet reference block should line up (the input would all be done via custom block properties in the Properties Palette).  And since we almost always use a text height of 0.125 and Line Space factor of 1, those will be the defaults, and really the only thing that would need to be entered would be the line number of the Mtext that the annontation should line up with.

I already figured out most of the constraint parameters necessary and calculated the offset equation using custom parameters. I have all the linework moving correctly using the vertical constraint parameters, however, I cannot figure out how to get the Attributes to move along with the linework. I know how to move text and attributes using Action Parameters, but I can’t do it with Constraint Parameters. So I figured that maybe I could chain an Action Parameter to the Constraint Parameter, but I couldn’t figure out how to do this either. Also, I am using visibity states and would like the visibility grip to move along with everything else as well.

My block is attached. I used some lines for the Constraint Parameters to be associated with, but they are only there for the block to operate correctly, therefore they are invisible in both of the visiblity states. Probably not the best way, but it works.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Constraining Move Action To A Single Plane?

Apr 1, 2012

For our office I'm trying to figure out (so far without success) how it might be possible to constrain movement of a block's geometry to a single plane?

I can use a stretch grip but that will mean you can go in one direction only (positive) not negative, I want the freedom to be able to move backwards and forwards in the X-Plane.

Block I'm working on (progress so far) attached. It is designed to display height relative to a datum point in the block, and for use in drawings so you can place it all over and pick up levels to top of things like steels.

The block allows the use to pick the stretch grip to go up, so the objects moved will be to a point which will be relative to the base point of the block, which will be set at a datum level for the drawing. Relative to the base point a field will extract the y-coordinate of an object in the block, add a suffix of mm, that will then be the level relative to the base point.

I want the move command constrained to move the block geometry in the drawing but only in the x-plane; if the entire block moves accidentally in the y-plane it will also move the base point also, which destroys the idea of measuring against a fixed datum.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Dynamic Block Parameter Visibility?

Jul 2, 2013

I need to know where to look to find if a point parameter is visible the the current visibility state of the dynamic block reference.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Printing Dynamic Titleblocks With Visibility States

Feb 15, 2012

usage of dynamic title blocks with visiblity states and defining page setup override templates which use same for quick plotting using sheet sets.

I have attached a simple dynamic block that I built which is the outter frame of our company title block, it is designed to allow users to quickly switch between Landscape and Portrait orientations. 

The problem I am having is when I go to define page setups for my Sheet Set Page Setup Override Template I am unable to use the "Extents" option with auto-center because the "Extents", as defined by the page setup, includes ALL objects in the paper space regardless of visibility, so my title block ends up being centered in a stupid way if that printing configuration is used. 

The only solution I have found is to use the "Layout" option when defining page setups, but this option produces other issues in other ways when printing.  I don't want to use the "Window" option either for the potential for users to be using the page setup overrides to print drawings using different paper sizes or drawings that were not originally created using the current template the override is designed to accomodate.

Is there perhaps a system variable that defines whether invisible objects are included in the "Extents" setting in the page setup?  I'm sure you'll all agree that Extents is the way to go in this situation, but it is not performing exactly as required.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Add Exact Same Objects And Visibility State To Blocks

Jan 7, 2014

I have over 100 blocks that I need to add the exact same objects and visibility state to.  Is there a way to globally make this change, or even to copy the visibility states from one block to the next without having to recreate the states in each block?  I thought I had previously run across a routine on here that would make changes to multiple blocks at once, but I can't seem to find it now.  

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Adding One Action To Dynamic Blocks

Mar 15, 2012

I have created a dynamic block with several visiblility states. The block works great for what I need it for. however, I am trying to add one more action to the block but am having issues.

This block is essentially a 24" retail cabinet with the visibility states showing the different drawer and shelf configurations. I want to be able to lengthen the cabinet in 24" increments and have the visibility show for each 24" section.....e.g.  I want a 10' cabinet so I bring in the 24" starter block. Then stretch the cabinet to the 10' mark, then I can chose any drawer/shelve config for each 24" section (they are all different).

I can get the block to stretch in 24" problem.....i just want the visibility state to be duplicated as well for each section. Now as it stretches, there is only one Vis state and it only populates the first cabinet.

I could do this by copying the block over and over 5 times.....but I am hoping there is a way to make this dynamic.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Variable To Change Dynamic Grip Parameter Size And Color

Oct 11, 2012

What is the variable to change the dynamic grip parameter size and color.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Use More Than One Visibility Parameter In Dynamic Block?

Mar 2, 2013

Is there a way to use more then one visibility parameter in a dynamic block in autocad 2013

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Stretching Same Parameter In All Blocks In Drawing From One Field?

Jul 15, 2011

How do I manipulate a height parameter all of the dynamic blocks in the drawing from one single field? Say a field located in the drawing properties or on the drawing itself.

For example:  Multiple blocks of different walls of same height with other blocks of things on located on those walls, dependant on the wall height, all linked to and changed by a single field. Possibly a Wall Height field located in the custom tab of the drawing properties.

I can pickout each of the blocks and change them at the same time in properites menu because they all share the same parameter name.  I would just like to have that height parameter of every block in the drawing, that has that specific parameter controled by a single field.  Which I could enter a new height at anytime that would change every block in the drawing to that height.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Set Dynamic Visibility To Viewport?

Sep 7, 2011

Is it possible to have 1 instance of a dynamic block  (with multiple visibility states and/or look up properties)  in your drawing and view a different visibility state or look up in different viewports?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Manipulate Column Offset Of Array Action With Stretch Action

Jan 28, 2011

Sure wish you could manipulate the Column Offset of an Array Action with a Stretch Action.


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Set Parameter In Dynamic Block Into Visibility Layer

Dec 6, 2012

I am wondering if you can set a parameter in a dynamic block in to a visibility layer. Is this possible?

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AutoCad :: Hide Part Of Dynamic Block (Visibility Parameter)

Oct 1, 2007

I'm struggling to hide a piece of such a block (using Visibility Parameter).

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Join Two Dynamic Block To One Common Action?

Sep 18, 2013

I'm working on a drawing and I want an action to work on two diffrent dynamic blocks. 

In my case, I wish to have two blocks that I can rotate by one rotation grip.

How do I manage to work this out?

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AutoCad 2D :: Rotate Parameter And Action To A Dynamic Block

Sep 17, 2013

I am attaching a rotate parameter and action to a dynamic block.

I get the "Specify base point" bit okay but I can't figure out what "Specify radius of parameter" does.

Do I have to include or exclude other parameters like Flip or Stretch? I get some weird results when I rotate an object with other parameters.

Is it possible to place the Grip in a specific place? It always seems to like to sit on top of another parameter name.

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AutoCad :: Geology Dynamic Block / Visibility And Lookup Action?

Feb 14, 2013

I made dynamic block with hatch and strech action and I have a poblem, when I press lookup action 0.5m it strech and i need to text value the same 0.5m. I attached dwg file where i do that.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Blocks With Visibility Parameters

Nov 12, 2008

Creating a dynamic block that contained more than one visibility parameter. I have tried and it wouldn't let me do more than one. I was thinking of using multiple visibility to work through some text or attribute option all contained in one block instead of having 5 seperate blocks. Wanted to combine all 5 into one, just cannot get the multiple visibility to work.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Rotation Parameter

Aug 24, 2011

I've got a block that has a couple of rotation parameters. The main one works OK. But the secondary one that is incremental and only 180 doesn't. Everything looks OK but the objects don't rotate according to the parameter but 90 degrees from what I think it should.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Getting Parameter Value From Attribute

Nov 10, 2011

I need a rectangle block which on insertion prompts me for some data (name/tag/item number) and then displays it (this I can do). This is al pretty straightforward. But I also want to be able to fill in width and height and then have the block stretch to the correct size. So basically what I think I need is to have the value of a parameter refer to the value of an attribute. I've gotten it to work the other way around, where the attribute displays the size of one side of the rectangle (after stretching and regenerating), but I'd really like to have it working the other way.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Label Set To Parameter

Aug 11, 2011

is it possible to have a label set to a parmeter so that after inserting a block I can see what each parameter is.

the label could just be there or show when the cursor is over the parameter symbol?

autocad 2007
windows 7

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Multiple Visibility States?

Aug 29, 2011

So, while it wasn't common before, I am finding a need for multiple visibility states in blocks more and more these days, since AutoCAD can't do it I was wondering what work around and tricks people had come up with??

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Multiple Visibility Parameters

Apr 2, 2007

I have created a block with 3 different elements (A B C). This 3 elements are totally independents and they can be visible or invisible. Whit only one visibility parameters, there are 7 different visibility states:

xxC, xBx, xBC, Axx, AxC, ABx, ABC

If there are 4 or more elements there are too much possibilities.

I've tried to create 3 visibility parameters, but it's not possible.

¿How can i create independent visibility states for each different object in a block?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Visibility Selection From LISP?

Apr 26, 2006

Experimenting with visibility states, and though I've searched this group I find no mention of whether or not it is possible to insert a dyna-block with the visibility state preset from LISP.

Example: I have a block with several defined visibility states. Is it possible to have that block insert with not the first VS but maybe the 3rd or 4th VS?

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