AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Send Info From Excel Spreadsheet Back And Forth Between A Drawing
Jan 12, 2012
why I can't export the "Distance 1" attribute out of thsi drawing using the ATTOUT command. I need to build a series of constrained drawings using Dynamic blocks so I can send info from an Excel spreadsheet back and forth bewteen a drawing. I think I'll have to buy a 3rd party utility for that but for now, how to simply get the info out of ACAD and into Excel thsat would be a great start.
If it's possible to import Excel spreadsheets into my drawing, instead of using the tables? (Using AutoCAD LT 2014)
I guess technically it would be easiest if I could import LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets, but I can get access to Excel easily enough if it's the only option.
I have found a few things on here, but not exactly what I want. We have a excel spreadsheet with borehole references and coordinates. I need to be able to insert a block according to these coordinates and the borehole reference as the attribute.
I have a basic floor plan in AutoCAD 2012 that has blocks in specific locations which contain personel, phone, computer tag, desk key numbers, etc. I extracted the data to an Excel spreadsheet and I thought set up a "data link". But I don't know how to make the data update.
My problem...moves of staff, phone, computers are often made, but no one lets me know about it until they want a new floor plan printed and the computer and key tags get so messed up from the moves that it can take me hours to fix.
My goal is to be able to have our secretarial staff update the spreadsheet and in turn update the blocks in my AutoCAD drawing when it is opened and/or "updated".
is there an way to display attribute data using a multi-leader inside a single dynamic block.
To elaborate, I'm trying to create a borehole dynamic block that I can enter the ground level and end of borehole level as attributes, and have them show up in a multi-leader. The reason for the multi-leader is that I can add a background mask to it and it automatically adjusts the length of the outline obox around it.
I just want to insert the borehole block from a tool palette, enter a couple of attributes, stretch the bottom down to whatever level, and I'm done.
I've been playing with it all weekend trying to get fields to show the attributes and I can get it to work if I use another block for the levels (multi-leaders), but even then I have to into the fields an mess with them. It's go to be east so my CAD guys can do it without slowing down, otherwise they may as well carry writing everything out long-hand as they do now.
I want to create a dynamic block with multiple visibility states. Each of these states will have it's own attribute for users to enter in information. Is there a way to have the attribute automatically prompt for entering information upon changing the visibility state? That is without hashing too much into the API and code?
Then maybe even go a step further and clear out existing attribute information if the visibility is changed?
What I would like to do is find a way to use a dynamic block, which has already been created, and once I put in the proper length, speed, type of conveyor, etc., it will automatically update an excel spreadsheet, for example a power estimate, or cost estimate sheet. Is this possible, if so, what is the quickest, and easiest way to do this?
Also, what formula would I use in excel to link back to the DWG?
How do I manipulate a height parameter all of the dynamic blocks in the drawing from one single field? Say a field located in the drawing properties or on the drawing itself.
For example: Multiple blocks of different walls of same height with other blocks of things on located on those walls, dependant on the wall height, all linked to and changed by a single field. Possibly a Wall Height field located in the custom tab of the drawing properties.
I can pickout each of the blocks and change them at the same time in properites menu because they all share the same parameter name. I would just like to have that height parameter of every block in the drawing, that has that specific parameter controled by a single field. Which I could enter a new height at anytime that would change every block in the drawing to that height.
I work for a company that makes sheet metal cabinets. Each cabinet we construct has 17 parts that all different different blank sizes and notching. I have a template for each part right now that I have to shrink or stretch to the appropriate size every time we get a custom size order.
What I've created so far is an excel spreadsheet that determines the sizes of all the parts based on the overall height width and depth of the custom cabinet that was ordered. Any way to define a parts properties with a dynamic block and get the width depth or height imported in from the excel spreadsheet to automatically adjust the size.
But I was wondering if it is possible to contol the insertion of dynamic blocks and it user definerable parameters from a excel-text file.
I am surveying a section of pipework and I need to display the brackets that are supporting the pipes. As there are numerous pipes on top of each other I have decided to show the brackets in plan and isometric view.
I think I have made the dynamic block ok and have numerous stretch/move and scale parameters working correctly.
But the only way that I can see of chaging these parameters at the momment is by manually typing them in the properties tool pallete for each individual block.
So I was thinking that if I can store the correct values that I need for each parameter in the dynamic block on our data logger along with the correct E,N,Z insertion point is it possible for this file to change the parameters in the dynamic block for example, If I have the correct insertion point stored and then have 10 parameters stored with that point for simplicity I store as A=5.00,B=8.00,C=0.100 etc and these correspond with the parameters in the dynamic block will this file be able to alter the dynamic block as the values in the excel/Text file are displayed.
I have this heavy issue, i can't send to back a line, an object or a hatch under other lines. In 2012 i used this feature a lot but in 2013 it's not working very much, maybe 1 time out of 10 and i absolutely can't say why.
HPDRAWORDER = 1 seems to work with a new hatch.. but i can't redraw everything.
Let's say i put an entire floor plan into block then draw over it. (I don't want to start a Xref discussion please) i can't send the entire bloc to the back.I used to do that with 2012, 2008, 2007.. but it's 2013 it's not working, is there a way to correct that?
Is there a way that I can add helicoil tap info to the thread size spreadsheet so that I can use the data within the hole command and place helicoil-tapped holes into my models? I need some way to automatically flow the helicoil tap info into the drawing via a hole note.
I have a very simple dynamic block that works when I test it in the editor but refuses to work when inserted into a drawing. I am not a newbie to dynamic block creation/editing, but it has been a long time since I have had to create one and this has got me stumped.
Is it possible that my employer has somehow blocked the use of dynamic blocks in drawings?
I produce windows and doors. and I reproduce the same drawing in the attachment a lot.
Is there a way to make it a dynamic block where I change the three dimensions in the drawing and the whole thing grows or shrinks symmetrically and proportionally?
I am trying to insert a block into a drawing that uses dynamic blocks. I want the block to be associated to the dynamic block, so that when I alter a linear stretch parameter on the dynamic block it moves the other block.
I am probably missing something obvious, but have now googled my mind into a numb state and can't make any more progress.
Quick one on Dynamic blocks.... we are using Dynamic blocks more and more as a company, we are finding that when in a drawing which contains lots of dynamic blocks, then go into Dynamic Block Editor - amend the block - Then when closing the block Editor to get back into the drawing the drawing goes really slow untill we close it down and restart it.
Is there a setting we need to change OR is there something obvious that we are missing. i.e should we be minimizing the amount of dynamic blocks in our drawings or uncomplicate them?
Trying to figure out the best method to insert an IDW into an Excel spreadsheet without sacrificing quality. I have tried several methods to go straight from Inventor(2012) to Excel(2010) using print PDF at press quality, export JPEG, and even the snipping tool as a last ditch effort all of which inevitably loose all line quality when inserted to Excel.
I have only had success bringing a PDF from Inventor into Adobe InDesign where I am able to mimic the design of my Excel spreadsheet and create an additional PDF to include with the Excel document. It seems like there would be an easier way for Inventor and Excel to work together without sacrificing quality or adding additional steps.
Got a new computer, put AutoCAD LT 2010 on the machine, justlike the rest of the office, but also installed excel 2010, when the rest ofthe office has 2007. when insertinglinked spreadsheets from the new computer, and we update the links on our oldcomputers, Acad fatal errors out. Thisis because of the difference in the excel versions correct?
I am trying to export some data from my BOM. I require the part names, quantities and lengths. I have followed a previous topic in these discussions which is now closed. it seems simple to follow but requires me to click on the export BOM icon in the top left of the browser. In my instance this is greyed out. D
I'm trying to link a text from Autocad to an excel spreadsheet so that when changed in Excel, be changed in autocad.
After searching on some forums, I started doing database through ODBC.
I made a table in excel selecting and naming fields, added the file in windows OBDC manager, able to make the connection through dbConnect autocad, created label ...
Now I need to put the information in the database autocad text entity and already there I'm not getting more done
I have been trying to plot an excel spreadsheet within LT2009. See attached files.
Test Adobe.pdf was created using "Adobe PDF" driver, paper size A3. Looks good except for the exta lines running through columns 1 and 9.
Test Dwg to.pdf was created using "dwg to PDF.pc3" driver, paper size ISO A3 (420x297mm). The excel portion looks good but it has cut off the border all around.
I have a dynamic block that contains both geometry as well as text. I don't want the geometry to scale up based on the drawing scale but I do want the text to scle according to the drawing scale. I have tried making the text both annotative and non-annotative in the block and get the same result. I can get the text to scale properly if I make the entire block annotative but that also scales the geometry which is not accurate.
Using AutoCAD 2010, and I'm having problems printing with one dwg, that I've had to copy an Excel Spreadsheet into. The spreadsheet was created with Excel 2007, and has quite a bit of text in it, and I'm trying to print it on an E size sheet, to an HP Designjet 4000. AutoCAD hangs up each time I try to print this, and my computer gets a message indicating that I'm low on disk space, even tho I do have plenty of space. It's like Autocad is taking more resources than it normally should. How I can insert this spreadsheet into AutoCAD and be able to print it? I've inserted the spreadsheet in model space, and the titleblock/border is in paperspace. I've tried printing to pdf and exporting to other formats to see if that will work, but AutoCAD keeps hanging up. Any other AutoCAD dwg works fine to print to the printer. It's just this one file with a spreadsheet inserted into it.
Im struggeling with creating a code that opens a certain Excel spreadsheet and retrieves / inserts info.
the spreadsheet is a list containing part numbers for purchased components, therefore the list must be filled with information from iproperty. But it has to be where the next available number is. i had this working in iLogic, but have to move it to VBA for better use. the code that worked in iLogic is this one.:
If possible it would be nice if the code at the same time retrieves the new partnumber and saves the active part as this part numeber...