AutoCad 2D :: Importing Excel Data To Define Dynamic Blocks Properties

Dec 4, 2012

I work for a company that makes sheet metal cabinets. Each cabinet we construct has 17 parts that all different different blank sizes and notching. I have a template for each part right now that I have to shrink or stretch to the appropriate size every time we get a custom size order.

What I've created so far is an excel spreadsheet that determines the sizes of all the parts based on the overall height width and depth of the custom cabinet that was ordered. Any way to define a parts properties with a dynamic block and get the width depth or height imported in from the excel spreadsheet to automatically adjust the size.


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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Moving Properties Table Grip In Dynamic Block

Jun 13, 2013

I have a dynamic block, that represents a stirrup.

I inserted in the block a Block Propreties Table, that have some preset dimensions for the stirrups. The grip of this table I decided to put in the top right corner.

The problem is that I can't make this grip moveable )

See the attachement with the block

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AutoCad :: Importing Excel Data

Apr 6, 2010

I am having a problem with my table that I insert from excel into ACAD 2010. The Data in excel is on automatic color and arial text, once imported into ACAD as ACAD entities the data in my table does not want to change to being bylayer as the cell type is set to but instead stays on white. The only way I can change the color is by entering the cell and changing it manually to bylayer.

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AutoCad :: Importing Point Data From Excel To Civil 3D?

Jul 4, 2013

I have an excel sheet containing alignment coordinates i.e

Station Number
Eastings and
Tangential Direction

I wanted to export these into Civil 3d so that I can work with the info. What format would I save my excel document? is it 'text (tab delimited)' or 'csv (comma delimited) or formatted text (space delimited)?

I've tried all the above but I keep getting an error message from AutoCAD that point files not in right format

NB: Am using MS Office 2010

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dynamic Blocks Linking To Excel Spreadsheets?

Jun 5, 2013

What I would like to do is find a way to use a dynamic block, which has already been created, and once I put in the proper length, speed, type of conveyor, etc., it will automatically update an excel spreadsheet, for example a power estimate, or cost estimate sheet. Is this possible, if so, what is the quickest, and easiest way to do this?

Also, what formula would I use in excel to link back to the DWG?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: How Can Some Of The Attributes In Properties Invisible

Mar 4, 2012

how can some of the attributes in the properties invisible

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Block Properties Grip NOT Flipping

Jun 27, 2011

A simple dynamic block using a Block Properties Table to control the value of an attribute.  The block also has flip & rotate actions, but I cannot get the Block Table grip to flip or rotate with the rest of the block even though it is part of both selection sets.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Allow Properties To Vary From Lookup Table?

Jun 16, 2011

Dynamic block is for a title block which can be horizontal or vertical and a few different positions.

My lookup table controls the orientation and position of all the items including a number of attributes. But for two attributes I have allowed a grip on the Point Parameters so they can be dragged left/right if there is not enough room when the text is longer.

I can reposition the attributes but if I reposition twice then the Lookup table resets to its "Unmatched" configuration which I don't want. I believe I have to have an "unmatched" setting and "allow reverse lookup" and at the same time I want the user to be able to customize the position of these attributes.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Properties Table Grip Location

Jul 1, 2012

Have dynamic block w/ Block Properties table. Can use table to change size of block by picking from dropdown list. Would like move (insertion) point of entire block to always remain exactly centered in block. Block is simply a rectangle. Have tried setting insertion point using point filters (.x of mid of horiz line, yz of mid of vert line, etc,) but all this does is assign an absolute value to the insertion point. When the size of the block changes, the insertion point remains where it was (absolute position).

Have tried creating a base point parameter, but it will not let me use geometric constraints to define position (coincident w/ endpoint) or add parametric dimension so cannot define location by using formulas (d2 =d1/2, etc). Have kludged it by using dummy point at 0,0 and "fixing" it.

Same thing for location of properties table - how do I tell it to attach the properties table grip "coincident" to the lower right corner of the rectangle so it follows the corner when the size changes?

Have attached what I have so far.

Ultimately want to also place the text "Case 1" "Case 2" etc as read from the properties table in the middle of the rectangle so that when I explode the block the text remains.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Parameter Listing In Properties Windows

Jun 17, 2011

Any way to change the order that the parameter properties appear in the property manager. Currently I think they are appearing in the order in which I placed them, but I would likr to re-arrange them.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Rearrange Custom Block Properties?

Aug 18, 2009

Is there a way to rearrange custom block properties in a DB?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Block Properties Table Not Corresponding With Parameter?

Nov 8, 2013

The "Main Stretch" parameter does not correspond with the Block Properties Table. What does this parameter need to be attached to?The paramter will adjust with the pull down options of the Block Properties Table. 

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: How To Use The Properties Block For Preset Definitions

Sep 18, 2013

I am new to dynamic blocks. I have figured out how to use the Properites block for "preset" definitions but we offer a product in infine sizes (within limits). For example the width may range from 30" to 200" in fractional increments which is impossible to set up presets. Is there a way that a person can set up the properties block so that a person would be prompted to enter required information, I.E. Width = xx", Height = xx" etc.?

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AutoCAD VB :: Creating / Importing Dynamic Blocks Via VBA

Oct 22, 2010

I am generating autocad drawings with from scratch. One of the items that needs to be created in the drawing is a dynamic block. There are two ways which come to my mind to accomplish this tast. Either create a block in the new drawing or import it from somewhere. But I do not have a clue as to how either of them can be done.Pointers to the relevant statements should be sufficient.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Send Info From Excel Spreadsheet Back And Forth Between A Drawing

Jan 12, 2012

why I can't export the "Distance 1" attribute out of thsi drawing using the ATTOUT command.  I need to build a series of constrained drawings using Dynamic blocks so I can send info from an Excel spreadsheet back and forth bewteen a drawing.  I think I'll have to buy a 3rd party utility for that but for now, how to simply get the info out of ACAD and into Excel thsat would be a great start.  

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Lookup Table Properties Value Returned Within Field

Aug 24, 2012

I am unsure weather to post this in Dyn Block technical or Fields as it comprises elements of both.

I am trying to get a field to return a 'lookup properties' value...

Actually, what I am trying to do is use a field to display either a + or a - depending upon upon the state of a flip parameter.

How I have been trying to achieve that is by using a lookup table to assign:

Input Properties.....Lookup Properties
Not flipped........=............+

Then I'm setting a Field to look at the Object 'Lookup Parameter' and return 'Lookup Action'.

The field then displays '#########' when testing the block.

When I return to edit the field it complains 'the object referenced y the field has been erased'. Both the table and parameter are still there, so I don't know what the problem is. Is there a better way of having a field return a specific value based upon a parameter state?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Connecting Properties From Multiple Drawings To A Table

May 11, 2013

What I'm interested in is finding a method of connecting several properties from several Autocad drawings to a single table. I would create several custom properties in each drawing and use some of them to fill the boxes in the drawing itself (already implemented) and some of them to fill the table which could later be printed or used in some other manner (maybe even combined with an ERP software interface). Some of the properties would be used both in the drawing and in the table. What I would really like to achieve is to be able to change the property values in the drawings by changing the values in the table and vice versa.

I know how to do it for one of the drawings but I don't know if it's possible to connect several? It doesn't have to be custom properties, it can also be a table in each of the drawing if it's easier to connect with a central table that way. I suppose the best way to gather all the drawings in one place would be to use Sheet Set Manager. A bit of a problem with the sheet set manager is that we have 5 layers set up for each of the drawings and I would like to import only one of them into the sheet set. The thing is picking them by hand would take time and that's the thing I wanted to avoid in the first place. Is there maybe an option to use only import the last active layer into the sheet set?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Importing Block Into Picture?

May 25, 2011

I'm fairly new to all this Autocad stuff, I'm looking for a good site that has BS standards fire reg or any other block downloads etc. I also seem to be having a problem when importing a block into a picture, how do I customise/resize the block to match or at least be visable in my drawing?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Reorder Custom Properties - Not Organized In Optimal Order?

Oct 31, 2005

After spending a lot of time creating a particular dynamic block, I realized that the order of custom properties of this block as shown in the Properties Palette is not organized in an optimal order.

For example I have "Cabinet Width" at the top of the custom properties list, and "Cabinet Height" way down near the bottom. This is going to make my Cad operators hunt around too much for the property they need to adjust.

The apparent order is by creation - first created custom property is listed first, last created is shown last. I really don't want to remake this dynamic block just to get the properties in a logical order.

I was wondering if it is possible to reorder the custom properties as shown in the properties palette?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Keep Block Properties Grip Centered When Lines Are Stretched

Mar 18, 2013

I am working on a dynamic block that I figured would be fairly simple. However, it is proving to be a huge annoyance. What I want for it to do is stretch the end of a polyline with a stretch action, while at the same time moving the grip of my block properties table. No matter what I do to it, the block properties grip won't move/stretch.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Using Data Link As Attribute

Nov 19, 2013

I need to create a small table to ID the User, Computer name, Door Key, etc for a floor plan drawing of our office.  I'd like to get this done in Excel and link it all so the bldg manager can make changes to the drawing without me.  I have created the excel file and created a "name set" in excel for each room.  In Autocad 2013 I have inserted a table from a data link and pointed that link to the named range of the room (the named range in excel is an 8 cel block with al the info I need repeated and uniquely named for each room.

This works my next step is to create a block out of the table and make the DATA LINK a variable attribute...that's where I'm stuck.  i cannot figure out how to do this.  I would love to be able to INSERT BLOCK and have one attribute question...ROOM NUMBER?.  That should look to the excel NAMED SET the corresponds and populate the table.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Insert And Change User Defined Parameters From Excel-text File

Oct 6, 2012

But I was wondering if it is possible to contol the insertion of dynamic blocks and it user definerable parameters from a excel-text file.

I am surveying a section of pipework and I need to display the brackets that are supporting the pipes. As there are numerous pipes on top of each other I have decided to show the brackets in plan and isometric view.

I think I have made the dynamic block ok and have numerous stretch/move and scale parameters working correctly.

But the only way that I can see of chaging these parameters at the momment is by manually typing them in the properties tool pallete for each individual block.

So I was thinking that if I can store the correct values that I need for each parameter in the dynamic block on our data logger along with the correct E,N,Z insertion point is it possible for this file to change the parameters in the dynamic block for example, If I have the correct insertion point stored and then have 10 parameters stored with that point for simplicity I store as A=5.00,B=8.00,C=0.100 etc and these correspond with the parameters in the dynamic block will this file be able to alter the  dynamic block as the values in the excel/Text file are displayed.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Precision Of Values In Drop Down Menu When Using Block Properties Table

Jun 20, 2012

i was wondering if it's possible to change the default precision of values in the drop down menu for linear parameters when using a block properties table from 4 digits to 0.

See attached file, when opening the dropdown menu, the centre-to-centre widths of the chair are displayed in a value with 4 digits "behind the comma" and i would like that to be 0.

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AutoCad :: Data Extraction For Cutlist Based On Dynamic Blocks

Jun 4, 2011

I design all of the architectural metal used on most project homes being built in Sydney at the moment.

I draw up balustrade and screening etc.

Basically what I have is a huge collection of complex dynamic blocks that I insert into my drawings, I then change all the variables to suit.

These drawings are then dimensioned, and a parts list manually written out based on the lengths etc of each type of material.

All of these drawings are exact reproductions of what is produced on the factory floor, so it is quite easy to identify the parts, but rather painfull to manually write out a cutting list.

I'd like to add attributes and/or fields for material type and length to each of these dynamic blocks, which update as the blocks are manipulated to the required sizes.

where I get stuck is that there are multiple drawing methods used to create these blocks, and I cannot seem to figure out exactly what I should be naming, and assigning length fields too, or even how to extract or what to extract!

When I extract the data, I get a mess of conflicting and confusing information that is impossible to sort correctly, as I can use the dynamic parameter field for some, but not others, and on others it is a simple line, but on others again they are polylines and the length is useless to me.

I have tried to creat a block with an attribute for each and every individual part, but when I combine these into a complex part and try to assign dynamic parameters as a single dynamic block, the previously blocked and named parts wont behave correctly.

Im not sure if im making much sense here, but in my mind it all seems simple enough, I just cant get it to actually work with my exsiting blocks...

All im really after is a simple BOM, for example, I have a dynamic block with the Style code A0-1, when this is inserted I change 3 different lengths depending on the job. This style code is made up of several components such as a 40 mm square post (coded 40SQ), an 80 sq baseplate (coded PF2) and a 50 x 25 mm handrail (coded HR5025).

I need to extract a length for the 40 sq post, a length for the 50 X 25 handrail and an item count for the baseplate.

There may be 25 of these in a drawing, all at different sizes.

The dynamic block works perfectly for drafting, but not so well for data extraction.

There are over 1100 of these dynamic blocks, created over the last 2 years, and the only missing piece in the drafting puzzle is the extracted cut-list to save a large amount of time, and I just cant get it working.

Is there a methodology I need to learn here? will I need to re-create these blocks to allow for extraction?

I have explained to my boss the theory behind all of this and he is keen for some working examples that the monkeys on the shop floor can read and understand, and Im stuck creating an extraction template that can work, even if just for proof of concept that I can refine over the next few months.

I know ACAD can do this, I know my brain has all the data, I'm just not getting the ACAD>BRAIN interface working here.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Blocks - Data Linking And Automating Updates

Mar 29, 2011

I work at a machine shop and have a Dynamic Block setup with quite a number of Blocks in it where I can choose whichever tooling I am working with to place into a drawing.

I am also Data-Linking parts of the drawing to Excel that has information fields to be updated in the drawing for these same toolings.

I would like to setup my drawing so that when I update the data links from the Excel spreadsheet the Dynamic Block I mentioned will also be automatically updated and display the appropriate block drawing for the tooling retrieved from Excel.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Various Block Properties Tables In One Block?

Jun 26, 2013

is it possible to define more than one block properties table in a DB?

I have a block definition with several attributes. I would like to pick a (predefined) value for each of the attribute. Making just one block properties table means that I need to fill all the possible combinations of these attributes.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Annotative Parameters Inside Dynamic Blocks

May 5, 2010

I've made annotative blocks and I've made dynamic blocks... My intent is to integrate both but I can't find a way to move dynamic block parameters separately at different annotative scales.

In other words, if I insert an annotative dimension and add multiple scales I can move the dimension grips independently at each scale. If I insert a dynamic block I want to be able to use the dynamic block's action "grips" to do the same. However, with a dynamic block, if I move a stretch action at one annotation scale it moves the action at all annotation scales.

The attached file shows a simple example.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Adding One Action To Dynamic Blocks

Mar 15, 2012

I have created a dynamic block with several visiblility states. The block works great for what I need it for. however, I am trying to add one more action to the block but am having issues.

This block is essentially a 24" retail cabinet with the visibility states showing the different drawer and shelf configurations. I want to be able to lengthen the cabinet in 24" increments and have the visibility show for each 24" section.....e.g.  I want a 10' cabinet so I bring in the 24" starter block. Then stretch the cabinet to the 10' mark, then I can chose any drawer/shelve config for each 24" section (they are all different).

I can get the block to stretch in 24" problem.....i just want the visibility state to be duplicated as well for each section. Now as it stretches, there is only one Vis state and it only populates the first cabinet.

I could do this by copying the block over and over 5 times.....but I am hoping there is a way to make this dynamic.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Insertion Point On Dynamic Blocks

Apr 23, 2013

I have a block I am making into a Dynamic Block. I will be adding in different visibility states. Depending on the visibility state the block would need to be inserted from a different point.

My question is, is it possible to add multiple insertion points to a dynamic block so depending on the visibility state it defaults to the correct insertion point?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create And Define Multiple Custom Properties For Individual Sheets?

Apr 24, 2013

the only property I can actually define for each individual sheet (for use in iLogic, text fields, etc.) is the sheet name. This is extremely limiting. Each sheet in my drawings has several properties of its own--sheet number (most importantly), what part is ON the sheet, the designer, the revision, etc. I would love to be able to use each of these in labels on the sheet, for example, a text box with "<Sheet #> - <Part> (<Designer>)". The only possible way I could do something like this is to use the sheet number as the Sheet Name, and then use that value in the sheet's text labels, headings, and title block. However, I want to be able to use descriptive names for the Sheet Name, plus that's just one property.

Is there any way I can create and define multiple custom properties for individual sheets? I was exploring the idea of using iLogic, using the ActiveSheet command, possibly, and "tricking" inventor into creating properties for a given sheet.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Define Negative Data For Profile?

May 7, 2013

I'd want to define an initial element that begins with a negative value, also I'd want to use a value out of the limits.

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