AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Block Properties Grip NOT Flipping
Jun 27, 2011
A simple dynamic block using a Block Properties Table to control the value of an attribute. The block also has flip & rotate actions, but I cannot get the Block Table grip to flip or rotate with the rest of the block even though it is part of both selection sets.
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Jun 13, 2013
I have a dynamic block, that represents a stirrup.
I inserted in the block a Block Propreties Table, that have some preset dimensions for the stirrups. The grip of this table I decided to put in the top right corner.
The problem is that I can't make this grip moveable )
See the attachement with the block
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Mar 18, 2013
I am working on a dynamic block that I figured would be fairly simple. However, it is proving to be a huge annoyance. What I want for it to do is stretch the end of a polyline with a stretch action, while at the same time moving the grip of my block properties table. No matter what I do to it, the block properties grip won't move/stretch.
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Jul 25, 2012
new to dynamic blocks but looking to streamline my wiring diagrams here and have created a block that shows the typical wire styles we use in a simple easy way. I now want to add an overall flip to the entire block and have not been able to find set this. I would prefer to use the same label and go from there. I have included the block to show what I mean. It is only working on the single visible item at the one time. I know this has to be possible just let me know what I am doing wrong. I am running AutoCad LT 2013
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Jul 1, 2012
Have dynamic block w/ Block Properties table. Can use table to change size of block by picking from dropdown list. Would like move (insertion) point of entire block to always remain exactly centered in block. Block is simply a rectangle. Have tried setting insertion point using point filters (.x of mid of horiz line, yz of mid of vert line, etc,) but all this does is assign an absolute value to the insertion point. When the size of the block changes, the insertion point remains where it was (absolute position).
Have tried creating a base point parameter, but it will not let me use geometric constraints to define position (coincident w/ endpoint) or add parametric dimension so cannot define location by using formulas (d2 =d1/2, etc). Have kludged it by using dummy point at 0,0 and "fixing" it.
Same thing for location of properties table - how do I tell it to attach the properties table grip "coincident" to the lower right corner of the rectangle so it follows the corner when the size changes?
Have attached what I have so far.
Ultimately want to also place the text "Case 1" "Case 2" etc as read from the properties table in the middle of the rectangle so that when I explode the block the text remains.
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Feb 4, 2011
I have successfully created a dynamic block. I can insert it into AutoCAD, and it behaves like I want, except for one thing.
I can select the block and change it by taking a grippoint and place it at another position. So my block is e.q. stretched, just like I wanted.
But then. When I want to use the ordinary STRETCH command of AutoCAD, I can only stretch the insertion point of the block, but not the grippoints. Is there a way to set a grippoint to be select edable by commands like STRETCH.
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Nov 15, 2012
I have a dynamic block with several actions and parameters. There are three grip points. Two are visible. One appears when you move one of the other grips. If i insert or paste this block near my template, the X/Y basepoint stays near the template when i drag the block on the template with one of the other two grips.. When i print the drawing the basepoint stays visible and the scale on my printed drawing is not correct (smaller).
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Oct 26, 2011
I'm trying to make a Dynamic Block for handicap parking spaces (attached).
I have a flip action so that I can switch the direction of the linear array. The problem is when I flip the block, the handicap logo is mirrored (obviously....).
Is there a way to mirror just the location of the logo, instead of mirroring the location AND the logo?
Would it be possible to make a block with the handicap logo and lock the X scale value to 1 ?...
worst comes to worst, i'll remove the flip action and replace it with a rotate action.
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Jun 26, 2013
is it possible to define more than one block properties table in a DB?
I have a block definition with several attributes. I would like to pick a (predefined) value for each of the attribute. Making just one block properties table means that I need to fill all the possible combinations of these attributes.
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Aug 18, 2009
Is there a way to rearrange custom block properties in a DB?
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Nov 8, 2013
The "Main Stretch" parameter does not correspond with the Block Properties Table. What does this parameter need to be attached to?The paramter will adjust with the pull down options of the Block Properties Table.
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Sep 18, 2013
I am new to dynamic blocks. I have figured out how to use the Properites block for "preset" definitions but we offer a product in infine sizes (within limits). For example the width may range from 30" to 200" in fractional increments which is impossible to set up presets. Is there a way that a person can set up the properties block so that a person would be prompted to enter required information, I.E. Width = xx", Height = xx" etc.?
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Oct 11, 2012
What is the variable to change the dynamic grip parameter size and color.
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Jun 20, 2012
i was wondering if it's possible to change the default precision of values in the drop down menu for linear parameters when using a block properties table from 4 digits to 0.
See attached file, when opening the dropdown menu, the centre-to-centre widths of the chair are displayed in a value with 4 digits "behind the comma" and i would like that to be 0.
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Apr 4, 2012
Is there a way to have the grip stay in the correct position when the distance multiplier is .5? It seems to "get ahead" of the original location.
In the attached block, when I stretch the block with the grip, the grip ends up off the end point. Both actions have a .5 multiplier, with the left side having a rotation of 180 - so both sides stretch equally in opposite directions.
Also, there are 3 views with parameters (width/depth). Is there a way to get the user to enter in the sizes without having to select the size on each view? Basically a table that has a 'user input' field so the size selected changes everything at one time.
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Jan 30, 2014
I was curious to know if it is possible to flip the orientation of an attribute when using a mirror parameter. I would like to orient my text to the right when I flip it one way and to the left when I flip it the other way.
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Nov 14, 2012
Any way to remove the alignment grip (the blue triangle / square thing) when you're creating a dynamic block?
I know you can remove the stretch grips and such, but I don't need an "alignment grip" and it's just another symbol that will confuse my users / clutter the block up.
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Mar 7, 2012
I'm wondering if there is a way to do two things with a block.In the attached drawing, I have a block, Block01. There are 2 visibility states: stretch with 90 degree ends, and stretch with angled ends.
I'd like for the grips for the other parameters to move with the block when I stretch one grip. For example: If I stretch the object with the 90 degree end, I'd like the grips for the angled ends stay in the same position relative to the corners of the object.
I'd also like to have a parameter that reads the angle when stretching with the "stretch with angled ends parameter.
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Apr 15, 2011
Exploring a new field in LT here, was wondering if it's possible to use a flip-grip kind of parameter to control the scale of an object, kind of like an on/off switch.
In this case I have a straight line that is about 15mm. What I want is to be able to click a grip and it disappears ( scales down ) and when I click it again it reappears ( scales up ).
I know that this is possible through a lookup parameter or just a similar effect with a stretch grip, But I want to be able to just click a grip like the one for Flip and it re/appears.
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Dec 7, 2012
I'm having all kinds of trouble with these dynamic blocks.
This one should be simple, but I can't even get it to work! Please take a look at the drawing... when you flip it, it flips everything (as it should), but the stretch grip goes "up", instead of staying in the middle of the box in the flipped state.
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Dec 5, 2011
I've made a dynamic block that consists of two lots of attributed text and has the alignment function in it but the alignment part doesn't work when looking through a viewport into modelspace ie i can move it by grapping the alignment grip point - it won't move at all. If i'm in the model tab the block works fine exactly how i made it. I'm the only person in my offie with 2011lt so i don't know if it is my computer or if it is a setting in 2011lt. It works fine in 2011 full and a few other versions around here aswell.
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Nov 14, 2013
I changed something about how AutoCAD displays and enters data for block grips.
It used to display the current value for the parameter when I dragged a grip. For instance grabbing a grip for a linear parameter would give me the current length of the parameter and if I typed 24" into the dynamic input it would change the parameter's value to 24"
Now the grips behave as if they were ordinary entities. For example if I grabbed a linear grip that had a value of 12" the displayed value is 0. As soon as I move it displays the value of the difference. Stretching it to 16" will display 4" when it used to display 16". If I were to type in 16" however the parameter shoots to 28" (12" + 16")!See, it's giving me the polar distance I dragged the grip and not 2'-2" (the value of the linear parameter) like it should.
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
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Jan 24, 2013
I have created a dynamic block with stretch points. I used the tester in the block editor and all works fine, but when I insert the block into a drawing, the grips for the stretch action are in a completely different place...I don't mean a different place on the block, but a different place in the drawing...way out there. so if I go into the block editor for the block while I'm in the drawing...the parameters have now moved way out of the way also, in the block...but if I actually open up the block itself and then go into the block editor, all the parameters are where i placed them in the first place.
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Nov 4, 2013
Basically I want a dynamic block that works like an MLeader. I have built the block and can manipulate parameters, but haven't found a way to select a specific dynamic block grip.
It has a base point but then after placing the block I want to activate the stretch grip.
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Aug 7, 2011
I have this double click class. which works fine. In order to clear grips after user finishes with double clicking,I added two lines (which shown on code below). But having those two line make code faulty. When ?
if user select a dynamic block with stretch grip on it, then double click on stretch grip trianlge. code geneaarte fatal error. Funny thing is code doesn't catch. it. Is there any other way to clear grips after double click ?
Here is code:
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInputImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesPublic Class Main_0_Class Implements IExtensionApplication Public Sub Initialize() Implements IExtensionApplication.Initialize dblClickEven_Class.Start() End Sub
[Code] .....
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Dec 17, 2012
Please take a look at the attached dynamic block.
I have two flips in there, one verticle, one horizontal. For some reason, whenever I tell it to flip, and then select everything in the block, it doesn't flip the other flip's arrow.
Then, when I created the second arrow, and went back to include the first flip in the second flip's Action Selection Set, it doesn't pick it up. Doesn't matter if I do "modify selection set" or "new selection set"... doesn't matter if I select everything within (blue box) or everything that touches (green box).
Yet, when I highlight the icon box, it shows everything is selected.
Can flips not flip other flips?
Additionally, I want the rotation parameter to flip on the horizontal flip (so it stays outside the block), but I can't get that into the selection either.
What am I missing with these selection parameters?
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Mar 22, 2013
So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it. However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle. Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.
This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.
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Feb 28, 2012
I need to create a dynamic block for a "Glass Panel" in a balustrade. I need to be able to insert it, in one corner and stretch it in another corner, to suit the staircase angle.
I've created the block, but it isn't working correctly. I've attached a drawing, with the left hand drawing a sketch of how it needs to be. The right hand drawing is my dynamic block attempt. As can be seen, when the block is stretched between the 2 points, it doesn't follow the angle of the staircase correctly (Very slight run off)
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Nov 21, 2011
I wish to create a dynamic block containing some attributes. These attributes are inside rectangles that can't be modified in length using linear parameters ; but the attribute has to be always in the middle of the rectangle. So, I draw a line inside the rectangle (in a hidden layer) and insert the attribute with center justification (not sure for the translation) that I place in the middle of this line ; then I put a coincidence constraint (not sure for the translation, but it's the first one) linking the middle of the line with the middle of the attribute.
But here's the problem : when stretching my rectangle, the insertion point of the attribute suddenly changes from "center" to "bottom left".
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Dec 4, 2013
I am looking for a way to use the ATTIN/ATTOUT workflow to bring in data from an excel spreadsheet to drive the size of each of my block's instances. The block will be simple, a rectangle, with width and length parameters. For each entity in my excel/csv file these parameter values are spelled out. I know how to display these parameters in my attributes, but I don't know how, if I were to feed in these values, to drive the geometry. If there's a better way to take a list of width and length values to generate a series of blocks each with a rectangle containing its respective size.
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Nov 7, 2011
I need to do some repetitive task on a lot of dynamic blocks, unfortunately, when I open each file, AutoCAD keeps asking if I want to open it with the block editor.
Is there a way to disable that dialog and open the files as normal dwgs?
A hint: BLOCKEDITLOCK doesn't make it, it shows another dialog...
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