AutoCAD Architecture :: Moving Attribute Data To ACA Space Property Sets

Oct 8, 2012

I am trying to find a way to programmatically move our AutoCAD room tag attribute data to new AEC space property sets. I work in a hospital that has approx. 1 million s.f. and over 3000 rooms. Obviously a daunting task to do room by room.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Property Data Sets In Wrong Units

Sep 2, 2013

I am using Autocad Architecture 2013 and I am having an issue with Property Set Data. Whenever I create door or window tags, the Property Set Data is in the wrong units.

I have two separate projects, on in Imperial units and another in Metric. When I add a new door/window tag, the units for that particular door or window are incorrect. The drawings are setup in the proper units, the dimensions are as well. But when I create these tags and subsequently the schedules for them, they are in the wrong units. The tags/schedules for the metric project are in feet and inches and the tags/schedules for the imperial project are in millimeters.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Evaluation / XLS Template Also Reading Space Property Set Data?

Feb 1, 2012

after discovering zones and the space evaluation tool I wonder whether it is possible to customise the XLS output further by also reading out information from a property set attached to the space?

The office standard is to have a property set attached to each space that defines a room number (which is the level ID plus a number, say G-01), the area and the space name.

We used to simply schedule the areas with a schedule table. That only gives us net rooms, no subtotals per department (or say per flat) and no grandtotal.So we got as far as using zones grouping the spaces in each flat.

Now I need an area schedule XLT template that also displays the room number from the space's property set and the schedule grouped in a fashion that I get subtotals per flat (=my zones) in another column and a grandtotal.Playing with the Space evaluation tool I seem to only ever get Room/ zone names and their areas.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Schedule Tag With Multiple Property Sets

Mar 16, 2012

I've got a multi-family building where I'm trying to create a schedule tag that will number walls sequentially in a view drawing. The units are elements that are then brought into a construct and mirrored and rotated as needed.

The first thing I did was to create a Property Set  that uses Level and Manual property set that automatically increments to create a property called Unit Number. Then created a tag that will number the units in my building i.e. : 201 202 etc.  This works fine.

I then created a Property Set to apply to the walls that uses the Unit Number from the other Property Set along with a Manual Property Set that increments as well to create a wall tag.  What I am expecting to get is 201-01, 201-02 etc.  What I’m getting is ?-01, ?-02 etc.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Adding Property Sets From Referenced Object

Apr 2, 2012

I have created a space with space generater, added a room tag. When I click on the room tag and click properties I do not have Property Sets from Referenced Objects under extended data. How do I add this? I drawing I did about a year ago has this, but the curent project does not and I do not remember how I managed to get this info to appear.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Editing Property Sets From External Objects - Removal Of File Lock

Sep 4, 2012

I've got a problem following playing around (Typical, isn't it?). Architecture 2011 allows editing property sets from external objects through the host drawing (i.e. change a room number of a property set attached to a space xref'ed in from another construct). This obviously has to put an editing lock onto the xref to prevent data loss in case somebody else works on the xref in the meantime. This editing lock is removed when I close my host drawing. However, the lock is immediately restored when I re-open the host drawing.

How can I release the xref file lock again after editing the property sets in my host drawing?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Displaying Property Set Data In A Drawing

Jul 25, 2013

Is there a way to display and control the visibility of property set data next to a tag or object in model space?

For example, imagine a floor plan such as a large hotel with a lot of doors.  It would be nice to be able to look at the plan and see which doors have had their property sets filled out and which ones have not; and, it would be great if the visibility of the property set data could be toggled on and off so as not to clutter up the drawing when not needed.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Property Set Data When Exporting To Old Formats?

Mar 22, 2011

We are creating property set data and attaching it to polylines in autocad 2011. export the drawing to the older format (2007) and maintain the property data connection. We don't have and old version anymore so I can't test.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Create Property Definition That Will Display The Elevation Of Space Object

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to create a property definition that will display the elevation of a space object.  I looked through the automatic properties and did not find anything that looked like the elevation.

I have tried the following but was unable to achieve any success.

On Error Resume Next
Set AcadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
Set Obj = AcadApp.Activedocument.Objectidtoobject("[ObjectID]")
RESULT = Obj.elevation

That formula does work if i swap elevation with say height, width,length or any of the properties found in the automatic property list that are a single word.  I know the elevation is there I just don't know how to access it.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiline Attribute Keeps Moving?

Jul 11, 2007

I'm getting a little frustrated with the multiline attribute. Every time a place it in a block and save the file, the tag moves to the left when I re-open the block file or try to insert the block in another file. how to stop the tag from moving? FYI Locking the tags position makes no difference.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Attribute Data To Schedule

Mar 4, 2013

Possible to send attribute data that is in our title block to a schedule that is populated with property set definitions? We are not using the Project Navigator at this time.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Access And Edit Attribute Data Of Sub Blocks Inside MVB

Mar 26, 2011

Seems like Multi-View Blocks are like that hot red-head in high school that you really want to get to know until you get to know them.

I made a bunch of blocks for my electrical plans. Annotative symbols for plan view, 3D blocks for model view, and elevation blocks for elevations. I then started creating the MVBs.

Upon insertion the annotative blocks appear super small and the model view blocks scale way up. The model view blocks are not annotative and are not supposed to scale at all. It seems MVBs see any block inside that is annotative as an indication that the entire MVB shall be annotative. Fustrated, I finally found a work-around that is a bit half-arsed:

I made another block as a sort of holder for the annotative symbols that was set to not be annotative and inserted that into the MVB. VOILA! the MVB itself doesn't scale, but the annotative symbol inside the non-annotative block does. This works fine except for one caveat: I can't edit attributes that are in blocks inside of blocks. If I made another block to use in the MVB for the attributes, it would work, so long as I don't make it annotative, which isn't what I want.

So, A) is there a better work-around than the block-in-a-block-in-a-multi-view-block method, or B) Is there a way to access and edit attribute data of sub-blocks inside a MVB?

Maybe my next thread will be about red-headed Multi-View Blocks with carpets that match the drapes.

Edit: Running ACA 2009

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Two Graphic Property Definitions Set By Formula Property?

Feb 12, 2013

Is there a way to control which of two 'Graphic Property definitions' are used via a formula property with a IF, Then, condition statement?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiview Block Will Retrieve Data From Two Different Bunk Space

Apr 16, 2013

how a multiview block will retrieve data from two different bunk space

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Set Manual Property Value Within Another Property's Formula?

Aug 25, 2011

I have two related properties... One is a formula property, the other is a manual property.

In the formular property I'd like to set the value of the manual property.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attribute Fields Losing Reference With Sheet Sets

Oct 15, 2012

I just opened up a project Sheet Set that i haven't worked on in a while, and all of my layout pages have a series of "#" in place of the fields.  For example, the name of my viewport should read "Head Detail", which is the name given to that view in the Sheet Set Manager, but instead reads "##############".  This also happens with my view numbers, callout bubbles, etc.

However, the information in my title block is still intact.  For example, the Project Name, Client Name, Page Number, etc. all read the correct values.

I tried opening the drawings in Reference Manager, but I see no alerts or errors.  I have had this happen before in previous versions going back to at least 2010, but they have always been small projects and I just recreated the views and callouts.  This is a large project however, and redoing this will cost hours, if not days of extra work.

In examining the fields, it seems like the problem fields are those defined by the SheetSetPlaceholder Filed Name, and the Placeholder type is irrelevent; they are all broken.  For other Field Names, for example CurrentSheetNumber, the references still work.

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AutoCad :: Object Data To Attribute Data To Perfection?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm working in AutoCAD Map 3D 2008 and Autocad Civil 3D 2009.

The General Task:I want to convert the object data to attribute data so that I can export it to an Excel file, add another column of data, and then import that new data as attribute data.

The Specific Task:I have thousands of campus water meter locations (a block with a small icon, attribute data, and object data) that belong to two different systems, domestic water and lake water. Each of these blocks has object data item (a barcode tag) that I want to show as a label next to the block.

However, before I do that, I want to export that barcode data to an excel file so I add a column (eventually a new piece of attribute data) that says whether or not that specific water meter is radio read or manually read. I want to then import that radio read/manual read excel file back into autocad and have an X appear on the block icon if it is radio read. I also want the barcode information to show up as a label.

My problem:I can't get the barcode object data to export with the locations in one easy excel sheet that I can simply import after I have made my changes.

Find some person on here who knows how to convert object data to attribute data.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Enhanced Attribute Property For Multiple Blocks

May 3, 2012

I use civil 2012, and have a drawing with over 400 attribute blocks that are all set to be "green" in the enhanced attribute editor, properties tab. I would like for all of the attributes to be set to "by layer". However, I find that the it only allows me to change one block at a time. As said earllier, I have over 400 blocks.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Compressing PDF Or DWF Files For Bid Sets?

Aug 2, 2012

Im trying to work with the General Contractor distribute bid sets to subcontractors. Im a residential architect. What are other architects doing in regards to this subject and does auto desk offer a product?

Im simply trying to compress pdf files of all my architectural/structural files and send to the builder so he can distribute. I cant seem to simply compress pdf files and attach to an email. Sending DWF files to the reproduction company seems to work ok without zipping but requires two emails.  Have tried to download Winzip but not happy with them yet.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Copy Objects From Model Space To Paper Space?

May 19, 2011

is there a way to COPY objects from model space to paper space?  CHSPACE only "cuts" geometry.  I need the same geometry stacked in both model space and paper space.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimensions Show On Model Space Not On Work Space

Apr 5, 2013

Im working on a student version of Architectural CAD 2012 i drew a floor plan and used AEC Dimensions on my model space but when i switch over to work space they don't show up. I tried matching properties and switching between paper and model but so far no luck.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Paper Space And Model Space Tabs?

Feb 27, 2012

Somehow the two tabs which were located at the bottom of the screen in my version of Autocad 2008 have dissapeared. I used them extensively and would like to get them back. I've tried the solutions provided in previous answers without success. The menus which are supposed to appear don't.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Sheet Set - Adding Space To Default Custom Property

Jul 18, 2013

I'm tasked with setting up a new dwt file to be used along with the Sheet Set Manager.

I've got as far as adding in my own custom properties at both the Sheet Set level (things like project name, site name, etc.), and at the Sheet level (drawing title).

But more specifically, at the Sheet Level, I want to be able to facilitate having a multi-line drawing title. Things start to get a little cloudy.

In order to be able to control where the line breaks are, I've simply created 5 fields (3 for an odd number of lines, 2 for even), and I want to set their Default Value so they don't display anything, i.e. a space or blank of some kind, instead of the four dots. So when I want to add the title I go to the Sheet properties and change the value.

I thought it'd be as simple as adding the ASCII code for a space (U+00A0) into the Default Value, but that seems to display the text U+00A0 instead of the space.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Property Palette Not Displaying In Model Space In Civil 3D

Apr 16, 2013

I clicked on Auto Hide in property palette settings, and now can't bring it back. I click on ribbon where is the property icon or type in command line, the property palette doesn't show up.Reinstalling program didn't work either. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiple Sheet Sets Sharing Same Layouts?

Jan 21, 2013

I am in the process of generating a separate package which is a suppliment to the main package for a project. The sheets from the suppliment will be incorporated into the main project, but many sheets from the main project will not be included in the suppliment. 

My thought was to make a separate sheet set that shares layouts with the main set which I was able to do by making a copy and renaming the .DST file. Now I see that supposedly a single layout cannot exist in two sheet sets. I ended up working around this by creating a sheet in SSM with the same # and Name in each Sheet Set and was able to get them to appear in both. Want to find out if I'm creating a landmine of a problem down the road or if there is a better way to do what I'm doing. In the past, I beleive we simply selectively printed only the appropriate sheets but on that project it was cumbersome and at the scale of this project it will be worse.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Property Set Definition Integer Value?

Aug 22, 2012

I am trying to reference my room number to another table in my project. This is to satisfy a project requirements and output to a GIS attribute table.

Originally my room number is "001" and when I reference this field to another table I get "1" and drops the first  two digits.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Roof Elevation Property

Feb 8, 2008

what the roof elevation property relates to and why? Actually, I know that it is the initial insertion point of the roof baseline, but why doesn't it update with grip edited changes in the elevation of the baseline? See the attached file. The three x-lines converge on 0,0,0. The roof elevation is stated as 0. Obviously that property is meaningless. Considering the importance of roof elevations and making them meaningful, you'd think there would be some rhyme or reason to that property.

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Maya Modeling :: Moving UV Sets To Map1 Faster?

Jun 19, 2012

My animator asked me a good question, he's breaking up models to rig/animate and of course shen he does multiple UVsets generate. Is their a faster way to copy and move UVsets to Map1 and then delete the old Uvset from the model? A script, or a working method. I knopw that in Max it apprently would do it for you.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Display Property In Live Section?

Apr 13, 2012

I've created a Live Section Cut. I want to change the hatching in the wall sections. I looked at the Display Property of the Wall Style, but the Model Display is bold, not the Section Display. The Section display has options for Hatching, etc., but the Model Display does not...Do I need to edit the Material assigned to that wall?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Retrieving Value In Property Definition Location

Aug 18, 2011

I am working on extracting information from DWG with extended Property Set Definitions. I have added Location Property on my Door objects, and would like to retrieve it in my application.

Definition as shown in AutoCAD > Manage > Style Manager > Property Set Definitions

DoorObjects Property Set
Name: AtSpaceID
Description: Space - SpaceObjects - SpaceID
Type: Location (becomes Automatic inside .NET API code)
Source: Space - SpaceObjects - SpaceID
Space Objects Property Set
Name: SpaceID
Description: SpaceID
Type: Integer

I have tried the .NET API. see Code below. I am stuck at Property Definition Location. Not too sure where I can retrieve the value for my At Space ID at my Door Objects.

I tried the following code below and it throws error such as eInvalid Input or eNot Applicable.

Part of my code
Door doorEntity = trans.GetObject(doorObjID, OpenMode.ForRead) as Door;ObjectIdCollection idsPropSet = PropertyDataServices.GetPropertySets(doorEntity);foreach (ObjectId idPropSet in idsPropSet){ PropertySet propSet = trans.GetObject(idPropSet, OpenMode.ForRead) as PropertySet; PropertySetDefinition propSetDef =

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Manual Property Set Definitions In Dwfx?

Jan 12, 2009

I have created a new property set definition and added two manual property definitions and applied this to all objects. Every object on the drawings has distinct values for these two properties. These property values show correctly on the Extended Data tab of the Properties palette.

I have published to DWFX with AEC property set data set to 'Include'. In the resulting DWFX in Autodesk Design Review I can select each object and see the standard properties but not my special property set data.

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