AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiview Block Will Retrieve Data From Two Different Bunk Space

Apr 16, 2013

how a multiview block will retrieve data from two different bunk space

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Evaluation / XLS Template Also Reading Space Property Set Data?

Feb 1, 2012

after discovering zones and the space evaluation tool I wonder whether it is possible to customise the XLS output further by also reading out information from a property set attached to the space?

The office standard is to have a property set attached to each space that defines a room number (which is the level ID plus a number, say G-01), the area and the space name.

We used to simply schedule the areas with a schedule table. That only gives us net rooms, no subtotals per department (or say per flat) and no grandtotal.So we got as far as using zones grouping the spaces in each flat.

Now I need an area schedule XLT template that also displays the room number from the space's property set and the schedule grouped in a fashion that I get subtotals per flat (=my zones) in another column and a grandtotal.Playing with the Space evaluation tool I seem to only ever get Room/ zone names and their areas.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Moving Attribute Data To ACA Space Property Sets

Oct 8, 2012

I am trying to find a way to programmatically move our AutoCAD room tag attribute data to new AEC space property sets. I work in a hospital that has approx. 1 million s.f. and over 3000 rooms. Obviously a daunting task to do room by room.

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AutoCad 3D :: Retrieve Data From Image?

Dec 3, 2011

i am going to calculate the cost estimation for civil engineering i have to retrieve the data from autocad or 3d max can i retrieve the data from 3d images.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Data Type For Second Parameter Of Retrieve Dimension Method

Jan 18, 2012

What is the data type for the second parameter of retrieve dimension method? Coz it's optional parameter.Retrieve(ViewOrSketch as Object, [DimensionToRetrieve]) as GeneralDimensionEnurator

 We've tried to put the parameter name of the model as parameter  but error had occured "DATA TYPE MISMATCH".Here's our

Call osheetDetail.DrawingDimensions.GeneralDimensions.Retrieve_(oTopView,oModel.ComponentDefinition.Parameters.Item(10).Name)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Copy Objects From Model Space To Paper Space?

May 19, 2011

is there a way to COPY objects from model space to paper space?  CHSPACE only "cuts" geometry.  I need the same geometry stacked in both model space and paper space.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimensions Show On Model Space Not On Work Space

Apr 5, 2013

Im working on a student version of Architectural CAD 2012 i drew a floor plan and used AEC Dimensions on my model space but when i switch over to work space they don't show up. I tried matching properties and switching between paper and model but so far no luck.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Retrieve Cell Data From Excel File?

Oct 7, 2011

I would like to be able to retreive data from a sepcified cell, in a specified worksheet, from an excel file.

I don't have any clue how to connect to an excel file and read the data. Most seems to think you already had an understanding but I'm starting from the beginning.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Paper Space And Model Space Tabs?

Feb 27, 2012

Somehow the two tabs which were located at the bottom of the screen in my version of Autocad 2008 have dissapeared. I used them extensively and would like to get them back. I've tried the solutions provided in previous answers without success. The menus which are supposed to appear don't.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Retrieve Block And Its Position From DWG File

Jul 1, 2013

How can I retrieve a block from DWG file using Objectarx SDK.Lets say I have a cinema hall design with a lot of chairs and I am using a blcok named chair to design it. Now I want to retrive this blocks and their positions. Is it possible?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Have ObjectID Of Block Need To Retrieve Info

Sep 3, 2013

I have stored within an external database a handle of an entity within a drawing.  If I have that drawing open and I retrieve that handle and then get the ObjectID from that Handle how do I convert that to a BlockReference so that I can then get position and attrribute values.  I can get the position and attributes if I can just get the blockreference from the Object ID.

I am using the following code to get the ObjectID from the Handle:

Public Function ObjectIdFromHandle(db As Database, strHandle As String) As ObjectId Dim nHandle As Int32 = Int32.Parse(strHandle, Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) Dim handle As New Handle(nHandle) Dim ids(0) As ObjectId Try ids(0) = db.GetObjectId(False, handle, 0) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error in ObjectIDfromHandle") End Try Return ids(0) 'Return db.GetObjectId(False, handle, 0) End Function

I then want to use this ObjectID to get the BlockReference.

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AutoCad :: Referencing Title Block From Model Space Into New Tab Of Paper Space

Jul 11, 2011

I just started a new job and am struggling to set everything up the way my old company had AutoCad configured. My old company actually had people that were involved in writing the code for AutoCad on the payroll, so hopefully what I'm looking for isn't some intense computer programming issue.

In short, I am trying to be able to create a generic title block in model space, and reference that title block into paper space of a new drawing without having to create a new tab or anything first. A new paper space tab is automatically created upon attaching the new title block. My old company had its own custom menu bar with lots of custom commands, so the work flow would go something like this: "Old company name" in menu bar -> "Insert" -> "Title Blocks" -> "24x36 title block" (or whatever size we wanted to use obv). Once the desired title block size was selected, a new tab would be created in paper space with the title block as an xref, and a copy of the generic title block was saved to the main folder containing drawings of the project, and could be edited with the specific project info from there.

Is there a semi-easy way to do this, or is this a coding issue that a non-programmer such as myself might have some difficulty doing?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Retrieve Image Data

Apr 4, 2013

I am using Elements 10 and 11.  I would liike to be able to retrieve image data....for example focal length;  f-stop; shutter speed and ISO.  Wether this is possible and how to do it?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Auto Update Of XY Coord In Model Space Onto Paper Space (Layout Tab) Block

Nov 5, 2013

I've tried doing a block that automatically updates the X and Y coordinates from its moveable leader. I can get it to work in model space or paper space. But my problem is I want it to work in PS, but update with the MS coordinates through the viewport.

I can get it to update, by LISP, by picking a point and passing the points to the blocks attributes. At the moment I have a LISP when actioned it locks the viewports, activates the viewport, and asks you to select a point. Once selected it de-activates the viewport (going back into layout tab) then asks which block you want to update. Where you now select the block and it updates the coordinates.  I.e. manually pick the point in MS, switch to PS and then manually pick the block. Then I have to manually modify the leader to the correct location.

I'm hoping that I can (In PS) move the end of the leader to snap to a position in MS and the coord updates to reflect the correct MS coordinates. I'm thinking that maybe this can't be done automatically and that I maybe can move the leader but I'm not sure how I can do it without running a LISP to update the block?

I'd be happy moving the leader then just running a single command and the leader coordinates updating without having to select the points and the block again.
I've attached the block showing the auto update of the attributes (fields).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Retrieve (2) Attribute Values From One Block

Aug 24, 2011

Here's my situation:

I have a block named "WIDGET-A". And in that block are (4) attribute tags whose names are:


The user will be prompted to pick the value displayed at any of the "TAG##" attributes - they will select the attribute tag they want (we don't know which one it is, we just want to assign that value of the attribute tag they clicked on to a variable called "VAR2".

Now, what we also want AutoCAD to evaluate, behind the scenes, is the value of the attribute tag named "ID" which we know always exists in the block and then assign that value to a variable called "VAR1".

Is there a way for AutoCAD to do this all from only a single user pick on top of an attribute value, in a block whose name isn't always going to be 'WIDGET-A' either.... But the block, whatever it's name, will always have the attribute tag "ID" with a value in it, and we always want to capture the value of whatever attribute tag within the block that the user clicked on.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Inserting New Block And Entering Attribute Data By Selecting Another Block?

Aug 13, 2012

Is it possible, via whatever methods (lisp?) to be able to have a premade block with an attribute and insert it into a drawing then assign a value to it by selecting another existing block in the drawing and using one of its own attribute’s values?

For example, say I have a block representing a telephone and it had an attribute called "PhoneNo" and I inserted it into a drawing showing an office floor plan that had blocks in each office space that are telephone junction boxes with attributes "PhoneExtension".  I would like to be able to autocomplete the entering of the “PhoneNo” data by selecting one of the telephone junction boxes in the drawing and using its attribute’s value.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Importing Attribute Data From A Block Into Another Block?

May 30, 2013

I have 2 drawings with the following content :

Drawing 1 : Contains tree blocks that have a specific scale dependant on the tree size

Drawing 2 : Contains a block with just a point and attribute data about the tree (name, size etc.)

This block is approximatly at the same location as the tree block (0,1 m precision)

Problem I want to join these two items together. In other words, in the tree block that is scaled correctly i want the attribute data with the name, size etc. These blocks don't have a corresponding unique number or something like that.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Explode Destroys The Small Block Inside Bigger Block?

May 30, 2012

I have a block containing several parts blocks. When I explode the main block all of the parts are exploded back to lines. I have used both "explode" and "xplode" and have the same results.  How can I explode so I have my components as blocks?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Conditional Space Name

Feb 3, 2011

Up until now, we have been entering room names for scheduling manually.  I would like to be able to create a psd, whereby the room name is the space style name - *UNLESS* - a value has been entered in any of the manual room name properties.  I am sure I can do this with a formula property but I am having trouble wrapping my head around it.

I have 3 manual property definitions in my PSD: (the names corelate to the position in the room tag)


Additionally I have one which concentates these 3 for the schedules:


So I need something that says:

*if* NAME_MANUAL_TOP *or* NAME_MANUAL_MID *or* NAME_MANUAL *=nil*, *then* NAME_MANUAL *and* NAME_MANUAL_SCHEDULE = SPACETYLE *else*      this is where I am having trouble - the else is that I want it to act like it always does - if there is data in one of the manual properties

I have done some lisp programming, but not any VBA (but willing to learn)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Getting The Space Name To Appear In Room Schedule

Nov 1, 2013

I've created a number of spaces, and I want the space name to show up in a Room schedule.  Here is a picture of the Properties window with one of my spaces selected.  The space name is 'Spanish 2'. see first attachment

I understand I need to add a column to my room schedule that has this value in it.  Here is an image from the 'Edit Schedule Table Style' dialog and the 'add column' sub dialog.

see second attachment

which one of this rather lengthy list is the correct one?  I've tried all the values that have 'name' in them but all I get is '?' in my schedule. I've attached the file I'm working on. I created the spaces by dragging and dropping from the tool palettes out of the box, and the room schedule the same way.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Calculate Sq Ft For Massive Space

Dec 17, 2013

I am wondering if there is any way to calculate sq ft of rooms quickly.  I have a floor plan that spans two blocks and has 1000 rooms.   How can I get the sq ft of each room quickly?  I am fimiliar with the AREA command but that involves a lot of effort to pick all the points for so many rooms.  The rooms are not polylined, so I cannot just use the properties box.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Command Line - Space Bar

Sep 23, 2013

we have a strange problem showing up here on Autocad Architecture 2014 on Windows 8: We use the "space-bar" to confirm a command or shortcut. After start of AutoCAD everything seems fine but suddenly a hit of the space bar is interpreted as two hits:

Line <space>
Specify first point:
Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: [cursor ready for next point]

No chance to point the "first point". It is either 0,0,0 or the last coordinate.

Using the <Enter> button (or selecting an icon) is working as expected / normal but very unhandy because on the right side of the keyboard.We tried different keyboards but this is not a hardware problem!

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Number With Letters?

Oct 27, 2011

We are using AutoCAD Architeucture 2010.  We would like to be able to use exisitng room numbers for a renovation project.  Currently the building has room numbers with letters in them, ie AS112, T112 or C112.  Unforunately the letters change multiple times on 1 level.    So we can not simply change the desigination on the construct level.  how to do with with 'spaces' in AutoCAD Architecture?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Can A Sheet Set Contain AEC Data

Aug 3, 2011

Can a sheet set itself contain AEC data, where a reference via a field to any element within the sheet set would cause AEC modules to load upon opening a drawing?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Command Interruption By Space Explorer

Jan 20, 2012

I navigate (all functions, pan zoom, etc) with my space explorer in autocad architecture 2011 any autocad command will be cancelled by the 3d mouse. when use the 3d mouse, the cursor in autocad changes to the default windows cursor display. I have an updated version of autocad 2011 with all of the service packages and hotfixes, the space explorer software driver is up to date too, windows 7 ultimate x64 is updated too.command line example:

Command: _line Specify first point: "I move the 3d mouse" Specify next point or [Undo]: *Cancel*
Command: *Cancel* 

I tried reinstalling both autocad and 3dconnexion, restored the default settings of the 3d mouse. I also shutdown the logitech mouse software to make sure it was not interfering with anything. I also double checked that it was not a display refresh issue with the graphics card or the display settings for autocad, I also played with the profiles in the 3dx sofware.

I installed Aucad Architecture 2012 and same freaking issue. The only way to solve it "half way" (so not a real solution) is to change the visual style to other than 2d wireframe, but when doing so, whatever object you are manipulating seems to freeze on the screen and doesn't refresh untill you move the mouse (normal one), basicaly the manipulated object doesn't zoom with the rest of the objects in the screen.

This is very anoying since the purpose of these stuff is to create an uninterrupted worflow not the complete oposite!! this mouse is worth around 200-300 dolars and Autodesk took responsability for it's drivers!! and it doesn't work!! it's faster to work with your regular mouse. Also you should develop the driver version for the Autocad Mac version.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Delayed Mouse In Drafting Space

Jan 3, 2012

Just started using 2012 and noticed a delay in the mouse in the drafting space only. When I hover over the icons, the speed is normal, it only occurs in paper or model space.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Tags Not Reflecting Information

Aug 18, 2013

As you can see, when I select the room tag (this is the room tag/w dimesions from the tags palette), it displays the correct name and other space objects values.  However the tag itself is not reflecting the information - it displays the default values of STANDARD/LX W.

It appears to be properly linked to the PSD, but not updating.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Arc Linework Attached To Room Tag To Space?

May 28, 2013

I have a drawing that has room spaces & tags attached to them.  I can not figure out why there is an arc leading from the room tag to the space it is attached to. When I detach the room tag from the space, it disappears, but when I re-attach it, the arc from the tag to the space appears.  How do you turn it off?  I copied the space style from another file to over-write this one thru style manager, no luck...

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Ceiling Grid Using Space Boundary?

Jan 23, 2012

Is there an easy way to use space to generate a ceiling grid.  My predicament is that when I create a space, the lines show up in Medium Detail and I have to switch to Reflected display configuration to see the grid.  But when I am putting in the grid it asks me to choose the space, which is now not visible.  Unless I change the display configuratiion, is there a way to pick the space while in the reflected display configuration.

Or better yet, is there a way to create a script that will toggle the space display on and off while in reflected. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Adding Space Objects To A Palette

Dec 13, 2012

We are trying to create a set of palettes for a building type that we specialize in.  How do we add the spaces to a design palette and can we include a room tag with it?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotative Blocks In Paper Space (Tab)

Feb 8, 2013

I have created a block in the model tab with the annotative scale set at 1'-0" = 1'-0" with the UCS set to World. When the block is inserted in model space either on the model tab or thru viewport it displays and prints correctly. However when the same block is inserted into paperspace on a layout tab the block appears correctly but when printed either hardcopy or PDF it is rotated 90 degress around its insertion. This malfunctions the same whether it is inserted directly or nested in a legend block.

It is also not one particular block or drawing but (mal)functions across drawings and block definitions.

I really don't want to have to make two sets of blocks for the project.

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