AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Tags Not Reflecting Information

Aug 18, 2013

As you can see, when I select the room tag (this is the room tag/w dimesions from the tags palette), it displays the correct name and other space objects values.  However the tag itself is not reflecting the information - it displays the default values of STANDARD/LX W.

It appears to be properly linked to the PSD, but not updating.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Export Information From Space-Zone Manager

Jul 17, 2011

i need to export/retrive the Informations from "Space-Zone manager".

i can see the informations of surfaces and the openings in "Space/Zone manager", but no way to export or to extract them. the informations  are also no "property set" information, which could be managed with schedules.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Evaluation / XLS Template Also Reading Space Property Set Data?

Feb 1, 2012

after discovering zones and the space evaluation tool I wonder whether it is possible to customise the XLS output further by also reading out information from a property set attached to the space?

The office standard is to have a property set attached to each space that defines a room number (which is the level ID plus a number, say G-01), the area and the space name.

We used to simply schedule the areas with a schedule table. That only gives us net rooms, no subtotals per department (or say per flat) and no grandtotal.So we got as far as using zones grouping the spaces in each flat.

Now I need an area schedule XLT template that also displays the room number from the space's property set and the schedule grouped in a fashion that I get subtotals per flat (=my zones) in another column and a grandtotal.Playing with the Space evaluation tool I seem to only ever get Room/ zone names and their areas.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Copy Objects From Model Space To Paper Space?

May 19, 2011

is there a way to COPY objects from model space to paper space?  CHSPACE only "cuts" geometry.  I need the same geometry stacked in both model space and paper space.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Dimensions Show On Model Space Not On Work Space

Apr 5, 2013

Im working on a student version of Architectural CAD 2012 i drew a floor plan and used AEC Dimensions on my model space but when i switch over to work space they don't show up. I tried matching properties and switching between paper and model but so far no luck.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Paper Space And Model Space Tabs?

Feb 27, 2012

Somehow the two tabs which were located at the bottom of the screen in my version of Autocad 2008 have dissapeared. I used them extensively and would like to get them back. I've tried the solutions provided in previous answers without success. The menus which are supposed to appear don't.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Change The Look Of Tags

Apr 12, 2012

I like the usability of the door and window and section tags that come out of the box. I also love that they are on the ribbon. however, I would like to change the look of the tags. Like make smaller and change fonts, or adding info like room sq ftg.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Tags Not Updating

Jul 4, 2012

I made a door tag, tagged all 128 doors and during a check set noticed that the text in the tag is the wrong font. I opened the tag and changed the font, saved and regenerated the drawing. The font in the current door tags did not change. To be sure I changed the correct tag I added a new tag and the font is correct. Why do the current tags not update? Do I need to do something? I do not want to go back and redo all 128 door tags.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Modify Callout Tags

Apr 18, 2012

How can I modify out of box font size and styles of callout tag such as, room name tags or sections indicators?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Creating Schedule Tags

Jan 3, 2014

I am having trouble creating custom schedule tags.  I have followed the tutorial "to create a schedule tag", but it does not work for me.  First off it is not annotative, I created it in 1 to 1 scale and checked the plotting scale to ensure it is 1 to 1.

Also, it creates the block, and I get it into the tool pallet, but when selected, it just inserts a block.  I am trying to create a door tag, so when I select it from the tool pallet, it does not ask me to select a door to tag, just inserts the block.

The tag I want to create is very simple, I want to modify the OTTB Door Tag - Project Based, to remove the suffix and center the door number.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Tags And Schedules

Nov 20, 2013

I'm attempting to create a room schedule for my floor plan that shows Room Number, Room Name, Area, and Ceiling Height. First off, I would like to tag the rooms with just the Room Number, and not both the number and name - can that be done? Second, I'm able to schedule the Room Numbers and Names correctly, but the Area and Ceiling Height columns are filled with ? marks.

This is strange because I can clearly see the space area in the properties tab when I click on each space. *In the attached screenshot, note how both the base area and space height are visible in the properties tab when I have a space selected.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Custom Door Tags

Aug 19, 2013

We do residential design, our doors and windows need to read 3068 and 3050 etc. I have tried everything but I cannot simply get it to work.....This is what I have done:

*Insterted a door tag from AA2014
*I exploded the tag twice and deleted the circle around the text
*Renamed the nested block and edited to include "OORSIZE"
*Went to style manager/the plan/Doc Objects/Door styles/definition/ changed it to read "STD Door Description"...

see attached file.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Window Tags Moved Either X Or Y From Where Placed

Dec 2, 2013

I opened a view drawing where I had placed the window tags and many of them had moved either X or Y from where they had been placed.  When I say moved, I don't mean a little.  Some of them moved 540 FEET!  What would cause that?  

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Tags Different Size?

Jun 18, 2012

Room Tags.......I did the First Floor by doing the following:

Space Generate then Room Tag. All looked great. I did this a few days ago.

I go to do the same thing to the Second Floor this morning and all is not great. The First and Second Floor are in the same model space, Space Generate appears to have worked just fine; however, when I go and do the Room Tag the tag comes in huge. Why?

Also, if I do a Room Tag this morning to the First Floor the tag comes in huge too. (not shown in the attached) I must have changed a setting somewhere.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Tag Incorrectly Finding Information From Other Floors

Mar 7, 2011

Using ACAD Architecture 2011

Have a problem with door numbering and xref's.

Drawings are set up with similar insertion points at 0,0,0.

Basement and 1st floor in scope of project. Drawings are xrefed into one another but they are overlay NOT attached.

Smart room spaces, room names, doors and door tags have been inserted into both plans for each room.

In the individual xref drawings, the door tag number coinsides with the room number as it should.

An automated door schedule has been produced and it works well. All room numbers are correct.

When xrefing the 1st floor and basement floor into the same sheet file for a CD document, the door tags on the basement doors, B101.1, B102.1, etc. are taking on the numbers of the first floor area just above it, 137.1, 137.2, etc.. This only occurs in the sheet file not the drawing base files.

When I unload xrefs of both the 1st and Basement drawings in the sheet the drawing....reopen....then reload the basement xref only....the tags on the doors in question cannot find the correct number of the room. (message "space not found is displayed")

Then, when I reload the the 1st floor in the same sheet drawing and reload the basement floor again, the door numbers on the basement plan take the 100 series room number from the space above.

The Room name and number tag does not change in the xref, only the door tag.

When I detach both files from the sheet and xref the basement file only....the doors show up correctly. Then when I insert the 1st floor, the door numbers get screwed up again.

This has happened on another project in this office but in that situation 2 different floor plans were NOT inserted into one sheet. In that matter, we had to detach the xref and then load again in order for the door numbers to come out corrent.

After the drawing was saved, closed, and then reopened the door number were again wrong and picking up the door numbers from above or below.

Is this a bug in ACAD 2011? Is there a toggle switch somewhere that will fix the issue?

Using blocks established and populated while in 2008 ACAD. Does this matter?

I move the xref in the sheet file so they don't align. I have move them 500' away from one another. This did not solve my problem.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Custom Property Set Definitions To Add Information To Spaces

Dec 13, 2013

I am using some custom property set definitions to add information to spaces.  However as I insert spaces I find that I have to go to the extra step to add the property set to the object using the Extended Data tab in the Properties Palette. 

It is not a huge deal but sometimes it is forgotten and schedules are not reporting properly, or the display theme is not correct.  Although there are tools to quickly add them I would like to know if there is an automatic way to add them while creating the spaces/zones.

On a related note.  There is a property set definition that is in each file by default called RoomFinishObjects.  Is there a way to purge this?  I don't want to attach finishes to my objects.  But it seems to be embedded in the file.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Missing Light Fixture Tags

Apr 26, 2012

Am just starting to explore Revit and was trying to add some lights to my building to play with some renders.  When I try and load anything from within the 'lighting fixtures' however, I am met with the message:

"There is no tag loaded for lighting fixtures, do you want to load one now?"

I have explored a number of other family types, walls, doors, windows, kitchen and bathroom etc and never had this message/error occur.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Tags Quit Working?

Aug 15, 2011

We have had this problem on several computers in the office and it seems to happen at random. The existing tags in the files still read correctly, but if you try to insert a new tag, or a room name or number updates, the only way to get them to read the correct space information is to close AA and restart it. I have not been able to identify any common circumstances when this occurs.

We are on AA 2010. This morning I had barely been in the program an hour when I had to restart just to change a room name.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Tags Now Have Trailing Zeros?

Jun 10, 2012

We've created our own door tags.  Now in ACA 2013 the doors that have sizes that end in zero (like 3'-0") are showing a zero, a decimal and three trailing zeros in the zero value.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Door Tags Assigned To Spaces?

Apr 11, 2012

I have created custom spaces and I have been able to build room with doors and then add a door tag that updates automatically with the info of the door.  But for some reason, I am unable to assign the door to the space.  I am not using project and I think that may be my problem.  I feel as though I am almost there, but I can't assign the door to the space so that when I add a door tag it recognizes that the door is in a wall in a space and then gives me those numbers.  If I click on the tag, I am able to anchor it to the space and then the room number appears in the tag, but I was hopnig to have it do it automatically.  I have the door squiggle inside the space but I don't know how to attach it and also the space seems to have a number project based assigned to it, but that is not what I want since the drawing is not project based.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2014 - Scaling Schedule Tags

Oct 1, 2013

how to get the annotative scale to work with schedule tags.When I use attributes in blocks I draw the attribute definition with a height that I wish it to display in PaperSpace.  Then when defining the block I select the annotative scale so that the block and text display correctly in any viewport.

However when I create Scheduling Tags using the Create Tags button on the Annotate/Scheduling tab it shrinks the text by 1/8" as soon as the tag is created.  I've made sure that the scales are set to 1:1 when I create it.  I guess I can just enlarge the text 8 times before I make the Tag. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Tags Of Objects Through XRefs - Making Correct?

Nov 15, 2013

When an object in an XRef is tagged (and the object has an object based PSD) the tag will not update to reflect changes made in the XRef. 

This can be fixed in the XRef by running the PropertyDataBrowser command and unticking the Overrides (shown in the leftmost tickbox when two tick boxes present).

Any automatic way to keep the tags up to date? I have attached my VB.Net code attempt for this.  It almost works BUT the MultiViewBlock Overrides are ReadOnly.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Tags (Multi-View Blocks)

Feb 24, 2011

I have a Room Tag (multi-view block) that was created in a previous release of AutoCAD Architecture that is not coming in at the correct scale in AutoCAD Architecture 2011.  When we used to insert this block into an 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it came in at a scale of 12.0,12.0,12.0.  Now when we insert it into a 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it comes in at 9.0,9.0,9.0.  So, at 1/4"=1'-0" it comes in at 4.5,4.5,4.5; when it should be 6.0,6.0,6.0.  I have many custom blocks that we have created for door tags, section refs, etc. and would just like to know what scale factor needs to be adjusted to fix this small issue. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Conditional Space Name

Feb 3, 2011

Up until now, we have been entering room names for scheduling manually.  I would like to be able to create a psd, whereby the room name is the space style name - *UNLESS* - a value has been entered in any of the manual room name properties.  I am sure I can do this with a formula property but I am having trouble wrapping my head around it.

I have 3 manual property definitions in my PSD: (the names corelate to the position in the room tag)


Additionally I have one which concentates these 3 for the schedules:


So I need something that says:

*if* NAME_MANUAL_TOP *or* NAME_MANUAL_MID *or* NAME_MANUAL *=nil*, *then* NAME_MANUAL *and* NAME_MANUAL_SCHEDULE = SPACETYLE *else*      this is where I am having trouble - the else is that I want it to act like it always does - if there is data in one of the manual properties

I have done some lisp programming, but not any VBA (but willing to learn)

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: SDF File Information - Create Points With Custom Information

Aug 26, 2011

I am a AutoCad drafter for telecommunications and I have utility pole points (long/lats)

I can insert the poles via long/lat and all is great, my issue is I would like more information in those points.

For example, pole number, class, HOA, Make Ready. Currently I create a survey data store and import ASCII Points using PNE(comma delimited)

So with my Excel file (this is where I get my pole information from) I get a point/northing/easting to enter into the formatting section.

I would like to add more information to these individual points, like ploe number, class, HOA...

If I view the point table I see that there are a lot of other columns, can I use them or customize them? is there a quick tutorial on this issue?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Getting The Space Name To Appear In Room Schedule

Nov 1, 2013

I've created a number of spaces, and I want the space name to show up in a Room schedule.  Here is a picture of the Properties window with one of my spaces selected.  The space name is 'Spanish 2'. see first attachment

I understand I need to add a column to my room schedule that has this value in it.  Here is an image from the 'Edit Schedule Table Style' dialog and the 'add column' sub dialog.

see second attachment

which one of this rather lengthy list is the correct one?  I've tried all the values that have 'name' in them but all I get is '?' in my schedule. I've attached the file I'm working on. I created the spaces by dragging and dropping from the tool palettes out of the box, and the room schedule the same way.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Calculate Sq Ft For Massive Space

Dec 17, 2013

I am wondering if there is any way to calculate sq ft of rooms quickly.  I have a floor plan that spans two blocks and has 1000 rooms.   How can I get the sq ft of each room quickly?  I am fimiliar with the AREA command but that involves a lot of effort to pick all the points for so many rooms.  The rooms are not polylined, so I cannot just use the properties box.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Command Line - Space Bar

Sep 23, 2013

we have a strange problem showing up here on Autocad Architecture 2014 on Windows 8: We use the "space-bar" to confirm a command or shortcut. After start of AutoCAD everything seems fine but suddenly a hit of the space bar is interpreted as two hits:

Line <space>
Specify first point:
Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: [cursor ready for next point]

No chance to point the "first point". It is either 0,0,0 or the last coordinate.

Using the <Enter> button (or selecting an icon) is working as expected / normal but very unhandy because on the right side of the keyboard.We tried different keyboards but this is not a hardware problem!

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Number With Letters?

Oct 27, 2011

We are using AutoCAD Architeucture 2010.  We would like to be able to use exisitng room numbers for a renovation project.  Currently the building has room numbers with letters in them, ie AS112, T112 or C112.  Unforunately the letters change multiple times on 1 level.    So we can not simply change the desigination on the construct level.  how to do with with 'spaces' in AutoCAD Architecture?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Data Table And Room Tags Not Showing Up Going From 2013 To 2012

Jan 16, 2013

I am editing an old file set up by another firm that is used by our clients to keep track of room sizes etc, which has a room data table and room tags tied to area polylines. It has worked just fine on our 2013 Acad Architecture, but when I sent them (saved down to 2010) back to our client, using 2012 Acad Architecture, the tags disappear and the table is unpopulated.It seems like it must have something to do with the file originally being created way back when, along with some quirk between 2012 and 2013.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Command Interruption By Space Explorer

Jan 20, 2012

I navigate (all functions, pan zoom, etc) with my space explorer in autocad architecture 2011 any autocad command will be cancelled by the 3d mouse. when use the 3d mouse, the cursor in autocad changes to the default windows cursor display. I have an updated version of autocad 2011 with all of the service packages and hotfixes, the space explorer software driver is up to date too, windows 7 ultimate x64 is updated too.command line example:

Command: _line Specify first point: "I move the 3d mouse" Specify next point or [Undo]: *Cancel*
Command: *Cancel* 

I tried reinstalling both autocad and 3dconnexion, restored the default settings of the 3d mouse. I also shutdown the logitech mouse software to make sure it was not interfering with anything. I also double checked that it was not a display refresh issue with the graphics card or the display settings for autocad, I also played with the profiles in the 3dx sofware.

I installed Aucad Architecture 2012 and same freaking issue. The only way to solve it "half way" (so not a real solution) is to change the visual style to other than 2d wireframe, but when doing so, whatever object you are manipulating seems to freeze on the screen and doesn't refresh untill you move the mouse (normal one), basicaly the manipulated object doesn't zoom with the rest of the objects in the screen.

This is very anoying since the purpose of these stuff is to create an uninterrupted worflow not the complete oposite!! this mouse is worth around 200-300 dolars and Autodesk took responsability for it's drivers!! and it doesn't work!! it's faster to work with your regular mouse. Also you should develop the driver version for the Autocad Mac version.

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