AutoCAD Architecture :: Room Data Table And Room Tags Not Showing Up Going From 2013 To 2012
Jan 16, 2013
I am editing an old file set up by another firm that is used by our clients to keep track of room sizes etc, which has a room data table and room tags tied to area polylines. It has worked just fine on our 2013 Acad Architecture, but when I sent them (saved down to 2010) back to our client, using 2012 Acad Architecture, the tags disappear and the table is unpopulated.It seems like it must have something to do with the file originally being created way back when, along with some quirk between 2012 and 2013.
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Nov 20, 2013
I'm attempting to create a room schedule for my floor plan that shows Room Number, Room Name, Area, and Ceiling Height. First off, I would like to tag the rooms with just the Room Number, and not both the number and name - can that be done? Second, I'm able to schedule the Room Numbers and Names correctly, but the Area and Ceiling Height columns are filled with ? marks.
This is strange because I can clearly see the space area in the properties tab when I click on each space. *In the attached screenshot, note how both the base area and space height are visible in the properties tab when I have a space selected.
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Jun 18, 2012
Room Tags.......I did the First Floor by doing the following:
Space Generate then Room Tag. All looked great. I did this a few days ago.
I go to do the same thing to the Second Floor this morning and all is not great. The First and Second Floor are in the same model space, Space Generate appears to have worked just fine; however, when I go and do the Room Tag the tag comes in huge. Why?
Also, if I do a Room Tag this morning to the First Floor the tag comes in huge too. (not shown in the attached) I must have changed a setting somewhere.
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Aug 15, 2011
We have had this problem on several computers in the office and it seems to happen at random. The existing tags in the files still read correctly, but if you try to insert a new tag, or a room name or number updates, the only way to get them to read the correct space information is to close AA and restart it. I have not been able to identify any common circumstances when this occurs.
We are on AA 2010. This morning I had barely been in the program an hour when I had to restart just to change a room name.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have a Room Tag (multi-view block) that was created in a previous release of AutoCAD Architecture that is not coming in at the correct scale in AutoCAD Architecture 2011. When we used to insert this block into an 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it came in at a scale of 12.0,12.0,12.0. Now when we insert it into a 1/8"=1'-0" drawing, it comes in at 9.0,9.0,9.0. So, at 1/4"=1'-0" it comes in at 4.5,4.5,4.5; when it should be 6.0,6.0,6.0. I have many custom blocks that we have created for door tags, section refs, etc. and would just like to know what scale factor needs to be adjusted to fix this small issue.
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Aug 30, 2012
I have a project in wich rooms functionality is compromised. I don't know why the room tool doesn't recognise a simple room delimited by walls whose property divides rooms is set to yes. If I place a rectangle of rooms delimiters the room tool works properly instead. If I start a new project the tool works properly.
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Aug 1, 2011
I have completed 4 projects with Arch 10 and this is the first project with this problem. I use Space Generate to create spaces, tag the room with Room Tag, put the room tag where I want it, close the floor plan and when I open the plan back up some of the room tags have moved to a new location. This has happened 3 times now with the same floor plan. Out of the 39 rooms 22 room names have moved their location. Please see attached partial plan.
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Apr 30, 2010
An architect sent me his revit file, it contains the full model and all the floor plan views and drawing sheets. He has floor plan views set up for each floor and some enlarged views as well. On each floor plan view each room has a tag that contains room name and room number and every door has a tag that contains the door number.
When I create a new file and link in his file so I can then start working, doing what we need to do, adding devices, etc. The problem is, the architect's room tags and door tags dont link in, and if they do I cant see them. I've gone through every possible combination in the visibility/graphics options to no avail.
Room and door info linking in should be a basic function of revit; how could autodesk expect mech, elec, plumbing engineers to create drawings that have zero room and door info?
If it matters, I'm working in Revit 2010.
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Feb 20, 2014
I am working with room tags that has multiple yes/no features. my problem is its hard aligning text because they wont snap to centers or refernece lines. How are people working with this. It causes for sometimes the leader line when used to not want to be straight or leaves some funky angle when change scale
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Feb 5, 2014
I am creating a room tag with various family types. unlike creating other families when I am in the family editing and I click through other types it hides the objects that are only visible for the proper value. How do I do the same. Being that I have a few types its getting sort of hard to see with the different amount of texts.
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Jan 31, 2014
how to make room tags than can break in two words and possibly how to remove the symbol crossing of area.
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Jan 24, 2011
What woudl be the easiest/most common sense way to add wainscot to a room in CAD? If it is paneling, should it be a block, or added to the wall as a component?
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Aug 11, 2013
Any routine or tool that simplifies calculating and labeling floor areas?
Currently, I draw a polyline around the desired area, list it to get the square footage and then create a text line and type in the square footage. This method takes multiple steps and is easy to mistype the area.
I would love a simple tool that would let you draw a polyline and automatically label it for you.
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Nov 1, 2013
I've created a number of spaces, and I want the space name to show up in a Room schedule. Here is a picture of the Properties window with one of my spaces selected. The space name is 'Spanish 2'. see first attachment
I understand I need to add a column to my room schedule that has this value in it. Here is an image from the 'Edit Schedule Table Style' dialog and the 'add column' sub dialog.
see second attachment
which one of this rather lengthy list is the correct one? I've tried all the values that have 'name' in them but all I get is '?' in my schedule. I've attached the file I'm working on. I created the spaces by dragging and dropping from the tool palettes out of the box, and the room schedule the same way.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have received drawings from someone else that utilize what I believe to be custom room tags. The tags consist of multiple lines of information e.g. Number, name line 1, name line 2, floor, base, north, south, east, west, occupancy, prog area, room area, etc. As of right now there is information in all of the data boxes as seen in the properties box.
However the only information shown in the drawing area is Number, name, and room area. What I would like to know is how would i keep the room area information, but not show it in the drawing area? Basically I would like to be able to make different pieces of information visible or invisible.
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Jul 11, 2012
I have created room tags and would like to use the floor plan (with room names) as Xref. Is there a way I can locate the room names in one location per room on the main floor plan and then relocate the room names on the reflected ceiling plan and NOT move the room name on the main floor plan?
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May 28, 2013
I have a drawing that has room spaces & tags attached to them. I can not figure out why there is an arc leading from the room tag to the space it is attached to. When I detach the room tag from the space, it disappears, but when I re-attach it, the arc from the tag to the space appears. How do you turn it off? I copied the space style from another file to over-write this one thru style manager, no luck...
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Oct 12, 2011
I am using the 'Room tag with Dimensions' from the Content Browser. When it comes into the drawing, the room name is not centered above the rest of the tag text. So, I opened the block and moved the text and then saved the block. When I go to use the tag again - it tags everything - walls, doors, windows, etc...
Also, the drag and drop function does not work well - I have to drag a tool several times into the drawing from the content browser in order for it to work..
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Mar 6, 2011
I need to make the door schedule have the room name in it. I am using the project based door tag so it is already numbered like the room tag.
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Jul 26, 2013
I have a rectangle (looks like a label border) showing up in my room tag. It's a simple tag taken from the OOTB room tag family. I'v re-edited the family, checked the parameters and values. All label borders are off, but this one looks like its either part of a separate, invisible label or a separate rectangle that I can't find to delete.
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Oct 7, 2012
I am creating a schedule to pick up the room areas and additional information to do with artificial lighting. That bit is the easy bit.
What I am trying to do is put a column in the schedule that shows how many light points are within that particular space. I have looked into ticking the quantity box, but that picks up just the spaces. If there was a way that this could be used to pick up the blocks in a particular space, and not the spaces that would be the simplest way to solve this (I think anyway).
Just to let you know, I am using Dynamic Blocks for the light fittings. As I can have all the different types within the one block. I have heard that I can do this using the MultiView blocks (I haven't explored this yet), but the amount of blocks that I need is going to be increased (from what I know about MultiView blocks). The simpler this is, the better I believe.
I have tried using Count under the Automaitc Property, but when used, adds the blocks as an extra row, not into the desired column. I may have to add something to the block to get it to do what I want it to do, but don't know how to do this. At the moment, I am putting this information manually into the space properties.
The next part to my question, and again, I maybe asking a bit too much here, but I want to take two totals from two different columns to create an average. If I could do this in the one table, fantastic! If I have to create a second schedule to pick this up, that is ok I suppose, but I would then do the math for it manually and just write it in if that was the case.
I'm using ACA 13
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Jun 28, 2012
How to change the appearance of lines in a room finish schedule? I want to be able to have some appear bold, others to be a double line, and some to be thin? Currently when i load the standard room finish schedule the lines are not what i want them to look like.
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Dec 13, 2013
I linked a revit file of some renovations that had been done into an older revit file. This worked fine accept it did not transfer the room data over. When i try to put new rooms in they take the volume of the older rooms not the renovation imports. Why? Why? and why?
Even if I draw out the rooms when i place the room they are still separated and defined by the older room dimensions. Thats not cool that is sad?
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Oct 23, 2012
I do a lot of cookie cutter type buildings with pretty much the same room names and finishes for each building. Is it possible to predefine the room names with the identity data (to incl. base finish, floor finish, occupancy etc) in my template file and then just select this as I place the rooms?
I have tried creating the room with the identity data but all I can do is select the room. The predefined identity data does not translate to the new room number.
For example:
I create a room called 'Room Test 1' with a base finish, ceiling finish, floor finish and wall finish. I then go to place a room on the drawing. I can select 'Room Test 1' but all it does is add another 'Room Test 1' with a different room number and no identity data.
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Oct 12, 2012
I've been banging my head on this for a couple days now and to no avail. I am accessing 2004 DWG files through AutoCAD 2013 in order to update dates and re-print to searchable PDFs for our facility team, however, I cannot get the DWG text (stand alone or room tag attribute) of the file to become searchable in Acrobat X. Being a 2004 file and due to previous manager decisions, all text in the DWG file is an SHX style, and I've attempted to change over to the True Type format in hopes that it would clear the issue up, but the base DWG file doesn't seem to agree with changing current fonts for either stand alone or within the ROOMTAG block itself. I've tried all settings in the Acrobat "convert to PDF" settings menu without success.
I'll be migrating all of our drawings into a Revit format for this effort next year so this is the last year for the "legacy" drawing files that have accumulated over the years...and I've already tested this in Revit with much success!
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Sep 12, 2012
Text style has no room to specify the lineweight!
I’m wondering why the “text style” has no option to specify the lineweight.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Oct 24, 2013
Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?
I use this technique quite often in Excel. One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D. While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from: BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE. The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.
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Jul 18, 2013
How do you add room ID's on architectural drawings?
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May 26, 2013
In order to plan the tiling layout, I've modeled a bathroom in 3d in Autocad 2012. Now I want to generate 2d views of each of the walls and floor. Is there an easy way to do it?
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Jun 1, 2012
i've been asked to provide a way for some cad employees to update via an export to an excel spreadsheet the latest area total for each room in the drawing. my assumption is the spreadsheet will already contain a column for room numbers from the drawing and a room area column.
so far i've found out how to iterate the drawing layers. what i have yet to figure out is how to capture the room area property on the layer so i can copy it into the excel cell that matches with the captured room number from the drawing. is there a way to access the geometry of the particular layer?
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Jan 11, 2012
I put in a grid of spotlights. But every time I render, the room looks incredibly dark but there are TONS of reflections. What is a good strategy for decreasing the reflections while brightening up the room?
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