AutoCAD 2013 :: Attribute Fields Losing Reference With Sheet Sets
Oct 15, 2012
I just opened up a project Sheet Set that i haven't worked on in a while, and all of my layout pages have a series of "#" in place of the fields. For example, the name of my viewport should read "Head Detail", which is the name given to that view in the Sheet Set Manager, but instead reads "##############". This also happens with my view numbers, callout bubbles, etc.
However, the information in my title block is still intact. For example, the Project Name, Client Name, Page Number, etc. all read the correct values.
I tried opening the drawings in Reference Manager, but I see no alerts or errors. I have had this happen before in previous versions going back to at least 2010, but they have always been small projects and I just recreated the views and callouts. This is a large project however, and redoing this will cost hours, if not days of extra work.
In examining the fields, it seems like the problem fields are those defined by the SheetSetPlaceholder Filed Name, and the Placeholder type is irrelevent; they are all broken. For other Field Names, for example CurrentSheetNumber, the references still work.
When we plot full packages for construction documents, we have to provide plot numbers for each sheet to the printing room. This is a completely different number then the sheet number itself....the plot number is basically the actual sheet number within the entire construction document. So if there's 245 sheets in the entire construction document and landscape sheets need to start at 188, is there a way to set up a field that knows how to number accordingly?
I have a ss that I am using & wish to generate a drawing index sheet. I can manually update the fields in the drawing index table on the index drawing, but I would like to have this automatically work for every sheet set I generate.Would I need to use hyperlinking fields for this to work?
Autodesk Plant 3D Premium 2012 Autodesk MEP 2012 HP 3.2 Ghz CPU 16 ram 1TB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive 2GB DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 530 HP 2311x 23" LED Monitor
I was wondering if it was possible to say have a cover sheet of a project with fields and then have the other sheets in the project have their fields populate using information from cover sheet?
I thought when a person uses a field named CREATEDATE it would be a creation date time stamp. When creating a new drawing by layout and you check the creation date by using the time command you get the correct date of creation. The Sheet set manager field called CREATEDATE is not consistant. If I save the drawing this field changes the date to the current date. So I ask is this a flaw or should the field be renamed to lastsaveddate? Just asking because when I look for the Create Date I need the date I actually created the drawing not the last time I saved it. Just saying.
Open a new file and things work fine.Open a sheet set in Sheet Set Manager and every 60 seconds for 25 seconds AutoCAD hangs.Unplug the network connection and it runs fine.Hangs even if Sheet Set is on Local DriveTime of hang is dependent on when AutoCAD starts not dependent on when Sheet Set is opened.Do not have to have a file in the sheet manager loaded.Don't have to be doing anything. Can leave cursor on screen and still happens like clockwork.Turned off all sync to AutoDesk 360.
The problem occurs in the "Sheet View" area of Sheet Set Manager (SSM).
The first six steps describes our procedure for adding details to drawings, using hypothetical names. Layout "101" is on Drawing "100 DETAILS" and appears as sheet "101" in sheet set "PROJECT". Sheet set "PROJECT" (and associated drawings) is actively accessed by multiple users on the same network.
1. I create a view "PLATE DETAIL" in model space of drawing "100 DETAILS", and save the drawing.
2. I navigate the "Model Views" tab of Sheet Set "PROJECT" for view "PLATE DETAIL" in drawing "DETAILS" and "Place on Sheet" on the current layout "101".
3. A Sheet view is inserted on layout "101" with a View Label block with the view title "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and a view number of "___" (blank). I save the drawing.
4. I navigate the "Sheet Views" tab of SSM for view title "PLATE DETAIL(2) on sheet "101" and "rename and renumber" the sheet view, assigning "1" to the view number and changing view title to read (simply) "DETAIL".
5. After a regen on layout "100", the view label reads correctly: the title reads "DETAIL" and the view number reads "1".
6. I exit the drawing and close sheet set "PROJECT".
I believe this is the correct procedure for adding sheet views, but here's where the problems begin:
7. An hour later, I open sheet set "PROJECT" and the drawing "100 DETAILS"
8. Upon examination, I see that the View Title for the detail I placed earlier reads "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and the View Number reads "___" (blank). It appears as if I never followed step #4.
9. I navigate to to the "Sheet Views" tab of SSM, and I observe that even there, the View Title reads "PLATE DETAIL(2)" and View Number is blank, as if I never edited it. I correct the view title and view number, and the view label again reads correctly.
10. As in step #6, I exit and close the sheet set.
This is an oversimplification of one problem we are having. Imagine if this problem occurred with multiple details (up to 20 per sheet) on multiple sheets (up to 100 per project). These details are also referenced by section marks, detail marks and fields in mtext.
Occasionally we encounter another, more difficult problem:
10. An hour later, I open sheet set "PROJECT" and the drawing "100 DETAILS" as before.
11. Upon examination, I see that the view title I placed earlier reads "########" (hash marks) and the view number reads "#".
12. I navigate to the "Sheet Views" tab, as before. The view title reads "PLATE DETAIL(2) and the view number is blank, like in step #9. Only THIS time, correcting the information in SSM does not remove the hash marks. This means that the View Label is no longer linked to SSM.
13. I can re-insert a view label from SSM by "Place View Label Block" but that does not correct a wider problem: all references, such as Section marks, detail marks and text fields which appear on many drawings. All of these must either be re-inserted, or re-fielded.
We feel we have been following the correct procedures in a multi-user environment, but the results have been disastrous.
I am using M Text Attributes to store imperial lengths in the drawing, feet inches and fractions (stacked). When I read back the Text String property which, is the M text Attribute.Contents parsed, I am having problems because the parser does not add a space between the inch and the fraction. So, is there any setting that could be used to tell the parser to add the space between the inch and the fraction?
I have been creating new 2D dynamic blocks for our engineering department to use. I was able to combine our old "dynamic" blocks, similar in design, into one new block. There are attributes within in the block to display information regarding which block is selected and shown. This information is then extracted using a LISP routine to be used via Excel for manufacturing.
I have run into problems with some of the fields updating. At times they will update and other times they won't. The attached file has an example of the blocks I'm using. They are the same block. However, the block on the left was placed into a new drawing using CTRL+V. The lone field in the bottom left corner of the block updates correctly when the block properties table is changed and REGEN is run.
The block on the right was inserted into this drawing using the INSERT command. The same field does not update using REGEN. FIELDEVAL is set to 31 based on what I've read in other posts.
Not sure what the difference would be, but I've been seeing it for the past week while creating the new blocks. It's a bit frustating not knowing why it will work sometimes and not others. I've pulled my hair out for long enough trying different things to see if it will work, but to no avail.
I made a dynamic block (REINF_ID) with attributes that i will use to determine the reinforcement of structural walls on elevations. I inserted an attribute called LIGN1 which will be visible and the other attributes such as DIA(bar diameter)-SPC(rebar spacing)-POSITION(rebar position) will be invisible.
Now, in the block editor i want to insert 3 fields in the LIGN1(visible) attribute default value that will link to other attributes in the same block. example: LIGN1 default = 25M(DIAattribute) @(text) 300(SPCattribute) EF(POSITIONattribute). When i insert my block in a dwg and i decide to modify the DIAMETER(invisible attribute) from 25M to 30M for example, I want the value in the LIGN1 attribute to update to show the new DIAMETER.
When I regen, it does not modify the attribute (LIGN1) 25M to 30M, it keeps the default value of the attribute (25M).
I am using ACAD Civil3d 2014. I have the map utility loaded
I created a drawing for a client and created blocks to represent handholes. They now need to go back to the blocks and add the HH number and fiber size. How can I add to blank att fields to the blocks so that I can send them the drawing and have them enter the information manually?
I searched around and only see solutions for adding attribute labels to the block.
I have created a new layout from Templates that are the C3D standard templates. I get the below messages in my command bar and subsequently my template does not have any of the blocks, north arrow...nothing. Just a blank sheet. Why? See below messages that I copies from the command bar....
Command: <Layout from Template> Duplicate definition of block _ClosedBlank ignored. Duplicate definition of block AeccTickLine ignored. Duplicate definition of block AeccTickCircle ignored. Duplicate definition of block North ignored. Duplicate definition of block Graphic Scale - Imperial ignored. Duplicate definition of block ANSI D Title Block ignored.
I'm trying to edit our titleblocks. There is information we repeat at the top of the drawing like the drawing name, sheet number, total number of sheets, contract number, etc. It is ridiculous to have to type this information in twice. I tried creating both text and constant attributes at the top and insert field pointing to attributes at the bottom but all I get is ---- when inserted. My inserted field was ->Object->(selected attribute)->Value. I am using version 2011. I would think it should be easy to "repeat" values of attributes inside a block.
I am trying to find a way to programmatically move our AutoCAD room tag attribute data to new AEC space property sets. I work in a hospital that has approx. 1 million s.f. and over 3000 rooms. Obviously a daunting task to do room by room.
Having problems using custom pipe properties in pipe label expressions in 2013? I have some expressions relating to stub callouts and the ones that directly reference the custom properties lose that reference every so often.
For example I have and expression called "STUB-Riser-Length2d" which is defined as "{Riser Length} / SQRT(2)" where "Riser Length" is the custom pipe property. Every week or so it changes to "/ SQRT(2)".
I haven't been able to find the pattern as to exactly when this happens yet. All expressions not referencing custom properties seem to be holding steady. The pipe catalog is on a shared drive on the network, if that makes any difference.
Civil 3D 2013 - Windows 7 Pro 64 - Dell T3500 - Xeon 2.67 - 24gb - Quadro 600
I am using AutoCAD 2012 (Electrical). I have a few blocks that I pasted in a drawing with text that is contained in attributes.
I would like to explode these blocks so that I can make some changes to them, but when I do this, I lose the text that is contained in the attributes. After exploding the blocks, I just see the attribute names rather than the text that they originally contained.
I hate to have to re-type all this info. If I could somehow choose to choose to convert the text originally contained in attributes to plain old static text, that would be perfect for me.
Basically, I want to get the sheet set to automatically label in my title block the TOTAL sheets of the sheetset. I have a field within each drawing for the current page number of the sheetset, that is an easy one, what is hard is how do I code the second field to display the LAST page of the sheetsets page number?
My text looks like this: Page 4 / 10. Say I have 10 sheets, all in the sheetset and numbered. What I have done in the past is set the first page number to Current Sheet Page Number, but in each sheet set the second part to the last page number, in this case sheet 10. The problem comes later if I add in a sheet or two, to push the total sheets to say 12, I would then have to go through each sheet individually to change that last page component to sheet 12 instead of 10.
Is there an easy way (and Im sure there is) to just set that last field to automatically reference the page number of the final sheet in the sheetset, no matter if it changes or not? How do you do it?
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro K3000M Dual Monitor 32.0 GB RAM Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2
I have a call out block that I am trying to link to my custom fields in my sheet set manager. When I put the block into paper space the fields fill in properly and if I make changes to the field in the SSM then the block updates properly. If I insert the block into model space the fields come in as if they are broken and you cannot reference the data in the SSM. The issue is that I don't want to do my annotation in paperspace, so is there a way to change the interaction between my block with the custom fields and the SSM.
Convert Fields to text in my Title Block. I want to change some specific attributes only to convert into texts in my title block ( "MODE_A3" is my Title Block name).
For example in "MODE_A3" block having lots of tags like TAG1, TAG2, TAG3 upto TAG10 with fields. I need to change TAG3, TAG4, & TAG5 attribute fields into texts in all layouts.
way to renumber an entire sheet set without having to stop at each subset? Currently, I right click on a sheet and select "rename & renumber". The Rename and Renumber dialog box pops up and I type "1" then click on "next", type "2", "next", and so on. This continues until the end of the subset, the stops. Then I have to right click on a sheet in the next subset and start over.
I want to renumber the whole plan set without stopping at each subset. Obviously, I can get rid of the subsets, but that isn't my question. I want to keep the subsets and have the ability to renumber the whole set.
I love the concept of sheet sets, particularly when printing project drawings in one stroke. But my current understanding is that a drawing can only be associated with one sheet set. Most of my projects include drawings common to all.
I am using ver AutoCAD 2012. (Network Liciences) I get the message "Unable to create Sheet sets" in AutoCAD 2012. I also cant open previous made sheet set files
It been a while since I did this and I getting something wrong. I want to add custom SS field to my TB which I have created in SSM, but when I edit the block to add the custom field to an attribute default the list is empty.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
I have made a model with 40 viewframes. I have used the option to export 4 layouts to one drawing. My question is can I revise the original model and get the revisions automatically updated in the 10 drawings or do I have to redo the export option?
When I create my sheet sets, where there is a curve in my alignment, there is a black space outside of the matchline. When I move the matchline closer to the end of the view frame, the black space gets smaller. Then I cannot acheive my overlap.
After publishing, the printer icon shows the job is spooling, when i hover over it, it says "publish job in progress". And never changes. The sheet set works fine in 2011. I have tried recreating, updating dwt files, multiple setups, tried using the dialogue box and publish override. Nothing is working.