AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Blank Attribute Fields To Blocks?
Sep 26, 2013
I am using ACAD Civil3d 2014. I have the map utility loaded
I created a drawing for a client and created blocks to represent handholes. They now need to go back to the blocks and add the HH number and fiber size. How can I add to blank att fields to the blocks so that I can send them the drawing and have them enter the information manually?
I searched around and only see solutions for adding attribute labels to the block.
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May 26, 2013
I have created a new layout from Templates that are the C3D standard templates. I get the below messages in my command bar and subsequently my template does not have any of the blocks, north arrow...nothing. Just a blank sheet. Why? See below messages that I copies from the command bar....
Command: <Layout from Template>
Duplicate definition of block _ClosedBlank ignored.
Duplicate definition of block AeccTickLine ignored.
Duplicate definition of block AeccTickCircle ignored.
Duplicate definition of block North ignored.
Duplicate definition of block Graphic Scale - Imperial ignored.
Duplicate definition of block ANSI D Title Block ignored.
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Aug 22, 2013
We have a new title block which now contains various fields to automatically populate the drawing number, number of sheets, issue etc. The problem we have is when we go to zoom all or extents on a layout tab it moves the layout to the right each time. If we only have one layout or we use a plain title block i.e. with no fields, the zoom works fine (layout stays put in the center). This is also true if we directly insert a field onto the layout - again no problems.
The cause of the problem only happens when a block containing a field is inserted onto the paper space of a layout and,there are multiple layouts containing blocks with fields.
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Dec 4, 2013
I am trying to update blocks for a client. Each block has a line of text with the block name in it. I would like to automate these with a field so that if the block name changes or a new block is created from that one, then the field would update as well. I am running AutoCAD LT 2012 currently.
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Mar 14, 2012
Any short cut to update the fields in the attribute without double clicking on the block attribute to change.
I'm looking for something to write in the command line.
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May 3, 2012
I use civil 2012, and have a drawing with over 400 attribute blocks that are all set to be "green" in the enhanced attribute editor, properties tab. I would like for all of the attributes to be set to "by layer". However, I find that the it only allows me to change one block at a time. As said earllier, I have over 400 blocks.
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Aug 7, 2013
I have been creating new 2D dynamic blocks for our engineering department to use. I was able to combine our old "dynamic" blocks, similar in design, into one new block. There are attributes within in the block to display information regarding which block is selected and shown. This information is then extracted using a LISP routine to be used via Excel for manufacturing.
I have run into problems with some of the fields updating. At times they will update and other times they won't. The attached file has an example of the blocks I'm using. They are the same block. However, the block on the left was placed into a new drawing using CTRL+V. The lone field in the bottom left corner of the block updates correctly when the block properties table is changed and REGEN is run.
The block on the right was inserted into this drawing using the INSERT command. The same field does not update using REGEN. FIELDEVAL is set to 31 based on what I've read in other posts.
Not sure what the difference would be, but I've been seeing it for the past week while creating the new blocks. It's a bit frustating not knowing why it will work sometimes and not others. I've pulled my hair out for long enough trying different things to see if it will work, but to no avail.
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Dec 21, 2012
I made a dynamic block (REINF_ID) with attributes that i will use to determine the reinforcement of structural walls on elevations. I inserted an attribute called LIGN1 which will be visible and the other attributes such as DIA(bar diameter)-SPC(rebar spacing)-POSITION(rebar position) will be invisible.
Now, in the block editor i want to insert 3 fields in the LIGN1(visible) attribute default value that will link to other attributes in the same block. example: LIGN1 default = 25M(DIAattribute) @(text) 300(SPCattribute) EF(POSITIONattribute). When i insert my block in a dwg and i decide to modify the DIAMETER(invisible attribute) from 25M to 30M for example, I want the value in the LIGN1 attribute to update to show the new DIAMETER.
When I regen, it does not modify the attribute (LIGN1) 25M to 30M, it keeps the default value of the attribute (25M).
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Jun 3, 2011
I've got hundreds of files to convert.
In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks? Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA? The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.
Explode will not retain the value of the field.
Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.
You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM. So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.
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Jul 3, 2012
I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?
Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?
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Apr 16, 2013
How to manage adding titleblocks to sheets. On my last few projects I had x-ref'd in a titleblock which contained all of the generic info that was consistent throughout the whole sheet set. Then I created a block that I inserted into each sheet that I could edit and make sheet specific.
While this works, once you have insertion points correct, I was thinking about instead making the generic part of the titleblock a block also. My concern is that as I have revisions, the generic block that I would update would not "ripple" through the whole set quite like it did when I was x-refing it in.
Civil 3D 2013, HF3.0
Windows 7, 64-bit, SP1
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May 14, 2013
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. I am thinking that this may not be possible at this point but I am still going to try. I have an alignment label style for station and offset. I also have created a dynamic block for the border of this label to put around that label. This call out border is not a typical single width border so the borders within the alignment style do not match and cannot be used for our designs. I have attached an image of the border around the label style for a random alignment. So far the dynamic block has been a great fix for the border so that we dont spend a lot of time drawing in these borders for each label, but I was trying to add this dynamic block to the label style so that it would act as the border.
So far I have tried adding the block as a component in the layout tab of the label style but it appears where I anchor it and does not access any of the dynamic attributes to make the callout box larger in reference to the text. I know I can insert it so that in general it will be surrounding the Station, Offset, and Alignment contents, however, we frequently add additional text to our labels to callout pipe bends and other items so the box is not typically the same size.
How I might be able to do this or if it is not possible at this time?
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Oct 15, 2012
I just opened up a project Sheet Set that i haven't worked on in a while, and all of my layout pages have a series of "#" in place of the fields. For example, the name of my viewport should read "Head Detail", which is the name given to that view in the Sheet Set Manager, but instead reads "##############". This also happens with my view numbers, callout bubbles, etc.
However, the information in my title block is still intact. For example, the Project Name, Client Name, Page Number, etc. all read the correct values.
I tried opening the drawings in Reference Manager, but I see no alerts or errors. I have had this happen before in previous versions going back to at least 2010, but they have always been small projects and I just recreated the views and callouts. This is a large project however, and redoing this will cost hours, if not days of extra work.
In examining the fields, it seems like the problem fields are those defined by the SheetSetPlaceholder Filed Name, and the Placeholder type is irrelevent; they are all broken. For other Field Names, for example CurrentSheetNumber, the references still work.
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm trying to edit our titleblocks. There is information we repeat at the top of the drawing like the drawing name, sheet number, total number of sheets, contract number, etc. It is ridiculous to have to type this information in twice. I tried creating both text and constant attributes at the top and insert field pointing to attributes at the bottom but all I get is ---- when inserted. My inserted field was ->Object->(selected attribute)->Value. I am using version 2011. I would think it should be easy to "repeat" values of attributes inside a block.
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Jan 24, 2012
I have the same block repeated multiple times in a drawing, and I want to delete the last attribute in all of the specific blocks. When I edit the block in block editor, the attributes do not show up. After I explode the block, there is no text. The attached image shows the properties of the block.
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Jan 6, 2014
Convert Fields to text in my Title Block. I want to change some specific attributes only to convert into texts in my title block ( "MODE_A3" is my Title Block name).
For example in "MODE_A3" block having lots of tags like TAG1, TAG2, TAG3 upto TAG10 with fields. I need to change TAG3, TAG4, & TAG5 attribute fields into texts in all layouts.
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Aug 29, 2012
Is there a way that i can put a Field in a block that does not have a locked down specific item to look for? What i'm trying to do is have a block that contains a field linked to an object (Polyline) and read its length. My problem is that when you put a field in a block you have to define what it is looking for so if i select "Object" in the field its asking for that object while i'm in the block editor, is there any way to have it pause for user input so that i can select the object after the block has been inserted?
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Jan 7, 2010
how to add more fields to the dbf file of a shp (using AutoCAD Map 2010), other than calculation fields? I am often working on a shp and get asked to add more fileds to hold more data but cannot find a way to do in in AutoCAD (have to resort back to Arcview: but then that causes issues when I go back to the original CAD file that has the data connected to it).
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Aug 31, 2012
I have a couple of attributes suing fields within a block. But they don't update on opening. I need to do a manual field update to get them updated to the latest values.Tried various combinations of "fieldeval", but this was no good.
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May 2, 2013
I'm working in AutoCAD 2010 and I would like to make the process of creating 2D documentation easier and faster for myself and my collegues, but during the process I've hit a dead end.
I would like to use fiedds (or something simillar) to partly automate the creation of 2D documentation. We have sheets organized in a specific way and I would like to create a custom field for each of the categories (eg. drawing number, number of parts, designer...) that could be edited easily like the parameters or object properties can. Basically what I would like to do is create custom fields or some other object that can be edited from a list in AutoCAD and then automatically refreshed in text boxes. Is there a possibility to do something like that using fields or perhaps a different solution?
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Apr 21, 2013
Attached drawing file. What I am after is the ability to be able to stretch the length and/or width and update the two feilds depending on the new distance. At the moment each time I specify the distance parameter as the object it works then when you close and test the block it just shows #### as if that object no longer exsits.
The second problem is i am trying to be able to stretch the comms rack width and to update the door to the rack (the dashed part of the block) to the same length as the width of the rack. Ie atm the rack and door is 600mm and 600mm if the width was updated to 800mm the door will also scale to the same. I attached example in white just below the block.
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Jul 31, 2013
I need to add into the metadata, a drop down option where classification/privacy markings can be selected. This needs to be visible for search options as well as being available for batch process........
Currently using CS5 PS.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a number of photos in LR that came from a older non-digital camera or scanner and I would like to be able to add some information to the metadata like camera make and model but some of the fileds are not visible unless the data was brought into LR at import. Other fields in the metal data cannot be over written or corrected. I would like to be able to do global editing to my metadata but I can't even modify one. I read some postings going back to 2007 on a forum here but I don't think anything has changed.
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Nov 16, 2012
I am looking for a way to create a master list of construction notes then use blocks attributes with fields to link to that master list. That way if the master list changed the note bubbles would change as well.
Sheet sets are being used with this project but I can't think of a way to make it work with the existing sheet set technology.
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May 10, 2012
I'm trying to add an attribute to an entity, however it seems that the AttributeDefinition requires a Point3d and as such appear in my modelspace. I don't want this, i just wanted it to appear as an attribute with a value when i click on my entity, is there any way of making it so that i does not add into modelspace?
BlockTable bt = (BlockTable)trans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);for (int i = 0; i < prSelectionResult.Value.Count; i++){ // Get the entity the user had selectedEntity ent = (Entity)trans.GetObject(prSelectionResult.Value[i].ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);if (ent.GetType() == typeof(BlockReference)) { // Add attribute to layerBlockReference blockRef = (BlockReference)ent;.
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a situation where I need to add additional columns to a parts list.
These columns will not be a standard inventor column option, I need to put a specific number for reference in that column.
I start by double clicking on the parts list to bring up the editing option. Then I click on "Column Chooser" where I can personalize the parts list.
There is an option to add a "blank" column, which is great, but I need to add more than one.
Every time i add the "blank" column it disappears from the "Available Properties" it goes to the "Selected Properties" side and then when I click on "New Property" to add another "blank" column, it wont let me.
When trying to add the new property I am pressing the "space bar" key in order to leave it blank, but it just wont show as an "add" option in the "aAvailable Properties" section.
The reason I am not typing in the specific numbers is because I want them to be vertical and not horizontal - this saves me space on the drawing.
I've done this before, yet I cannot duplicate what I've done in the past and it's driving me insane.
how I can add multiple "blank" columns.
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Jan 26, 2012
knows a lisp to extract each attribute value from multi-entity single layer blocks to respective different user-named layers? Say tag1 value to layer1, tag2 value to layer2,entity1 to layer-entity1 .The source blocks are all in one layer containing texts and symbols/entities.
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Sep 14, 2011
I want to make a block with an attribute. But over the attribute I want to make a hatch. So at the place of the hatch the attribute shouldnt be visible. When I make the block AutoCAD puts the attribute on top. Is there a way that the hatch will be on top?
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Jul 11, 2012
I was wondering if it was possible to say have a cover sheet of a project with fields and then have the other sheets in the project have their fields populate using information from cover sheet?
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Aug 31, 2011
My code add xdata to any object properly except for a dynamic block with attribute. After code excutes it disappears from screen . Even undo make strange thing. I guess I screw the database somehow. But even audit doesn't show any fix applied.
Attach is a sample drawing. And below is my code.
<CommandMethod("pppp")> _ Shared Sub test1()
Dim Mydwg As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim Mydb As Database = Mydwg.Database Dim Myed As Editor = Mydwg.Editor
Dim MyRegisterApplication As String = "My_R_Cad"
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Oct 9, 2011
I am adding a center aligned attribute to a drawing that is not open in the autocad editor. the alignment works if i call the function from the main thread like this.
[CommandMethod("center")]public void Add() { Do.AddAttribute(); }
But if the method is executed on another thread (which it is when handling a msmq message) then the attribute is added but the alignment doesn't display even though the property is set (and can be verified in the attribute editor).
private void OnReceiveCompleted(object sender, ReceiveCompletedEventArgs e) { Do.AddAttribute();}
How can i get the attribute alignment to work in another thread?
code is below:
public class Do { public static void AddAttribute() { var path = @"c:WAM444B4-002.dwg";
using (var database = new Database(false, true)) {
database.ReadDwgFile(path, FileShare.ReadWrite, false, password: "");
Transaction transaction = null; try {
[Code] ......
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