AutoCad :: Fields In Attribute

Mar 14, 2012

Any short cut to update the fields in the attribute without double clicking on the block attribute to change.

I'm looking for something to write in the command line.

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AutoCad :: Attribute Fields Not Updating With Regen

Aug 7, 2013

I have been creating new 2D dynamic blocks for our engineering department to use. I was able to combine our old "dynamic" blocks, similar in design, into one new block. There are attributes within in the block to display information regarding which block is selected and shown. This information is then extracted using a LISP routine to be used via Excel for manufacturing.

I have run into problems with some of the fields updating. At times they will update and other times they won't. The attached file has an example of the blocks I'm using. They are the same block. However, the block on the left was placed into a new drawing using CTRL+V. The lone field in the bottom left corner of the block updates correctly when the block properties table is changed and REGEN is run.

The block on the right was inserted into this drawing using the INSERT command. The same field does not update using REGEN. FIELDEVAL is set to 31 based on what I've read in other posts.

Not sure what the difference would be, but I've been seeing it for the past week while creating the new blocks. It's a bit frustating not knowing why it will work sometimes and not others. I've pulled my hair out for long enough trying different things to see if it will work, but to no avail.

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AutoCad :: Fields In Attribute Of Different Attributes In Same Block?

Dec 21, 2012

I made a dynamic block (REINF_ID) with attributes that i will use to determine the reinforcement of structural walls on elevations. I inserted an attribute called LIGN1 which will be visible and the other attributes such as DIA(bar diameter)-SPC(rebar spacing)-POSITION(rebar position) will be invisible.

Now, in the block editor i want to insert 3 fields in the LIGN1(visible) attribute default value that will link to other attributes in the same block. example: LIGN1 default = 25M(DIAattribute) @(text) 300(SPCattribute) EF(POSITIONattribute). When i insert my block in a dwg and i decide to modify the DIAMETER(invisible attribute) from 25M to 30M for example, I want the value in the LIGN1 attribute to update to show the new DIAMETER.

When I regen, it does not modify the attribute (LIGN1) 25M to 30M, it keeps the default value of the attribute (25M).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Blank Attribute Fields To Blocks?

Sep 26, 2013

I am using ACAD Civil3d 2014. I have the map utility loaded

I created a drawing for a client and created blocks to represent handholes. They now need to go back to the blocks and add the HH number and fiber size. How can I add to blank att fields to the blocks so that I can send them the drawing and have them enter the information manually?

I searched around and only see solutions for adding attribute labels to the block. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attribute Fields Losing Reference With Sheet Sets

Oct 15, 2012

I just opened up a project Sheet Set that i haven't worked on in a while, and all of my layout pages have a series of "#" in place of the fields.  For example, the name of my viewport should read "Head Detail", which is the name given to that view in the Sheet Set Manager, but instead reads "##############".  This also happens with my view numbers, callout bubbles, etc.

However, the information in my title block is still intact.  For example, the Project Name, Client Name, Page Number, etc. all read the correct values.

I tried opening the drawings in Reference Manager, but I see no alerts or errors.  I have had this happen before in previous versions going back to at least 2010, but they have always been small projects and I just recreated the views and callouts.  This is a large project however, and redoing this will cost hours, if not days of extra work.

In examining the fields, it seems like the problem fields are those defined by the SheetSetPlaceholder Filed Name, and the Placeholder type is irrelevent; they are all broken.  For other Field Names, for example CurrentSheetNumber, the references still work.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Titleblock Attribute Definitions (Fields) Won't Move To New Location

May 26, 2013

I have created a new layout from Templates that are the C3D standard templates.  I get the below messages in my command bar and subsequently my template does not have any of the blocks, north arrow...nothing.  Just a blank sheet.  Why?  See below messages that I copies from the command bar....

Command:   <Layout from Template>
Duplicate definition of block _ClosedBlank  ignored.
Duplicate definition of block AeccTickLine  ignored.
Duplicate definition of block AeccTickCircle  ignored.
Duplicate definition of block North  ignored.
Duplicate definition of block Graphic Scale - Imperial  ignored.
Duplicate definition of block ANSI D Title Block  ignored.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Fields Linked To Object (another Attribute) In Block Not Updating?

Apr 17, 2013

I'm trying to edit our titleblocks.  There is information we repeat at the top of the drawing like the drawing name, sheet number, total number of sheets, contract number, etc.  It is ridiculous to have to type this information in twice.  I tried creating both text and constant attributes at the top and insert field pointing to attributes at the bottom but all I get is ---- when inserted.  My inserted field was ->Object->(selected attribute)->Value.  I am using version 2011.  I would think it should be easy to "repeat" values of attributes inside a block.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert Fields Into Text In Specific Attribute Tags

Jan 6, 2014

Convert Fields to text in my Title Block. I want to change some specific attributes only to convert into texts in my title block ( "MODE_A3" is my Title Block name).

For example in "MODE_A3" block having lots of tags like TAG1, TAG2, TAG3 upto TAG10 with fields. I need to change TAG3, TAG4, & TAG5 attribute fields into texts in all layouts.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Can Fields Reference Other Fields On Layout

Jul 11, 2012

I was wondering if it was possible to say have a cover sheet of a project with fields and then have the other sheets in the project have their fields populate using information from cover sheet?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Make Print Merge Fields Relative In Position To Other Fields?

Oct 1, 2013

Is there any way to make print merge fields relative in position to other fields or to non-variable text.

For example if I am doing address labels and I have fields for City and State:

Their positions are absolute, and the state ends up overwriting the city for long city text, as does the comma.

What I want is for the comma to follow the last letter of the city, and then state to follow that.

And yes, I realize that I can combine all three into one field, but I am asking this as a general usage of the feature. One doesn't always have control over the source.

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AutoCAD VB :: 2011 Batch Convert Field Attribute To Text Attribute In Blocks Using VBA

Jun 3, 2011

I've got hundreds of files to convert. 

In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks?  Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA?  The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.

Explode will not retain the value of the field.

Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.

You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM.  So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Transfer Attribute Block Values To Another Attribute Blocks

Jul 3, 2012

I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?

Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert Attribute Tag Into Attribute Value?

Dec 8, 2011

Background: Someone exploded an attribute block and copied it hundreds of times throughout a project, each time changing the Attribute Tag to match the Value they expected to appear in their drawing.  The drawing must be xrefed, so the attribute definitions do not appear.

(There is only 1 attribute in the block.) 

Proposed Solutions:

1:AutoLISP routine which copies Tag data from Attribute Definition into Value of Attribute Block:

Prompt-Select Attribute Definition

Copy Tag data

Prompt-Select Attribute Block

Paste data into Value

(Allow repeat to speed workflow)(*PREFERRED*)

2:AutoLISP routine which copies Tag data from Attribute Definition into Default Value and creates a new Block:

Prompt-Select Attribute Definition

Copy Tag data

Paste data into Default Value

Create New Block

(Select Multiple Objects)(Creates tons of new blocks which are messy)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Attribute Reference Text String MText Attribute

Mar 16, 2012

I am using M Text Attributes to store imperial lengths in the drawing, feet inches and fractions (stacked).  When I read back the Text String property which, is the M text Attribute.Contents parsed, I am having problems because the parser does not add a space between the inch and the fraction.  So, is there any setting that could be used to tell the parser to add the space between the inch and the fraction? 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Can't Change Attribute Value In Enhanced Attribute Editor

Dec 21, 2012

creating a block with attributes. I did manage to get my block set up and inserted in a dwg, but I am unable to change the "value" of any attribute. Unless I click on the "..." button next to the value field.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change An Attribute From A Value From Another Attribute In The Same Block

Oct 5, 2012

What I really want to do is on our fire alarm blocks we have 3 different attributes one for the address, the candela and one for misc info. I want to make an attribute that takes the number from the candela (15,30,75or 110) and change a different attribute to a value depending on which candela we use (such as 15=.078, 30=.113, 75=.195 or 110=.259). But I don't want the .078,.113,.195,.259 to print out on paper, I want to export block information excel file so I can add up all values.

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AutoCad 2D :: Copying Attribute Values To Another Attribute?

Jun 15, 2013

I want to copy attribute values. I'm making a catalogue of all the reinforcements in my drawing so I need to name those reinforcements. So what I want is to make a string of text that I don't need to totally modify everytime. Something like this:

Amount of reinforcement bars - 5
Diameter of the reinforcement - 12
Division of reinforcing bars - 100
Reinforcement bars: 5-T12-k100

So the only attributes I'd edit would be the first three not the last one. So how can this be accomplished?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Check Block Attribute Then Change Different Attribute In Block

Aug 31, 2012

select all blocks on certain layers in a drawing, check attribute CIRCUIT in each block if it starts with MS then attribute CONTROL = switched. I hope thats clear enough the way

(defun c:control()
(Setq sc (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT")


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AutoCAD Architecture :: Linking To AEC Fields

Mar 18, 2011

ACA 2011, 64bit.Trying to create fields that link to my aec project name, and number, and description. I'll use the AEC fields in my titleblock to make my titleblock management quite a bit easier.

If I open my template file and try to create a field that links to the AEC project "Project Name". It will come up as ####. I do not want to have a bunch of number signs in my titleblock. project number, and other fields show up as the same #######.

But if I create a new construct from the project navigator, open the new construct, and create a field that links to the AEC project "Project Name". It will come up as Project52. Autocad is now picking up the proper name, and number and everything works fine.

Shouldnt files that are opened in the old fashioned way be able to link to AEC fields? Or should I create & open all files from the project navigator from now on?

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AutoCAD LT :: Error Message When Using Fields

Nov 22, 2011

I'm using AutoCAD 2012 LT and have having problems inserting/updating/editing fields. This is the error that appears

"There are no registered modules to edit fields or demand loading is currently disabled".  When I click OK the Field pop-up appears empty!  (see attached)

The BEDIT command is also not working.  It was all working up until a few days ago! I have downloaded the most recent Service Pack and it's still not working.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Fields Within Labels

Oct 4, 2012

Is there a way to add a field within a label style? I made a custom alignment label and I would like to add a field that references a sheet (I'm using SSM) i.e. "See Sheet 1-2".

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Set Values For Document Fields

Feb 25, 2013

The insert fields dialog box contains several fields that must allow the user to define the values for those fields but I cannot find where. For example, in the documents fields category there are fields named "comments" "keyword" "author" etc. Where do I enter the value for them so that when I insert the field I get more than just "---" returned?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Using Fields In Layouts?

Jul 16, 2012

When I add an object field in paperspace to report on the scale of a viewport in the layout, as I return to that layout and zoom in or out the viewport displays as hot in MS (tab reports as PS) and leaves the MS information of my previous visit embeded on the layouts neutral background and the "new" zoomed MS information is added to modelspace.  The background objects cannot be selected or deleted but if I go to the block editor screen -choosing any block for my selection, when I close the block edit and return to the layout, the objects are cleared.  I have installed service pack #1 for v12 and I lso have installed V13.  I didn't notice this problem prior to the service pack or usin v13.  I have an Intel i7 processor, 64 bit.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Fields Will Not Update (except For ONE)

May 7, 2013

In the attached file, I have a piece of MText with a series of fields, one of which the date and time updates each time you REGEN.

However, I cannot create a date and time field that updates during a REGEN.

In the attached file, you will see the one that updates (along with a screenshot of the field variables I used), as well as other examples where a date and time field will NOT update (along with a different screen shot)

1. Why this one particular date field will update each time I REGEN

2. Why I CANNOT create a new date field value to update each time I regen

I tried different date field values, but I simply cannnot create a new field that updates with a regen.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Fields To REGEN On LOAD

Apr 27, 2011

I am using Cad11, VS10 with VB.NET.

I have a simple function that breaks down the file name and populates 3 fields with the correct names.  In my template they all get changed correctly, but when I make a new .dwg it takes a few (hopefully unnecessary) steps to get them to change.  The very 1st time opening Cad, the fields do not get recognized ( !fieldname1    returns a nil).  If I close the .dwg and reopen it the fields pull the correct value but do not change in model space  (ex -- !fieldname1 returns 12345, but model space is still showing 54321 in the field).  In order to get the value to change I have to type the Field command in Cad, I don't have to do anything in it, I can immediately close the Field form and then do a regen to get model space to show the correct values.

My idea was to hard code in the Field command and hope to be able to close that before the user knows it is even open, but I still don't think that will solve the 1st time Cad is opened problem, and I am having no luck with getting that lisp command to run (like it said, very limited experience with it).  It could just be the syntax is wrong since it is so simple but here is what I thought would work.

ThisDrawing.SendCommand("field" & vbCr)

I have a thisdrawing...("!fieldname1" & vbcr) that correctly returns the value in the command bar right above this.

In the command bar 'field' shows up but the form does not open.

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AutoCad :: Attributes To Sync With Fields

Aug 24, 2012

Have an ATT "A" that is set. I can change it and it will change. But I also have an ATT "B" which works the same way as the "A".

I've added a MTXT into the block so that both ATT's A and B will work together, meaning they will always be in a dead center - something like text (no matter what the string is, you can Align it Middle Center), using a FIELDS option, and parameter set to VALUE.

It works when placed into the drawing, but need something that once I place the block and want to edit the VALUE, the Fields will update/sync.

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AutoCad 2D :: Fields And Tables Over Excel?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm trying to do a spreadsheet inside a drawing. Trying to use fields because I believe they behave better with feet and inches than excel (without jumping through hoops)

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AutoCAD LT :: Inserting Custom Fields Into Text

Jan 13, 2012

I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 and our client doesn't want/like sheet sets.

One item I'd love to have is the pg. number automated. In the current title block it's just text not an attribute. Is there a way I can take only a part of the file name and insert it as a field?

For example, the file name is DW_12321_12.dwg the last part of the name is the sheet number. Can I exclude everything but the 12 and insert just that into the field?

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AutoCAD LT :: Title Block With Excel Fields

Apr 30, 2012

I want to create title blocks with text fields that are linked to an excel file for easy updating.  I want to be able to open the excel file and change the sheet number, date, title, revisions etc. Any title block .dwg file and an excel file that are linked together? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dynamic Fields In Blocks?

Aug 29, 2012

Is there a way that i can put a Field in a block that does not have a locked down specific item to look for?  What i'm trying to do is  have a block that contains a field linked to an object (Polyline) and read its length.  My problem is that when you put a field in a block you have to define what it is looking for so if i select "Object" in the field its asking for that object while i'm in the block editor, is there any way to have it pause for user input so that i can select the object after the block has been inserted?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Fields In Sheet Set Manager

Aug 29, 2012

Basically, I want to get the sheet set to automatically label in my title block the TOTAL sheets of the sheetset. I have a field within each drawing for the current page number of the sheetset, that is an easy one, what is hard is how do I code the second field to display the LAST page of the sheetsets page number?


My text looks like this: Page 4 / 10. Say I have 10 sheets, all in the sheetset and numbered. What I have done in the past is set the first page number to Current Sheet Page Number, but in each sheet set the second part to the last page number, in this case sheet 10. The problem comes later if I add in a sheet or two, to push the total sheets to say 12, I would then have to go through each sheet individually to change that last page component to sheet 12 instead of 10.

Is there an easy way (and Im sure there is) to just set that last field to automatically reference the page number of the final sheet in the sheetset, no matter if it changes or not? How do you do it?

Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro K3000M Dual Monitor
32.0 GB RAM
Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2

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