CorelDRAW X6 :: Make Print Merge Fields Relative In Position To Other Fields?
Oct 1, 2013
Is there any way to make print merge fields relative in position to other fields or to non-variable text.
For example if I am doing address labels and I have fields for City and State:
Their positions are absolute, and the state ends up overwriting the city for long city text, as does the comma.
What I want is for the comma to follow the last letter of the city, and then state to follow that.
And yes, I realize that I can combine all three into one field, but I am asking this as a general usage of the feature. One doesn't always have control over the source.
I have a document, where I need to have 4 different print merge fields from 4 different data sources (.txt).I can only make it work with 1 print merge field.
I was wondering if it was possible to say have a cover sheet of a project with fields and then have the other sheets in the project have their fields populate using information from cover sheet?
I have attached it (AutoCAD R2014). I have placed several object fields in this drawing (for blocks, even a node), and asked for an x position. I got one, but they are all slightly off.
I have made an animation that after it completes, it displays an iFrame which has some input fields. The input fields behave great on a laptop pc or mac but when I use an Apple iPad, the cursor positions are way off outside of the input fields as I type.
Here is the website page: URL...Here I have the same iframe, one inside of edge and the other outside of edge. Both work fine on a pc or mac but if you try to use an Ipad, you will see that the edge one shows the input field cursor down and outside of the input field.
You can see for yourself, I have set this up for you to test and see this error.The animate oam file is: URL....
Here is a link to the edge files, the .an and java files files: URL.....
I have just been trying to resize some images on the latest version - 3.510.4297.28964 - and I have typed the measurements that I wanted into the print size fields on the resize dialogue. The actual sizes the program resizes the images to differ though - some look to be about right, whereas some come out much larger, but they all show the dimensions that I inserted in the canvas size box. I'm sure I've done this before and this hasn't happened?
Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.
So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job. Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages..... So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine.
There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed. It may be a repeat print job.
Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data fields are lost on closing the file.
I've been working in Photoshop for about 8 years now. Most of my time using the program was on a PC at my old office. At home and at my new office though, we're Mac based. The only feature I miss about the PC version of PS is the functionality of the tab key. On a PC, you can use the tab key to navigate through any field in a dialogue box (i.e. in the Image Size dialogue, hitting the tab key will scroll through the fields moving from left to right, and then down to the next line continuing the left to right movement). On the Mac however, it only allows certain fields to be accessed using the tab key.
I have searched, The only answer I've come across is in the keyboard settings of the Mac, and it's an option to allow the tab key move the focus between all fields/controls. I have tried this option and while it works with every other program on my Mac, it does not change anything in Photoshop.
This may seem like a minor gripe, but when going through repetitive actions in PS and using my keyboard to navigate almost everything else, it puts a pretty big kink into my workflow to not be able to do this.
I'm trying to develop a help wanted ad, which can be used by several of our franchises. Would like to know how I can make certain fields within the add able to be edited such as location address and phone number and have it in a PDF format so the format can not be changed or altered. Can someone step me through the process?
I need to add into the metadata, a drop down option where classification/privacy markings can be selected. This needs to be visible for search options as well as being available for batch process........
ACA 2011, 64bit.Trying to create fields that link to my aec project name, and number, and description. I'll use the AEC fields in my titleblock to make my titleblock management quite a bit easier.
If I open my template file and try to create a field that links to the AEC project "Project Name". It will come up as ####. I do not want to have a bunch of number signs in my titleblock. project number, and other fields show up as the same #######.
But if I create a new construct from the project navigator, open the new construct, and create a field that links to the AEC project "Project Name". It will come up as Project52. Autocad is now picking up the proper name, and number and everything works fine.
Shouldnt files that are opened in the old fashioned way be able to link to AEC fields? Or should I create & open all files from the project navigator from now on?
I'm using AutoCAD 2012 LT and have having problems inserting/updating/editing fields. This is the error that appears
"There are no registered modules to edit fields or demand loading is currently disabled". When I click OK the Field pop-up appears empty! (see attached)
The BEDIT command is also not working. It was all working up until a few days ago! I have downloaded the most recent Service Pack and it's still not working.
Is there a way to add a field within a label style? I made a custom alignment label and I would like to add a field that references a sheet (I'm using SSM) i.e. "See Sheet 1-2".
The insert fields dialog box contains several fields that must allow the user to define the values for those fields but I cannot find where. For example, in the documents fields category there are fields named "comments" "keyword" "author" etc. Where do I enter the value for them so that when I insert the field I get more than just "---" returned?
When I add an object field in paperspace to report on the scale of a viewport in the layout, as I return to that layout and zoom in or out the viewport displays as hot in MS (tab reports as PS) and leaves the MS information of my previous visit embeded on the layouts neutral background and the "new" zoomed MS information is added to modelspace. The background objects cannot be selected or deleted but if I go to the block editor screen -choosing any block for my selection, when I close the block edit and return to the layout, the objects are cleared. I have installed service pack #1 for v12 and I lso have installed V13. I didn't notice this problem prior to the service pack or usin v13. I have an Intel i7 processor, 64 bit.
In the attached file, I have a piece of MText with a series of fields, one of which the date and time updates each time you REGEN.
However, I cannot create a date and time field that updates during a REGEN.
In the attached file, you will see the one that updates (along with a screenshot of the field variables I used), as well as other examples where a date and time field will NOT update (along with a different screen shot)
1. Why this one particular date field will update each time I REGEN
2. Why I CANNOT create a new date field value to update each time I regen
I tried different date field values, but I simply cannnot create a new field that updates with a regen.
I have a simple function that breaks down the file name and populates 3 fields with the correct names. In my template they all get changed correctly, but when I make a new .dwg it takes a few (hopefully unnecessary) steps to get them to change. The very 1st time opening Cad, the fields do not get recognized ( !fieldname1 returns a nil). If I close the .dwg and reopen it the fields pull the correct value but do not change in model space (ex -- !fieldname1 returns 12345, but model space is still showing 54321 in the field). In order to get the value to change I have to type the Field command in Cad, I don't have to do anything in it, I can immediately close the Field form and then do a regen to get model space to show the correct values.
My idea was to hard code in the Field command and hope to be able to close that before the user knows it is even open, but I still don't think that will solve the 1st time Cad is opened problem, and I am having no luck with getting that lisp command to run (like it said, very limited experience with it). It could just be the syntax is wrong since it is so simple but here is what I thought would work.
Have an ATT "A" that is set. I can change it and it will change. But I also have an ATT "B" which works the same way as the "A".
I've added a MTXT into the block so that both ATT's A and B will work together, meaning they will always be in a dead center - something like text (no matter what the string is, you can Align it Middle Center), using a FIELDS option, and parameter set to VALUE.
It works when placed into the drawing, but need something that once I place the block and want to edit the VALUE, the Fields will update/sync.
I'm trying to do a spreadsheet inside a drawing. Trying to use fields because I believe they behave better with feet and inches than excel (without jumping through hoops)
Since I've updated to Photoshop CC, something has changed in the way the information and data fields display in menus and windows to where I can't see them fully or can't see what I'm entering into them. See the image below for reference.
This is happening to Photoshop CC (both standard and 64-bit version) and somehow has applied this to my CS6 versions of Photoshop. I've updated my other programs to CC (Illustration and InDesign) and don't have this issue. They are working fine.
I've done the following to correct the issue, but have not been able to resolve the issue:
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 and our client doesn't want/like sheet sets.
One item I'd love to have is the pg. number automated. In the current title block it's just text not an attribute. Is there a way I can take only a part of the file name and insert it as a field?
For example, the file name is DW_12321_12.dwg the last part of the name is the sheet number. Can I exclude everything but the 12 and insert just that into the field?
I want to create title blocks with text fields that are linked to an excel file for easy updating. I want to be able to open the excel file and change the sheet number, date, title, revisions etc. Any title block .dwg file and an excel file that are linked together?
Is there a way that i can put a Field in a block that does not have a locked down specific item to look for? What i'm trying to do is have a block that contains a field linked to an object (Polyline) and read its length. My problem is that when you put a field in a block you have to define what it is looking for so if i select "Object" in the field its asking for that object while i'm in the block editor, is there any way to have it pause for user input so that i can select the object after the block has been inserted?
Basically, I want to get the sheet set to automatically label in my title block the TOTAL sheets of the sheetset. I have a field within each drawing for the current page number of the sheetset, that is an easy one, what is hard is how do I code the second field to display the LAST page of the sheetsets page number?
My text looks like this: Page 4 / 10. Say I have 10 sheets, all in the sheetset and numbered. What I have done in the past is set the first page number to Current Sheet Page Number, but in each sheet set the second part to the last page number, in this case sheet 10. The problem comes later if I add in a sheet or two, to push the total sheets to say 12, I would then have to go through each sheet individually to change that last page component to sheet 12 instead of 10.
Is there an easy way (and Im sure there is) to just set that last field to automatically reference the page number of the final sheet in the sheetset, no matter if it changes or not? How do you do it?
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro K3000M Dual Monitor 32.0 GB RAM Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2
I have a project where 60 drawings will be duplicated for each of a dozen sites. Each site has a four digit prefix (i.e. 800X) that is added to the drawing number, equipment callouts, leaders and various notes throughout the sheets. Even using Find/Replace, this is a lot of work to revise every time I copy them, so I’m thinking that this is a job for fields, no?
Well, I had no problem making a “global” field called SiteNo and inserting it into the title block. Then I inserted the same field into a couple of references in the general notes as well, where it works fine. But when I put it into several leaders sprinkled throughout the drawing I found a problem: regen or regen all will update the title block and note references (all in paperspace, of course), but not the ones in model space. I’ve tried putting the field in both mtext and dtext, and I’ve checked to be sure FIELDEVAL is set to 31. Nothing makes fields in modelspace update.
But I know that the field is set up correctly. If I doubleclick any modelspace occurance (text or mleader), then right click and choose “update field”, it fills in the right value. This however negates my goal. If I have to select each one, I might as well put it in as text and use FIND/REPLACE on each individual drawing.
I was REALLY hoping that I could go to the properties of the sheet set, change one box, and see all occurrences in all drawings for that site update, which is my understanding of the purpose and power of fields. I've spent a lot of time searching the web, seen a lot of issues and solutions, but nothing that quite hits my problem.
I've made a block with fields linked to attributes (so when I change the value of the "master" attribute, the field values will change).
*NOTE* the fields are contained within a piece of MTEXT and NOT within another attribute.
The fields will not read the "value" of the attributes they are connected to, unless I explode the block (and change the DEFAULT value), or use regular text instead of attributes.
FIELDEVAL - set to 31
UPDATEFIELD - returns: "2 fields found, 2 fields updated" but it doesn't actually update them.
Regen/Regenall/Save - does nothing
BATTMAN - SYNC - does nothing
Lastly, I noticed that if I use "loose" text outside the block, but still link the fields (that are inside the block) to that text, they will update when I change the text contents after regen. AutoCAD is just having trouble using fields+attributes.
When we plot full packages for construction documents, we have to provide plot numbers for each sheet to the printing room. This is a completely different number then the sheet number itself....the plot number is basically the actual sheet number within the entire construction document. So if there's 245 sheets in the entire construction document and landscape sheets need to start at 188, is there a way to set up a field that knows how to number accordingly?
There is a problem with my AutoCAD installation that is not allowing me to format my field if that field is a formula. The default unit is Architectural, and most times that is not what I need. I have uninstalled, and reinstalled, I have reinstalled only, and I have gone through and deleted all references to my AutoCAD 2013 installation before reinstalling. This is a huge issue as I am building templates and I need this functionality as I automate our drawings. Where this is happening and how to fix it. I originally downloaded 2013 (Design Suite Premium) from this site through the subscrption center, so I thought it was a bad download, which it may have been, so I then ordered the physical media, which arrived today, and I tried uninstalling, deleting all traces and then reinstalling, but I get the same result. This leads me to believe that it is a problem which is stuck in the install file in my registry, and I need to delete that before reinstalling, but I don't know where it is.
I am attaching pictures of the problem area from my 2013 version where this feature does not work, and my 2011 version where it did. The picture from the 2011 version is actually of the objects field section, but I should have a very similar screen for the formula field creation in the same area of the dialog box.
I am working on a template for a project type (Residential). I have created all of my drawings, views, sheets, etc. I have a View drawing set up for a site plan - where I include some m-text regarding the survey and site plan information. I want to create fields that reference the Surveyor's Name, the Survey Date and the Project Address.
I tried creating custom properties in the project, but it appears that fields that reference the project properties only update on the sheet views in paper space. Is there a way of creating drawing specific fields in model space where I can input some data and them extract it in a field in model space that is quick and easy (as opposed to creating some type of MVB)?
I have a call out block that I am trying to link to my custom fields in my sheet set manager. When I put the block into paper space the fields fill in properly and if I make changes to the field in the SSM then the block updates properly. If I insert the block into model space the fields come in as if they are broken and you cannot reference the data in the SSM. The issue is that I don't want to do my annotation in paperspace, so is there a way to change the interaction between my block with the custom fields and the SSM.