AutoCAD Architecture :: Change Default Arrow Head Size For Leader
Feb 24, 2009
how can I change the default arrowhead size from 3/32 to 5/32... I am able to change it from the palettes only after I insert it.
I would like to have all leaders of all styles match the same style far as arrowhead size... multi-leaders are defaulted as 5/32 and after using them forwe like them this size verses the 3/32 size of the quick leader.
I created a leader with _DOT arrow using .NET, the size of leaderhead is 0.18" in default. I want to change to other sizes but I did not find the key word. How to set arrow size of leader.
Mleader arrow head didn't change size when change the scale on Object property?
The Arrow head size didn't change corresponding to the scale, i included the pic below, the top picture, the arrow head was set at .18" but was really small when i plot out, so i wanted to make it bigger, when i changed to .50" or .75" or even 1" the arrow head became even smaller than .18". Only when .18" than the arrow side is legible
When I "move a dimension with Leader" is there a way to create an arrowhead on the create3d leader. After I create a Linear Dimension I select it and hover over the blue box in the dimension text and select 'Move with Leader" and the leader does not have an arrowhead. Is there an easy way to do this? Autocad 2012.
I have some working code that sets the Text Style name to ROMANS inside my Mleader Style called ARROW. Here it is:
(setq dict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE") ; start setq q dict1 (member (cons 3 "Arrow") dict) ; code 3 is Mleader Style Description el1 (entget (cdr (assoc 350 dict1))) ; code 350 is dictionary entity handle er (tblobjname "style" "Romans") ; new value for MLEADER Text Style ) ; end set (entmod (subst (cons 342 er) (assoc 342 el1) el1)) ; code 342 is MmTextStyleId - write new vale to mTextStyleId
I want to modify this code so that it sets the Arrow Head Size to a specific value, say 0.125. Having a tough time figuring out the DXF codes and tblobjname to do this.
I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and Windows 7 Professional x64. Is there a way to change the default sizes of various dialog boxes? When I use the File Open dialog box, for example, I always want it to be bigger so I drag the corner to enlarge it, but the next time I call it it's back to the same default size. Can I drag it to a new size and make that stick, a variable set differently perhaps, or is something more sophisticated involved?
Is there any way to change the position in which the leader arrow attaches to the tag? I want the arrow to come from the top left and bottom right.. Is there away to set this up? As you can see, by default, it comes from the center. I was hoping there would be some adjustability on this.
Is there a way to have the Arrow leader convert to Loop leader in one click. Our company standards use diamond tags and sometimes i have to change the arrow to loop by inserting a leader.
I'm trying to flip an arrow head dimension so that it appears within the two dimension lines pointing outwards. I understand that in previous versions of AutoCAD you could just right click -> flip arrow heads, but this version (AutoCAD Electrical 2014) seems to lack this feature...
I would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)
i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?
I have this special type of callout, which is not easy to draft, but it looks pretty in plans. Is there any easy way to convert this to multileader?
Usually, I create it as block, insert it and change location of solid arrow around textbox. If I want to relocate this callout, Its not that easy as like multileader. I have to move solid arrow around textframe (from one corner to other) to point the same location. can this be done automatically (like mleader?)
My current company have funny setting. It is time consuming task to manually open dialog box to change the setting for old drawings. May I know any command that I can use, so that I can copy and paste those command in the command window to change the properties.
I am trying to draw dimension leader arrows. I start "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings and tell it I want my arrowhead to be "closed filled". I draw the arrow, and it comes up as a "DOT" arrow.
I can change this in the Properties, but who wants to do that every time? When I go back to "_LE QLEADER" and go to settings, the arrow block is set back to DOT, even though I just changed it to "closed filled".
I used "rename" to rename my "closed filled" block to "dsfsdfsdf", in case the block got redefined somehow.My dimblk is set to "", as are dimblk1 and dimblk2. Tried both setting of dimsah as well.
I do not see any "CExxxxxx" variable which might control this.
using acad 2010. i know there an option to align the text heads in aleader, but i want the opposite, i want to align the arrow heads since i use itas constriction section see the attached drawing
Is there a way to set the default text size when using mtext with an annotative text style?
I have an annotative text style I use for everything. I have the height set to 0 in the style. In MTEXT the height always defaults to 1/4" which I never use. Is there a way to make it default to 1/8" text? It is annoying to have to have to change it every single time I use mtext.
The height is usually the paper text height but sometimes within a viewport the height is the model space height instead of the paper height. I don't know why it is different in some viewports but I would like to have it consistant.
I just started at this drafting job and inherited most of the graphics from others. Version: AutoCAD LT 2010.
Some of the leaders on my drawing somehow changed so that the arrowheads do not show. When I began working on the drawing, the arrowheads were fine, but while I have been working on the drawing, all of a sudden these leaders changed this property.
The properties manager lists these problem leaders as "line with no arrow." Although there is a drop-down menu to choose things like "line with arrow," the "no arrow" option does not change when I pick anything else.
I have modeled a house with some colums supporting a deck. Ideally I would like my colums to be round with a spiral twist.. But would be happy to know how to change the default square into a round colum.
I have this north arrow that is not working in a clients drawing. Look at this drawing with the block in it and determine why the arrow head is filled in the block editor but not filled in the drawing (model space)???
Sometimes when we place a window in a wall we can grab the grip and stretch it to any size we want. Other times the only sizes we can use are the standard sizes. I know how to add a standard size but how can we make it to where you can just strectch it to any size we want?
But how can I leave default paper size not "A4"? For example if there is "A3" it should stay "A3". Because if I go through each drawing I don't know what is the current paper size I just need to change the plot device becuse default has been crashed for example. But if I write "A4" each drawing will have "A4".
Is there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.
Every new document seems to open with a default text size of 12 pt. (or 0.167 inches). I am a sign maker and my typical artboard size is often 120" x 120" or larger.
Is there a way to change the default text size so that new documents open with a text size of, say, 1 inch (or 3 inches, etc)?
I've read several things in this forum but nothing convenient. In the past I though I was possible to change the stroke thickness with no document open and that worked for all the new documents yet to come. Well, it doesn't. The default stroke size is 1pt and I want it to change to f.e. 0,25pt. But how?