AutoCAD 2013 :: Give No Color For Boundary Of Layout?
Feb 17, 2013
How to give “no color” for the boundary of the layout?
I wanted to give the boundary of the lay out “no color” or “white” such that it disappears as the drawing is printed out but couldn’t figure out how to achieve it.
Also, I’m not sure if there are some other styles for the boundary of the lay out
In the attachment you can find a drawing of a roundabout.
why the give way road markings are much more and much smaller in my viewport? Also I can't see the letters A, B, and C in my viewport. Why is that and how can I fix this two things?
I'm attempting to tilt this image for use in a game im writing. I've been using Map Object and rotation (Y) but this then causes pixel color changes on the boundary with the background color. How would I tilt this picture without getting the problem?
In ACAD 2013 When selecting a block that is xclipped the xclip boundary is visible as a dashed, editable line. The editable dashed line is also selectable even though it is not visible when the block is not selected.
Is there a way to turn off the selectablity of the xclip boundary, so that I am not selecting blocks when I click near the xclip boundary limits even when I have my XCLIPFRAME set to 0 and the boundary is not visible?
I am unable to click on the "recreate boundary" button within the Hatch and Gradient box. It is grayed out. I can type "generateboundaryhatch" and that will work, but I like being able to click on the button while I am in the dialogue box rather than typing in the command.
How can l give my artboards a different background color? When l try it all my artboards get the same color. l tried it with the colored paper tool and in other way's. It doesn't work!
i need to know if there is any way to control the points in the point cloud.
1. either only import the point cloud in a polyline area i specify
2. add all the points within a boundary not limited to the pointclouddensity = 100, freaking default is 15 almost cost my job today. extremely stressed out right now.
i am talking about extreme lidar surveys. 1km 1km LAS/0.5m contours/xyz files times 355 of them. covers a 2km wide corridor. but i only need 100m wide after i define the road alignment. no need to have all the extra points.
right now i densify the heck out of it and end up like 5-12m points. decent but not good enough because the geotech is bitching about that accuracy is not good for some feasibility study. or is there any software i can do this besides civil 3d.
what i want can also do is automate the 'add points to surface" under point cloud and have the software do multiple boundaries without having me baby it over the night. right now every click is 5 minutes and adds like 400k to 1 million points. Civil 3D 2012
So, I'm having an issue. I'm working on a file, there are colors already on it, and when I try to eyedrop the colors again to use them Photoshop doesn't give me the same color.
For example: I have a red square and blue square on page. I eyedrop the red (after I've finish painting the blue) and start painting, but it's a shade darker. The same happens when I go to the blue. I eyedrop the new shade and it becomes even darker
I'm been unable to find what controls the display of the boundary of a section (volume type) object. A section object that does not show it's boundary, when copied to another file shows the boundary.
Same layer states, visual styles, and other setting between both files. There must be some setting I'm overlooking... but a search of the so-called help file was not very informative.
I might be missing somehting completely, but I am reading with Civil 3D 2013 you should be able to clip a Point Cloud, but I am not seeing the clipping panel under the point cloud tab.
“More than 10000 hatch boundary objects are selected”,
In the attached screenshot, I wanted to make hatch for the indicated boundary but I got the message shown in the second screenshot (“More than 10000 hatch boundary objects are selected”)
The dwg file is stored in the link below:
What is wrong with having any number of hatch boundary objects?
I am encountering issues with the "edit boundary" tab on the ribbon, as well as "finish sketch" when the edit boundary tab DOES show up. i don't know how to finish the sketch without this, so i have to undo everything.
How to draw filled region boundary lines that show up in any color other than gray? it is hard to distinguish the lines I am drawing from the lines that are already there while creating or modifing a boundary. Can I change the color of the Invisible Line (can't find that line modify)? OR does every line created thru manage line style have to have a weight (am I able to make a zero line weight or even a pattern that shows nothing.
I used a 2d polyline to create a surface boundary for a surface created. The polyline is a closed loop. For the boundary type it is outer, unchecked Non-destructive breakline, and mid-ordinate distance = 1.
My problem is that when I do this I only get a small portion of the surface to show up within my surface boundary. If I don't have a surface boundary the entire drawing surface shows up no problem.
The purple polyline is my boundary and the light blue is the surface created within the boundary.
I have 10 layouts then i will set each layout PSLTSCALE value to 0 but when i return to the layout that i already set, the PSLTscale value become 1 again.
I have the text style set to match text orientation to layout and it works, but when I use the same text style in mulitleader the text doesn't rotate with the layout 2013 Civil 3D
I need to create a section of a 3d model. Unfortuntaly the layout tab I need is missing. Normally if somthing is missing I type 'CUI' and then click Ribbon>Tabs> select the one I want and drag it to 'Workspaces Contents' - 'Ribbon Tabs'
The ribbon tab for layout is missing from the cui. See attached images.
why my text is vertically oriented when I'm doing a preview of my layout? Plus, I'd like to know why when I set greyscales on my CTB only hatches and not my lines are displaying in black & white? (on my second layout)
I have started to creates some sketch blocks.The only issue i have is when i go and place them in a drawing they get placed way outside the layout so i have to drag them into the layout sheet.How do i get the sketch block to be placed into the layout..
I have just downloaded the 3 year trial of AutoCAD for students. I have managed to create a floor plan but struggling to amend the layout. First of all, I would like the page setup to be A3 but that is not an option on my Page Setup Manager as it will only connect to my printer size.
I am also trying to add a Title Block but again do not know what I am doing, or where to download template ones for free?
I am attempting to use the new Base View feature called Offset Section.
The 3D, solid, model has been created. I click on the Layout tab and there are only to panels showing: Layout and Layout Viewports. Four seem to have gone missing: Create View, Modify View, Update and Styles & Standards.
I have not made any changes to the CUI nor have I migrated settings from 2012.