Photoshop :: When Try To Eye Drop-colors Again To Use Them - Doesn't Give Same Color?
Sep 20, 2013
So, I'm having an issue. I'm working on a file, there are colors already on it, and when I try to eyedrop the colors again to use them Photoshop doesn't give me the same color.
For example: I have a red square and blue square on page. I eyedrop the red (after I've finish painting the blue) and start painting, but it's a shade darker. The same happens when I go to the blue. I eyedrop the new shade and it becomes even darker
Im ok with Illustrator but not brilliant. What Im looking for is a Graphic Style that I can just add/load into my CS5 version of Illustrator that when I select it will give me a vector drop shadow under text
I would be able to edit the style to suit my text but struggling to create one from scratch after following write-ups and videos for the last 24hours!
Realise there are easier ways to make drop shadows but I need the drop shadow to be scaleable up to large sizes in a vector format as well as the text
How can l give my artboards a different background color? When l try it all my artboards get the same color. l tried it with the colored paper tool and in other way's. It doesn't work!
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
How to give “no color” for the boundary of the layout?
I wanted to give the boundary of the lay out “no color” or “white” such that it disappears as the drawing is printed out but couldn’t figure out how to achieve it.
Also, I’m not sure if there are some other styles for the boundary of the lay out
I had to do a clean install (Archive and Install) recently on my Macintosh (450 MHz PowerPC G4, 1.25 GB SDRAM, OSX 10.4.11) and found afterwards that the drag-and-drop capabilities of Photoshop (CS2, version 9.0.2) were no longer available. In addition to this,
I'm now not able to edit original graphics in Photoshop through the links palette in InDesign (CS2, version 4.0.5). I've searched through the Previous System folder that Archive and Install left, but don't know enough to recognize the software component(s) necessary to solve this problem.
I want to print grayscale but our logo in colour. I have set up all of the style colours to drop into AutoCAD and match our current AutoCAD drawing standards as far as I can see, I have a couple of options
1. Save as Autocad and print from there
2. Remove our sketched logo and embed a raster, (not keen on), then select the "all colours as black" option when printing, (still doesnt give me greyscale)
3. copy the sheet and manually change each dimension, note, view etc to a different standard, copy back to sheet 1 and use a rule to turn different layers on and off, (sounds like hard work)
How others handle the lack of printing options. Again, I am dismayed by the lack of coherency between Inventor and AutoCAD, the sales pitch is such BS.
I'm running PaintShop Pro X5 on Windows 8 (64-bit). I just tried to create a drop shadow, possibly for the first time since I upgraded from X4, and it just doesn't work. I mean nothing happens.
I added a white border, as usual, and then tried to create my drop shadow. I tried it with the default settings, and I tried it with some random settings. As I said, nothing whatsoever happened.
Inner bevel and buttonize work just fine. (I haven't tried cutout.) Chisel also doesn't seem to work; in fact, it seems to come and go. It's the same with outer bevel: it isn't always available.
I'm not a novice when it comes to PaintShop Pro. I've been using it since it was shareware. I've certainly done drop shadows many times.
I'm completely baffled. Other than uninstalling and re-installing, I can't think what to do.
I was working on a project and went to change to a different font and all that was there are the last 6 or so that I used. When I go to the drop down menu It doesn't show any other fonts. I know there are a lot of fonts in the computer but cannot get them on the program.
Im working with IV2012 and my autodrop feature doesn't work altough the checkbox in the content center is checked on. i can't seem to find a solution on my own.
As far as I know the feature has never worked since I went from IV2011 to IV2012. (alot of troubles in the beginning btw, most of it is gone since service pack installed)
I took a photo of the sunrise. The sun was very "red" from forest fire smoke. But when I looked at the photo later the sun had lost its "red" (due to the brightness of the sun). restore the sun color as I saw it?
Below is the photo I want changed and the next photo (not mine) is approx. the color I saw the sun as (perhaps a little redder). I want "my" sun filled with that color.
In dialog boxes the drop down menus appear blank until I drag the mouse over it then the contents appear as I drag the mouse across. Also the cursor doesn't echo back (flash). I have tried updating drivers to no avail.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 and when I drag and drop a color image from one screen to another, all the color disappears and the color image becomes B&W. Additionally, when I tried to use my brush tool to color the B&W image, the only color that works is gray - even though I used the color picker to select an exact match brush color.
I have just installed AutoCAD 2012 and a HP Deskjet 510 plotter. The plotter does not print out the colours in true colour i.e. when the line on the CAD file should print in red, it is actually printing out in orange. There are also problems with other colours not printing out as they should.
I have printed PDF documents to the plotter and using this route the colours will print as they should so the problem is not plotter related. I suspect its something to do with the AutoCAD
i did the test with a qleader and everything seem to be functional but mealder have an issue where autodesk have to check this
example: i have a layer called test1 with color green i have a meleader with a Dot as an arrowhead when i go to the viewport and change the vport color to red
well everything changes expt the arrowhead which will take the layer color (green) but if i go to properties and i change the arrow head to closedfilled then it will take the vport color (wierd) i did the test with autocad 2008 to 2012 all the same problem
I'm working on a web page and the index says to drag and drop a color to the pasteboard. Sounds easy but I can't get it to work. I can only drop a color on the page background. I want to match my pasteboard and page background. I'm using Graphic Designer 6.
After I posted I was shown similar threads which seemed to say that this is not possible in this version. I guess I will be looking forward to upgrading to WD7
I have a vector image of a truck. Colors will all be PMS. How do I create a drop shadow for the truck using a PMS color? I saw some responses online but they are either many years old or not as detailed. It looks like it may require a few steps, but not sure. The Effect>Stylize>Drop Shadow dialog menu only shows CMYK color options.
If I have more than one page design if I move cursor with picked color over "page 2" its changing page i'm working to second page and I can't drop picked color on first page object.
system configuration:
Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives. corel version: X6 VERSION:
We are looking at re-painting our house. I have scanned in some of the colors we are thinking about. I have taken some pics of our house and want to introduce the colors we have choosen. There is shade that also has to be dealt with and hence the same color in shade will have to be accepted as well.What is the best method/tool to use for this task ?
I have scanned our baseball teams calendar schedule which has the days colored-coded; red for home games and white for away games. Also, they certain special home dates colored in a light blue. I want to replace all the light blue days with the same red that is already in use on the rest of the schedule.
I can find no way to use the red as the sample color, or transpose the RGB values shown into corresponding Hue, Saturation and Lightness values used in the Replace Color tool.
I do this every year and in the past I kept a old copy of Paintshop for this single task, but have finally deleted it and want to figure out how to do this simple task using my Photoshop 7.0.
I designed a UI for a small screen device. The assets need to be exported now, with 256 and also 1024 indexed colours.I have never heard about 1024 color pallete. How can I do it?
I would like to replace a range of colors with a single color in an image.
I know there is the replace color adjustment, but this replaces a single color e.g. 190,190,190 with another color e.g. 200, 200, 200. I would like to replace a range of colors e.g. from 185 to 195 with 200, 200, 200.
I've been playing around with the gradient map tool, and love the randomize and noise option to give me nice looking gradients for my images.... my question is, is there a way to "extract" or "split" the colors of the randomized map into its separate colors as if I was creating them manually with the "solid" option?
My color settings are synchronized across all CS applications. I'm trying to see document both as a soft proof and not. Neither mode improves the color differences I'm seeing on screen. Photoshop displays color TOTALLY differently from all other CS applications: Bridge, InDesign, Illustrator & Acrobat.
In the image below, Indesign is on the left. Photoshop is on the right. Image appears in Bridge, Acrobat and Illustrator just like InDesign.