Photoshop :: Color Doesn't Work - Fill Sun With Proper Color (red)?
Aug 5, 2013
I took a photo of the sunrise. The sun was very "red" from forest fire smoke. But when I looked at the photo later the sun had lost its "red" (due to the brightness of the sun). restore the sun color as I saw it?
Below is the photo I want changed and the next photo (not mine) is approx. the color I saw the sun as (perhaps a little redder). I want "my" sun filled with that color.
I dobbleclick on fill-color icon in lower right side of the screen to change the fill-color. But no dialog-box appear. But if I try to click anywhere in Corel after this I just get a beep. Looks like there is a dialog-box outside screen or something.
I am trying to scale down a table by half and "scale factor doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong ? it always come in original size and not scale - I tried to put the line before transaction and after appent and before , Here is Code.
Using tr As Transaction = Mydb.TransactionManager.StartTransactionDim btr As BlockTableRecord = tr.GetObject(Mydb.CurrentSpaceId, Open Mode. ForWrite) btr.AppendEntity(tb) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tb, True)tb.ScaleFactors = New Scale3d(0.5) tr.Commit() End Using.
I have seen this in a lot of photos especially kids photos. The picture on the right show more of what I am talking about. See the vibrant greens and blues and oranges. Obviously those are not the originally colors of that background. I am trying to figure out how this is done.
I have a problem with CS3. Since a few weeks I can't use properly "Colour Range" feature. Especially for bright colour the Colour Range doesn't select what I want to select. For example I want to select a bright cloud and can't select it with Colour Range. Of course I checked if there is any information or I have a burn area. I use several different setting but I still have the problem.
I used 8/16 bit, Adobe RGB/sRGB At Colour Range I use: - Sampled colours - Selection - Fuzziness: how much I need it - Selection preview: None
As soon as you set a color for a layer listed in the layer window, you can't undo that. The "no color" selection in the context menu does nothing. Looks like a bug.
And btw. on page [URL] ...... the link "User Groups" points to [URL] .... which isn't delivering anything ("No data received").
I am using the latest version of GIMP on my windows 7 pc but color to alpha doesn't work. At my pc at work it works fine but i use windows xp there and i have ghostscript and python installed.
I have the new Lion OSX. I have Lightroom 2.7. I am having issues with the colour picker. It will not leave the colour palette and let me select from the image. I have tried holding down my mouse key, but it won't leave the palette. This is in the adjustment brush..
I am trying to use Color Balance and the window doesn't work. The only part that shows is the "Enhance Color Balance" box, the words "purple" and "green" just above, and the preview arrow (which does nothing) and "preview on image". Preview on image is checked and it does show changes but I am unable to uncheck it. Nothing else shows. Nothing I have tried has worked, including restarting the computer.
i have a black written logo with some letters in blue and i want to change the color into green.
the problem is that at the edge of each letter the color is slightly different (light blue) to make it look smoother.
if i now take the color bucket and fill the letter up, the color changes but it gets filled with the same color until the edges and it doesn't look smooth again.
changing the antialias effekt doesn't effect anything -
i want to change the blue by green but with the lighter parts of the edges. simple and easy like refilling the colors.
is this possible with Paint.NET or should i consider to buy photoshop because of this lack of functionality?
According to URL....I should be able to sample a color from the desktop. This doesn't work when I try to capture a color from a web page displayed in IE 10 (desktop mode).
It does work with Chrome, and I suspect other browsers as well (haven't the time to try them all).
i'm making a new color fill layer and want to fill it with the same color like an other (already existing) color fill... how can i simply pick the color from that existing layer? or how can i set the foreground color to the collor of an existing color fill?
I still use Corel Draw 12 and my question is is there an easy or automatic way to make the outline color of an object the same color as the fill color? I do it the hard way of trial and error until I get the right outline color from the color dock/pallette.
Set the Trace Bitmap so that the outline color defaults to the same as the fill color on the resulting curves? Currently, resulting curves have to be edited one color at a time to give them hairline outlines with the same color as the fill. It's mighty tedious for complex vector art.
I have a question regarding illustrator. Let's say I have a circle with blue fill and red stroke. And I place an image in the illustrator file. Now I want to change the red stroke of my circle to let's say a purple color by sampling the color from the image.
How can I achieve that with a eye dropper tool? Every time when I try to sample a color from the image, the whole circle will change to purple instead of just the stroke? I have tried multiple key combination, shift, alt, ctrl but they all don't work.
I'm assuming this problem I'm having stems from having color-calibrated monitors, but let me know if I'm wrong!
To preface, this is the setup I have:
Windows 73 monitors as follows, all have individual color profiles calibrated using the Spyder 3Cintiq 12WX Dell U2410Dell 2409WFPPhotoshop CS6 - Proofed with Monitor RGB, and tested with color-managed and non-color-managed documents . I usually do most of my work on the Cintiq 12WX, but pull the Photoshop window to my main monitor to do large previews and some corrections. I noticed that the color picker wouldn't pick colors consistently depending on the monitor the Photoshop window is on.
Here are some video examples:
This is how the color picker works on my Dell U2410:
This is how it works on my Cintiq 12WX:
Main Question
I know the Cintiq's video capture makes the picture look more saturated than the Dell's, but it actually looks fine physically, which is okay. But notice how the Cintiq's colour picker doesn't pick a matching colour. It was actually happening the opposite way for a while (Dell was off, Cintiq was fine), but it magically swapped while I was trying to figure out what was going on.
Semi-related Question regarding Color Management
Color management has always been the elephant-in-the-room for me when I first tried to calibrate my monitors with a Spyder colourimeter years ago. My monitors looked great, but Photoshop's colors became unpredictable and I decided to abandon the idea of calibrating my monitors for years until recently. I decided to give it another chance and follow some tutorials and articles in an attempt to keep my colors consistent across Photoshop and web browsers, at least. I've been proofing against monitor color and exporting for web without an attached profile to keep pictures looking good on web browsers. However, pictures exported as such will look horrible when uploaded to Facebook. Uploading pictures with an attached color profile makes it look good on Facebook. This has forced me to export 2 versions of a picture, one with an attached color profile and one without, each time I want to share it across different platform. Is there no way to fix this issue?
Pictures viewed in Windows Photo Viewer are also off-color, but I think that's because it's not color managed... but that's a lesser concern.
I have a file with two squares with red and blue fill colors respectively and transparent surrounding strokes. I'm trying to find a way to automatically set the stroke color of each square to the respective fill color. Is there an Illustrator script somewhere that would achieve that? I am not aware of an internal Illustrator command for this purpose.
i did the test with a qleader and everything seem to be functional but mealder have an issue where autodesk have to check this
example: i have a layer called test1 with color green i have a meleader with a Dot as an arrowhead when i go to the viewport and change the vport color to red
well everything changes expt the arrowhead which will take the layer color (green) but if i go to properties and i change the arrow head to closedfilled then it will take the vport color (wierd) i did the test with autocad 2008 to 2012 all the same problem
How do I get it so that when I draw a shape it will fill with color? In my options bar there is a rectangle with color where I can choose that, but sometimes that's not up. How do I pull it up?
How do I fill a canvas with color without having to cover it with a large rectangle to fill? I've gotten answers to this but none has solved the problem.
When stitching together a large panorama, the content aware tool doesn't work if the image is >30,000 pixels. When you use the tool on large images (after I have flattened the layers and using the magic wand to select a white area at the top), it runs through the process as if it is going to fill and then after the "fill" window completes, the selected area remains white.
I noticed on some other forum posts that jpg saving couldn't occur on >30,000 pixel width images, so I changed the image size to 29,999 (from ~39,000) and the content fill tool worked.
I'm trying to figure out a way to automate a simple, yet repetative process I do countless times a day. Ideally, I'd like to tie it to a keystroke to speed up my workflow.
I work on line art and colorways for footwear, so the way I'm coloring these shapes and strokes break apart the different materials and pieces of the shoe.
While coloring line art, I work with Pantone spot colors as fills for closed path objects. I then have to manually apply that same color to the stroke, set the stroke to 0.5px weight, convert that spot stroke color to CMYK, and add 15% to the K value.
I found some code in an older post for applying the actively selected object's fill color to the stroke, but I'm having but I'm having trouble with the next step of figuring out how to take that spot stroke color and convert it to a CMYK build that I can then add 15% black to. Is this something that's even possible? I've spent about an hour playing with the script and have only had luck matching the fill color or turning the stroke white.
why do i have to write the text again, after registration? I was quite amused, that i couldn't find out, how to scale images in a slideshow to full screen. i tried it with the zoom to fill frame option, but actually nothing happened.
In Corel PhotoPaint X5, changing the fill color was possible by e.g. double clicking the (left-most) color square, then hitting Edit. Already, I found this was a bit too many clicks. Now in Corel PhotoPaint X6 it's gotten worse -- after hitting Edit, I'm not in the left-most tab "Models", but in the right tab "Palettes"!
My question: Is there any way I can open the Uniform Fill dialog with one click? (The Color Docker doesn't have a big color preview field so it doesn't work well for me when selecting and changing a color.) And is there any chance Corel will fix the bug with the wrong tab being opened?
I traced an image earlier, expanded it then wanted to change the line colour. For some reason I couldn't get this to work even though I've done it in the past. So, I used the magic wand to select the line then dragged it into my new document and changed the line colour.
Now, I want to change the fill on certain sections, however when I change the stroke it changes the colour of the line and when I change the fill it changes the color of the line.
I choose a certain area in my photograph, with my magic wand. I want to fill that enclosed area with a color chosen by the eye dropper, without altering the texture of that enclosed area. I have fine skin lines and wrinkles, that should not disappear with the fill. How do I do that?
I'd like to apply a pattern above a color fill, at the moment I apply the color fill, then I convert it to a smart object and apply the pattern, this because if I apply pattern and color fill, the color fill goes above the pattern covering it.
There is a way for skip this procedure and apply the pattern above without smart objects?
I create a fill adjustment layer. I create a vector shape and apply it as a mask.I have the mask selected, now I draw more on that layer and it continues to draw.
What actually happens:
create fill adjustment layer - Hey, starting off strong create a vectore shape and apply it as a mask under Layer>vectore mask>current path - different icon, but it seems correct..I select the path under the Paths tab, since the vector mask doesn't show u next to the layer icon, and attempt to draw more shapes -here's where it goes wrong. Instead of drawing on the path layer I have selected a work path layer is created.
I can't actually figure out how to draw on the existing path. If you select the paths from the work path, you can copy and paste them into the actual color fill shape path layer. That works.Now try the same thing with a different layer. Oh....NOW it works. It actually seems to work with all the other adjustment layers. It just doesn't work with fill.
What I think is happening: Some smarty pants realized that there doesn't really have to be a difference between a shape layer and a fill with a vector mask on it. Yeah, that's true, but you're limiting me to 1 single object on that layer now.