Photoshop :: CC - Setting No Color To Layer Window Entry Doesn't Work
Jul 29, 2013
As soon as you set a color for a layer listed in the layer window, you can't undo that. The "no color" selection in the context menu does nothing. Looks like a bug.
And btw. on page [URL] ...... the link "User Groups" points to [URL] .... which isn't delivering anything ("No data received").
Among my many complaints with CS4 is the inability to cut and paste within the file info entry window in Bridge in CS4. I was able to in CS3. My expectations for Adobe are very low these days, but no longer having the cut and paste function is ridiculous. Practically every piece of software out there allows it. When I'm having to enter a lengthy caption with difficult to spell foreign locations, cut and paste used to make data entry a lot easier. Why was the feature deleted from CS4?
We have an alignment curve table and the data text, first data entry (curve number) is appearing as color by layer (magenta), when all colors are set as explicit colors by element in table style under Display tab. How do I control the color of the first entry to be color by element instead of by layer?
I took a photo of the sunrise. The sun was very "red" from forest fire smoke. But when I looked at the photo later the sun had lost its "red" (due to the brightness of the sun). restore the sun color as I saw it?
Below is the photo I want changed and the next photo (not mine) is approx. the color I saw the sun as (perhaps a little redder). I want "my" sun filled with that color.
How can I make Illustrator's layer-panel remember the opened/closed sublayers? I have a file with hundreds of layers, and it's a pain in the *** to do the sorting and opening/closing certain sublayers each time I open the file. Why isn't it remembering how I have set it up?
The first is at the top. It's a radial gradient which is set to the layer blending mode "Color".
The second is in the middle. It is a black and white difference cloud layer that is set to overlay.
At the bottom is my third layer. It is supposed to be a bunch of stars. By stars, I mean a noise filter applied to a black canvas.
The problem is that if I "blend visible" or "blend down", it looks nothing like what it showed me when i turned on the visibility on on all of the layers. It also looks completely different when i zoom in.
I'm brand new to CS3 and working with the trial version and trying do something as simple as setting a color for a layer (i.e. black or red). When I select the foreground or background icon I get the color picker then select the color and click ok... nothing changes.
I have been having trouble with the reselect tool for a while now. I often select something and then use new layer via copy ( J). The problem is that I cannot reselect after doing that (the option is grayed out), and it doesn't matter if I do the new layer copy with the shortcut or menu.
I am using CS5 with Mac 10.8.4, just recently switched from 10.6.8 (it hasn't worked in either). I do know that I have successfully used reselect after J before, but it was on a work computer -- I believe that computer was running 10.6.8 but it might have been CS4 if I recall correctly.
There are definitely workarounds like saving a selection or path, but they are still a little slower to use when it is something that I don't need to keep around for a while. I sometimes can use command-click on the layer icon but that selects the newly copied pixels, which can sometimes be different than what I had selected -- for example, if I copied a portion of a layer of linework, it will select the lines alone but not the area that I had.
When I open a image the image opens in the large center Gimp window but does not open in the right side layers window as a background image. Why not.
I opened a picture of my car & I want to try to change the color. A YouTube Gimp video shows using layers but I don't have a picture of my car in the layers window.
I have a layer with some blurred spots. I want them to glow. I have a colored background (light brown). For some reason, when I set my layer to Color Dodge it does nothing.
But when I make a group and set it to Color Dodge, then put my layer inside that, it glows like freakin crazy. Can anyone explain why this is? Should it work both ways? Is there some magic to groups?
I am trying to set a black layer mask and use the eraser tool to edit it. Unfortunately the eraser tool is not responsive. I recently did a round of software updates for CS6.
I have seen this in a lot of photos especially kids photos. The picture on the right show more of what I am talking about. See the vibrant greens and blues and oranges. Obviously those are not the originally colors of that background. I am trying to figure out how this is done.
I have a problem with CS3. Since a few weeks I can't use properly "Colour Range" feature. Especially for bright colour the Colour Range doesn't select what I want to select. For example I want to select a bright cloud and can't select it with Colour Range. Of course I checked if there is any information or I have a burn area. I use several different setting but I still have the problem.
I used 8/16 bit, Adobe RGB/sRGB At Colour Range I use: - Sampled colours - Selection - Fuzziness: how much I need it - Selection preview: None
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6, latest version as of 05/25/12.I have 19 layers, each has a 1200x1200px texture. These are of course overlapped, so setting them all to visible will only show the top layer.
All layers are rasterized, and contain 1200x1200px:
1) I select all 19 layers using shift+click, all are highlighted (in the layer pane).
2) I select a region using the selection tool, in this case a rectangular region that is 172px high and 35px wide.
3) I right click the selection, and then select: layer via copy. (Note, Layer via cut is disabled for some reason)
4) *problem* It creates 19 new layers with the full image from the selected layers and not the selection which is what I wanted to place in the new layers.
5) *problem* when I right click the selection and select "Free Transform", the transform box surrounds the entire canvas and not the selection.
6) *problem* when I skew, it skews the entire image and not just the selection.
7) *problem* Previously, I have been able to select a layer from the layer pane, go to image menu, select adjustments, brightness/contrast, and adjust the brightness/contrast for just that layer. Now it wont let me.
8) *related problem* If I have 3 layers (background, 1, and 2) on a 1200x1200 canvas, with the image in layer 1 being 150px, and the image in layer 2 being 150x, each rasterized, and then stack the images on 1 and 2 over eachother, then select both layers, then select a region inside the stacked images, then select free transform, the free transform selection embodies all pixels inside the canvas (not the entire canvas this time) and performs the transform on these pixels and not the original selection.
If I do it making all the layers visible as well as selected, it behaves the same.What appears to be happening is Photoshop is ignoring the selection and for some reason is using a pixel region (or if pixels cover the entire canvas, the whole image) when performing actions intended for the selection.
What's strange is when I made these textures, I started out with 19 150x150 pictures, I set the canvas size to 1200x1200, selected all the layers in the layer pane, selected the 150x150 image in the middle, and was able to move all 19 textures to the top right corner, able to switch to transform on all 19 pictures, able to rotate 180 degrees all 19 pictures, was able to flip horizontal all 19 pictures, then able to copy all 19 pictures to new layers, move the 19 pictures all at the same time to the right 150 pixels, rinse and repeat, to eventually come out with 19 1200x1200 textures tiled from the 150px pictures. In other words, I did exactly what I am attempting to do with the 1200x1200 pictures with the 150x150 pixtures and it worked like a champ.
The end goal of course is to take a selection of all 19 of the 1200x1200 pictures, transform, then skew that image to make a collage of images applied to an added background. Performing this on all 19 textures and getting the same exact skew, etc would take days considering I need to do about 15 of different portions of the tile.
I am using the latest version of GIMP on my windows 7 pc but color to alpha doesn't work. At my pc at work it works fine but i use windows xp there and i have ghostscript and python installed.
I have the new Lion OSX. I have Lightroom 2.7. I am having issues with the colour picker. It will not leave the colour palette and let me select from the image. I have tried holding down my mouse key, but it won't leave the palette. This is in the adjustment brush..
I am trying to use Color Balance and the window doesn't work. The only part that shows is the "Enhance Color Balance" box, the words "purple" and "green" just above, and the preview arrow (which does nothing) and "preview on image". Preview on image is checked and it does show changes but I am unable to uncheck it. Nothing else shows. Nothing I have tried has worked, including restarting the computer.
i have a black written logo with some letters in blue and i want to change the color into green.
the problem is that at the edge of each letter the color is slightly different (light blue) to make it look smoother.
if i now take the color bucket and fill the letter up, the color changes but it gets filled with the same color until the edges and it doesn't look smooth again.
changing the antialias effekt doesn't effect anything -
i want to change the blue by green but with the lighter parts of the edges. simple and easy like refilling the colors.
is this possible with Paint.NET or should i consider to buy photoshop because of this lack of functionality?
According to URL....I should be able to sample a color from the desktop. This doesn't work when I try to capture a color from a web page displayed in IE 10 (desktop mode).
It does work with Chrome, and I suspect other browsers as well (haven't the time to try them all).
I dobbleclick on fill-color icon in lower right side of the screen to change the fill-color. But no dialog-box appear. But if I try to click anywhere in Corel after this I just get a beep. Looks like there is a dialog-box outside screen or something.
In a new Illustrator file, I select "Object...Graph...Graph Type" and make sure I have pie graph selected. Then I draw the circle I want to be a pie graph, make sure it's selected and choose "Object...Graph...Data" which opens the graph data entry "spreadsheet" but the text box and buttons on the top are greyed out and there are no visible cells. If I move the pointer around inside the window, it does become the "row/column" resize pointer as if there are cells present but disabled.
Whenever I create a new layer in the Layer Manager, and I set the color, the color reverts back to whatever it defaulted to when I created the new layer - usually the color of that layer that is current, since everything is just duplicated.
To fix it I have to go back into Layer Manager and set the color a second time.
Civil 3D 2012 Win7 64 bit Capable Dell Precision everything up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
Does relative coordinate entry work for multileaders? I would like to keep all of my leaders consistent and neat but other than using ost I cannot figure out a way to make them all line up. I would like to use coordinate entry if I could, maybe I am doing things in the wrong order?
When creating a work path on a new layer, the path is a grayish black color is there a way to create that path to be a different color, yellow for instance? Using CS6, I don't see it in preferences anywhere
for my latest little project I'm trying to change layer settings depending on a entry in a sheet set attribute.
Basically, if the sheet set custom attribute entry is 'white' I want the colour of a specific layer displayed as 255,255,255, and if it's blue I want it changed to 0,0,255. So I can control the colours from a sheet set custom properties level.
And for it to check if the layer existing in the drawing, so it'll skip the process if it's not there.