The first is at the top. It's a radial gradient which is set to the layer blending mode "Color".
The second is in the middle. It is a black and white difference cloud layer that is set to overlay.
At the bottom is my third layer. It is supposed to be a bunch of stars. By stars, I mean a noise filter applied to a black canvas.
The problem is that if I "blend visible" or "blend down", it looks nothing like what it showed me when i turned on the visibility on on all of the layers. It also looks completely different when i zoom in.
I can not make anything in 3D. I think in CS3 it doesnt work too. But in graphic programs like MAYA and 3DS MAX i can make 3D objects and others but in Photoshop not. In Photoshop CS 4 I opened new document, with brush i wrote "Hello" and clicked on menu "3D" but there is everything disable :-/. My graphic card is "Ati Mobility Radeon XPRESS 200 series.
my keyboard short cut for ctrl+ a doesn't work, for some reason. All the other keyboard shortcuts work, except for that one (At least i think so..). I read through numerous threads about why keyboard short cuts do not work. 1. they are cracked copies of photoshop, 2. they are using logitech keyboards.
But I'm not using a cracked copy, and I just upgraded my logitech drivers to the newest ones.. and the problem just started yesterday without any reason. But when I change my short cut from ctrl a to.. something else, say alt+ctrl+a. it works.. but I prefer the old ctrl A.
i`m trying to create a repeated circle pattern using an action that i`ve created : (starting with a black circle on a white canvas)press recordduplicate layerpress ctrl Tmove pivot pointrotate circlepress enterstop recording when i press play, the action creates a new layer but no new circle is created.
I have a lot of jpgs and want to make an animated gif of them, but that doesnt work I ve read a tutorial somewhere and there it worked. But I just get an errormessage and the only files with that I can make an animated gif are gifs
I have been painting a 3d model in photoshop cs6 but I appear to have some kind of bad setting (which I am at wit's end trying to find out) which causes any 2d layer I try to merge down onto the 3d layer to be projected with some very large amount of transparency.
Is there a way to merge a layer with the background? I mean, suppose the background doesn't even exist and I have a series of layers on top of this transparent background. How do I go about merging one or more of these layers with the background without flattening the entire image?
I have been using Photoshop for over 4 years now and only recently have I been faced with something I wanted to do but dont know how to do: editing 2 layers at once.
I understand you can put 2 layers in a set or use the layer link option in the layers pallete, to essentially move 2 layers around the workspace at once. However, what is the solution for applying blur/dodge/burn/smudge type effects but having it take effect on 2 seperate layers.
I know that I could merge them together and this problem would be circumvented entirely but thats not what I want. I sitll want to have them seperate, once Im done. I also know there is a long process I could do of saving the selection of one layer, merging it with the other layer, applying changes and then using the saved selection to extract the content back onto a seperate layer again.
I just updated to CS, and its giving me issues. Whenever I set the blending mode of one layer in a layer set and then try to merge it below, it changes what it looks like merged as opposed to when they were seperate layers. For example. with Soft Light, certain areas became darked after merging the layers. What am I doing wrong?
I just completed a procedure to merge five images, taken with manual focus at evenly spaced distance intervals, to increase depth of field (DOF). There are two issues1. Procedure appears to create halos around items of contrasting colors, amounting to about 50 px in thickness. See Halos.jpg, attached.2. The image is of a daylily having abundant texture on its petals. Near the border of the composite, running parallel to the border, are ~200-px bands of pure color, i.e., washed-out areas, containing pure, featureless color, where there should be texture. Please see defocusbands01.jpg and defocusbands02.jpg, attached Further details: Photos were made with Leica DMR 10 Mpx sensor. Merged image is 3939 x 2627 px. in size. Extended DOF procedure was as follows: Â a. Open 5 raw (DNG) images in ACR | open images (in Photoshop editor);Â
b. File | Scripts | Load files into stack | Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images;Â
c. Layers | Select all;Â
d. Edit | Auto-blend Layers | Stack Images | Seamless tones and Colors;Â
Just downloaded CS6 Photoshop off the creative cloud and the merge layer command does not work. What is happening is there is one layer with a layer style then a shape layer and when I hit Cmd E it merges the layers but the layer style will not merge with it. I was chatting it up and everything they recommended did not work. It works on all my other co-workers computers and we are all on the cloud. I tried renaming pref. folder, settings folder, re-installing, holding down shft+option+cmd on start up. I also created a test account but that turned out to be a major inconvenience. Once logged into the account there is nothing there. The suggestions just started getting more ridiculous as chat proceeded. Nothing. Â Any solution where I don't have to create a whole new admin account just to see if CS6 Photoshop works correctly? Adobe customer portal is about worthless.
First, the help files, as of today (they worked before) have mysteriously ceased working. If I click on Photoshop Help, I get the error message "The memory could not be written." The same message appears if I try to reinstall Adobe Help Center, and when I attempted to reinstall CS2 entirely.
Secondly, the reason I needed the help files is because my color layer will (as of today) not merge with other layers. When I try to merge a layer set to "color" with, say, a "normal" layer, the color effect automatically disables as it merges, leaving a horrible mass of paintwork on top of where my nicely shaded color effect used to be. Now, I am certain color layers used to blend, as I've done this simple operation many times.
Reinstalling Photoshop CS2 hasn't fixed either of these problems, rendering it almost unusable (I use color layers a lot).
I'm making an animated GIF, and what I want to do is overlay each layer of the animation with a layer of text. I know the hard and long way by creating a copy of the text layer and merging it with each and every layer of the animation, but is any faster way of doing this?
I scanned a drawing I made as a .jpeg, opened it in PS CS4, converted the background to a layer, added a curves adjustment layer, and when I try any of Flatten Image or Save as Jpeg the results disregards all or part of the effects of the adjustment layer. The same happens for a levels adjustment layer . I have attached the original jpeg and the .psd with the curves adjustment layer.
Im new to gimp and wanted to make a GIF. I watched a few Youtube videos and followed all the steps until saving as a GIF. On the versions they used (i am using 2.8) there was a box to stop it merging layers but i can not see this on 2.8.
Now whenever i save as a GIF and try and use it, it only shows the last layer.
it allows me to save normaly, but if i want/need to change a file type, or name and i click "save as" the save as window pops up for a brief moment then disapears.and photoshop feezes. it doesnt really crash, it just freezes and i have to go into task manger to close it.
im a digital artist so my cs3 program is really important...i need it up and running again!! any help here? ive already tried ALT+Spacebar and then M to see if the window was juust off screen, but it didnt work. ><''
besides the program lagging ocassionaly with big file loads/saves everything works fine. its just this problem that keeps me from workng!
I have win XP + Adobe CS 3 Standard installed on my pc: when i open more than one photo at the same time with Photoshop CS3, the application immediately close. I have two pc with the same configuration and i have the same problem. Note that i have Adobe CS2 installed + upgrade to Adobe CS 3. If i use Photoshop CS 2 i dont have trouble.
For the projects I'm working on, I use the same template beneath the different layer groups of each different project. When I move a "color" layer into the group, however, it doesn't show up like it's supposed to. It behaves as if the 'color' layer is a blank layer, and has no effect. Is there any way to get this to work or?...
I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.
when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.
why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4
I did was put a levels adjustment, and a little patch layer abover the BG, but the BG wont accept any changes, cloning etc. i'm lost --any help appreciated.
the patch is just a small piece of the bg, so the rest of the bg should accept work.
I've tried selecting all different layers, and all eyeballs are on.
Can't seem to get "Layer > Rename layer ..." to activate with Actions, whether I try "Insert Menu Item" or "Record Action".I have created and used many actions over the years in Photoshop, and almost all of them seem to work fine in Photoshop CS6, except this one.In CS5.x the command was listed as "Layer Properties...", which brought up the DIALOG.  In CS 6.x that command has been removed from the LAYER PALETTE MENU. Instead, the COMMAND has been renamed "Rename Layer..." in the MAIN MENU, and it no longer brings up a DIALOG. Editing is now done directly in the LAYER NAME TEXT FIELD and it was clear that the old ACTION can't work as-is.  SO, I deleted it and rebuilt it as folllows:  I created a NEW ACTION From the ACTION PALETTE's MENU I selectedThe ALERT POPUP came upFrom the MAIN MENU I selectedThe ALERT POPUP updated to show "Layer:Rename Layer".I clicked OK, but nothing showed up under the new ACTION in the ACTIONS PALETTE ...I thought perhaps there was a bug with the command in CS6, so I tried the RECORD ACTION process instead.  with the ART LAYER visible and selected I clicked RECORD I selected and again.This time the ART LAYER activated properly .I changed the LAYER NAME and hit RETURN.In the ACTIONS PALETTE, the SET CURRENT LAYER ACTION was automatically added.I know I don't want "123" to be the LAYER NAME, but I thought I could manually edit the ACTION by adding a DIALOG BOX control.I clicked STOP to try out the KEY COMMANDI manually changed the LAYER NAME back to and hit RETURN to set it.I ran the ACTION by typing CMD-SHFT-F9As expected it dutifully edited the LAYER NAME Now I wanted to intercept the renaming step, so I ticked the DIALOG BOX option in the ACTION thinking it would give me some method of keying in a name during PLAYBACK.The first few times I ran the ACTION SCRIPT, it brought up the LAYER STYLE dialog. What?I thought something might be amiss with my FUNCTION KEYS, so I checked my KEYBOARD settings in SYSTEM PREFERENCES.This option was originally I UNCHECKED it OFF and closed SYSTEM PREFS.Back in PS it didn't seem to make a difference, so I thought maybe I needed to RESTART to activate this level of SYSTEM PREFERENCE.I RESTARTED, double-checked that the FUNCTION KEY OPTION was UNCHECKED, and tried the ACTION again.Now the ACTION didn't run at all, so I knew the FUNCTION KEY OPTION was supposed to remain CHECKED.I RECHECKED it, RESTARTED, and returned to PHOTOSHOP.When I ran the ACTION this time, the LAYER STYLE dialog DID NOT come up. The LAYER was simply renamed "123" with no way to edit it during PLAYBACK. What?  In the end, I played with inserting a STOP or CONDITIONAL, I tried PLAYBACK OPTIONS, I inserted other random COMMANDS and played with reordering them. Everything works perfectly, but I simply can't seem to gain control over editing the LAYER NAME itself with an ACTION. I assume the root of the problem is that there is no longer a DIALOG BOX that controls the LAYER NAME, and therefore there's no moment in PLAYBACK that can give me DIALOG BOX control over the name.
I'm using Photoshop 14.1.1 on a Mac with OS 10.8.4. Â When I have a string of text in the clipboard and try to paste it as a suffix to a layer name, the paste command is not working at all. It works on CS6, though.
I am a relative novice at CS6. I am using the software to paint, not retouch photographs. I cannot make the B and E layer style work. The other styles work and I suspect there is something basic about this one that I am missing.
I'm using CS2 for Win. I've got an important file that will not accept layer styles. The layers appear to be "styled" on the layer stack, but nothing previews or shows up on the actual layer. I've created new layers; they don't take styles either. Other files in the system - including new ones - work okay; it's just this one that has the problem.
It could be contaminated; I accidentally saved it as a PDF with layers, and then back to a TIF. It's an 8-bit file; I've tried saving it as a PSD.
I just installed PS CS6 and when I apply a layer mask to a layer I can paint black to hide the layer, but when painting white to restore the layer there is no effect. White paint will not restore the layer or modify the mask at all. The black paint works as usual to hide the layer, but how do I restore an area in a layer mask if not painting white?
I have been having trouble with the reselect tool for a while now. I often select something and then use new layer via copy ( J). The problem is that I cannot reselect after doing that (the option is grayed out), and it doesn't matter if I do the new layer copy with the shortcut or menu. Â I am using CS5 with Mac 10.8.4, just recently switched from 10.6.8 (it hasn't worked in either). I do know that I have successfully used reselect after J before, but it was on a work computer -- I believe that computer was running 10.6.8 but it might have been CS4 if I recall correctly. Â There are definitely workarounds like saving a selection or path, but they are still a little slower to use when it is something that I don't need to keep around for a while. I sometimes can use command-click on the layer icon but that selects the newly copied pixels, which can sometimes be different than what I had selected -- for example, if I copied a portion of a layer of linework, it will select the lines alone but not the area that I had.
I'm using elements 11. I'm trying to separate shadow into a new layer to work it. When I copy and past layer style into new layer, FX icon appears next to new layer, but no shadow. My settings are visable. I can see the shadow in the original image, just can't separate it into new layer.  It seems like I'm missing something simple. Is this possible in Elements 11?