I have a lot of jpgs and want to make an animated gif of them, but that doesnt work I ve read a tutorial somewhere and there it worked. But I just get an errormessage and the only files with that I can make an animated gif are gifs
Recently produced an image and saved as a jpg but need to save it as a gif. When saving as a gif some of the data was lost and the image appeared slightly pixilated. Gave the image to a webmaster and he converted the jpg to gif without any loss of quality. Any ideas where I went wrong please? Errr... before anyone asks, no I can't ask webmaster how he did it because he's gone on holiday.
I have a psd image that is ~7000x7000 pixels and divided into ~800 slices. Â I then:
Choose File | Save for Web | GIF 128 No Dither (and leave the other options, like 128 olors, Transparency, etc at the defaults). Click Save (in the Save for Web dialog).Specify a file name (e.g., myfilename.gif)..Leave "Images Only", "Background Image", and "All Slices" selected.Click Save.Â
>>>The first file, myfilename_01.gif is saved as a gif. All of the remaining 800 slices are saved as jpgs (e.g., myfilename_02.jpg). This happens every time.
I can not make anything in 3D. I think in CS3 it doesnt work too. But in graphic programs like MAYA and 3DS MAX i can make 3D objects and others but in Photoshop not. In Photoshop CS 4 I opened new document, with brush i wrote "Hello" and clicked on menu "3D" but there is everything disable :-/. My graphic card is "Ati Mobility Radeon XPRESS 200 series.
my keyboard short cut for ctrl+ a doesn't work, for some reason. All the other keyboard shortcuts work, except for that one (At least i think so..). I read through numerous threads about why keyboard short cuts do not work. 1. they are cracked copies of photoshop, 2. they are using logitech keyboards.
But I'm not using a cracked copy, and I just upgraded my logitech drivers to the newest ones.. and the problem just started yesterday without any reason. But when I change my short cut from ctrl a to.. something else, say alt+ctrl+a. it works.. but I prefer the old ctrl A.
i`m trying to create a repeated circle pattern using an action that i`ve created : (starting with a black circle on a white canvas)press recordduplicate layerpress ctrl Tmove pivot pointrotate circlepress enterstop recording when i press play, the action creates a new layer but no new circle is created.
I've recently learned how to make gifs from videos with photoshop. Today I've decided to use HD files to make better quality gifs and it worked fine. I made about 3 gifs. Then photoshop stopped working. It just won't open the animation. As soon as I add the file and select the bit of video I need, it shuts down. It's only a problem with HD files (from a dvd rip). It doesn't happen with smaller files.
how to make gifs from videos with photoshop. Today I've decided to use HD files to make better quality gifs and it worked fine. I made about 3 gifs. Then photoshop stopped working. It just won't open the animation. As soon as I add the file and select the bit of video I need, it shuts down. It's only a problem with HD files (from a dvd rip). It doesn't happen with smaller files.
I took a series of photos that would make a nice animated GIF if I can align the pictures. I could try to do this by eye, but it would not work very well. Is there a way I can use photoshop to line up the pictures so they superimpose properly to make the animated GIF?
So I decided to try my hand at making gifs and so I attempted to upload a video by going to file -> import -> video frames to layers. Before even letting my pick my video it comes up with an error message saying "could not complete the video frames to layers command because dynamiclink is not availible." I then tried file -> open -> and then selected the video and no matter what file type or size I chose I ended up with the same error message.
I looked this problem up and attempted some of the solutions but to no avail. I tried clearing my preferences and restarting photoshop many times in addition to restarting my computer. I also checked to make sure it wasn't being blocked by any firewalls and it wasn't. My opperating system is Windows 7 and I'm using photoshop cs6.
I bought one of the new iPad 3’s (AKA The New iPad) and can’t get the latest version of iTunes to sync JPG’s with Windows 7 64 bit.  I have cleared the iTunes cache and reinstalled iTunes but nothing is working. To test it I transferred the same library to a Mac and it synced with the new iPad with no problems. After much trouble shooting I have narrowed it down to iTunes on Windows 7 64 bit is not working. I have tried this on a couple of different PC’s and also have an iPad 1 and 2. The iPad 2 sort of works but the 3 is terrible. Apple really hates Microsoft and makes no effort to develop for it or conduct quality control.  After escalating this with Apple Care I got to meet the engineer who works on this. After some research he admitted that iTunes does not work with JPG’s larger than 9K pixels per side. This upset me so I made an appointment with the Apple Genius Bar to complain. The option they gave me was to return my old iPad 1 and 2 for 100% cash refund on an Apple gift card.
can this program make gifs at all and are they produced in high quality. I see a lot of people making gifs mainly from Photoshop, but thats not an option for me, so I was looking for a program that will give me the same results or close, at a cheaper price and easier to use. Can this program be the solution or I need to look elsewhere.
Also some of the things I'm considering is if the program can make split- screen gifs, edit gifs coloring, sharpness, brightness and so on, basically high quality gifs.
With PhotoShop CSI you can easily switch to Adobe ImageReady to make gif files. So far so good. I have made 8 gif images and tried to make a gif file. The image seems correct in Imageready, but once i output it as an animated gif the images shows some white dots:
How do you prevent this ?
This is not my first gif file. I have made several (see: "24" blog ) but this is the first time i encounter such problem.
it allows me to save normaly, but if i want/need to change a file type, or name and i click "save as" the save as window pops up for a brief moment then disapears.and photoshop feezes. it doesnt really crash, it just freezes and i have to go into task manger to close it.
im a digital artist so my cs3 program is really important...i need it up and running again!! any help here? ive already tried ALT+Spacebar and then M to see if the window was juust off screen, but it didnt work. ><''
besides the program lagging ocassionaly with big file loads/saves everything works fine. its just this problem that keeps me from workng!
I have win XP + Adobe CS 3 Standard installed on my pc: when i open more than one photo at the same time with Photoshop CS3, the application immediately close. I have two pc with the same configuration and i have the same problem. Note that i have Adobe CS2 installed + upgrade to Adobe CS 3. If i use Photoshop CS 2 i dont have trouble.
I'm sure you know you can convert a photoshop path in to a direct selection, but did you know you can convert a selection into or back into a path?
It's as simple as making a selection via a lasso tool, marquee box or magic wand, open the path window from windows and press the "make work path from selection" button on the tool bar. It is as easy as that. However the toolbar button defautls to a tolerance of 2 pixels which can give you a loose fitting path in places.
I've set up GIMP 2.8.4 and it works great on my mac with Mountain lion.
However I need to run a batch script on a group of images and all tutorials for that take for granded that running gimp on a terminal window launches gimp. Well in my case it doesn't! And tbh I haven't found where I should point (the path to) the gimp command so that it would run.
So basicaly running Gimp on a terminal returns error no such command. And I need to know what path to add to my mac's PATH variable so that Gimp doesn't return an error. After that I would like to run the batch script from the terminal for the group of images I have.
I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.
when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.
why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4
Is there a way to make PS X4 open up images the way it did in older versions... i.e. each image opens up as a stand alone floating box so I can have them side by side? (See attached image)
My new company is running Inventor Routed Systems 2009 and something is up with the standard Content Center. I just came from another company running 2011, and I am used to just being able to click "Place from Content Center" and having it just work. Not so here. When I click on that button, I get this prompt:
But, we have no server for this sort of thing. So, I tried to point Inventor to a network location where it can find a set of Content Center files.
I also made sure to point the project to that location as well.
Still, I get the same prompt. How do I make it go away get get access to the Content Center?
In CS3 you could change something to make all filters act like smart filters, even though they won't. I found this worked very well, now I have CS4 and would like to do the same but can't remember what to do to make it work.
I have given a disc of photos to a client that she can't access without launching Photoshop on her Mac. They were scanned by me on an Epson as jpgs, then run through Photoshop (CS1) for touch-up and resaved as jpgs by me. Now I look under "get info" and see that they are all saved as "Photoshop Jpgs". this can be a big problem, as I intend to make a lot of discs for clients in the future. I don't want to have to tell them to use "Open with" every time they want to view a photo.
I'm trying to save some web interface work over a background image for my youtube page. One problem I'm having is that I can't save to png because my image ends up being over 1MB. I can't figure out how to get it under.
Everytime I save it, the solid button looks muddy and pixely. PNG ends up being about 3MB so it's too big.
I'm trying to import a jpg from PS into Flash. When I do, the jpg is washed out looking. The save preview in PS looks great, but when I open the jps in any other program, it looks washed out. Any ideas?
I produced a 4 page A5 brochure in InDesign. I would like to present my brochure as a mock-up. Should I use photoshop? Should I save the 4 pages as JPGs then place into Photoshop?
I copy a digital image from my Canon Rebel to my New Imac running OS Lion and Adobe CS5.When I view the file size, it's 3 MB before I open or do anything to it. Â I open it in Photoshop and run some filters on it and the size climbs to 16 MB after I save as JPG baseline quality 12.If I again open that jpg (16MB) and apply "unsharp" mask"Â 6 more times and then save as JPG, baseline quality 12, the file size climbs to 20 MB on my mac.