Photoshop :: Reselect Doesn't Work After (new Layer Via Copy)
Jun 21, 2013
I have been having trouble with the reselect tool for a while now. I often select something and then use new layer via copy ( J). The problem is that I cannot reselect after doing that (the option is grayed out), and it doesn't matter if I do the new layer copy with the shortcut or menu.
I am using CS5 with Mac 10.8.4, just recently switched from 10.6.8 (it hasn't worked in either). I do know that I have successfully used reselect after J before, but it was on a work computer -- I believe that computer was running 10.6.8 but it might have been CS4 if I recall correctly.
There are definitely workarounds like saving a selection or path, but they are still a little slower to use when it is something that I don't need to keep around for a while. I sometimes can use command-click on the layer icon but that selects the newly copied pixels, which can sometimes be different than what I had selected -- for example, if I copied a portion of a layer of linework, it will select the lines alone but not the area that I had.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6, latest version as of 05/25/12.I have 19 layers, each has a 1200x1200px texture. These are of course overlapped, so setting them all to visible will only show the top layer.
All layers are rasterized, and contain 1200x1200px:
1) I select all 19 layers using shift+click, all are highlighted (in the layer pane).
2) I select a region using the selection tool, in this case a rectangular region that is 172px high and 35px wide.
3) I right click the selection, and then select: layer via copy. (Note, Layer via cut is disabled for some reason)
4) *problem* It creates 19 new layers with the full image from the selected layers and not the selection which is what I wanted to place in the new layers.
5) *problem* when I right click the selection and select "Free Transform", the transform box surrounds the entire canvas and not the selection.
6) *problem* when I skew, it skews the entire image and not just the selection.
7) *problem* Previously, I have been able to select a layer from the layer pane, go to image menu, select adjustments, brightness/contrast, and adjust the brightness/contrast for just that layer. Now it wont let me.
8) *related problem* If I have 3 layers (background, 1, and 2) on a 1200x1200 canvas, with the image in layer 1 being 150px, and the image in layer 2 being 150x, each rasterized, and then stack the images on 1 and 2 over eachother, then select both layers, then select a region inside the stacked images, then select free transform, the free transform selection embodies all pixels inside the canvas (not the entire canvas this time) and performs the transform on these pixels and not the original selection.
If I do it making all the layers visible as well as selected, it behaves the same.What appears to be happening is Photoshop is ignoring the selection and for some reason is using a pixel region (or if pixels cover the entire canvas, the whole image) when performing actions intended for the selection.
What's strange is when I made these textures, I started out with 19 150x150 pictures, I set the canvas size to 1200x1200, selected all the layers in the layer pane, selected the 150x150 image in the middle, and was able to move all 19 textures to the top right corner, able to switch to transform on all 19 pictures, able to rotate 180 degrees all 19 pictures, was able to flip horizontal all 19 pictures, then able to copy all 19 pictures to new layers, move the 19 pictures all at the same time to the right 150 pixels, rinse and repeat, to eventually come out with 19 1200x1200 textures tiled from the 150px pictures. In other words, I did exactly what I am attempting to do with the 1200x1200 pictures with the 150x150 pixtures and it worked like a champ.
The end goal of course is to take a selection of all 19 of the 1200x1200 pictures, transform, then skew that image to make a collage of images applied to an added background. Performing this on all 19 textures and getting the same exact skew, etc would take days considering I need to do about 15 of different portions of the tile.
I'm attempting to copy paste a block and a line from one tab to another in the same drawing and it doesnt appear. I get
Command: _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Oblique ignored. Duplicate definition of block _ArchTick ignored. Duplicate definition of block attr_FFL ignored.
i've purged, i've audited, i've even created a new drawing and transfered the information but im still getting this problem.The strange thing is occasionally it works.also, i purge so the drawing it is clean, then i try to paste, then when purging again 1000's of blocks appear in the purge diologue box. A49285 to A55404 & a block called A$C4E2C21A4
The first is at the top. It's a radial gradient which is set to the layer blending mode "Color".
The second is in the middle. It is a black and white difference cloud layer that is set to overlay.
At the bottom is my third layer. It is supposed to be a bunch of stars. By stars, I mean a noise filter applied to a black canvas.
The problem is that if I "blend visible" or "blend down", it looks nothing like what it showed me when i turned on the visibility on on all of the layers. It also looks completely different when i zoom in.
I have two DWG files and I want to paste the content of the first into the second file with the original coordinates. It sounds very easy (and I am sure it is) but I am still failing. I open the first file, select all (crtl a), copy all (crtl a), open the other file and want to chose the function: right click > paste with original coordinates. But this open is not active (grey) and can not be clicked. Actually there is no paste function available to click on if I do a right click.
When I import pictures from my SD Card I usually leave copies on the card for a while so I have them as backup, and to also be able to see recent pics on my camera. However each time I go to import pictures from that card within LR, it defaults to selecting all pics on my SD card even though I have the "New Photos" filter selected at the top of the import box. It always puts all my photos in the "New Photos" section, so I have to deselect all the photos that I have already imported into my catalogue so I don't get duplicates. How do I get LR to only import pics that haven't been imported bfore?
I am aware of the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option, but that is not the samea as what I am looking for. It only deselects photos that still exist in my catalogue. Any photos that I have deleted from my catalogue remain selected in the import box as it doesn't see any duplicates.
what I'm missing to have LR only select photos that haven't been previously imported from that card?
In AutoCAD 2011 in mapclassic mode I removed some buttons that I don't use from the Modify toolbar and now the copy command doesn't work. I can't even type in the command line.
I am trying to set a black layer mask and use the eraser tool to edit it. Unfortunately the eraser tool is not responsive. I recently did a round of software updates for CS6.
As soon as you set a color for a layer listed in the layer window, you can't undo that. The "no color" selection in the context menu does nothing. Looks like a bug.
And btw. on page [URL] ...... the link "User Groups" points to [URL] .... which isn't delivering anything ("No data received").
I have a keyboard shortcut for Copy (see directly below). This command doesn't copy multiple. But if I type "Copy" at the comment prompt (AutoCAD 2013) the copy multiple is the default. Copymode is already set to "0".
I'm upgrading to a Zenbook which has no optical drive so I won't be able to install PS via the disk that I purchased a couple years ago. Would the key from my hard copy work with a downloaded copy of PS?
I have been using elements 11 for months with no problems. Yesterday, out of the blue, I started to be unable to go back and edit anything I did when working in the program. I cannot deselect an image or text unless I change the tool I am using. I cannot then reselect something I have moved on from to edit it. I am very, very confused as to why I cannot use basic functions anymore in this program and it is making it impossible to use.
There are many times you will "place" a picture file inside your Photoshop document, and want to resize it, put it in a different layer, or crop the image inside Photoshop - but you may find a simple error message or grayed out layer via copy/cut prevents you from doing so.
To do this, you will most often do this one of three ways:
1) Select the Marquee tool and outline the area of the image you want to copy or cut 2) Go to Layer > New > Layer via Cut/Copy 3) Click Ctrl+J
Many times, you will find none of these selections work. All options will be greyed out. You may be tempted to create a new layer, and then use one of these options in the new layer. In this case, you will get the error message "Could not make a new layer from the selection because the selected area is empty." All these errors are a result of photoshop not identifying pixels that you are trying to cut/copy.
There is a simple solution to this problem. Go over to the "Layers" box, and click on the layer listing for the layer where your newly placed image resides. Make sure your image is the only item in this layer, if not relocate the image into a new layer by itself. Right-click on the layer where your photo is located in the "layers" box and click on "Rasterize Layer".
Once you do this you will now be able to follow one of the steps above to Layer Via Copy or Layer Via Cut.
I am trying to copy "fx" from one picture to another but when I try to drag to next photo it doesn't seem to work I have held the alt key and dragged but no luck...
I have been trying to copy a mask from one layer to a new layer in Elements 11. I can do this in CS3 by using alt and dragging to the new layer. It doesn't work in Elements 11. Is this feature unavailable in elements 11 or is there a different command? there doesn't seem to be much point in spending all that time making a complex layer amsk and then being unable to use it on another layer.
I have to give a tutorial on layer masks using both CS3 and elements at the Camera Club!
occasionally, after going through some painstaking object selection, I accidentally choose the wrong action, for example, Rotate instead of Scale. This is because I don't always use typed commands, but will use the left-click menu for some actions, and Rotate and Scale are right next to each other (mouse is a bit jittery sometimes - yes, I need a new mouse). Even with simple object selections, it is annoying to have this happen. If I find that I have made the wrong command choice, I simply want to undo the command choice but keep the objects selected. Is there a way to do this besides clearing it all and starting over? Kind of like the OOPS command, but for actions, not erase?
On a related note, if I have several actions I intend to use on the same set of selected objects, I have to re-select them after each one is completed (not always, but this is sometimes true). Is there a quick re-select command that selects the same group of objects I had last selected?
I am using windows 7 and I installed photoshop cs6 extended.after I installed it, copy css doesn't show up on the right click panel.I've just searched for the update for extended. But update only available on Macintosh.
in the old autocad that i had for PC there was a command to re-select all selected items by typing P and then enter. I now have 2011 autocad for mac and can not figure out how to do the same thing.
I have a layer that has the exact shadowing I want on another layer. Actually what I really want is to keep the image (colors etc) on one layer and just apply the 'shapes' and 'shadows' from another layer to it.
I've tried putting the layer with the image I want to keep above the shadowed layer and creating a clipping mask and that didn't do anything. I tried changing the opacity of the image that I want to keep to like 30% and that works, but it fades it out too much. I tried creating a pattern with the shadow layer and applying it as a texture to the image layer and that didn't work well either.
The PS I downloaded from CC doesn't work -- no illumination and some other functions -- I deactivated and re-uploaded -functions and then crashed agian -- computer is new and shouldn't be the problem.
Firstly - when I create a document at 48x48 at 72ppi, it comes out as you would expect, 48x48 on a screen. However if I enter 48x48 and try to enter 326ppi, it doesn't adjust the canvas size at all.
Also when I have my 48x48 72ppi document open and go to image > image size, and adjust only the ppi to does nothing! What should be happening is the canvas become 72:326 ratio larger to reflect the new ppi, or in other words, make the canvas size larger in proportion to this so when you take your new 326ppi image to the iphone it is retina at 48x48...however this is clearly not happening.
In Photoshop CS2, I select Help > How to fix and enhance photos > to touch up spots, scratches, and wrinkles. Instead of help on that, Adobe Help Center 2.1 shows up with nothing in it.
I have an old version of the creative suite that is all right for what I do (information for a charitable organisation for medical research) installed in 2008. For quite a while now every once in a while when I start up I get a screen asking me to register. But since I already am registered Adobe just said to click on later and go on working. But this morning the screen is empty so I can't click anywhere. I've tried restarting and even turning off the computer and trying to restart my day.