AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Copy As PDF Doesn't Work On Network Location?
Sep 26, 2013
I cant't save copy as PDF when I point to a nework location, It's working when I save directly on my computer.
I get a message saying : "Failed to publish DWF file."
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Jan 11, 2012
I have a problem with CorelDraw X4, some tools like save, save as, copy, cut, export doesn't work.
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Oct 9, 2013
When using save copy as to make an identical part with a different number, the file name in the top and the browser doesn't update to the new filenumber. only in the bottom file tabs is the name correct. if I go to file> save as I can also see the new filename. This is a hassle when doing this to multiple files in an assembly, as it makes it hard to keep track of which parts have been given a new name. It seems the filename input in the browser is only written once, and that is when the first file was saved for the first time.
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Sep 19, 2012
I am working on a plugin application, in that saving Image files on a specific location by using JSX file.I have done with that but it works only with local drive.I want to save that file on my Network Share by using JSX.
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Mar 17, 2014
Saving InDesign files to a network location seems to take an extremely long time during which I am unable to do anything else inside InDesign.I know that this has been an issue for me for at least 2 weeks (since March 3, 2014, possibly earlier). I am not certain whether I have updated InDesign since then, but have consistently been experiencing this same problem.
Today I ran some tests (all using the same ~20MB file).
Save from InDesign to network location: 12 seconds
Save from InDesign to desktop: <2 seconds
Copy file (in Windows Explorer) from desktop to network: <2 seconds
Copy file from network to desktop: <2 seconds
I know I can work on the file locally and copy my saved versions out at the end of the day, but this was not necessary before, and I don't know what changed to make this take so much longer than it used to.
Current system configuration: InDesign 9.2 x64 running on a Win 7 Pro 64-bit with 16GB RAM and a Xeon 3.6GHz processor.
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Aug 20, 2013
I'm attempting to copy paste a block and a line from one tab to another in the same drawing and it doesnt appear. I get
Command: _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Oblique ignored.
Duplicate definition of block _ArchTick ignored.
Duplicate definition of block attr_FFL ignored.
i've purged, i've audited, i've even created a new drawing and transfered the information but im still getting this problem.The strange thing is occasionally it works.also, i purge so the drawing it is clean, then i try to paste, then when purging again 1000's of blocks appear in the purge diologue box. A49285 to A55404 & a block called A$C4E2C21A4
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Jul 2, 2012
I'm trying to move our Appearance & Materials libraries to a network location. But I'm not quite sure which files need to be moved. I copied all the files in the folder: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAutodesk SharedMaterials, but when I change my project settings to reflect this location they're not available in the Appearance & Materials library managers.
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Aug 1, 2012
I have two DWG files and I want to paste the content of the first into the second file with the original coordinates. It sounds very easy (and I am sure it is) but I am still failing. I open the first file, select all (crtl a), copy all (crtl a), open the other file and want to chose the function: right click > paste with original coordinates. But this open is not active (grey) and can not be clicked. Actually there is no paste function available to click on if I do a right click.
btw. I am working with AutoCAD 2012.
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Oct 18, 2013
In AutoCAD 2011 in mapclassic mode I removed some buttons that I don't use from the Modify toolbar and now the copy command doesn't work. I can't even type in the command line.
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Apr 18, 2005
I turned off the levels from the layer palette and then I linked 2 images and clicked on copy merge but it doesn't work.
How do I merge 2 image together without the levels?
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Jun 21, 2013
I have been having trouble with the reselect tool for a while now. I often select something and then use new layer via copy ( J). The problem is that I cannot reselect after doing that (the option is grayed out), and it doesn't matter if I do the new layer copy with the shortcut or menu.
I am using CS5 with Mac 10.8.4, just recently switched from 10.6.8 (it hasn't worked in either). I do know that I have successfully used reselect after J before, but it was on a work computer -- I believe that computer was running 10.6.8 but it might have been CS4 if I recall correctly.
There are definitely workarounds like saving a selection or path, but they are still a little slower to use when it is something that I don't need to keep around for a while. I sometimes can use command-click on the layer icon but that selects the newly copied pixels, which can sometimes be different than what I had selected -- for example, if I copied a portion of a layer of linework, it will select the lines alone but not the area that I had.
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Feb 17, 2014
This problem has never been in CS6, it is only in the CC. When I past an object from Illustrator CC to PowerPoint I see unexplaned code.
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Nov 12, 2012
When I import pictures from my SD Card I usually leave copies on the card for a while so I have them as backup, and to also be able to see recent pics on my camera. However each time I go to import pictures from that card within LR, it defaults to selecting all pics on my SD card even though I have the "New Photos" filter selected at the top of the import box. It always puts all my photos in the "New Photos" section, so I have to deselect all the photos that I have already imported into my catalogue so I don't get duplicates. How do I get LR to only import pics that haven't been imported bfore?
I am aware of the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option, but that is not the samea as what I am looking for. It only deselects photos that still exist in my catalogue. Any photos that I have deleted from my catalogue remain selected in the import box as it doesn't see any duplicates.
what I'm missing to have LR only select photos that haven't been previously imported from that card?
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Apr 30, 2013
I am trying to copy a part that is in my assembly drawing and then place multiple instances of that part at equally spaced distance between each other. I can copy the part but i don't know how to place the copied part at the distance i want to place it in.
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May 13, 2012
i have photoshop extended CS6 since yesterday and today when i was going to save an animation, go to file- save for web, this appears "the operation could not be completed".
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Apr 16, 2013
I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS6, and did the update to v13.04. Get a message with Save for Web: "The operation could not be completed. A write permissions error has occurred." There is a bug fix for v12 for exactly this, but CS5.5 (not sure which version of 12 it was) worked fine on this machine. On a Macbook 17 inch running OSX 10.7.5 with 8gig Ram and 2.5 Ghz I7.
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Feb 3, 2014
I have tried saving my project as a PDF so that I can send to different people and print, but no matter which PDF options I chose in Illustrator's final step for saving as PDF I end up getting a PDF with nothing on it! It turns up as a blank page. If I do get a visible PDF it stays that way for only a few minutes and prints out in reversed colours!! This is bissare. Some Preferences or something of mine are wack??
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May 27, 2012
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS6, latest version as of 05/25/12.I have 19 layers, each has a 1200x1200px texture. These are of course overlapped, so setting them all to visible will only show the top layer.
All layers are rasterized, and contain 1200x1200px:
1) I select all 19 layers using shift+click, all are highlighted (in the layer pane).
2) I select a region using the selection tool, in this case a rectangular region that is 172px high and 35px wide.
3) I right click the selection, and then select: layer via copy. (Note, Layer via cut is disabled for some reason)
4) *problem* It creates 19 new layers with the full image from the selected layers and not the selection which is what I wanted to place in the new layers.
5) *problem* when I right click the selection and select "Free Transform", the transform box surrounds the entire canvas and not the selection.
6) *problem* when I skew, it skews the entire image and not just the selection.
7) *problem* Previously, I have been able to select a layer from the layer pane, go to image menu, select adjustments, brightness/contrast, and adjust the brightness/contrast for just that layer. Now it wont let me.
8) *related problem* If I have 3 layers (background, 1, and 2) on a 1200x1200 canvas, with the image in layer 1 being 150px, and the image in layer 2 being 150x, each rasterized, and then stack the images on 1 and 2 over eachother, then select both layers, then select a region inside the stacked images, then select free transform, the free transform selection embodies all pixels inside the canvas (not the entire canvas this time) and performs the transform on these pixels and not the original selection.
If I do it making all the layers visible as well as selected, it behaves the same.What appears to be happening is Photoshop is ignoring the selection and for some reason is using a pixel region (or if pixels cover the entire canvas, the whole image) when performing actions intended for the selection.
What's strange is when I made these textures, I started out with 19 150x150 pictures, I set the canvas size to 1200x1200, selected all the layers in the layer pane, selected the 150x150 image in the middle, and was able to move all 19 textures to the top right corner, able to switch to transform on all 19 pictures, able to rotate 180 degrees all 19 pictures, was able to flip horizontal all 19 pictures, then able to copy all 19 pictures to new layers, move the 19 pictures all at the same time to the right 150 pixels, rinse and repeat, to eventually come out with 19 1200x1200 textures tiled from the 150px pictures. In other words, I did exactly what I am attempting to do with the 1200x1200 pictures with the 150x150 pixtures and it worked like a champ.
The end goal of course is to take a selection of all 19 of the 1200x1200 pictures, transform, then skew that image to make a collage of images applied to an added background. Performing this on all 19 textures and getting the same exact skew, etc would take days considering I need to do about 15 of different portions of the tile.
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May 3, 2012
When I have a PSD file, and try to save it, It will now let me save it as an JPG, CS5 did. Even after flattening the image, I often find it does not work instead of saving it as JGP as wanted, it PS changes it to IMG.
I have just had the same trouble trying to save to PDF, PS changed the extension to JPF, I eventually found a work around, jut kept ging down the list of files, until PS decided to add the PDF extension I was after.
I have tried to completely remove CS6 and re install it, no difference.
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Aug 23, 2013
I have a keyboard shortcut for Copy (see directly below). This command doesn't copy multiple. But if I type "Copy" at the comment prompt (AutoCAD 2013) the copy multiple is the default. Copymode is already set to "0".
(setvar "SNAPMODE" 1)(COMMAND "_COPY")
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Dec 10, 2013
The workpoint I have in my model is in the location I want.
When I INCLUDE it in my IDW file it shows up in the wrong location.
Glad I noticed that, I would have dimensioned to the wrong location and ended up with a scrapped part.
I wonder what would cause this? Maybe a bug? I looked at the model from every possible angle and the point is in the exact location I need.
Dell Precision T3500
Windows 7 Pro
Quad Core Intel Xeon
6 Gb SDRam
Product Design Suite 2014 Premium
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Aug 31, 2012
There is still an issue with making new actions that include saving for web. While recording the action, save for web functions as it should. But once the action is played, regardless of the original format the saved image should be, it gives it an html filename extension.
I have spoken about this bug with a friend that is a computer programmer. Considering that the action is saving the file correctly, and it's only the name that is not saving properly indicates that this is a superficial error, and not an issue that would require rewriting the code completely. Also consider that this WAS functioning properly in CS5, and that this is a very easily reproducible bug.
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Dec 14, 2012
On a couple assy's, I am trying to use pack&go to make self-contained versions of them.
Only problem is, the assy file (xxx.iam) and all sub-assy files are still linked to the component files in the original location even though the component files were copied to the new location with the P&G command
The whole point in this feature is to make self sufficient copies of something that don't depend on the original data.
This shows the settings I am using It is finding all the files ok. It just doesn't change the relationships on the new iam files. I could manually copy them and do the same thing this feature is doing.
Is there some hidden checkbox I need to find ? Note, I also tried once with "Include linked files" unchecked and got the same result.
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Nov 18, 2013
Photoshop CS6 the " save for web" function to save on a network location. This network location isn't available to me at this time and now when I want to "save for web" I get an error like " can't perform the job, system can't find the submitted path" (which isn't the exact error but translated from the dutch error: "Kon de bewerking niet voltooien. Het Systeem kan het opgegeven pad niet vinden."
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Sep 26, 2012
Is there a way to set old versions folder to save to a different location than the working folder?
Our IT deletes these folders from our server, so I would like to have them save to my hard drive.
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Apr 18, 2012
How do I change the default save location?
It goes to my documents, but in options I can't find anything with that path.
I want it to go to a different folder but I can't figure out how to make it do that.
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Jul 11, 2013
We have about 25 users on Inventor working via a common network on multiple projects, we do not have vault.
In using the content center, I see one has to specify the location of instanced content center parts under options>file>>Default Content Center files. Is there no other way to get the instanced content center parts to save under the specific project file location without changing it manually each time via options>file>>etc. Is there a setting under projects?
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Sep 9, 2013
I´m trying to create an external iLogic rule that let´s the user specify a path and saves an assembly and all it´s components into one directory. Alternatively it could be the main workspace path which doesn´t have to be specified by the user so it can be handled internally.
The background is a design template that resides on a network storage which can be configured through an iLogic Form and when the user is done configuring the assembly to it´s liking it should be saved to it´s workspace.
I was looking through the snippets but couldn´t find anything related to "save all". I have the feeling that I have to cycle through all component occurences and save them one by one.
Getting a Save As dialog box seems to be possible as I could see on Curtis Waguespack´s blog but the commands he is using are nowhere documented. For example for calling the dialog box he is using
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Feb 24, 2013
In older versions of PSP, auto-save would automatically save a copy of the work in progress every X minutes (depending on what was set by the user) and overwriting the previous version, including the original if not working on a copy of it.
In PSPX4, auto-preserve added the functionality of saving a copy of the original to avoid overwriting it, but it also has autosave setting.
Questions :
- what does the autosave do except save the image when changing from Edit to Manage to Adjust?
- does autosave automatically save a copy (even if overwriting) of the work in progress?
- if so, where do we set how frequently a save should be?
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Nov 20, 2012
In my quest to remove any unnecessary clicks I want to be able to set the default location when you press Save, Save As, Demote or 'Save and replace component'.
Default it will show up a file save as dialogue starting from my workspace. Or my last saved location. I believe this is stored in the registry and hope to Intelligent adjust these registry value's using VBA.
When diving into the registry I believe I found the right keys here:
Problem 1:
- if i change them manually I don't find a difference in Inventor (If I change other things in the registry, this has an effect)
Problem 2:
how do I set them automatic using VBA? I've got the strings sFileLocation & sFileName true the rest of my code. So I would need to do something like:
Dim oRegFileSave as Regisry entryset oRegFileSave as
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAutodeskInventorRegistryVersion17.0SystemPreferencesFileDialogLastFileSaveDialogoRegFileSave = sFileLocation & "/" & sFileName
For your information, these are the registry entry's I believe I need to adjust:
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Oct 29, 2011
I would like to have our newly created Content Center parts end up in a vault folder location unique to them. This will manage our conversion from the standard parts to our custom parts. Unfortunately, Inventor automatically saves these to the en-US folder. How can I set parts to automatically save to the Content Center/Roberts Standard Parts location as shown (attached) when they are inserted in an assembly.
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