I adjust lots and lots of pix for our ebay auctions. Many items have at least 5 pix so they have the same file name but with a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. at the end of the file name to distinguish them from each other. Example: eapgcompote1.jpg , eapgcompote2.jpg etc..
The problem that I have with Gimp is every time I save/ export a pic Gimp does not save the last export location and last modified date nor does Gimp offer the ability to select from previously saved items like in PhotoShop. I have to go thru about 5 steps in order to save each pic.
I created a template and changed some style properties. I can not save to master location and when I open the template is tells me it is going to override my custom style.
How do I save out my custom style to the defalut location?
Is there a way to change the default save location for imported components? I can't stand the default "Save in Workspace" option which creates the dreaded & useless (IMHO) "Imported Components" folder.
I know how to change it during an import by clicking the "Options..." button. But if I or another one of our users forgets to do that, then things get saved to the "Imported Components" folder. This becomes particularly annoying with library files.
How to change the Default Templates Location from the installation directory to the Network Location so that my Mechanical Design Team can use our Assigned Templates.
is there a way to set the default save location in gimp, when i create a new image and save it always starts in ~/Documents directory on the save dialog.
i tried to see if there was a setting i could override in gimprc but i was unable to find this, maybe i am looking in the wrong place.
I was trying to load in some tool presets for my pen tool in Photoshop. Upon doing so I noted that clicking on "Load Tool Presets..." or alternatively any of the quick jump links i.e. art history, pencil brushes, etc... Photoshop would load absolutely nothing.
Upon looking to see where Photoshop was looking for these tool presets I noticed that it was looking here:
"C:Users*********AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6PresetsTools" instead of looking here: E:AdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)PresetsTools --- which is where the presets are actually located.
Is there any way to change where Photoshop looks by default? How did it get set to the incorrect location in the first place.
When I click on File, Open in CS2 (it came with the computer) Pictures is always the Library that opens. Can this be changed? I have created a Library called Photography. That is where I download and store my photographs and where I work on them.
I recently had to delete my preferences file and I had forgotten how much I had customized my Photoshop (CS5).Now, however, I can't remember how I changed some of the default settings, such as the location of brushes, gradients, patterns and shapes, that I keep in a central location. Used to be, that if I wanted to replace the brushes, It would open to this location where I actually store all my brushes, not the default location on the C drive.
Is it possible to change the default location for backup files to somewhere other than the folder in which the original file is located? Ideally I would specify a single location for all backups and tell Carbonite and my nightly mirror/sync application not to copy that folder.
I am trying to change my default import location on my MAC Pro Tower, to one of the internal HD's. I have named the HD Photo Location, and have created a folder in it called it "My Lightroom Photos". I have been able to create this, but cannot seem to ber able to make it my default when I open LR 3.5. I have to manually go in and change it. Is there a way that this can be changed to make it my default?
How can I change the default location for saving pictures for the first time in Elements 10? For some reason, the program is savings my work in the Temp folder when I need the work to be in the Picture LIbrary.
I'm having problem changing the default location for templates in Application Options of Inventor 2013. If I set the location to a folder in my server, the template files aren't showing up. It's like there's nothing there. I've never found this problem before. The templates are shared on the network, so it's the same for everybody. Now it's necessary to everyone copy them locally, which is not the best practice in my opinion.
We have about 25 users on Inventor working via a common network on multiple projects, we do not have vault.
In using the content center, I see one has to specify the location of instanced content center parts under options>file>>Default Content Center files. Is there no other way to get the instanced content center parts to save under the specific project file location without changing it manually each time via options>file>>etc. Is there a setting under projects?
I´m trying to create an external iLogic rule that let´s the user specify a path and saves an assembly and all it´s components into one directory. Alternatively it could be the main workspace path which doesn´t have to be specified by the user so it can be handled internally.
The background is a design template that resides on a network storage which can be configured through an iLogic Form and when the user is done configuring the assembly to it´s liking it should be saved to it´s workspace.
I was looking through the snippets but couldn´t find anything related to "save all". I have the feeling that I have to cycle through all component occurences and save them one by one.
Getting a Save As dialog box seems to be possible as I could see on Curtis Waguespack´s blog but the commands he is using are nowhere documented. For example for calling the dialog box he is using
My AutoCAD 2013 crashed and as a result the recovered file was saved in 2013 format, instead of my automatic save profile option version set to AutoCAD 2000.
As we have other users in the office without AutoCAD 2013, how do i change the default crash save to a newer version (ie. AutoCAD 2000)?
In my quest to remove any unnecessary clicks I want to be able to set the default location when you press Save, Save As, Demote or 'Save and replace component'.
Default it will show up a file save as dialogue starting from my workspace. Or my last saved location. I believe this is stored in the registry and hope to Intelligent adjust these registry value's using VBA.
When diving into the registry I believe I found the right keys here:
I would like to have our newly created Content Center parts end up in a vault folder location unique to them. This will manage our conversion from the standard parts to our custom parts. Unfortunately, Inventor automatically saves these to the en-US folder. How can I set parts to automatically save to the Content Center/Roberts Standard Parts location as shown (attached) when they are inserted in an assembly.
I need to manually override the weight and location of the c.g. inside a parts iproperties. I know how to override the weight, but I do not know how to manually override and modify the location of the c.g.
I know a while back, Photoshop was offering to save my files as JPEGs as default. But now it defaults to saving as a PSD file, and I am having some difficulty figuring out how to make it save as a JPG file instead.
OS: CS 5.1 Production Premium, Mac Adobe Photoshop 5.1
Trying to make it where I wouldn't have to deal with the idiosyncrasies of the Project file, I created a default project that was rooted to my top level network drive.
All was fine until I did some importing from other formats. All of the sudden there was a new top level network folder called imports.
Ok, bitch session aside on the uselessness of project files, is there an entry in the project file details where I can change the location of this folder?
In SW, I was accustomed to importing a file and then saving it where I was going to use it, not in some convoluted folder structure that had no relation to my active working location.
I mean, why on earth would I want a separate folder for every little part I import?
We need re-location the diameter dimension after we change the drawing view's scale. but we didn't know how to change the Startpoint of the dimension (mark with Red word "1"), just find the text location.
Who knows how to set the new point to for the startpoint?
I need to open a PDF file that has multiple pages. On "FileOpen" it comes up with Import PDF. There are 21 pages. I know how to highlight all the pages so they all load at once. Do to the volume of work this is impractical. Control+A will not work for this.
1. Is there a way to have "Open" select all, no matter on the number, pages into Photoshop 13.122. On "Save As" it defaults to ".psd". I want it to default to ".jpg". I'm doing several hundred plus.3. Also do not want it to ask me if “OK”, just do the save.
All I want to do is bring in the "PDF's" and brake the multiple files to a singe page ".jpg" or "PNG" file and rename the file just before the save.