Paint Shop Pro :: Automatically Save Copy Of Work In Progress Every X Minutes?
Feb 24, 2013
In older versions of PSP, auto-save would automatically save a copy of the work in progress every X minutes (depending on what was set by the user) and overwriting the previous version, including the original if not working on a copy of it.
In PSPX4, auto-preserve added the functionality of saving a copy of the original to avoid overwriting it, but it also has autosave setting.
Questions :
- what does the autosave do except save the image when changing from Edit to Manage to Adjust?
- does autosave automatically save a copy (even if overwriting) of the work in progress?
- if so, where do we set how frequently a save should be?
I'm editing a lot of files for web publishing. These files need to be saved as PNG files but I would like to be able to quickly keep a copy of the PDN file so that I can quickly edit the files if needed since I can't save an image with layers to a PNG without flattening first.
Is there a plugin that allows me to quickly do this? Perhaps a checkbox on the Save As... dialog to automatically save a copy of the file as a PDN to a designated location? Having to manually save each file twice is quite tedious.
When I am done working on a project for the day if I save it (save or save as) the next time I open the Vsp file, it is all in the main timeline. Can't edit titles, transitions or anything. Basically, it is like flattening an image. Using VS Pro 5 Ultimate.
Any way in X5 to save or copy the modifications/effects from one photo to another? I took photos of some old building drawings and used clarify, noise removal, contrast, etc. I wanted to apply the exact same modifications to all of the other photos of the drawings. Is there a simple way to do this? Can I save it as a preset or filter or something similar. It would sure save a lot of time.
Not a big deal, but, when I'm saving a file in X3, there's no progress bar. Is there anything in Preferences that I can click to show the bar? I haven't been able to find anything. It would be nice, especially when saving large files.
understand the impact of the options “Save for Office” / “Copy for professional printing”.I am writing a thesis through Microsoft Word and I use a plenty of images. Normally, I handling the images in PSP and I insert it in Word through “insert picture from file”.
I realized PSP has the mentioned resources to handle images to Office applications. I intend to print Microsoft Word obtaining the best image quality of my pictures. Is “Save for Office” or “Copy for professional printing” worth using?
Many times I take images through PSP “screen capture”. So, if I use in PSP “Copy for professional printing” and paste in Word, will it improve the final document printing?
I am trying to make a flyer and every 2 minutes PSP keeps crashing. Is there a way to get a log from it so I can post it here? I am using text and when i click on the right hand side to double click (for that the text sticks), it crashes. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
X4 works fine for me on my 2yr old Vista 64bit quad machine with 8gigs except that it takes almost 5 minutes to boot up so I can use it.
The application boots up to the edit screen than I just get the busy signal for the next 4-5 minutes. Task manager shows it is not responding. Works fine after that.
I also have X2 and it works just fine. If I make any changes to the uncataloged folders or file format exclusions under preferences in X4 it does the same thing (5 minites wait) untill the changes have taken affect. With that in mind I believe its a cataloging issue. Once its up and running its no problem. This is a trial if that makes any difference.I have tried the reset while booting it up ( hold down the crtl & alt keys) and that causes the program to crash after I select okay from the reset menu. The program is reset though after reloading it.
I don't use a graphic card and can not get GL 3.0 support or higher if that maked any difference like it does with Corel DVD movie factory which won't work on my computer.
I manage a website and I have to resize bundles of images frequently. I find it a problem in Paint Shop Pro X5 that every time I resize an image it shows as a tiny thumbnail. This causes me to go to the 'view' toolbar and then from the dropdown box have to click 'zoom to 100%'
How do I format PSP X5 to automatically show resized images at 100%?
Each time I use the "save as" for a file (any extension) it's closed by default, replaced by the the saved file. Because I use a .pdn file as a base to create many .jpg files I would like the file I just "saved as" not to be close automatically. Otherwise I have to open it again via "recent files..."
I am conforming three 2 minute long sequences and am trying to soft import all the footage, then conform, then consolidate to 24 frame handles, then Store Local Copy all the footage (only used in each sequence). I feel like i used to get a "Pending Render" super over the preview player in the Library. For some reason i am not getting this message. Is there any way to check the progress of the Store Local Copy, or to make sure that smoke is actually storing a local copy? The drive that the media lives on is a 2TB GRaid and i am getting awful performance in smoke when trying to do anything with the clips/sequences, which i expected...
how to use layers, and how to get the colors under the black ink-lines. The results are so good, I am able to do professional-level work with this excellent coloring/image-manipulation program. Yes, I'm doing paid work with GIMP 2!
However! As I am still experimenting with several techniques [I found that scanning in at 600 on my scanner produces good-enough quality linework to color etc], I tried one cartoon frame at 1200 and although the resolution is excellent, the higher res has meant the program is slow in shutting down/flattening layers, etc. GIMP works fine in 600 resolution and I will stick to this in future.
Is there any way I can convert the resolution down from 1200 to 600 halfway through, which would save me from starting the color from scratch again? I may also have a problem e-mailing the finished pro cartoon artwork at 1200.......The image is in xcf format.
Now I'm using x4 and I noticed that when I cut/copy a portion of a pic and then paste it as a new image....then I want to copy and paste that portion back into the original photo using paste as new layer....the icon doesn't change automatically from the lasso/cut tool to the move tool.
It used to do that automatically in psp 7 so that right after I paste as new layer, i can move that portion around right away.
In x4, after you paste as new layer, you can't move that layer around because it hasn't changed automatically to the move tool. I have to manually click on the move tool everytime I want to move the layer around. It's very irritating!
Any settings I can change to make it automatically change to "move tool" right after pasting a pic as new layer?
PSPro X I screen captured a map then added text (and arrows via the paint brush).It is now a vector image.What do I need to do to copy 100% of what is in the image to a word 2003 doc.
I recently had to remove some sensor dust spots from three bracketed images I was using for HDR. I used the "Makeover" tool on each image. I understand that in Lightroom, you can copy setting like this from one image to others. That would save a lot of time rather than removing the spots from each individual image.
1) From LR export to PS 2) Do all essential editings. 3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy) 4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg' 5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'. 6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.
I just got psp x3 and i can't get my text to work all it dose is put the 1st letter in and the rest is blank or it put the 1st letter and the 2nd is blank then the 3rd one come up and the 1st letter is gone. I up new up dates in and it doing the same thing
I currently have X4 Ultimate installed with KPT Effects & Nik Color Effex Pro 3. I now also have X5 Ultimate installed. Now X5 came with the same Nik Color Effex but I haven't installed it yet.Does KPT Effects from X4 will work in X5? Can I copy the folder from X4 into X5? (Same question pertains to the NIk Color Effex. Useful to install it again when it's already intalled to get it working in X5.)
I thought about just trying to point X5 to the X4 plugin folder but after just trying that with something else, I'm a little leary. I tried to point X5 to the Photoshop CS6 folder where AlienSkin Eye Candy 6 installed. But right after doing that and re-starting PSP, the startup box hung. I used task manager to stop it but the program still opened anyway. I knew that wasn't right, so I removed the link to that folder and X5 opened normally again. The newest installer for Eye Candy 6 won't let me do a custom install. So, how to get the filter working in X5.
Anyway, my main question is if I can get the KPT effects from X4 working in X5 and if so what I need to do.
I have a picture file(JPEG) with a text in Japanese that I want to copy from. I've tried the trick with Microsoft Office One note & word(for those of you who know it) but it didn't work. Is there anyway to do it in PSP?
I purchased and installed PSP X4 ultimate (, having first removed all traces of previous versions.
Install went fine and everything I've tried so far works as expected but I found one minor, if irritating bug:
I had retained in My PSP files a number of picture tubes, some of which, it turned out, were duplicates of those provided in PSP X4 and the Ultimate contents pack. So when I first checked the picture tubes, the usual window popped up listing the duplicates it had found, with the button to copy the list to the clipboard. However clicking on that button, the only thing that was copied to the clipboard was the first letter of the first entry in the list, not the whole list, as worked properly in X3 and earlier.
I then manually searched for and deleted the duplicates (which a copy of the list would have made much less time consuming, of course). To test that this was a reproducible bug, I then deliberately crated a new set of duplicates (simply by copying one of the subfolders in C:Program FilesCorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel_10 to a subfolder in My PSP files picture tubes folder). Again the list of new duplicates showed up, but clicking copy to clipboard again only the first letter in the first item on the list was copied.
installing a 64GB SSD as a caching disk to my 750GB using Intel Smart Response.
So, I installed my SSD, configured windows to recognize RAID and configured Intel's Rapid Storage to use my new SSD as a caching drive. After that, I had to reactivate windows, which was expected, and I had to reinstall Paint Shop Pro X4, which was not.
Right after reinstalling, the software worked ok, installed SP2 and SP3, all fine. After a reboot... nothing, the error indicating that my copy was damaged or illegally modified showed up again. So... reinstall... SP2... SP3... ok! Reboot...
I noticed that the protexis licensing was running, and tried to restart it, and Paint Shop worked! Reboot.. run PSP... error... restart service... ok!!
*** SOLUTION ***
Changing the starting method of the protexis service from "Automatic - delayed" to "Automatic" made the trick for me!
have been using PSP8 for a long time with no problems. i regularly copy files from my HD to a memory card but recently i have been getting the following error message for no apparent reason:
cannot copy [filename]: the directory or file cannot be created
if i try to copy a batch of files this does not happen for all files - just more recent ones. so half the files get copied, the others don't. i have checked file properties old files vs new and cannot see any difference. my memory card is not full.
under Windows 7 pro and psp13.2.0.14 it don't work anymore. I even try to make it work in an old version of psp: V9.10. It still didn't work. Does any of you know something about kpt 5.1? I think it fail because of upgrades by Windows7 pro.