Photoshop :: Placing Paper On 12 Inch Layer - Doesn't Fill Entire Layer?
May 1, 2013It looks like a thumbnail in center of layer with the box thing around it...And the paper I'm placing on is 12x12 or 3600x3600px.
View 2 RepliesIt looks like a thumbnail in center of layer with the box thing around it...And the paper I'm placing on is 12x12 or 3600x3600px.
View 2 RepliesI just installed photoshop CC and wanted to continue working on my old photoshop files (which I previously edited with photoshop CS3 and photoshop 7). I use a lot of fill layers to color my drawings because they are easier to edit later. Things is, in photoshop CC all my fill layers, news ones and the old ones, are locked. I cannot paint on them when I previously could. There would be an error message asking me to rasterize it (which I don't want to, because it would make it hard to edit next time), and also a second message of "Content On The Layer Is Not Directly Editable".Is there an option I can select to allow painting on Fill Layer and Adjustment layers again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been using Photoshop CS2 for several years to enhance my photographs, but just now have encountered something simple I cannot find out how to do. I have on the background layer a picture of a room interior with the exposure set mostly for the open window, but the rest of the room is very dark. On the only other layer, the upper one, I have the same shot exposed correctly for the room, which overexposes the window area. The upper and lower layers are perfectly superimposed, and the upper layer is at 100% opacity.
I have selected the window on the upper layer and want to change the selected area's opacity to blend properly with the window on the bottom layer without changing opacity of the rest of the layer. No matter what I do, changing opacity seems to affect only the entire layer, and I haven't figured out how to isolate the selected area for the opacity change.
I can cut the selection to reveal the darker window on the bottom layer, but this doesn't give me the flexibility I need to balance the two exposures. An opacity change would be ideal.
How do I open or place a new layer BELOW the ORIGINAL. I have tried dragging and that doesn't work. I have tried control/click when I create a layer and that doesn't work.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy system: Win XP, PS CS2
I want to know: Can I place a psd-file in another file completely with its still edible layers?
I am trying to follow this tutorial ...
Under #2 ... I am assuming the author means to draw with the Rounded Rectangle in Path mode ... am I assuming correct? I think it is suppose to be set to Path b/c it's the only way the Blend Mode reads "Pass Through"
this tuts steps aren't really numbered well but also under step two where the "BG" is filled with black the resulting shape is suppose to look like this :
But mine looks like this :
Notice how the left side has a lighter grey color and the one from the tut above is clear?
Also under step #2 ... where it comes to the part where I am to color the resulting shape with a yellow gradient this is what happens to me :
the entire canvas becomes colored ... ? Here are my Layers.
I select the "BG" layer to apply the gradient.
Here is the Layers panel from the tut which is confusing to me b/c the only difference I see is that the tuts panel has the down arrow and folder of the top layer/the "Body" layer seems to be greyed out... and the tut says something like : Activate the "BG" layer and cancel the mask view. Well, how to go about canceling the mask view and I looked all over Ps for such an "action" and also throughout the online manual.
I want to ultimately place some metadata such as lens focal length, time of day, exposure etc. onto an image. This could be an action that perform on each image. But it would be nice if it was automatic.
The result being to have a jpg file with this information in the corner of the image for myself and my client's reference. I can't seem to find either a plugin, action or script that will do this for me. These are simply proof / scouting shots. I would be just as happy doing this in Lightroom as well.
I am working a small picture (190x250 px). When I add an image as a layer, the only thing I am able so see is the part of the image which is viewable from the image size (see attached screenshot). I swear at some point I was able to see the contents of the entire layer. Am I just imagining this or is there a way to see the entire layer?Attached File(s) a.JPG (58.09K) Number of downloads: 4
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a layer of lables for a drawing that all have 1" text, and I want to change all the text to 1.5", without having to scale them individually. There must be some way to select the layer and do a global adjustment of the text font?
I'm surprised I'm not finding this in the menu's, etc.Since I need each text to scale properly from it's own location, I cannot simply scale everything from one base point.
I have a PDF file with 25 pages that I need to get into the form of an Illustrator file with 25 layers. I found the example of opening a particular page of a PDF file (using CS6), and that works. And I can create layers. But I can't figure out how to place a particular page of a PDF file into the new layer. Where/how do I provide the page info?
(I have a PostScript program that generates artwork for signs that are to be laser etched at the TechShop. The laser interface uses Illustrator and a special Print driver. I notice that opening a page from a PDF file positions the contents slightly differently than placing that page, when I do it manually, so I figured I'd create the multilayered Illustrator file by opening one page (which works) then placing all the pages in their own layers, then deleting the first page. Then the positioning will be consistent. But I'm stuck at placing a PDF page...)
tell application "Adobe Illustrator" to activate
-- This function opens the file passed as
-- a file reference parameter, at page myPage.
-- fileToOpen is a reference to a multi-page PDF file
-- and needs to be set up before calling this function.
on openMultipageFile(fileToOpen, myPage)
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set user interaction level to never interact
When I print a single 4x5 image on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, the entire sheet, less the eighth inch margins, receives an almost invisible layer of color. Where is the dialog box generating the instruction to print this background and how do I disable it? Both Elements 3 and 6 used on the same printer, an Epson 2200, would simply print the image.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI made the background of an object (single color symbol) transparent, then re-sized it. I then added a transparent layer to another image, with the idea of placing the symbol onto that layer. I tried to move the symbol, but that didn't work. I copied the symbol image and tried to paste it onto the layer. It pasted, but all I got was a transparent rectangle that matched the size of the symbol image.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to export the entire trax layer with multiple clips as an MA file? I need to swap out a character rig with a new one currently I am able to do this with single clips, but if i have a bunch of clips sequenced on the time line id like to do them all at once if possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhy this certain copy of Photoshop CS5 is doing this. I'll be trying to fill a layer or a selection but whenever I fill it, it never fills anything below other objects in completely unrelated layers. Is there a setting I can turn off to make sure that this doesn't happen anymore?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just realized that a Shape Layer is the same thing as a Fill Layer which has a Vector Mask. Or that's how it looks anyway. What's the difference?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to use a picture as a mask to create a grundge effect But I only know how to make blank colored masks. How do I make a mask that is a picture ?
View 1 Replies View Relatedto add some color to a black and white photo.
I don't need anything too complicated, so I just added a solid color fill layer and erased everything that wasn't that particular color. However, I erased a bit too much, and instead of adding another fill layer for this one little part, is it possible for me to draw into the layer to add the color back?
I tried taking a black brush and painting into the layer, but nothing happened.
I'm using Photoshop CC and I can't remove, disable or rasterize a vector mask that is applied to a fill or gradient layer.
Am I missing something?
I don't like the radius of the gradient fill of my shape layer in Photoshop. I cannot find any hints about how to expand the gradient fill to cover a different area inside of the shape layer.
How can I transform gradient fills of vectors shapes in PS?
I dont get it, why are my prushset colors converted to grayscale when i use "Fill leyer solid color" on my selection. For example, i'll click on yellow, and it will just give me a different shade of the grey. i can only use grayscale colors in my new "selection filled leyer", how do i anable the colors again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit
My adjustment layers are set to come in with a white layer mask. But sometimes I want to fill that mask w. black after the adjustment and selectively brush-in the adjustment.
Is there a shortcut to quickly fill the mask w. black, w/o checking foreground/background colors; or choosing certain tools to be active; or Edit>Fill>Black, etc.? If not, how can I set my own keyboard shortcut? I don't see a Fill Black in the keyboard shortcut editing list.
I am using Autocad LT 2012.
Recently I have problem to see my drawing in paper space although I have checked that all layers in paper space are on/thaw.
If there is a way to freeze a layer in one paper space tab and go to the next tab, same drawing, and unfreeze that layer and it not change the previous tab?
View 4 Replies View RelatedGetting the following message when dragging layers between files - Could not complete your request because an adjustment or fill layer cannot be converted to the destination document mode. Original file was client created and supplied. I have isolated the issue- two hue/saturation adjustment layers. I can and will just recreate them in the new file, but am looking for a root cause or long term solution as it is a new client I believe will be sending me a good amount of production work.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThere is no layer for the blue box. How can I fix that?
The background in an image I opened in photoshop..
I have 3 layers.
The first is at the top. It's a radial gradient which is set to the layer blending mode "Color".
The second is in the middle. It is a black and white difference cloud layer that is set to overlay.
At the bottom is my third layer. It is supposed to be a bunch of stars. By stars, I mean a noise filter applied to a black canvas.
The problem is that if I "blend visible" or "blend down", it looks nothing like what it showed me when i turned on the visibility on on all of the layers. It also looks completely different when i zoom in.
This only happens from time to time. I have a sheet set up with multiple viewports. I double click in one viewport, type LAYER, and the layer dialog appears but my viewport has changed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you save a layer state on Paper Space???
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been having trouble with the reselect tool for a while now. I often select something and then use new layer via copy ( J). The problem is that I cannot reselect after doing that (the option is grayed out), and it doesn't matter if I do the new layer copy with the shortcut or menu.
I am using CS5 with Mac 10.8.4, just recently switched from 10.6.8 (it hasn't worked in either). I do know that I have successfully used reselect after J before, but it was on a work computer -- I believe that computer was running 10.6.8 but it might have been CS4 if I recall correctly.
There are definitely workarounds like saving a selection or path, but they are still a little slower to use when it is something that I don't need to keep around for a while. I sometimes can use command-click on the layer icon but that selects the newly copied pixels, which can sometimes be different than what I had selected -- for example, if I copied a portion of a layer of linework, it will select the lines alone but not the area that I had.