Photoshop :: Remove Vector Mask From Fill Layer

Nov 5, 2013

I'm using Photoshop CC and I can't remove, disable or rasterize a vector mask that is applied to a fill or gradient layer.
Am I missing something?

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Photoshop :: Color Fill Vector Mask Thumbnails In Layers Panel

Jul 2, 2012

I find that the color fill vector mask previews within the layers panel are not as useful as they were in CS5. Having the vector path along side the color swatch worked better.

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Photoshop :: CC / Layer Group Add Vector Mask / Disable It

Jul 15, 2013

[Bug] Photoshop CC,Layer Group add vector mask and disable it, use path selection tool click canvas, always crash!The sample psd file is: URL....
My Computer configuration:

SONY VAIO CA100 Notebook、Intel Core I5 2410 CPU、16GB RAM、AMD Radeon 6600M(1G RAM)Windows7 x64 SP1(clean)、

Scratch disk free space is 50GB

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Photoshop :: CC Layer Group Add Vector Mask And Disable It?

Jul 16, 2013

[Bug] Photoshop CC,Layer Group add vector mask and disable it, use path selection tool click canvas, always crash!
The sample psd file(158KB): [URL]
My Computer configuration:
SONY VAIO CA100 Notebook、Intel Core I5 2410 CPU、16GB RAM、AMD Radeon 6600M(1G RAM)、Windows7 x64 SP1(clean)、Scratch disk free space is 100GB

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Photoshop :: How Do You Fill A Layer Mask With A Picture?

Nov 26, 2005

I need to use a picture as a mask to create a grundge effect But I only know how to make blank colored masks. How do I make a mask that is a picture ?

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Photoshop :: Move A Pattern Layer Independent Of Its Vector Mask?

Oct 17, 2013

I've created a pattern fill layer and assigned a vector mask to it. How do I move the pattern around without affecting the mask? I realize if I want to rotate the pattern I'd need to convert it to a smart object, but if I only need to adjust the pattern location there must be some way to do that without moving the vector mask along with it. A traditional layer shows the vector and raster mask layer with a lock icon, but fill pattern layers are different for some reason.

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Photoshop :: Crop Tool When Vector Mask Is Active On A Layer

Jun 21, 2013

Using Photoshop CC, if you have a vector mask on a layer and attempt to crop the image, the vector mask shifts incorrectly after the crop is completed.  The image is garbled.  If I rasterize the vector mask to a standard layer mask, the crop works successfully. 
I've checked to make sure that there are no numbers in the crop tool options.  Nothing appears to be set incorrectly. 

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Photoshop :: How To Quickly Fill A White Layer Mask With Black

Jul 29, 2013

My adjustment layers are set to come in with a white layer mask. But sometimes I want to fill that mask w. black after the adjustment and selectively brush-in the adjustment.
Is there a shortcut to quickly fill the mask w. black, w/o checking foreground/background colors; or choosing certain tools to be active; or Edit>Fill>Black, etc.? If not, how can I set my own keyboard shortcut? I don't see a Fill Black in the keyboard shortcut editing list.

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Photoshop :: Remove Layer Via Mask And Save Image PNG Or GIF With Transparency

Oct 16, 2012

In Photoshop, I have removed part of a layer via a mask, leaving only one part of the image. Now I wish to save this part as an independent image, png or gif with a transparency. How can I achieve this?

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After Effects :: Gradient Fill Disappearing When Converting Vector / Illustrator File To Shape Layer

Mar 26, 2013

When converting a vector or Illustrator file (such as a logo) into a shape layer any gradient fill is lost. Is there no way to ensure the gradient fill is converted across or is this a matter for a future release of After Effects?

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Photoshop :: Copy Layer Mask To Smart Filter Mask....

Nov 2, 2008

How do I do this in CS4?

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Photoshop :: What Is The Difference Between A Layer Mask And Clipping Mask?

Apr 26, 2009

My subject line pretty much sums up what I want to ask.

The thing is I've learned how to do both of them, but every textbook exercise I've done regarding one I found out that I can pull off with the other too.

Are they simply two different mechanisms for doing the same thing?

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Photoshop :: Vector Mask

Apr 17, 2006

i'll be using photoshop overlaying pictures on top of each other. when i go to use a vector mask and the brush tool, the cursor will not be the circle that indicates the size of the brush. instead it is more like the cursor for the marquee tool. and since i dont have the circle indicating the size of the brush, it takes a LOT longer to do the minute touching up of the vector masking.

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Photoshop :: Vector Mask

Jun 10, 2009

I try to Make a new shape regardless of what it is it creates a Vector mask and a new vector mask path.

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Illustrator :: Clipping Mask On A Layer Is The Entire Document Covered In A Mask?

Jan 27, 2013

Level: Newbie   OS: Win7 64bit   Ia: Cs6
Once I use a Clipping Mask on a layer is the entire document covered in a mask?
And/or is all the artwork from then on inside the mask?
I've read about how to add and how to remove art from a mask. I've read about how to make and release and lots of other things.
So, then I went and found a lesson that contained the use of a Clipping Mask.
I am suppose to Select the main shape and "just" copy it and move it down (doesn't say rather to Paste in front or back but I assumed in back ~ not that it has mattered thus far)
However, while making the main shape I used Gradient Mesh and used an Offset to create a "replica" and so when I go to Select the main shape the mesh is selected and so when I Paste (in back ~ seems most logical) and then move it down the details such as the colors of the Gradient and other such things are visible in front ~ ??
So, I have been trying to abate my problem in lots of different ways.
I have tried using the Pen tool to draw behind the main shape, I've tried making a New Layer and placing it above and below and inbetween the main shape layer, I've tried adding the artwork to the Mask ... I've tried everything I can think of and I've been through many an article in the manual and FAQ's to no avail.
I suppose, what I think I need to know ... is, how ... how on earth do I draw behind this main shape? Am I not able to do it because I am not getting behind the Mask?

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Photoshop :: Still Possible To Delete Vector Mask In CS6?

Jun 11, 2012

Until CS6, I would routinely toss in a random vector shape and would then drag it's vector mask thumbnail, in the Layers Panel, to the trashcan icon, which left me with a wonderful color-filled, maskless, vector layer that had a Layers Panel color swatch thumbnail I could easily and oh so quickly double-click to change it's floodfill.

Not so in CS6, no vector mask thumbnails anymore (yes, due to the update to overall Layers mechanics).Is a floodfilled layer still possible in CS6?

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Photoshop :: Vector Mask Is Grayed Out?

Aug 16, 2013

I have been reading about Vector Mask here: URL....but i am still having trouble getting things to work...i get it that i am still having trouble w/the concept but at least i'm not giving, i have a BG layer > New Layer on which i have drawn a Circle and applied some Layer Styles
next, i would like to apply a Vector Mask and then Duplicate the layer and select the Vector Mask ThumbNail in the Duplicated layer so that i can use the Pen tool set to Intersect Shape Area so that i can draw a shape w/the Pen that'll create a "Glossy Effect"
i'm trying to follow to learn more about Vector Mask:'s the section where i am stuck due to a lack of complete instructions and my knowledge/ understanding. how the lesson shows a Vector Mask on the Shape 1 layer and the Duplicate/Copy layer? well, no matter what i try i cannot get a Vector Mask applied in the same way.
when i go to Layer > Vector Mask it is grayed out. ??
how to use/make a Vector Mask but nothing i've read has worked out. i read on another site w/info about Vector Mask that if it is grayed out that i just need to Duplicate the layer but when i do this it is still unavailable.
i've tried using a Layer Mask too to no do i make the Vector Mask available?

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Photoshop :: Where Is Vector Mask Thumbnail

Jul 22, 2013

Before CS6 version, I can search the vector mask thumbnail.

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Photoshop :: Inactive Vector Mask CS5

Apr 13, 2013

I created a vector mask, selected the area I wanted to work with, previewed it as I was refining my shape. It was all fine. However,  I am not sure what I did that now both the inside and outside of the shape are greyed out and I can no longer see my vector mask as I orignally saw it. I am not sure if there is something I can do to have my vector mask again.

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Photoshop :: Feather Vector Mask

Apr 21, 2008

Seems impossible. Most common thing in After Effects. Why isn't this implemented in Photoshop, or am I blind?

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool/vector Mask

Jan 28, 2006

When I try to use the pen tool it automaticly makes a vector mask for the pen line. How do you disable that? Also, what can you do with the vector mask?

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Photoshop :: Drawing Vector Mask

Mar 10, 2009

When i try to draw vector mask or vector path, points, curves and direction lines don't visible.

Mask by itself are exist, working and seems allright, besides it isn't have visible curves and points.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Joining Vector Nodes In Vector Layer?

Dec 24, 2011

I am "vector tracing" a logo in PSP, and exporting it to Motionstudio 3D for an explosion effect. I am currently able to do this with no issue, but the explosion effect (specifically the size and shape of the particles) is based on connecting the nodes in a vector object. For example, if I have a capital L made up of 10 nodes, the subsequent explosion effect with separate the L into particles based on the 10 nodes. What I want to do is have the various nodes that comprise the traced letter connect with constituent nodes in the center/surface-area of the letter to form a "grid" (in PSP) so that the subsequent explosion (after export to Motionstudio) is comprised of more/smaller particles. Is there a way of not only having a vector object with "fill", but also having that "fill" made up of other vector data?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Versus Vector Mask

Apr 14, 2012

I am a novice in Photoshop Windows platform. there are 2 ways of accomplishing the following task using Clipping mask and Vector mask.

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Photoshop :: Add Vector Mask To Smart Filter?

Jul 30, 2012

You can apply a mask to smart filters, but I can't find a way to apply a vector mask to smart filters.As a workaround I make a selection from a path and make a filter mask from that selection. That works just fine, but I'm still wondering if it's possible to apply the vector mask directly to the smart filter.

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Photoshop :: How To Apply Vector Mask To Folder In CS6

Dec 26, 2012

The ways you apply vector masks in CS6 is different than in CS5. I knew how to apply a vector mask to a folder of layers in CS5. I cannot figure out how to do it in CS6.

So my question is: How do you apply a vector mask to a folder in Photoshop CS6?
And while we're at it, what are the best methods for applying vector masks to regular layers?

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Photoshop :: Unlink Shapes From Vector Mask In CS6

Nov 16, 2012

How I can unlink the shape from vector mask like in Photoshop cs 4?
This is especially interesting for if I want to move pattern overlay or something else.

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Photoshop :: Random Shapes Appear When Using Vector Mask

Feb 7, 2013

For several months I have had random shapes appear in my files when using vector masks. The scrambled imagery only appears at random and at certain zooms (over 25%) and will disappear upon restart of Photoshop. If I flatten the file, it will retain the scrambled imagery, but otherwise it seems to not actually corrupt the data, just the view on screen. I've been fighting this for months and have replaced drives, video cards, and it still persists.

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Photoshop :: Vector Mask - Cut Intersected Image?

Sep 19, 2011

I was trying this technique to cut the intersected image.

As shown below:

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Photoshop :: Subtracting Text From A Vector Mask?

Aug 27, 2008

Anyone know of a way to subtract text from an existing vector mask? I currently have a solid area of vector mask, and I want to make letter-shaped transparencies in it...

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool With Vector Mask

Nov 24, 2008

I have Photoshop CS2 and I am trying to "fix" a photo. I'm using a tutorial,and it worked on a previous photo but seems to have quit on me. I made a new layer from the original layer, used filter> other> high pass (set to 3.5) then image> adjustments>desaturate. Inverted the layer added a vector mask and inverted that as well. I set the blending mode to overlay, and the foreground color to white.

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