Photoshop :: Editing 2 Layer Without Merging
Mar 14, 2006
I have been using Photoshop for over 4 years now and only recently have I been faced with something I wanted to do but dont know how to do: editing 2 layers at once.
I understand you can put 2 layers in a set or use the layer link option in the layers pallete, to essentially move 2 layers around the workspace at once. However, what is the solution for applying blur/dodge/burn/smudge type effects but having it take effect on 2 seperate layers.
I know that I could merge them together and this problem would be circumvented entirely but thats not what I want. I sitll want to have them seperate, once Im done. I also know there is a long process I could do of saving the selection of one layer, merging it with the other layer, applying changes and then using the saved selection to extract the content back onto a seperate layer again.
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Dec 23, 2012
I have been painting a 3d model in photoshop cs6 but I appear to have some kind of bad setting (which I am at wit's end trying to find out) which causes any 2d layer I try to merge down onto the 3d layer to be projected with some very large amount of transparency.
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Oct 27, 2011
I want to butt two films together (which were made separately and titled separately) and currently still exist as project files within the suite and turn them into ONE film with some small further editing.
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May 7, 2009
Is there a way to merge a layer with the background? I mean, suppose the background doesn't even exist and I have a series of layers on top of this transparent background. How do I go about merging one or more of these layers with the background without flattening the entire image?
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Apr 13, 2006
I just updated to CS, and its giving me issues. Whenever I set the blending mode of one layer in a layer set and then try to merge it below, it changes what it looks like merged as opposed to when they were seperate layers. For example. with Soft Light, certain areas became darked after merging the layers. What am I doing wrong?
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May 26, 2009
I just completed a procedure to merge five images, taken with manual focus at evenly spaced distance intervals, to increase depth of field (DOF). There are two issues1. Procedure appears to create halos around items of contrasting colors, amounting to about 50 px in thickness. See Halos.jpg, attached.2. The image is of a daylily having abundant texture on its petals. Near the border of the composite, running parallel to the border, are ~200-px bands of pure color, i.e., washed-out areas, containing pure, featureless color, where there should be texture. Please see defocusbands01.jpg and defocusbands02.jpg, attached Further details: Photos were made with Leica DMR 10 Mpx sensor. Merged image is 3939 x 2627 px. in size. Extended DOF procedure was as follows: Â
a. Open 5 raw (DNG) images in ACR | open images (in Photoshop editor);Â
b. File | Scripts | Load files into stack | Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images;Â
c. Layers | Select all;Â
d. Edit | Auto-blend Layers | Stack Images | Seamless tones and Colors;Â
e. Flatten and save output file as PSD.
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Oct 25, 2012
Just downloaded CS6 Photoshop off the creative cloud and the merge layer command does not work. What is happening is there is one layer with a layer style then a shape layer and when I hit Cmd E it merges the layers but the layer style will not merge with it. I was chatting it up and everything they recommended did not work. It works on all my other co-workers computers and we are all on the cloud. I tried renaming pref. folder, settings folder, re-installing, holding down shft+option+cmd on start up. I also created a test account but that turned out to be a major inconvenience. Once logged into the account there is nothing there. The suggestions just started getting more ridiculous as chat proceeded. Nothing.
Any solution where I don't have to create a whole new admin account just to see if CS6 Photoshop works correctly? Adobe customer portal is about worthless.
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Jul 14, 2008
I have 3 layers.
The first is at the top. It's a radial gradient which is set to the layer blending mode "Color".
The second is in the middle. It is a black and white difference cloud layer that is set to overlay.
At the bottom is my third layer. It is supposed to be a bunch of stars. By stars, I mean a noise filter applied to a black canvas.
The problem is that if I "blend visible" or "blend down", it looks nothing like what it showed me when i turned on the visibility on on all of the layers. It also looks completely different when i zoom in.
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Jan 25, 2007
First, the help files, as of today (they worked before) have mysteriously ceased working. If I click on Photoshop Help, I get the error message "The memory could not be written." The same message appears if I try to reinstall Adobe Help Center, and when I attempted to reinstall CS2 entirely.
Secondly, the reason I needed the help files is because my color layer will (as of today) not merge with other layers. When I try to merge a layer set to "color" with, say, a "normal" layer, the color effect automatically disables as it merges, leaving a horrible mass of paintwork on top of where my nicely shaded color effect used to be. Now, I am certain color layers used to blend, as I've done this simple operation many times.
Reinstalling Photoshop CS2 hasn't fixed either of these problems, rendering it almost unusable (I use color layers a lot).
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Aug 6, 2009
I'm making an animated GIF, and what I want to do is overlay each layer of the animation with a layer of text. I know the hard and long way by creating a copy of the text layer and merging it with each and every layer of the animation, but is any faster way of doing this?
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Jul 4, 2012
I scanned a drawing I made as a .jpeg, opened it in PS CS4, converted the background to a layer, added a curves adjustment layer, and when I try any of Flatten Image or Save as Jpeg the results disregards all or part of the effects of the adjustment layer. The same happens for a levels adjustment layer . I have attached the original jpeg and the .psd with the curves adjustment layer.
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Jun 30, 2012
Im new to gimp and wanted to make a GIF. I watched a few Youtube videos and followed all the steps until saving as a GIF. On the versions they used (i am using 2.8) there was a box to stop it merging layers but i can not see this on 2.8.
Now whenever i save as a GIF and try and use it, it only shows the last layer.
PS i know you need to export to save as a GIF.
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Feb 2, 2012
I used GAP to create animated fire and I want to know if there's a way to save each layer as a png without merging or flattening the image.
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Apr 7, 2012
Using CS5 and Win7. I just noticed something with my text in CS5 which is different from CS3 and as far as I'm concerned, a step back.
I made a text layer with some words. The words appeared as the layer name in the layers palate (say I typed "TEXT" on the screen and the text layer was named text). Then I double clicked on the text icon and this selected the word on the screen. I then changed the word "TEXT" to some other word say "WORD". However, this new word I typed in was not carried over to the layer name so the old layer name remained.Â
In CS3, the layer name is updated when the words on the screen are changed. I'd really like to have the new text update on the layer name. Is there some way to fix this or is this just something in my system.
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Jul 10, 2012
I'm just testing out the new CS6 extended version and am on the trial period using a mac.
My problem is in editing the 3d objects I have imported. These were imported in 3ds format and contain numerous different elements (over 50) within the same file. All are neatly to scale and positioned correctly in relation to one another.
I need to be able to edit these individual elements within photoshop and assign different materials. I can't seem to separate these individual objects onto different layers in order to work with them further. In addition, although I can scale or move the elements, I cannot delete them without deleting the whole layer.
I have tried looking at merge 3D layers but as I only have one layer it doesn't work.How can I assign these objects to different layers without importing each element separately into photoshop (and therefore losing their scale and position)?
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Sep 12, 2013
I'm using Photoshop 14.1.1 on a Mac with OS 10.8.4.
When I have a string of text in the clipboard and try to paste it as a suffix to a layer name, the paste command is not working at all. It works on CS6, though.
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Nov 7, 2008
with layers on photoshop (CS3) when trying to edit photos. Although i can do each individual part on its own what im after is one file containing different layers for each adjustment.
For example i want my healing/clone layer, a sharpening layer, various adjustment layers etc.
Im completely stumped as to what order i want to put these in. For example with mu healing layer in one place if i adjust the levels slider on the adjustment layer i get blotches where the healing brush was used as it hasn't updated to the new levels. Reversing the 2 and the healing brush pastes in from the old not new levels so wrong colours and so on.
sensible layer based work flow and order for dealing with these things in photoshop?
Currently i end up loading an image, doing all the healing, flattening then creating adjustments and so on but this means obviously i cant go back to adjust an individual layer and so on so isnt great.
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May 17, 2013
How to create a new layer in imaging editing software The layer to serve as the design layer
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Dec 12, 2012
The problem I'm having is that when I try to edit a text layer, the layout of the layer changes completely - I have a grey warning triangle in the affected layer thumbnail that states the following message when I hover over it :
'Font is present on system but requires a layout change'
When I double click to edit the text layer, the following warning dialog pops up:
'Editing or Rendering the text layer will cause the layout to change'
I'm forced to click 'okay' to proceed which is when the layout of the text layer changes completely! Obviously this has massive implications for branding and page consitency!!
Now even if I have to do this the long way round, which means rebuilding each individual text layer for every single document, there is another problem, it appears that after I click 'OK' photoshop distorts the text! This means that I can't increase or decrease the font size to match it up! Same font, Same height, same AA, same weight, different circle radius!
I'm using CS5 64bit Cloud edition on Windows 7, I've already tried updating and reinstalling Photoshop but it doesnt remedy the problem, I've reinstalled a sample batch of the fonts affected and deleted any plugins
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Oct 9, 2013
When I create a new layer by placing an image from another file and then try to edit it (like removing the background from an image) I keep getting this message, "Could not complete your request because the smart object is not directly editable."
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May 19, 2013
Thought this was a Photoshop problem. When I select a portion of an image in Photoshop (which has come from Lightroom) and press Delete, it no longer brings up the Fill dialog; it just deletes the pixels.
After some discussion on the Photoshop forum, I see that now, when I tell Lightroom "Edit in Photoshop", it creates a file which does not have a Background layer, and this causes the Delete key to act differently. This was not the case several weeks ago, but has just started to happen. Is there any adjustment I can make to the "Edit In" settings to get a Background layer in Photoshop?
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Oct 9, 2013
Sometimes it appears that the white/black color combination that is automatically selected in layer mask editing may override the selected color combination outside of layer mask editing.
1) Open Photoshop.
2) Select two colors: white/white.
3) Create two blank documents, each with an empty Layer 1.
4) In one document, add a layer mask to Layer 1. The colors should have been automatically switched to black/white as the layer mask is selected.
5) In this document, use the gradient tool to fill the layer mask with black/white.
6) Switch to the other document, and notice that the color selection is again white/white.
7) In this other document, use the gradient tool to fill Layer 1. Notice that the layer is filled with black/white instead of white/white as selected.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have some TIFF files I need to do some adjustments on. Mostly darkening the sky. Where the sky meets the foreground it is made up of tops of Spruce Trees.
My question is, can/should I use the adjustment brush in Lightroom to do this, or should I make a layer in Photoshop to do this?
I have found that when using the adjustment brush over the tops of Spruce trees, it is best to just paint over the whole thing, or else it will look artificial. Not sure if doing this in Photoshop would make my life easier?
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Aug 25, 2012
WIndows 7 x64Â Â |Â Â PS CS6. Just now while attempting to edit a Channel Mixer adjustment layer's creation dialogue settings, about 15 browser windows (not tabs but individual windows) trying to load Adobe docs all popped opened simultaneously.Killed Firefox's process and went back to PS.Every time I went back to PS though, it would happen again, when I clicked in the Channel Mixer settings.
Got out of the loop by mashing the ESC button as I switched back to PS, which successfully killed the Channel Mixer dialogue.I've seen this behavior in PS for about 4 versions now, but never this severe. How dysfunctional.
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Apr 11, 2013
When I open Photoshop Elements 10 Editor to edit a text layer on a 511KB 412x292 psd photo the text layer is not shown. How do I open the text layer? How do I edit the text layer? How do I save the finished work product? The background layer is locked. I can't unlock it. I have tried any number of approaches none of which open the text layer for editing.Â
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Jul 7, 2013
I just purchased a plr blog and I cannot figure out how to edit the header text. I want to change the text to match my domain name. The file is a psd but I believe can edit psd?
The header is: [URL]......
I also uploaded the psd file: [URL].......
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Jul 7, 2013
I just purchased a plr blog and I cannot figure out how to edit the header text. I want to change the text to match my domain name. The file is a psd but I beleive gimp can edit psd? The header is: [URL] ....
I also uploaded the psd file: [URL] ...............
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Dec 26, 2012
For years I've been using various image editors, often in combination. That is, I do simple stuff as copy / paste and repositioning of elements in one editor and subsequently open the image in a more advanced editor for proper paintwork. Currently I'm using the Gimp for the latter. Color layers work brilliantly. However, I have big problems with my alpha channel--I've found no way to edit it within Gimp and I've found no way to import a revised version that I've edited in another image editor. There must be solutions to both challenges.
The editing I require is piece-of-cake in basic image editors--I simply want to move a transparent region a bit to the left. That should be a simple rectangle selection and then shoving it (mouse or arrow keys) to where I want it. Alternatively I could import my edited alpha channel image as I'm used to doing in other editors. Well, the Gimp will accept the image as a layer all right but I haven't succeeded in making the Gimp import my grayscale image as an alpha channel. I get a grayscale non-transparent layer instead.
So, I've got a perfectly good alpha channel that needs a minor tweak. It loads as intended in Gimp. How to perform basic editing of this alpha channel layer or tell me how to import a revised version and tell Gimp that this image should be interpreted as an alpha channel?
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Aug 13, 2011
What I want to do is to combine two commands, editing (copy, move, rotate) and change layer.
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Aug 13, 2012
im using LT2010, with the autocad classic menu, if i click on a line the layer toolbar is not displaying the layer name of that line, it seems stuck on the current 'set' layer. also right click edit has stopped working and i cant seem to reset it via, tools/options/user prefs.
if i click onto the 2D drafting workspace, the layer problem above doesnt occur but the right click edit still doesnt work.
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Dec 3, 2013
I have been doing some very simple editing of photo's taking a copy from part of one and pasting it as a new layer on another photo. I can then manipulate the size, placement and orientation easily with my X4 version of PSP.
I just purchased the new x6 and am ASTONISHED that this simple exercise doesn't work at all in the 64 bit version and only partially in the 32bit version of x6. What happens is that the screen isn't redrawing the changes as you move the pasted part around. It can be refreshed manually but gets into such a mess when you are trying to place the image that it's unusable. I go back to X4 and using exact same photo's I can work without any problem.
I'm on win7 ultimate all upto date and an 8800 GTS graphics card with latest drivers. There should be no reason x4 works and x6 does not.
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