Lightroom :: Zoom To Fill Frame Doesn't Work In Slideshow
Apr 8, 2013
why do i have to write the text again, after registration? I was quite amused, that i couldn't find out, how to scale images in a slideshow to full screen. i tried it with the zoom to fill frame option, but actually nothing happened.
when I mix 720p and 1080p videos in a slideshow the "zoom to fil frame" option does not behave as expected. The videos occupy different areas of the screen while presenting. 1080p fills the whole screen, 720p videos only a part of the screen. So no filling at all. Bug or feature?
lightroom 4.1 Mac OSX 10.7.4 Raw images from Canon 7D
I've used lightroom for a few weeks. I was playing around with the Navigation bar settings. Now my zoom won't work.
1. When I move the cursor near a corner or edge of the photo, the cursor appears as a magnifying glass, and the zoom works just fine.
2. When the cursor is anywhere else on the photo, then the cursor appears as an arrow symbol. And when I click once or twice on the photo in order to zoom, the photo being displayed just switches to another other photo a few behind or forward in the sequence.
I used to be able to click or double click anywhere on the photo being displayed, and I could zoom in on that spot. I wish lightroom were working as it was.
As a pro, I crop all my photos.I normally use the forward arrow to move through each image, but with the crop tool the forward arrow doesn't work for advancing to the next frame.It only adjusts the crop.This is extremely frustrating for me as it slows down my workflow.
Is there a one key shortcut, within the Crop Tool -- that permits us to move forward from frame to frame?I wish the forward key worked for this within the crop tool!
Is there an easy answer or a way to format something in Lightroom -- so I can have a one-key method to advance frames within the Crop tool?
I made a slide show in Elements 11 that will play from elements beautifully. I have burned it to cd 3 times and still it will not open, on the same computer. Says it will not open because it is the wrong type of file. What am I doing wrong? when I open it in Elements, it is exactly what I wanted. I need a cd to play at a graduation party, but it just WON'T work..
I have created a slide show in Image Ready and it functions correctly. Except.....when I put it on my web page in either Photoshop or Dreamweaver it doesn't work.
When stitching together a large panorama, the content aware tool doesn't work if the image is >30,000 pixels. When you use the tool on large images (after I have flattened the layers and using the magic wand to select a white area at the top), it runs through the process as if it is going to fill and then after the "fill" window completes, the selected area remains white.
I noticed on some other forum posts that jpg saving couldn't occur on >30,000 pixel width images, so I changed the image size to 29,999 (from ~39,000) and the content fill tool worked.
I dobbleclick on fill-color icon in lower right side of the screen to change the fill-color. But no dialog-box appear. But if I try to click anywhere in Corel after this I just get a beep. Looks like there is a dialog-box outside screen or something.
I'm just trying out LR5. I've watched vidoes where in LR4 you can setup a slideshow to play from a folder, and while the slideshow is playing you can take new photos from a tethered camera and it will automatically add it to the slideshow.
In LR5, on my computer (Mac), the incoming photo seems to get stuck and does not make it into the slideshow. I have to stop the slideshow, and restart it to see the new incoming photo taken by tethered camera. I need this function for an event, so I'm just wondering whether I'm doing something wrong, or whether it is a bug in LR5?
I've selected the mode "Use: All Filmstrip Photos". What I've observed is that while playing the slideshow without going fuill screen, a newly taken photo from the tethered camera appears as a white tile, but then the thumbnail contents do not change. When I stop the slideshow, the photo then gets "Developed" and then it will be in the slideshow the next time I play it.
I took a photo of the sunrise. The sun was very "red" from forest fire smoke. But when I looked at the photo later the sun had lost its "red" (due to the brightness of the sun). restore the sun color as I saw it?
Below is the photo I want changed and the next photo (not mine) is approx. the color I saw the sun as (perhaps a little redder). I want "my" sun filled with that color.
In LR5, Slideshow module, the arrow keys do not move to the next or previous image in the auto mode. They do work in the manual mode, but I need them to work in the auto mode as well.
I have LR 5.2 and when I review newly imported images with an impromptu slideshow to rate and flag the image in the slideshow, the relevant "flag as pick" or "set as rejected" notification shows on the screen but at the end of the slideshow only the first image is picked or rejected and the rest remain unchanged.
I have tried the fix that adobe published for 5.0 - changing the ui.dll but that fix prevents LR5.2 from loading alltogether.
I am having problems uploading from Book in Lightroom to Blurb. I have a book collection saved and I am connected to my page in Blurb. When I 'Upload to Blurb' the loading bar top left does not fill and the book does not upload. This is recent as I have successfully uploaded books before. There are no problems with my internet connection.
when I click under the web gallery and I selected a flash gallery or imported web galley (example here is airtight simple viewver...) ... the screen in the middle box keeping black nothing's when I click under flash gallery.there is no photo adding ...
Previously it worked I saw when I clicked under airtight post card viewer web gallery ... all my photo getting on the middle screen..Now it only works with HTML lightroom gallery.More when I click under preview in browser some gallery works but some not ... when I said not ... the result is a black screen in IE or Firefox ...
I tried to uninstall and re install lightroom but result is the same .
I just installed lightroom 3.3 and I cant seem to get my trackpad (HP Envy laptop) to work inside of LR3.3. When i try to two finger scroll, LR shows a dynamic scroll graphic but the current pane does not scroll.
When I use the fill tool to simply 'fill' a selection, it does not completely fill it. There is an ivisible barrier or line that prevents it from filling all the way to the edge. Do you think I have my settings wrong?
I could use my watermarks without any problems in LR3 but after checking out the trial of LR4 this works selectively on only some of my images. Looks to me like a bug
So why in the world would I update Lightroom in the middle of a job.?
Before I was able to do in and touch up shadowy areas using (K) adjustment brush, but now it doesn;t seem to work. The radial brush does a good job for a defined area but for SPOT touching I have always used the the adjustment brush?
Is there a setting or am I missing something or is this a bug?
Tried to publish to face book in Lightroom 4 and 4.4 on both PC and Mac. You can create a new empty album in FB from Lightroom but Lightroom will not the allow you to select the album to upload the images. You just get an error message at the bottom of the screen telling you "error - no album selected" Wasted hours trying to get it to work as per Julian Kost video tutorial.
make manual lens adjustment and hit the constrain crop checkbox sometimes nothing happens (not tick appears, grey borders remain) Somtimes you can tick it and nothing happens. Sometimes you can tick it nothing happens but then click off the photo and back on, and the box is unticked but the crop has been applied!
I haven't noticed this before. I know that in LR 4.4 image is scaled properly when export size is specified by megapixels instead of pixel or print size.In LR 5.3RC it does not work. The image is always exported as it's original size. Not sure how LR 5 and LR 5.2 was?
Can I get camera raw 7.2 for CS5 Photoshop without upgrading to CS6 photoshop ? Can I revert to Lightroom 4.1? It worked with my photoshop CS5 camera raw.
I am using lightroom 4 and 5 on a Mac. Although preview of photos to be imported is shown I only get the message that the import could not be carried out (1) and the option to save the data as a :txt file. This was with Lightroom 4. It started first with being unabel to import directly from the camera, then I swithched to inserting the SD card directly into the laptop. This worked only after first downloading to the desktop. Later this didn't work either. I thought the program had become defect. Preview still worked and export is fine. I therefore updated to Lightroom 5 in the hope that this would solve the problem. However everything remains the same. Import still doesn't work with photos of any format. e.g. jpg or RAW.
I recently bought lightroom 4.1. In the first days, everything worked. But now, the adjustment brush doesn't work anymore! What is the reason and what can i do?
I have the new Lion OSX. I have Lightroom 2.7. I am having issues with the colour picker. It will not leave the colour palette and let me select from the image. I have tried holding down my mouse key, but it won't leave the palette. This is in the adjustment brush..
When I "Edit in Photoshop CS6" (CMD+E), CS6 launches but the image isn't sent to CS6. I just get the default CS working space. I've been using LR4.1 since it came out and just got CS6 (I didn't have previous version of CS).
Using the backslash shortcut doen not switch between view image before/after in my Dutch version of Lightroom 5. My regional settings are dutch/belgium on a Windows 7
After having upgraded to LR5 the syncronization of the whitebalance doesn't seem to work. All the other settings syncronize as normal, but not the whitebalance. And the WB is checked, of course...