When I use the fill tool to simply 'fill' a selection, it does not completely fill it. There is an ivisible barrier or line that prevents it from filling all the way to the edge. Do you think I have my settings wrong?
I'm using the latest Illustrator and I can't seem to select the fill. When I have selected a group of objects and try to paste it, I get the shapes outlines and not the fill. It seems like it is only selecting the stroke but the objects have no strokes.
How do I get it so that when I draw a shape it will fill with color? In my options bar there is a rectangle with color where I can choose that, but sometimes that's not up. How do I pull it up?
How do I fill a canvas with color without having to cover it with a large rectangle to fill? I've gotten answers to this but none has solved the problem.
I just installed photoshop CC and wanted to continue working on my old photoshop files (which I previously edited with photoshop CS3 and photoshop 7). I use a lot of fill layers to color my drawings because they are easier to edit later. Things is, in photoshop CC all my fill layers, news ones and the old ones, are locked. I cannot paint on them when I previously could. There would be an error message asking me to rasterize it (which I don't want to, because it would make it hard to edit next time), and also a second message of "Content On The Layer Is Not Directly Editable".Is there an option I can select to allow painting on Fill Layer and Adjustment layers again?
When you save a file that has a FILL % set for a group of layers (so the fill% is set on the Group, not on each individual layer) it will not save it.
When you next open the file, it will have forgotten what the fill was set to. Is this a bug, or am I using something that I shouldn't be using, in fill on a group?
Okay, so it's been a while since I've done one of these, and I haven't done one on 2014 at all yet.
I've got a fairly simple part, it's about 6" long x 3" wide, less than 3/8" thick, without a whole lot of complex geometry to work with. I've built up my whole mold for it, and that went okay, but the fill analysis seems like it's taking forever. Like hours. It gets to the "Fill" stage, gets just a sliver of green on the progress bar, and then sits.
Last time I tried this was on my workstation at the office, using 2013. It didn't take nearly this long, and the part was much larger and far more complex, with a significantly slower computer.
Is something broken with this in 2014? I guess I can just let it run overnight, see what happens in the morning ...
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, 2014 Autodesk Inventor 2013
I used a heart fill pattern of the right 75% of the picture and the left 75% of the picture is selected overlapping the first fill in the background... I want to fill the selected background area with a flame fill pattern where it overlaps the selected portion of the heart pattern as well as the transparent area... 'overlay' looks better but Gimp is FAILING to fill the transparent areas, it ONLY fills the overlapped heart pattern portion of the selected content!!! I even tried filling the transparent area with 'white' then filling the selected area, but it STILL ONLY wants to overlay fill the heart pattern, it STILL leaves the rest alone!!! it doesn't matter if the background is white or transparent, it leaves that alone and ONLY fills the heart pattern area of selected portion of the image!!!
In Corel PhotoPaint X5, changing the fill color was possible by e.g. double clicking the (left-most) color square, then hitting Edit. Already, I found this was a bit too many clicks. Now in Corel PhotoPaint X6 it's gotten worse -- after hitting Edit, I'm not in the left-most tab "Models", but in the right tab "Palettes"!
My question: Is there any way I can open the Uniform Fill dialog with one click? (The Color Docker doesn't have a big color preview field so it doesn't work well for me when selecting and changing a color.) And is there any chance Corel will fix the bug with the wrong tab being opened?
I traced an image earlier, expanded it then wanted to change the line colour. For some reason I couldn't get this to work even though I've done it in the past. So, I used the magic wand to select the line then dragged it into my new document and changed the line colour.
Now, I want to change the fill on certain sections, however when I change the stroke it changes the colour of the line and when I change the fill it changes the color of the line.
Why do I not get the option to "fade fill" when I use the ALT/Backspace keyboard shortcut to fill a layer. If I use the menu option Edit/Fill.. to perform the fill I am given the option to "fade fill"
I just added a fill/texture to an image and now when I create more objects, the fill is still there. How can I re-set the fill gallery back to no-fill?
I spend 12 hours a day in illustrator and some functionality seems to simplistic and ultimately annoying.I'm using Windows 7 64bit. Adobe Illustrator CS6
1. Please auto switch between Stroke fill and fill when I select text. 99% of my time is spent only using fill on text. I would rather manually switch to Stroke when I want to add a fill to it rather having to switch to fill each time.
2. Same for Stroke, from point 1.
3. Add an auto layer for Guides. When I am using the Scissors tool, the majority of the time I don't want to cut my guides up, I would rather instead cut up the shape below it. Again manually changing the layer to select the guide would be preferable.
4. I personally never use the Eraser tool and I switch to the Scissors Tool. Without fail every time I launch Illustrator I have to switch from the Eraser Tool too the Scissors tool. Please add cookies or something so I don't have to always switch to the Scissors Tool.
5. Move "Align to Pixel" toggle somewhere outside a file menu.
When stitching together a large panorama, the content aware tool doesn't work if the image is >30,000 pixels. When you use the tool on large images (after I have flattened the layers and using the magic wand to select a white area at the top), it runs through the process as if it is going to fill and then after the "fill" window completes, the selected area remains white.
I noticed on some other forum posts that jpg saving couldn't occur on >30,000 pixel width images, so I changed the image size to 29,999 (from ~39,000) and the content fill tool worked.
Im using Photoshop CS2 on a windows xp sp2 computer.
1) Where is the fill tool (paint bucket tool) ? I understood that the fill tool cant be used with .bmp formats. But i have a .jpg format but i cant find it.
2) How to create a new layer, till now i always used to duplicate the layer because i dont know how to create a new one.
3) is there a menu in photoshop which contains all the tools available ?
I'm trying to use the pen tool to make nice curves over a gradient background, but the pen tool keeps trying to turn my curves into filled shapes. I know in Illustrator you can just turn the fill off (the white box with the red line going through it) so how do you do it in Photoshop?
I know that this sounds petty, but when i open up Autocad 2011 the grid is small and doesnt fill the entire screen like it use to or like it does in class. What settings should i check and change?
I am beginner of photoshop. I would like to ask how to create the effect such a ball with gradient fill. There is a shiny glow on the left of the top. It relate with the water droplet tutorial in this web site?
to fill with the paint bucket ... or make sure i have a fill color selected. I have already tried that. Everytime i make an object, and close it off, it doesnt fill. And if i try to fill the object, it fills everything. And yes, i double check to make sure i am closing the object. After i get done drawing the shape, i can right-click with the pen tool and open the "Fill Path..." option, and tell it to fill it, and it will. But i want it to fill in when i am done drawing each shape. Is there anything that i can do to make this happen.
why do i have to write the text again, after registration? I was quite amused, that i couldn't find out, how to scale images in a slideshow to full screen. i tried it with the zoom to fill frame option, but actually nothing happened.
I am having problems uploading from Book in Lightroom to Blurb. I have a book collection saved and I am connected to my page in Blurb. When I 'Upload to Blurb' the loading bar top left does not fill and the book does not upload. This is recent as I have successfully uploaded books before. There are no problems with my internet connection.
I've recently upgraded to Photoshop CS5.1 and I've encountered that the pen tool will only let me fill in one path at a time. Older versions of Photoshop would fill in all the paths at the same time so I don't see why the pen tool would be capable of doing that in a newer version.
I have used Photoshop 5.5 for several years, but not very often. Many times I have filled a circle or rectangle with color. but lately I have two thing going on that I can't figure out. When I fill a circle or rectangle, the color goes outside the marching ant's and fades. The second thing is, using the rectangler tool, the corners always rounds. They use to not do that. I would think it is a simple setting in both cases.
recently in photoshop i have been designing web layouts and theres one thing i need help on. I was wondering if anyone could post a good slicing tutorial that clearly explains how you can the html contents to your site, for expample once you've made a content box, how then do i slice it so that i can add text inside the box and the box can also get bigger the more text that is added. Any help with this will be appreciated . Also one little problem i seem to be having is that when i use the fill tool and fill inside a cut out (marching ants) it always overlaps the edges of the lines and looks like its been blurred,anyone know why this happens?
I dobbleclick on fill-color icon in lower right side of the screen to change the fill-color. But no dialog-box appear. But if I try to click anywhere in Corel after this I just get a beep. Looks like there is a dialog-box outside screen or something.
I just started using CD X5. I want to buy a cycling skinsuit, similar to this one: URL....
I have a chance to design it myself and send a .cdr file to the company that manufactures it. I have some questions. I drew a basic shape of the suit and split it into 3 objects like this: URL....
Black legs is object 1, middle 2-color part is object 2 and white top is object 3, I wasn't able to fill the middle part with a black-white pattern unless I made it an object. I surely know there is a way to do it all with only 1 object that is divided into 3 sections but how? Smart fill works when you just draw some lines that form a closed contour but regular fill doesn't. Secondly, how to use a pattern fill that doesn't affect outlines? Third question is how to nudge only part of an object, for example if I want to make sleeves longer? Now I'm able to move the whole object only.
I need to add a hatch fill polyline area but leave the text island out. What I did is put put Polyline ID and Text island ID into an ObjectIDCollection. The code doesn't throw any error but I can't see the hatch.
Public Function AutoCADAddHatch(ByRef newAddedHatch As Hatch, ByRef HatchElementIDs As ObjectIdCollection, ByVal HatchColour As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color, _ ByVal HatchLayerName As String, Optional ByVal PatternName As String = "SOLID", Optional ByRef strError As String = "") As Boolean Dim db As Database = acApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database