Illustrator :: Graphic Style To Give Vector Drop Shadow
Jul 21, 2013
Im ok with Illustrator but not brilliant. What Im looking for is a Graphic Style that I can just add/load into my CS5 version of Illustrator that when I select it will give me a vector drop shadow under text
I would be able to edit the style to suit my text but struggling to create one from scratch after following write-ups and videos for the last 24hours!
Realise there are easier ways to make drop shadows but I need the drop shadow to be scaleable up to large sizes in a vector format as well as the text
I am trying to create a graphic style that will give me a frame that has the 3d rounded effect. Bevel and Extrude isn't what I am looking for... I have a pic here with a bevelled edge effect, but it has a flat surface...and I want it to look round...
I have two object that i would like to put the drop shadow on but one on the left and the other shadow to the right but i do that they go to the same direction.THe objects are in different layers. I trying changing it on the dialog box that has the drop shadow but it effects the entire graphic that i am creating. How do i do this?
I have tried to save a graphic with a drop shadow and no matter what setting I use in the PDF dialog it converts the dark shadow to basically a glow. The PDF renders properly in Adobe Acrobat but when using preview it fails miserably and the program I am ultimately using this graphic in uses the built in OSX PDF renderer. I have tried multiple other apps to try to accomplish this and they either have the same problem or other problems.
I'm having real troubles exporting a button which has drop shadow applied to it. The vector shape has Gradient Overlay, Inner Shadow and Drop Shadow applied to it as layer effects.
When I export it with transparency, PNG-24 and then open and place it over the same background, the drop shadow looks quite different.
I am trying to add a drop shadow to a vector layer and it is not working and was wondering if there is a way to add that and other effects.
I first created my box using the rectangle tool and filled it in with a solid color. With the layer active, I selected the "add a layer style" button to bring up my options. I then checked the "Drop Shadow" box and procedded to use the tools in the drop shadow box, with the preview boxed checked, as I made my selections, nothing was hapening to my solid color box where It was supossed to go.
I have a graphic that needs a drop shadow angle of 142, and text that needs a drop shadow of 120. If I change one, the other changes! Even if I create one in another .psd file and drag it over, its drop shadow angle changes to match the one already in the file.
I am curious if there is such a thing as Vector Clip Art? I'm looking for a Retro looking simple Rocket Graphic. I looked a little through my program and didn't find any Art but not sure I'm looking in the right place.
I am having a problem in CS6 Photoshop where I never experienced this in CS3-5.
I am designing a website and when I apply a drop shadow or inner shadow to a layer through layer style/blending options in the layers tab. It applys the same angle etc.. to all the other layers I have done styles too...
I will have 5 + layers done with styles and I will make a new layer and give it a shape, open up blending options and when I do a drop shadow and change the angle I literally can see everything on my layout change angles also when I move it around for just ONE layers style... What on earth is going on? This makes it impossible to make unique designs unless I keep flattening my PSD and transfering stuff over which destroys workflow.
My questions is how to prevent the following from happening. I created a layer style drop shadow in a .psd file with the below parameters.
I saved it as an .asl file that I could use later. When I loaded it into a different .psd file later that day some parameters stayed the same but the angle reverted back to 30 degrees from 120 degrees all on its own as shown below.
I just want to know how to keep layer style parameters I saved in an .asl file from reverting back to defaults when loaded in to a new .psd file.
My systems parameters are as follows: Photoshop CS6 Extend Version 13.0 x64 Mac OSX 10.8.2 with 705.44 GB used out of 749.3 GB available
The only other software I am running is Safari web browser. This is my first time trying to save a layer style and use it in a different .psd file other than the one I created it in.
I created 4 graphics in Illustrator CS3, downloaded them onto a CD cover template and saved as an .ai file which looks fine. When I attempt to then save it as a pdf, one of the graphics drops out.
I've been following a few tutorials that say to use Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow, but for me Drop Shadow is not available in that menu. The only thing that is available is "Glowing Edges." I'm trying to add a drop shadow to an ellipse, but I've tried it with lines and even that didn't work.
I am making a sign for sign writing. The overall size is 2400mmx1800mm. so its quiet big.
But When I go to put a drop shadow behind it it comes up with this - " The combination of artwork size & resolution exceeds the maximum that can be rasterized"
Why is it saying this? How do I put a drop shadow on it?
Today I upgraded from Design Standard CS5.0 to CS6, and as I am running Windows 7 64bit I chose the 64-bit version of Illustrator.
Now every time I start Illustrator it reports "Error loading plugins. Drop Shadow.aip"; after clicking OK it starts normally, but obviously without the Drop Shadow plug-in.
Then, I open a new document, draw a rectangle and select Effect/Stylize/Glowing Edges; the first time in a session I do that, Illustrator produces a pop-up saying "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [CANT]", but on OK shows the Glowing Edges work area without problems. After finishing the Glowing Edges effect, I can then select it in that session without getting the pop-up. As Drop Shadow is in the Stylize category of Illustrator CS5 I suppose the pop-up is a side effect of the failure to load Drop Shadow.aip.
I'd like to add drop shadows to layers without it hitting the background - so it only lands on the actual objects behind.
I've currently done this by creating clipping paths to mask off the unwanted areas, but this is a faily complex setup on the file I'm dealing with. If I change the positions of any of the (many) items on the artboard, I have to recreate all the masks.
Is there a simpler way without using masks, like, for example, just telling the file not to render effects on the background?
I'm new to Illustrator and trying to simply just add a drop shadow to some various texts. It would seem to me that when you enter text, all you would have to do is highlight and the drop shadow option should be functional. However, that's not the case.
I am trying to create a drop shadow. I know the path is effects/stylize/drop shadow. The drop shadow choice is missing from my menu. The only choice I have is "Glowing Edges".
I am having trouble with my drop shadow increments. In a document that is 20 cm square, I have to set the drop shadow to 0.07, 0.07 and a blur of 0.08 and in a document 90 x 55 cm, the drop shadow is .2, .2 and blur .3. I thought it might be in my preferences General is cm, Stroke and Type .. Points. Using CS6.
I have sent an image to a printer in eps & Ai format., but he is requesting the the logo be in an outlined vector graphic, And send it to them again in pdf format.
I have re-opened the pdf that I sent them in Illustrator and find the logo is composed of many shapes and when I use the 'direct selection tool' to select any letter within the logo, it shows an outline with many anchor points. These anchor points can be moved or re-shaped using the 're-shape' tool.
Also I can select any shape within the logo & resize and it does not seem to lose any quality at all.
Am I mistaken in thinking that this is already an outlined vector logo or is there more to it?
I have a vector image of a truck. Colors will all be PMS. How do I create a drop shadow for the truck using a PMS color? I saw some responses online but they are either many years old or not as detailed. It looks like it may require a few steps, but not sure. The Effect>Stylize>Drop Shadow dialog menu only shows CMYK color options.
In illustrator CS4, the stylize>drop shadow dialog does not have any options to increase the thickness of the drop shadow.
I need a thicker drop shadow to surround some text to get more separation between the text and the background.
A brute force method is to duplicate the text, make it thicker, blur it, then put it behind the original text. I'm hoping there's a more convenient way.
I want an 8 x 12 piece of art. In the process of creating the image, i had to use a drop shadow. However, some of the drop shadow that I dont care about ended up going over the 8" x 12". No problem right? I simply copied the object with the shadow, put the copy on top of the object, highlighted both and made a clipping mask. The end result was perfect -- it clipped off the drop shadow that was extending over the nice white border and even off into space.
However, when I tried to export into a jpeg for print, the result had the correct size white border on the top, but the other sides were too big. Sometimes I miss a stray dot or random line that is far off of the artboard, and deleting the stray stuff corrects everything. But this time everything was fine. I realized that although the clipping mask cut off the drop shadow, illustrator still registered the drop shadow as being a part of the image and taking up space. So the jpeg doesnt show it, but the deminsions are all off.
My question is whether there is a way to manually cut off parts of a drop shadow without using the clipping mask like I did.
can't seem to find the drop shadow effect in Illustrator CS6. I know it should be located until the Effect menu -> Stylize -> Drop Shadow, but the only option that appears under Stylize is Glowing Edges. I have also tried to access the drop shadow effect through the Appearance panel, but it doesn't show up their either
I am currently working on a mac mini with OS X 10.8.2 and version CS6 of Illustrator.
My problem is that everytime I try to preview or apply a drop shadow effect (Effects > Stylize > Drop Shadow...) it freezes.
I have done a lot of things to try and resolve this issue including quiting and restarting Illustrator. Restarting the computer. Reinstalling illustrator, which ended up being a temporary fix. I have a screen shot of the program of when I clicked on the Preview box (just insert the colorful spining wheel of death).
I am currently using Illustrator CS 5.1 and am having an issue with my PDF files. I have a graphic that I am building and when I import an image, place a clipping mask around it and then add a drop shadow to it, everything works fine and looks exactly as I want it on screen. However, when I save the document as a pdf, a hazy white line appears around the edges of the image.
However, the line is not on the clipping mask itself, instead it is on the square edges of the unmasked version of the image. So when I have 10 masked items on the page with drop shadows, I'm getting 10 faint white squares around each of the images which looks terrible.