I'm using Photoshop CS6. I have a CMYK image of fruit on a white background with a drop shadow that has some cyan, magenta and yellow. The drop shadow is NOT AN EFFECT. It is part of the original photographed image shot against a white background.
I want to turn the drop shadow into a percentage of black only. I have masked the foot so I have the white background and shadow isolated but now I'm not sure the best way to make the shadow a percentage of black only.
For my business card design I have white text overlapping an area of very white grey- causing readability issues (insufficient contrast). It looks great apart from this one problem, so I still want to keep my white text and light background and fix it by separating the text and background with a darker drop shadow..
First, I added a black drop shadow to the text- but this was not enough to increase readability (text still looked faded on background as drop shadow was too subtle at 85% opacity, 0.04" blur) so I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow (100% opacity, 0.02" blur + 18% opacity, 0.02" blur). This produced a heavier drop shadow effect for my text as desired but, for some reason, the text came out slightly grey in print (offset run). It seems the drop shadow somehow got printed over the text itself to some extent- turning the white text somewhat grey (and so not looking as clean as intended).
How could this dropshadow bleed into the text happen? Is it to do with the fact I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow? I would have thought that, even then, the text should entirely overlap all of the drop shadow as the text is the top layer in the group.
What can I do to ensure that drop shadow does not print over text in any way in future? Do I have to stick to only one layer of dropshadow-or is there something else I'm missing?
I have a vector image of a truck. Colors will all be PMS. How do I create a drop shadow for the truck using a PMS color? I saw some responses online but they are either many years old or not as detailed. It looks like it may require a few steps, but not sure. The Effect>Stylize>Drop Shadow dialog menu only shows CMYK color options.
If I place a filled circular object with an attached drop shaddow on top a colored background, it appears as I expect on my monitor. If I print it, the print preview still looks correct, but the actual print shows a white rectangle below the circle and above the shaddow. It blocks part of the shaddow.
When I start using the drop shadow from the center out, the options such as the Drop Shadow Angle, Shadow Fade, and Shadow Stretch in the control bar on top are all grayed out. My friend told me that this is not supposed to happen.
I often have the need to remove the drop shadow effect. Currently what I do is to "Break Drop Shadow Group Apart" then delete it from object manager. However with other effects such as Transparency, I can simply set the Effect to None. Can this be done with Drop Shadow?
OK Where is it? It is not in any of the tools listed, I have mine down the left side of the page. Do I need to go somewhere else and add the tool to the tool box?
I've asked this in the X5 board before, gave up, and it's still bugging me with X6.
So I group a few objects, apply drop shadow to the group, and now I want to select one of the object in the group (to move it or resize it, etc).
I just can't find an effective way to do this without discarding the drop shadow, edit, and reapply the drop shadow. There have been many suggestion that seems to work for certain people, i.e. Ctrl+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click, but none works as desire.
In the attached example, I try to select the red square. If I Ctrl+Click, it selects the whole group. If I Ctrl+Alt+Click, it either selects the yellow circle, or edits the drop shadow.
If I Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click, the result is random. It either selects the blue background square, or selects the yellow circle, or edits the drop shadow, and once in a blue moon successfully selects the red square.
I have 3 objects A, B, C, I group them together, apply a drop shadow.Now, let's say I need to resize or reposition one of them, I'm unable to select the particular object.
It's suppose to work with Alt+Ctrl+Click, but it doesn't.I always end up with editing the drop shadow rather than selecting the object. It's very trouble some needing to discard the drop shadow, make the changes, and re-apply the drop shadow.
I'm exporting files as .eps to print them with my roland printer using versaworks.
The problem is when i'm exporting files from my desk computer, (CorelDraw X6) and then I print it I have this problem. my bitmap components in the file are printed with many more pixel than before. and I don't know why.
Maybe since I updated my X6 version? It does that with files that contain drop shadow effects or transparency.
The thing is when i'm exporting the same file with my Laptop, using Coreldraw X5 and I then print it, I don't have this problem. So the printer's software is not the problem. I double cheked all my .eps exporting settings and they are the same in both computer.
You can see on these pictures what's right and what's wrong.
I apply a red glow on an object (rectangle) on an black background.When exported as JPEG or PDF, the red glow color faded become greyish. I check that it's same when I turn the proof colors on.I've change different modes for the drop shadow but none gives the correct result.
This only happens in CMYK mode. When exported as RGB, it's fine.
Copy drop shadow properties is not working for me. When I click on the object to copy to, it tells me, "you did not click on an object." What do I need to do?
Edit: actually, I'm seeing that this is not working in Contour, either. And it may not be working in other effects as well, although I haven't tested those.
When I group a few objects together, and apply drop shadow to the group, I cannot edit the individual object in the group (cannot pick it to move it or resize it etc) without removing the drop shadow.
After applying drop shadow to a text, I find no direct way to edit the text without removing the drop shadow. I've tried the text tool, Ctrl-Click, Alt-Click, Shift-Click, etc, maybe I missed something.
X4. When I add a drop shadow to anything the variable attributes do not appear on the property bar, ie "flat bottom right" at top left and then the choice of colours etc. I know by now where they are so click on where I think they are, but it's annoying. I have deleted, run a reg cleaner and re-installed + added the SP2 updates.
I work at a small newspaper and use CorelDraw X5 (the rest of the newspapers in our company all use Adobe products).
When we get for example, a logo sent to us (also happens with PDF's that are sent to us as well), many times the black is registration black and I need it to be CMYK.
When we PDF the ad to send it for printing the black is on all 4 plates (CMYK) our printer says, drop CorelDraw spend $2000+ and get in design and CS5 and your troubles will go away. I am hoping there is a solution that lets me continue to use CorelDraw as I love this program and do not want to switch.
When I make my text red (standard CMYK red) on a black background, it looks rasterized. (See image below)
I tried using different standard fonts, but result is the same. Aslo when I export it for high quality printing, the resulting pdf document also show the red text somewhat rasterized. (Does not appear smooth red).
Again a new version and again the same issue like in all previous versions. One could think that issues solved in one version would not be present in the next one.
Again Corel made barcodes apear in all colours in separations, instead of the logical Black only.
I know I can export to pdf and then import again, change colour to black to solve it, but if you want to keep editability or have to do 100+ Barcodes, this is just annoying.