AutoCAD 2013 :: Edit View Port Boundary
Jul 11, 2012How to edit the boundary of a view port Insert a segment or delete one. If I remember this was available in PEDIT but now I can not able to do it.
View 1 RepliesHow to edit the boundary of a view port Insert a segment or delete one. If I remember this was available in PEDIT but now I can not able to do it.
View 1 RepliesI have a need to find the solution for a viewport issue. Model space, create view, when selected goes to correct view size. When placing same view in layout on paper space the graphics to be viewed are too small & do not fill the paper space viewport.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to AutoCAD 2013 and I am unable to create new viewports from the "layout" or "paperspace" tabs. The "Model Viewports" are on the navigation bar (the one at the top) but are grayed out and thus unusable and the typical "Viewports" menu from my AutoCAD 2011 (last version I had/used) is not there. I can open the viewports menu from toolbars but am unable to dock it into the navigation bar.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing with multiple view ports and multiple raster images
I can shut the image frames off with "Imageframe" )(tframes) this works fine But it does not turn off the viewport frames.
I've tried putting the viewport on it's own layer and freezing the layer. This looks OK on the screen, the frames are gone. But the plot preview shows there are no images showing in any viewport.
How can I just turn off the viewport frames so when plotting I can see what's in the viewport.
Centering the drawing (or viewport) in the lay out, I’m not sure about the best practice to center my drawing in the lay out so that it will be centered as it sis printed from the lay out
This issue is already discussed in the link below
The size of the A4 is 29.7x21The size of by title block is 27x19Then I have like 1 cm margin from top, 1cm and bottom, 1.35 cm from left and 1.35 from rightI managed to have the view port / drawing centered on the A4 layout by setting the “plot offset” to be: X=13.5 and Y=10 using the printer “dwg to pdf.pc3”
It looks fine in the printed pdf, but when it is printed using printer “HP LaserJet P2050 Series PCL6”, the drawing is not centered on the hard copy A4 paper (attached)
What might be the issue here? Is the approach that I used to center the drawing in the layout is efficient? Why the drawing is centered correctly on the pdf but incorrectly centered in the printed A4 paper?
I have a drawing with some 3d objects that I display with multiple viewports, in paper space, showing different views of the objects. The viewports themselves are all on one layer that is frozen. Each viewport with a 3d object is set with Visual style: Hidden & Shade plot: 3D Hidden, to hide all lines that should not display for that view and creating a nice clean image in each viewport.
Again, viewport layer is frozen so no viewport borders are displayed. The problem I'm having is that I get random viewport border lines that show up on my plot. It can be paper or pdf. and could be top in one viewport and side in another, etc. I have never had this happen before but it seems to be related to hiding 3d line because I have never had a problem when I didn't.
At times when I am dimensioning a dwg in paperspace one of the dimensions will assume the viewport scale when the dwg does a regen. Its as if the DIMLFAC will be set to something other than 1but its only for one or two dimensions. I check the DIMLFAC var for thje dwg and its set properly to (1). Since I am dimensioning in paperspace i have the DIMASSOC set to (2).
As you can imagine this is a huge problem when I send the dwg out for fabrication. What is the problem and how can I stop this from happening on random dwgs to random dimensions?
How do i rotate objects, plans...etc on model space in a view port.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am encountering issues with the "edit boundary" tab on the ribbon, as well as "finish sketch" when the edit boundary tab DOES show up. i don't know how to finish the sketch without this, so i have to undo everything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn the AutoCAD layout, the View port cannot always be linked to the drawing view. How will the viewport is linked to the drawing view.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on my paper space layout tab, I double click inside the viewport so I'm in model space, I open the layer properties with the full drop down menu and click on the far right column with the snowflake icon which is suppose to freeze the layer for that particular view port. It does not freeze the layer. I'm starting to wonder if it is something with the program.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a 3d object located in model space and have opened up a view port in paper space to view the object. Now I have set up everything as I want this includes several other view ports not showing the 3d object. my problem is that I can use the hide command in the view port containing the 3d object and get the image I want. However switching tabs or doing just about anything causes the 3d object in the view port to revert back to wire frame. Is there a way to lock just the one view port with hide mode on without effecting the rest of the view ports?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy drawing looks weired. Some texts in model space I can see, but in paper space can not see them. I checke layer and elevation level..., but just couldn't find out. I set different UCS and views in this drawing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe have a drawing with multiple viewports, in paper space, When click on viewport no 2 the viewport no1 settings disappear before locking the viewport.
View 4 Replies View Relateda Villa Drawing I want give a Bath room Detail, so i want off this villa drawing with out bath room. if i have any modification in this bath room automatically changed the bath room detail drawing in model space not for layout using view port... ,if anypossible in model space, what i choose the part only shown ..
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I am in paper space I sometimes double click in my viewport. Then the viewport becomes my whole window. How do I get out of the viewport without doing an undo until I reach where I first began?
Also sometimes when I double click in the viewport, but the viewport is the only thing visible in the screen, (vs having the whole sheet and being able to click out) I don't know how to get out without Undo.
My drawing inb model space looks fine, however when I try to set it up to plot in paper space, via the properties box with the "correct scale factor" and the drawing becomes very large. The only scale I can get the drawing to plot at is "fit to page", which is no scale. I have tried to set the scale on the "page setup" and the same thing happens.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I get annotative dimensions to appear in viewports with different scales with text etc. at the same size?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have been using AutoCad for 2009 and had it all set perfect. Just had a computer melt down and trying to establish everything back how I had it all before.
One little tool that was very useful was a drop down box called, VIEWPORT SCALE CONTROL. I had all my scales in there and used to just click the border in paperspace, click the scale from the drop down box and set your scale. How to get this back.
When setting the viewport scale how do I know if I'm scaling to an A3 plot or A1 etc.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing in model space the i drew to scale of 1'=1' and I went to paper scape to put the drawing in my title block using Viewports. highlighted the viewport and went to properties to give the drawing a scale so it would maximize the Viewport area, on my 22"x34" paper. but under the standard scale 1/64"=1' is too big and 1/128"=1' is too small. the simple solution is zoom extents but then in my title block i have to put NTS. I would like to add to the standard scale or be able to set the customer scale to a whole number. EX. 1:1000 or 1:150, etc. etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to set the view port scale setting in autocad civil 3d i need to print using plan production template.
View 1 Replies View Relateddrawing a view port with Polygonal option. When completed it defaults to Dash dot line type which can not be changed in the properties dialog. Civil 3D 2012
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have two view ports on one sheet and the top one has layers not showing that the bottom one has. I can erase and make a new VP and the layers are on.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe have a problem with the view port freeze. When we feeze a layer in the modelspace of a viewport and save the drawing, on re-opening the drawing we find that the layer that was switched off has been switched back on i.e. the saved mechanism does not work.
We have tried copying a view port that works from another drawing into this drawing by that did not work. We have also compared setttings with the drawing that works and the drawing that does not work. But there was no joy.
We think the problem is with the drawing and need a solution preferably with the settings of the drawing. having to redrawing the whole drawing.
I know I can adjust the view port margin to increase the view clip to show more reference geometry.
But from what I see, if the drawing is a projected view and I set the margin, it changes the margin for ALL the associated views.
This is not a base view or a view that has other views projected off of it, it is a view projected from a base view.
Changing the margin for this view, changes the margin for the base view as well.
Is there a way to change the margin on just the view you want without having to re-create it as a stand alone view?
I am working on an architectural drawing and for some reason when I try to "objectscale" the annotation to the same scale as the view port I am using, it doesn't appear or if it does it is a lot smaller scale than I requested.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI created a xref. this xref included some poly line. width is 0.2mm. i need this poly line line weight should be change from different view port. right now this is shown in narrow line width. how can change this line weight at view port?
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time I insert a north arrow it needs to be scaled up afterwards. Normally, scaling up by the same factor as the viewport that I select is about right.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn my template, is there a way to setup a layer filter or layer state to automatically plot a different viewport color when a new drawing is created and viewports are made? Note, my template does not have viewports premade.
I've set all my Existing and Proposed Utilities to use the WV Miss Utility colors, but I designated either pale (odd color#) for existing and bold (even color#) for proposed so that in model space there's a visual difference. See a few examples below:
V-SSWR-PIPE (color 91)
V-WATR-PIPE (color 151)
C-SSWR-PIPE (color 92)
C-WATR-PIPE (color 152)
Our Civil dept doesn't use colors, but our Utility dept does occasionally especially when Aerials are used.
When we create layouts/viewports in a drawing, it would be nice to have viewport layer colors automatically be set to plot black or gray or be on/off depending on existing conditions sheet or proposed site plan sheet. The only way I know of is if I would set up viewports inside my template with VP Color Overrides preset and/or VP freezes for certain layers, which I'm hesitant in doing.
Is it possible to obtain a list of coordinates for view ports (with dxf codes or otherwise) similar to obtaining a list of (assoc 10) for polylines?
I'm aware I can get the center, width and height from the dxf codes, but what about for clipped view ports with irregular shapes?