3ds Max :: Viewport - Object Is Not Rotating At Gizmo
May 10, 2011
I'm rotating my object using the hotkey combo alt-middle mouse button to view my object as I work. The problem is that the object is not rotating at the gizmo. It makes my workflow turn into a workless flow because it is rotating at the object origin instead.
I'm fairly new to Max and not completely comfortable with all the tools yet.
3D Studio Max 2010 Perpetual
3D Studio Max 2011 Educational 36 Month
Also, I have the same problem with both versions of Max. Obviously some setting that I'm not aware of...
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Mar 16, 2011
1. How do I make the angle of the Gizmo appear when I'm rotating the gizmo plane with 'e'?
2. Also, how do I rotate the gizmo itself, so that i can rotate it in any ambiguous axis as well if I wanted to.
For example, let's say I'm slicing a hollowed box usnig Shell modifier. I want to cut the box diagonally. I make the slicing plane vertical using x rotatin axis (red) at perfect 90 degrees (this is why I want to see the angle displacement when rotating a gizmo), then becaue I want to cut it vertically, I rotate the plane on z rotation axis (blue) 45 degrees. Now, I want this cut to be slanted. That means I have to change BOTH x and y axis with equal amount to achieve symmetrical cut I want. ("5 snaps of rotating the slicing plane on x axis and y axis" something like this)
What I want is change the orientation of the gizmo itself so that x or y rotation axis becomes the angle I want the box cut to be slanted at.
3. I've been using 3ds max for rendering most of the time, and didn't really have time to ask myself, why is it such a pain in the a** to get the correct effect I want from max? Viewport and renderd product doesn't match at all for me. Rendering should be just a way of making the viewport image much prettier, not turning garbage into an artwork. Because of the difference between the viewport and renderd image, I constantly have to do test render at 320x240 to see how it looks.
When I say the two doesn't match, it includes but not limited to:
-Lighting Both daylighting system and artificial lights(photometric/standard)
-Shadow casting accuracy
Scale mismatch of rendering and viewport.
-I'm guessing it may be because of the lighting that the colors are very off.
-Unexpected glow on my model from other surrounding objects.
Sketchup or Rhino shows vaguely how it's going to look when it's rendered, just poor quality. Why is it so not intuitive in max?
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Apr 19, 2011
In 3DS MAX 2011 my transform gizmo jumps to the origin every time I go into sub-object mode making it very difficult to edit. I have been through the help file looking for fixes without success. I have major deadlines to meet this week and this is severely hampering progress. How to reset the gizmo? When I pick an object the gizmo is in its proper location, it's only when I go to sub-object mode that it leaps away to the origin.
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Aug 8, 2013
I need to animate an object rotating around an axis, and moving away from the axis simultaneously.
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Jan 12, 2014
I wanted to know how to rotate an object on a free axis (a line that I create - by two points).
In the image i pointed out the line/axis...
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Jan 11, 2013
I'm working on a drawing which requires me to rotate 3D rectangles until they are leaning against each other like dominos. Because they are standing on a curved path only one top corner of each will touch the adjacent rectangle, and because each one is shorter than the last the point at which they touch is different every time. There are over 40 rectangles.
I have no problem picking the correct axis of rotation for each but I want to avoid time-consuming calculations for the angle of each or the reference Point for each. Ideally I'd like AutoCAD to rotate until it recognizes that the solids are interfering.
Is there a command or a LISP for this?
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Jan 26, 2012
Is it possible to rotate an object along the Y axis as opposed to just rotating in a 2D circle? I know it is possible to simulate 3D rotation, but that takes some tricky maneuvering in some cases. I was wondering if it isn't just a case of holding down a combination of Cntrl & Alt or Shift and dragging a selection point.
I have seen a video where a graphic is created - video is in high speed to show the various steps involved in creating the artwork and there is a section where it looks like the artist/designer rotates a rectangle so that the top left corner appears to be moving "out" of the screen and the right corner towards the "back" of the screen. It doesn't appear to be just a skewing of the object, but in fact it looks like it's in 3D.
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Apr 4, 2012
Material mapping.
When I apply a material to a mass element the material follow the world UCS, that's ok with me. But when i rotate the mass element the material map remains with the world UCS but not with the object.
How to lock the material map to the object when I rotate it.
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Jul 26, 2012
i would like to rotate an object to match the angle of another. I can measure the angle but there are many decimal points and I want it to be exact.
One method i have employed is to change the ucs - z setting to align with the object to be rotated then click it and select a point that intersects the other object (this case a line) and then the 2nd snap is somewhere along the line.
this works although sometimes i have to rotate a second time 90 deg. or 180 to get proper orientation.
Is there method, or hidden snap?
ACA2011 Win 7
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May 6, 2013
I have a square object I want to rotate in Illustrator CS6. The object wants to rotate from the center. I want to rotate it from one of the corners. How do I change the reference point from which to rotate around?
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Apr 9, 2012
When rotating an object that will put any part of it outside the drawing surface, I get the following error-
Object position specified was not on drawing surface
This was never a problem for me with prior versions of Draw. Is there an option to allow Corel to do so with X6? The only workaround I've found is to temporarily increase the size of the work area, which is a bit of a pain when you're dealing with labels, not just page size.
New information: Just discovered that, if I group all elements, I can rotate them. The bug only occurs if I select (but don't group) them.
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Jan 30, 2012
I like to think of myself as pretty competent in AutoCAD but I can't figure this one out for the life of me...
I hope I can explain this clearly: When I rotate an object using grips, the object is not shown spinning in real time. I select the object, pick the object's grip, hit <Enter> <Enter> to go into the rotate command and the object will rotate maybe 45^ or so and freeze (visually).
If I use the command line "Rotate" command, the selected object(s) spin in real time or if I use grips to rotate but then use an object snap, it begins to spin in real time for some reason.
I would like to use grips to rotate my objects and be able to see them rotate (like I used to in previous releases).
I have ACAD Civil 3D 2010.
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Jan 19, 2013
I'm trying to rotate a small object in Paint. When I use the rotate toolbar to enter the angle I need, the object rotates just like I want. Then I hit the apply button and some pretty heavy handed anti-aliasing is applied and the object is essentially destroyed. I've been using Paint for quite a long time so I figured there must be an option to turn this off. I can't find one. I even added the anti-aliasing button to the rotate toolbar and turned it off but that doesn't make any difference.
Essentially, what I want when I rotate an object is the chunky, pixelated preview, not the final anti-aliased so much you can't tell what it even is anymore final product.
At this point, I'm going to have to resort to rotating the object and taking a screenshot of the preview and using that instead of the mess that the final result is.
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Feb 8, 2010
Autocad LT 2007. I pasted an ole object into model space and when I create a viewport in my tab I see the outline of the ole object but the actual image does not show up.
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Sep 3, 2012
I have multiple viewports on a layout.
I want to be able to edit the object through the viewport, but NOT change the object in ALL the other viewports as well. In other words, I want to INDIVIDUALLY/EXCLUSIVELY edit the object of each viewport (i.e. in my A, B, C, D, E, windows in the image) without affecting the rest of the others.
Is this possible? If not, is there a workaround?
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Jan 24, 2014
I have an animation with an object fading during the rendering animation.Is there a way to see this fade in the working viewports while scrubbing through the timeline?
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Nov 3, 2011
I've been using 3DS max for a few days now, but I recently must have pressed a shortcut key which makes some of the near-side-faces disappear so that you can see the the opposite side.
The picture that I've attached (successfully hopefully) shows that I've not simply deleted the sides as the missing faces are rendered. But something I couldn't show in the picture was that when you change the viewing angle, the faces reappear and disappear based on the view.
The only solutions I could think of was to delete the objects (failed), and starting a new file (no success with that)
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May 21, 2013
The viewport canvas is a great tool, I have had it working in previous versions of max but in 2013 I just can't get it to work.
The object it's self has been unwrapped and collapsed to poly no different to what I've done in the past. I bring up the viewport canvas dialog box and everything is normal until I select the paint brush tool and the object disappears, it's still in the scene but I just can't see it, it seems as though the viewport clipping has become very narrow, closing the dialog box the object returns. I've tried large and small objects, nitrous and direct x, and nothing seems to work.
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Mar 26, 2012
Have a bit of an odd problem showing up with 3ds Max 2012 64 Bit. The viewport does not update when I select or move an object. The program registers that I did make some changes, and things like object parameters and bounding boxes will change, but the meshes will remain the way they are until I delete them and undo.
Forcing the program to redraw all views does not change anything, nor does turning on/off progressive display.
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Apr 19, 2013
I don't know what happened, but suddenly, i couldn't see the selected faces of the object i was modeling in my viewport, just the edges
what I want to see when I select faces is this (Minute 2) [URL] ......
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Dec 20, 2013
I don't find my object anymore in the "3d world" of Maya.
Is there a way to teleport to it?
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Jun 27, 2011
Any way to get object names to display in the viewport. Currently we just make a text label and lock it in place after we name the object but if there's a way to just display the object name instead of making a separate label.
It's nothing that's absolutely earth shattering, but streamlining the process is always a good thing.
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Jun 3, 2013
I'm having an issue with viewports in a drawing not displaying the color of the objects in model space. All of the objects are set to display bylayer, and all of the viewport overrides in the drawing are off. Still, the objects will only display as either white or grey through the viewport, even though the colors show up fine in model space. I've also tried making a new viewport and it also displays everything as either white or gray, so I'm thinking it might be some kind of system variable that I don't know about.
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Jan 18, 2010
I'm using AutoCAD 2010 and I tried creating an annotative dimension but it won't show up in my viewport unless ANNOALLVISIBLE is set to 1. Both my annotative and viewport scale are set to 1/8"=1'-0".
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Jun 16, 2011
I am working on piping plan. I have four differents pipes on same layer. I would like to change color of one pipe in active viewport and keep the layer color unchanged in same Viewport. I would like to keep the layer color unchanged for model space or other viewports.
Is there any way to change the property of an object in active viewport?
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Sep 9, 2013
I currently have a viewport - it is an a1 rectangle in size, lets call it VP1. I would like to create a smaller viewport inside of this, lets say VP2.
When I draw a circle, and use the tool 'Convert Object To Viewport' everything works great - but now VP2 has all of the objects from VP1 showing through the background too. How can I resolve this?
I have been looking for something in the properties, much like text, which will 'background mask' to the viewport - but I am struggling to find any thing.
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Oct 11, 2012
mvsetup gives this error, i want to align and rotate my object in a viewport....
The file mvsetup (.lsp/.exe./.arx) was not found in your search path. check the installation of the support files and try again.nil
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May 4, 2011
there is a way to show or hide a specific object (not the layer it is sitting in) in a specified viewport without affecting its visibility in model space or other viewports. I came across a .vlx file from www.cadstudio.cz/dl./hideshow.vlx that does the job of showing or hiding an object in model space( and hence in all viewports).
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Nov 20, 2013
Is it possible for the same object to be in hidden lines in 1 viewport and continuous in another?
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Aug 29, 2011
I know this is located in other locations but I can't seem to make it work with my block.
I would like the cross and the text N to rotate independantly of the arrow while the N stays with the thick line. That's the easy part. How can I make the N move along the rotation path and keep the text aligned horizontally? I read something about linked action and move, but I can't make it work.
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Oct 4, 2011
I am having a problem with 3ds Max 2012.
I am trying to map using UVW Map and I am not able to move or spin the Gizmo to aline the map to the correct side.
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