Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: How To Turn Off Anti-aliasing When Rotating Object
Jan 19, 2013
I'm trying to rotate a small object in Paint. When I use the rotate toolbar to enter the angle I need, the object rotates just like I want. Then I hit the apply button and some pretty heavy handed anti-aliasing is applied and the object is essentially destroyed. I've been using Paint for quite a long time so I figured there must be an option to turn this off. I can't find one. I even added the anti-aliasing button to the rotate toolbar and turned it off but that doesn't make any difference.
Essentially, what I want when I rotate an object is the chunky, pixelated preview, not the final anti-aliased so much you can't tell what it even is anymore final product.
At this point, I'm going to have to resort to rotating the object and taking a screenshot of the preview and using that instead of the mess that the final result is.
I have a weird problem with underlining my text while having anti-aliasing off. (Photo-paint X3, version
When I have a large block of text and the underlined word is in the middle, the underline is displaying correctly as 1px line with a 1px space from the baseline. But when the text is either at the end or alone, it looks like there is a 2px underline without any vertical space at all.
See the image attached for clarity.
Font: Arial, size: 12pt, anti-alias off
It happens on two different computers, one with Windows 7 32-bit and one with Windows XP 32-bit.
How do I turn off anti-aliasing for the pencil tool in Photoshop CS6. I want to draw a single pixel. I do not want to draw a shape or a line. I do not want additional low-opacity pixels on either side.
I set the pixel size to 1 and hardness to 100%. The pencil tool produces an anti-aliased line. I do not want this.
I was wondering if there is or is a way for example to untick a setting so that I can turn off anti-aliasing for some shapes, and leave anti-aliasing on for other shapes?
Is there a way (plugin and or method) to rotate/zoom a layer without anti aliasing being applied?I'm working with sprites and anti aliasing is a pain to remove.
I've recently been trying to make a picture and I need Anti-Aliasing disabled for it. Now I have it disabled, but whenever I try to do effects like Dent it adds some Anti-Aliasing in it even thought Anti-Aliasing is disabled.
When I do use Dents I even try setting quality to 0 but that doesn't seem to do much. Now I may be missing something here and which is most likely true but I can't seem to find out how to permanently disable Anti-Aliasing for everything. It's disabled right now but whenever I try to use Effects it uses Anti-Aliasing which I don't want it to. Any way to have Effects not us Anti-Aliasing or to completely disabled it?
In Photo-Paint X5, there is an option that allows you to turn off the pixel grid. It's located under Tools -> Options -> Document -> Grid -> Pixel Grid. If I uncheck the "Show pixel grid at 800% and higher zoom", then the pixel grid is turned off as expected. However, the next time I open another document, the pixel grid gets turned right back on. How do I make it so the pixel grid is always off? I've tried making it fully transparent, but the transparency resets each time I open a new image as well.
I've just started using Paint.Net, primarily for pixel work. I needed a program that had the curve line tool but with extra features than the ones provided in Microsoft Paint. But it seems that I've came to a problem, the lines are anti-aliased, even at 1 pixel big. I was wondering if there was a option to turn the aliasing off for the line/curve tool.
I am doing a lot of saving new files over old ones. I am sick of the warning message that pops up having a default answer of 'NO' when I go to replace the files. Is there a way to change the default to 'YES' , or get rid of the message altogether?
I'm guessing that this is a super simple question, but evidently I'm not sharp enough to figure it out....I've imported a bitmap file [.tif] into PP, & it's MUCH larger than the letter-size canvas I'm using. So I'm wondering what the simple method is to fit that bitmap to the canvas. The thing that's driving me nuts is, I select this big bitmap [it's roughly 3300 px by 2800 px, FWIW], go into Image > Resample, & under "Image size" it's giving me 11.0 x 8.5! And why PP is saying that the image is already the same size as the canvas--well that's why I'm writing this post. Cause I don't know why.
I am trying to delete an object background to create a gif of an object (the object in this case is a broken cell phone). Everything appears to be gone BUT...there are these flowing blue items around the object. When I export the file to gif...those items are still attached to the object.
I have used photo shop and have not had any issue removing a background around an object.
making a GIF with PP. I'm working on a really simple one, I have a background, and I have an object that I want to move into the frame, then back out of the frame. Then loop.
Do I really have to combine the moving object with the back ground EVERY single frame?
Is there a way to say take this object over this many frames and move it from here to there?
Is there a way to save the position of the object in each frame without combining it to the background each time? I'd like to set it, go to the next frame, move it, go to the next frame, move it, repeat.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
When I'm working in PP on designs with many layers I have problem with uncontrolled attaching to object i'm moving.
For example I'm moving object to bottom of page using shift + page down and after trying to move it few layers up using ctrl + arrow up. Sometimes two objects moving instead one. Its random error so hard to simulate it when you want.
system configuration:
Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.
When I'm saving my file as PSD I have strange error with "nice" description.The only way to avoid it is search and delete design elements - I found that its caused by one text object.
The question is what can be wrong with text object to generate this error. I can edit text and do everything with it but I cant save it as PSD. Its hard to find it in big complicated designs. I think similiar problem was in Corel Photopaint X3. Seems like it left to X6 version.Bug exists in all files with text objects.
system configuration:Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.
I've tried to use it, but how to generate the flashing light in a separate object. This is possible because while trying I did it, but now I cannot do it and it does the flashing light in the same layer of the background of the image.
My questions is when I draw a line or circle / rectangle no fill, it is nice solid black color lines but when I start manipulate the object and when I am done I have to press right click and apply transformation and the object is not black anymore some grey tones are added to the lines. How can I keep the solid black line?
Open up a picture Create a Mask marquee and Cut [Ctrl X] Undo twice [Ctrl Z twice]. You're now back where you started but with a cut object on the clipboard Paste [Ctrl V] Cut [Ctrl X] Paste again [Ctrl V] Cut again [Ctrl X]
In my case, the entire image has now been cut, not just the pasted object.The reason I do this is because I'm working with two virtually identical pictures. On one picture there has been a modification which I wish to paste onto the other. I cut and paste but need to align the pasted object with the picture. So, I paste the object and move it; then cut and then paste it to check it's in the correct position. If it's out of alignment then the image appears to move. There may be other ways to do this but I find this way easy.
Here is what I want to do. I have the letters 'XC' which I've played with a bit to look the way I want and due to anti-aliasing has nice edges. Now I want to basically fill those letters with an image. I can't figure out how to do this and keep the nice anti-aliased edges.
Current steps:
1. load image as base layer 2. Create new layer with text in it 3. using magic wand select a threshold that has smoothest edges on text layer 4. select image layer and copy the selection area... notice the hard edges of the finished result in the attached example. I want it nice and smooth and anti-aliased.
How to do this more elegantly? I've attached the basics of what I'm doing and the result.
I am trying to edit some pictures that a customer of mine has taken. They are of silver utensils wrapped with beads and the way she has taken them, there is a huge shine reflection on them. There are 25 current pictures all using the same dark background.
I have fiddled with the adjustment brightness and highlights, but they come out looking gray and fake, so I removed those adjustments.
I tried using burn the bright spots and then dodge the coloured stones to bring back some luster. No matter what i am doing, it no longer is a silver utensil, it is a picture that has been poorly edited, and that simply isn't okay.
Here are some examples of the raw picture I am working with [URL] ...........
I need to reduce the glare/reflection and the stones need to be vibrant.
I scanned some text hand-written with a magic marker. i use threshold to get the artwork plain black and white, select the white with the magic wand, select similar and then delete. i'm left with the solid black image with crisp edges. i have marquee tools, lasso tools, and magic wand set to anti-aliasing off. feather i set to 0.
when i rotate the image to make it level, the image gets anti-aliased. to try to correct that i select the pixels of the image with command click on the layer, delete that layer and make a new layer. then i just have shape of the image created by the selection tool. when i use fill to try to fill it in, the image is anti-aliased. all i want to do is fiil in exactly inside the shape that i have selected.
The Text tool has options for anti-aliasing - Strong, Crisp, etc. Is there anything similar when filling paths?
I am filling two paths with a common edge; when the Anti-alias box is un-checked, the border looks ragged, but when the box is checked, the border looks grey. I can get the results I want by filling twice with anti-aliasing turned on, but I would like to have the box "Half-checked".