3ds Max Modeling :: Car Dashboard - Adding Detail To Curved Surfaces With Turbosmooth
Jun 13, 2013
Trying to model a car dashboard, not the wheel or gears but the big shape you hit your knees on if you sit in a car. Following some simple box modeling to get the basic form, apply turbosmooth, add some edge loops to get the right amount of curvature on some edges, great.
I'm miserably failing the next step, which is adding in details like lcd screen and vents. But even something as simple as making a crease that goes left to right across the whole vehicle, since those loops end up breaking the smoothing and the nice subtle curve is gone.
So next I tried geting the basic shape and adding an edit poly modifier on top then another turbosmooth on top of that. But it's getting very out of hand with the amount of faces.
Another idea was putting in the detail first on a flat plane, then using FFD 4x4 to bring the curve back, but then I'm not able to pull out the pieces that came from the box modelling method, how the armrest area comes out from big piece itself.
Am I missing a method of doign this? I don't want to have to resort to just unwrappign it and adding my details with a normal map. I want to use real geometry, and I've seen some great models in the past with this kind of detail, but don't know how to get there.
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Jan 22, 2014
I want to add a loop cut to my box with the turbosmooth modifier. However, I don't want to collapse the modifiers because I still want to edit the overall shape of the box, but with the turbosmooth modifier active I can't add an edge cut, the option just isn't there.
Clicking on the Box (which is an editable poly by the way) in the stack just switches to the Poly layer, making the turbospeed modifications invisible.
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Aug 15, 2012
When I use the TurboSmooth modifier I get artifacts that you can see in the upper red rectangle of the second picture. Is this due to the former welding process that I used or is it just a geometry issue?
Furthermore I get a shape that`s supposed to be a nice 'round' surface. Probably it's just putting in some more vertecies? (second picture, lower rectangle)
For better understanding I attached the before and after pics with mesh turned on.
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Dec 26, 2012
Is there anyway to put modifier which only affects to some area (edges/poly/vertex) of an object? Like when using Turbosmooth, only half area gets smoothed, the other half still has the sharp edges?
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Sep 29, 2011
I am working on creating a building shell that is elliptical. i managed to draw it 3d through lofting. now i am trying to have a hexagonal grid on it so i can draw hexagonal large structural ribs and then in between the ribs hexagonal glass grid.
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Feb 15, 2011
Attached is a sample
My goal here is to take the curved surfaces of the Loft object & retrieve a flattened profile of the face.
1 profile per face is the final goal - not one completely flattened profile.
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Oct 20, 2011
Is there a way to avoid super Elevation or Side Friction in Sloped Surfaces for Curves, such as Building Pads, Ramps, Floors, etc.. Is it mandatory.. ?? Its a problem all the time worrying about matching levels in topo surface and floors for gradual slopes in site and side friction in sloped ramps or sloped building pads.. that matching line between levels doesn't look good while giving presentations..
I have also attached an image for reference.. both the sloped surfaces are building pads..
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Sep 27, 2012
I have a topo map in max, and I'm trying to raise and sink parts of it to make sidewalks and parking lots. My thought was to import line objects from dwg files, shape merge them onto the terrain, change the material number, then extrude. The problem is that shape merge doesn't maintain the correct shape.
I've made sure that I'm in orthographic mode, looking straight down on the surface, but anywhere there's a curve it messes things up. Circles become irregular ellipses. Arcs become more convex or concave. Where I'm shape merging two different objects at different times, objects that had lined up, the curves are now different and they either overlap or no longer touch.
I'm assuming that it's because my terrain mesh is too complex, but I'm not sure how to get around that.
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Nov 29, 2011
I am currently using AutoCad 3d 2011 and i am trying to add some graphics (bmp. or jpegs) to surfaces. In model space when materials are on the graphics are there. When i go to render in the graphics come out grey. However if i change the lighting settings to American lighting units the graphics then appear when it is rendered. Why is this? I do not like using American units as it always makes my renders appear washed out.
How graphics can be seen in any of the other lighting units? or why this may be happening?
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Sep 22, 2011
I often work with Civil Engineers and I use line work from Civil programs such as 3D Civil and Bentley MX. These programs give me splines (see image 1). I trace over the lines to create poly surfaces which may end up being grass or concrete etc (see image 2)
I don't use the terrain command because the command is not always suitable. The lines I import often have gaps or other issues thats why I find it faster to trace over the lines to create my poly surfaces.
But if you look at image 2 it's very blocky. I would like to smooth between these surface to make the terrain look more natural. I have played with turbosmooth and meshsmooth but sometimes they screw up the surface or don't work at all.
How I could make my surfaces more natural and less blocky.
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May 5, 2011
I have created the attached wheel drawing using the Revolve command.
You will see one cylinder solid thru the wheel on the attached drawing file.
I am trying to use the Subtract command to remove a hole space thru the wheel. Can't get that to work.
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Feb 21, 2011
I just started using version 2010 (I was using 2009 way past the 2010 release). Whenever I go to insert a detail component such as a 3/4" bolt it fails. On the command line I see the name of the detail to be inserted but immediately after is *Cancel*.
I have to shut down Architecture and restart it before it will let me insert the component -- and then only once. If I want to insert other components I have to shut down and restart every time.
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Jul 20, 2011
I am trying to paint a texture map in detail with Photoshop. the uv map is not ready, or it appears not to be.How do I separate/unwrap these uv's for easy texturing in Photoshop.
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Feb 21, 2012
I was working in CAD wire-frame and I'm drawing a small plate 230*60*15, is there any way to turn this into a solid object or add edges to it, so it appears as 1 object?
I realise you can draw a simple 2d line and extrude the edges but what i want to know is can you add surfaces to the wire frame.
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Jan 18, 2013
I have been trying to figure out if there is a more efficient way of doing this for some time. It seems so basic but it always comes to play in my smoothing process.
For all you more experienced modelers, what is the best way to have the edges and corners stay at their 90 degree angles when smoothing while not compromising the roundness of the surface with artifacting or pinching in the corners. I find this problem when creating extrudes with sharp corners on curved/ round surfaces then smoothing them.
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Feb 24, 2012
In my assembly drawing I have been able to add random dimensions anywhere I needed them.
Except for the detail view. How come I can select the two end points for my dimension, but it wont let me place it?
(Colossians 3:23-25)
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Jan 8, 2009
I understand layers fine, sot hats not what i need help on.
Just if i wanted to add a friend in the middel where its collapsed.
Being a fence with lots of holes, what would be the best way to make it look realistic that he was standing behind the fence?
I tryed playing round with the opaticity but it didnt look right
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Sep 19, 2011
I've made a basic character model and rigged it with CAT, then added some detail onto it in ZBrush. After using GoZ to get it back into 3Ds Max I couldn't get the rig to work properly on the sculpted mesh.
I tried copy/pasting the skin modifier from one mesh to another, while both meshes were located at about the same place, however this results in my envelopes floating somewhere above my mesh, and thus screwing up the animation.
Any way to somehow get a sculpted mesh onto a prerigged one, or would I just have to rig it again? (Which would be horrible since I plan on using the base mesh to create several characters. So I'd have to rigg every single one of them all over again.
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Feb 5, 2013
We're seeing strange behavior on all of our workstations when using a Refold feature on a sheet metal cone. Surfaces are (very incorrectly) being added at the top and bottom openings of the cone when the Refold feature is added. The behaviour is the same whether using Contour Roll or Revolve. The surfaces dissappear when the cone is revolved to a lesser degree, such as 200 degrees instead of 359. The cone can be revolved to 360 degrees and ripped but that raises a whole nother problem because Inventor does not correctly refold a 360 ripped cone. File attached. By the way, the surface artifacts show up in the flat pattern as well.
Inventor 2012 SP2
Vault Collaboration 2013 SP1
Dell Precision T3500, Xeon W3503 2.4GHz, AMD FirePro V4900
Windows 7 64-bit, 8 GB RAM
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Apr 1, 2011
I've been working on creating a sword in 3D Max for the last couple of days and have run across a problem. At the base of the blade, it goes up straight for about an inch and then tapers out and up another half inch in a curve.From there, the blade tapers/curves back in, then out once more to create a thicker end of the blade, width wise. I need to know a simple way of doing those curves. A friend of mine suggested using quick loops, then individually scaling them to get the curving effect. That just seemed like it took too much time to me, and I thought there must be a simpler way. I tried adding a taper modifier to the selected area, but that didn't really seem to do much, except give the opposite effect that I wanted.
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Jun 15, 2011
I am trying to put a helical coil around a curved spline as shown below. why my image wont upload its only 18k?
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Mar 30, 2012
First, is there a way to add a new part to an assembly and it only be added to the active Level of Detail (and the Master, of course)? It is adding a significant source of potential error when adding a part to an assembly when you have to make sure to go back and change the status of a newly added part in each Level of Detail.
Secondly, is there a better solution than using Levels of Detail in the first place? We typically have assemblies that are in a few stages: 1) an empty shell 2) shell with ballast 3) shell with ballast and fill material. I have started using Levels of Detail to suppress components at each of those 3 stages because it is important that we have accurate weights for each stage. Our assemblies are not terribly large so memory usage is not really a problem, and I have read on Levels of Detail it is usually useful in a memory management situation.
Lastly, is there any good reason to not be able to save a Level of Detail when there is a positional representation active?
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
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Sep 24, 2013
I'm tryin to create an an elliptical wall. 6" Thick.It needs to go from 48" at one end and lower to 36" as it sweeps around the ellipse. (It's only an arc of the ellipse and not completely closed).
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Jul 25, 2011
I made a bench cushion few weeks aback but it was a straight cushion, now i want a curved one to match the same profile, i did as i have shown in the picture but with the curved one i want it thiner, how can i do this?
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Apr 18, 2012
How to add text and fit/emboss it to a curved 3D surface.
I have a college assignment to draw a jug and add the word jug onto the side, but i cannot find anywhere to be able to acheive this.
I am running AutoCAD 2012.
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Apr 22, 2011
I have been trying to understand why does TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth modifier tend to stretch the UVs of the low poly unwrapped object. For example I have a simple box which I unwrap and smooth out with TS modifier after applying the map it stretches because the UVs get distorted by the TS modifier. check the image to get a visual idea of what I am talking about:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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Jul 12, 2012
I'm a beginner in Maya and have to model an object for college. I've modelled an iPhone 4 in Maya 2012 and I've added colour to it but i want to add an image to the screen face. I've added the image using lambert but the image is blown up and i don't know how to resize it. I've fiddled with the settings in '2d Texture Placement Attributes' but the only thing i've been able to do was rotate the image so it's not upside down, it's still blown up. Is there another editor window to resize it?
I've also tried using the UV Texture Editor but everything is a mess on top of eachother and everytime i move things around maya crashes . Is there any other way to add the image to the face?
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Oct 25, 2012
I know there is the insert edge tools, but I am looking to quickly add a variable number of edge loop either evenly spaced or sporadically space in one operation.
I'm coming from Lightwave3D so excuse me if I try to relate tools to it here.
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Aug 17, 2012
Is it possible to add a custom object such as soil reinforcement to C3D? I have a roadway grading plan with cut/fill slopes that will require geosynthetic reinforcement. Is it possible to add reinforcement to the drawing and have C3D calculate quantities?
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volume dashboard on which method of calculating is based. Why sometime are different, huge differences between counting volume based in "computer materials" which of 3 is the best? for calculating? I am using very often average end area, is that correct?
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