I have 75 different images and would like to apply 4 different hue adjustment layers to each image and save them so I have 300 new images.
Idea on how to do this is;
Copy hue adjustment layer Merge the lower hue layer with the top image layer. Name the merged layer to what the image layer was Save newly merged layer and image layer in PNG format.
Doing this 300 times manually will take me an age, are there any scripts for CS4 that can automate this?
I want to create an image that will be composed of lots of layer masks that I am going to use to paint different effects back over someone's face. I currently have a hue/saturation adjustment layer that I used to de saturate the image and then I selectively painted that desaturated layer back over the skin of someone, I also want to add some green so I created a color balance layer and made a layer mask out of it and want to selectively paint back some green to the skin tone.
1. Does it matter in the layer stacking order where these adjustment layers/layer masks reside? 2. Any general tips for working with an image with lots of adjustment layers/layer masks?
I'm trying to create a nice example of a paintscheme. In order to do this correctly I need to cut lots of pieces from a picture taken from the original truck end make them in to several layers.
Now I have done this, as you can see here, not very well. There are a lot of lines that aren't cut very nice and smooth. Most of this cuts I did with the scissors tool. The tank I cut with the path tool.
I just started using version 2010 (I was using 2009 way past the 2010 release). Whenever I go to insert a detail component such as a 3/4" bolt it fails. On the command line I see the name of the detail to be inserted but immediately after is *Cancel*.
I have to shut down Architecture and restart it before it will let me insert the component -- and then only once. If I want to insert other components I have to shut down and restart every time.
I've made a basic character model and rigged it with CAT, then added some detail onto it in ZBrush. After using GoZ to get it back into 3Ds Max I couldn't get the rig to work properly on the sculpted mesh.
I tried copy/pasting the skin modifier from one mesh to another, while both meshes were located at about the same place, however this results in my envelopes floating somewhere above my mesh, and thus screwing up the animation.
Any way to somehow get a sculpted mesh onto a prerigged one, or would I just have to rig it again? (Which would be horrible since I plan on using the base mesh to create several characters. So I'd have to rigg every single one of them all over again.
First, is there a way to add a new part to an assembly and it only be added to the active Level of Detail (and the Master, of course)? It is adding a significant source of potential error when adding a part to an assembly when you have to make sure to go back and change the status of a newly added part in each Level of Detail.
Secondly, is there a better solution than using Levels of Detail in the first place? We typically have assemblies that are in a few stages: 1) an empty shell 2) shell with ballast 3) shell with ballast and fill material. I have started using Levels of Detail to suppress components at each of those 3 stages because it is important that we have accurate weights for each stage. Our assemblies are not terribly large so memory usage is not really a problem, and I have read on Levels of Detail it is usually useful in a memory management situation.
Lastly, is there any good reason to not be able to save a Level of Detail when there is a positional representation active?
Trying to model a car dashboard, not the wheel or gears but the big shape you hit your knees on if you sit in a car. Following some simple box modeling to get the basic form, apply turbosmooth, add some edge loops to get the right amount of curvature on some edges, great.
I'm miserably failing the next step, which is adding in details like lcd screen and vents. But even something as simple as making a crease that goes left to right across the whole vehicle, since those loops end up breaking the smoothing and the nice subtle curve is gone.
So next I tried geting the basic shape and adding an edit poly modifier on top then another turbosmooth on top of that. But it's getting very out of hand with the amount of faces.
Another idea was putting in the detail first on a flat plane, then using FFD 4x4 to bring the curve back, but then I'm not able to pull out the pieces that came from the box modelling method, how the armrest area comes out from big piece itself.
Am I missing a method of doign this? I don't want to have to resort to just unwrappign it and adding my details with a normal map. I want to use real geometry, and I've seen some great models in the past with this kind of detail, but don't know how to get there.
If I drag an effect from the target circle of one object to anther in the layer's panel it replaces the effect along with all appearance. But I want just to add the effect. For example, a layer has a drop shadow and a path, round corners. I want to move the drop shadow from the layer to the path so that the path now has the round corners and the drop shadow. To do this I have to open the shadow effect of the layer wright down its parameters, then create a shadow effect for the path with the same parameters which is a lot of work.
Pic 1. I have an image I want to use as a background, however the image is not complete. I need a part of pic 2 to fullfill it.
Pic 2. The colors around the object doesn't match the colors of Pic 1.
Normally it would be best to cut the object out. However in this case it wouldn't look nice (the object is mixed out (in color) with the rest of the image). If I cut out something the object won't look "proper".
My question:
How can I blend pic 2 on pic 1, using the original object from pic 2 (as it is), and at the same time blend the colors around it, so that it matches that of pic 1 / or simply remove it somehow?
Whenever I make a new style in a 2012 AutoCAD file for a Detail Callout, I can create the callout bubble but the text entered for sheet numbers goes to another layer. I've searched the web for a solution to this, but I cannot find one. Everything is set to "By Layer" in the callout, so I'm not sure why the text is going to another layer. The linework aside from the text all appears on my current layer.
I created a 3d model in Pro/E Wildfire and opened it in photoshop CS5. I am trying to add an image to the top of the object. When I go into the 3D (Materials) tab and then click load texture (after clicking the folder next to 'diffuse'), the texture that is loaded is very distorted.
How can I add an image to the top of a custom 3d object without it being distorted?
I have attached a few files to illustrate what I am trying to accomplish and the problem.
i am using PS CS4. this is my second day with photoshop. i am very familiar with GIMP but i needed PS for making web site layout. so i downloaded 1G trial and now i do not know how to add a new image as layer in existing image. i tried to drag and drop and tried import , open as but could not find a way to accomplish that.
in GIMP it is file->open as layer option but in PS i could not find similar option.
the reason i want to do is that i want to add a image in header of web page layout.
lisp..It work fine but just that i need some minor modificatio to it...At moment, when i activate the lisp, it will automatic select all dimension,leader and multileader to a layer call "DIMENSION"...Anyway i wonder if it is possible to prevent any dimension,leader or multileader in layer "Section" will not be change to layer "Dimension"?
After I made a selection and then go to modify-Border, the border comes out feathered. Is there a way to create a hard edge border around an image or layer? Also what's the easiest way to create a border around a type layer?
I'd like to add some color to the outlines in the attachment. Right now they have some white background to them so I've got the blend mode set to multiply which works great since they're greyscale. I've tried duplicating one of the channels and creating a selection and/or layer mask from it with not much luck. I tried setting a layer mask and then filling the whole layer with the color I want but it didn't show up at all. I also tried filling the selection with the color I want which worked ok except the layer still has a bunch of white and if I leave the blend mode at multiply the color doesn't show up well.
I am trying to add a simple text layer to some relatively small JPEG files - each file is only about 3 or 4 MB in size before any editing or additions are made to the files. I am using P-shop CS2 on a PC with Windows XP SP2.When I add a few lines of simple text (with no special effects) to any of these files and attempt to save the edited file as a .TIFF or .PSD file with the text as its own layer in the file - the resulting .TIFF or .PSD file is a 30 or 35 MB file which is hard to work with because of its size. These files have only two layers in them - the text layer and the base image. It just does not seem logical that a simple text layer would make a file increase in size by 10 times.
I would like to try to save the edited image files as .TIFF or .PSD so that I can go back and make future edits to the text layer.I have tried to save the edited file with the text layer as a .zip file but these files are also still very large - 20 MB or so.Maybe I have some basic file settings wrong that are making the files so large? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can add a simple text layer to a relatively small image file, save it as a .TIFF or .PSD file and keep the resulting file size manageable?
I just started using elements today and I am trying to learn things. On the picture I am working on when I go to adda layer or even a mask it is not allowing me to click on it.
n my Image i have several layers, and two adjustment-layers for manipulating hue/saturation of parts of certain layers. Think something like having a picture of a person, and having the adjustment-layers to change the persons pants and shirt independently. So you can easily make color-variations of what the person wears, and save them, e.g. as jpg.
What I want is to add a little textarea which ends up on each jpg (not meta-data, I mean readable in a corner on the actual image), that gives me the color-values from the adjustment layers that were used to create that very image. So at a later time when I have one of my jpgs and it hits me that this exact color-combination is perfekt I can recreate it easily. Of course I could do it by hand, but is there a way to automate it, using text-variables linked to the hue/saturation-layers?
I'm having issues with my text editor. I have just completed a multilayered composite image with a border and want to add a title on the background layer and can't get the type font to be anything other than very tiny...so I can't even see it.
I'm having trouble adjusting the levels on a layer after I've previously added noise to it. Basically I'm trying to add a simple snowstorm effect to a painting I'm currently working on.
The way I normally do is: create a new layer, then fill it with solid black, after that I go to filters>noise>add noise, then I add about 150% noise and check monochromatic, press ok, after that I go to image>adjustments>levels and adjust it so it leaves only a few white spots and then I press ok, but this time nothing happens after I press ok in the levels window and the image stays the same.
I have imported roughly 100 images via scanner. Currently I am ctrl+alt+s to save as > Selecting JPG from drop > clicking save > Clicking ok JPEG Options > clicking the X to close the window ? Clicking NO to save..
Just a question about adding objects to an arc instead of a whole circle for example using a hearts brush. I draw a circle, convert it to a shape and then bisect it with a line that has also been converted to a shape then I slice and break shapes and now I have a perfect arc but when I go to my brushes and try to add my hearts brush to the arc it like doubles the hearts. Is there anyway to overcome this so that I only have a single row of hearts on the arc. By the way I'm using XaraXtreme Pro 5. T