Xara :: Remove Trailing Shadows Shown In First Image
Mar 11, 2011
The example I use in this question has already been solved by friendly posters here and this is not a rehash... just using the materials at hand to illustrate the point.The effort here was to remove the trailing shadows shown in the first image (at the included URL below).
In that thread 2 posters showed how to do this using a completely different approach.That is, using Arrange/Apply ClipView..However, I used the help manual to try to do this, at a section headed Combining Shapes
When subtracting, intersecting and slicing, you can either use the topmost selected shape to do the "cutting" of the lower shapes, or you can use a mask.To use a mask to cut shapes, first select the shapes and then turn on mask mode. All objects except for the selected shapes disappear while mask mode is on.
Then draw your cutting shape using the main drawing tools (Freehand Tool, Shape Editor, Rectangle Tool, etc.) or paste the shape if you already drew it and copied it. Then select the Arrange->Combine Shapes operation. The mask shape is used to cut the shapes underneath. I never did see anything describing the details of how to do the cutting with one of the shapes already in the composition so I went the mask route, which is explained there.
So I selected all, then went to mask mode, drew a rectangle (at the right in 2nd screen grab below) then Arrange/Combine shapes/ and none of those selections: Add, subtract, intersect and slice... appear to do a darned thing to the objects.
I have been asked to remove text from an image but the owner does not have the original layered image but only the jpg. I wondered whether it is possible to remove the text from the image, or any recommendations on what to do?
I have Pro7 and I am trying to edit a graphic. I want to remove the background color (white), or pop out an image.
In my old program (not xara) I could just click on the area/color, it turn pink and then click finish it would erase. Is that possible with this program?
I'm editing some photographs in Photoshop and because of the sunlight, all my subjects have a dark shadow covering part of their neck/throat areas and shirt collars. I used the both the healing brush and patch tools to fix up the shirt areas and they look fine. However, whenever I tried using these tools using non-shadow areas of their neck as sampled areas, the results always look bad. Their necks, even though shadows are removed, look like plastic or plaster rather than real human skin. How would I remove these shadows from their necks without causing an unrealistic looking skin?
I'm using AutoCAD 2013 for Mac, and it works perfectly fine and normal. However, everything I draw, weather its a line, a shape or different objects crossing each other, will have some kind of tag next to it, telling what kind of corner or intersection it is. It's very informative, but they are simply too larger on my display, I hardly get to see what I'm drawing. So frankly I'd love to know how to remove them.
I am brand spanking new to Paint and completely lost! I was referred here when asking how to edit an image I took. I took and image of a shoe on an all white background. However, there are shadows and you can see the seams in the background. I would like to brighten the white and remove shadows so that the shoe image looks professional. I tried uploading the image but it would not allow it........i will attempt again
I'm exporting to PDF from DP7 using the commercial print settings. There is one layer of text on top of another of color bars. Where the edge of the top layer of text ends there is a step made in the color bars that shouldn't be there (see attached). I tried grouping first but the step is worse.
I just bought a certain Nikon camera, which I recently discovered is notoriuous for producing green shadows in skin tones, the darker the shadow the worse it looks.
How to isolate and adjust these shadows and make them more true to real skin tones? It can't be a globally applied color correction because only the shadows are out of whack and the rest of the image looks great. Reduce green globally will make the rest of the image too red.
what is the easiest way to remove gray shadows from my picture and to preserve the handwriting at the same time? I have a lot of pictures like this so I need to use your procedure in batch.
I am using CS6. I have created some text with a gradient fill. I have converted it to shapes before addin the Fill. I appear to get a slight black shadow arround the letters. This appears to get worse when I Export it to png with a transparent background. This black shadow is not a stoke that I have added.
ok, i have a jpeg i want to email. i click on attach and the drop down comes up, i navigate to the image i want and highlight. at this point--always in the past up until last week--a thumbnail of the image shows up in the column to the right of the name of the image, so i can make sure i'm sending the right image. suddenly, i'm no longer seeing the image to the right. (see attached).
The attached panorama is a composite of 4 other images. I am very satisfied with the overall result since there is a minimum of distortion and the color is more than decent. I am not satisfied with the two gray triangles that are in the center of the image. What would be the best way to get rid of those shadows? Is it possible to adjust the images prior to making the panorama which would reduce or eliminate those gray triangles. I should point out that the 4 images used were "perfect" without any gray areas.
I have been using Photoshop CS2 for many years and have constantly "lived with" a bug in Bridge whereby, instead of an image thumbnail, there is just an icon shown.
This is the same icon that appears before Bridge has read all the images to produce the thumbnails - but some of them get "stuck" and there seems to be no way to make Bridge "read" the image and produce the thumbnail. Pressing "View" "Refresh" (or PF5) does not work. Is there any fix I can download for this?
I have Windows 7 and recently unistalled PSE 10 and it did not have this issue; Now Photoshop CS6 is displaying the menu dropdowns as shown in Image 1. Bridge CS6 does not have the issue;it is showing the menu bars correctly (see Image 2). I downloaded and installed all updates.
I have many inline formulas (imported from Word file via using mathtype) in PDF article made by ID. But when I export the articles as HTML, the images for formulas become much larger than shown in PDF version. How can i keep the exported images to the same size as they are shown the PDF file? I know I can edit the html file to specify image size, but that is the ideal work flow.
Many times this has happened to me and I have never been able to figure it out. How do I remove a 3D extrude? I had almost finished a new project and was attempting to 3D extrude part of it when the program crashed now I am stuck with parts etruded and I can't seem to remove those parts. Unfortunately the part I am concerned about was difficult to do because it was an experiment text wrapping an object. Maybe I can open one of my saves and get it back that way. I don't know because I only just now thought of that possibility. Never the less I still want to know.
I am doing a layout for a box sleeve I have some text in a bullet list and I want a space but DPX9 adds a dot how do I just create a space without the dot?FB Box.xar
I have a product collage at my company that has a white background with natural shadows. Is there a way to add that to a colored/textured background where the shadows will look correct and I won't have to manually erase all the white?
I want to finish my flash, but only need a banner. I download a flash banner maker...I like its templetes very much , but there is a watermark “easy flash banner maker” at the back of my flash banner. is there any method to remove such watermark?
I've used Xara for a while now, but I've never figured out how to remove or delete a curve edit handle. I mainly want to get rid of ones that are created spontaneously when I add/delete other points on a shape. Attached is an example where the curved cusp of the arrow came, seemingly, from nowhere. All I want to do is restore the angular property. I've tried moving the handle to be on top of the point indicator, but that's an imprecise action ... that often leads to the shape spinning wildly.
I have drawn a colorful graphic with lots of little pieces, colors. Didn't name colors in it or built it with tints/shades of other colors. I want to make it grayscale now. What is fastest/most practical way to do that? Histogram works on bitmaps but I would like to retain vector format.
Many times my raw images are left with what can only be described as a "haze" over them. It is not a lens deal, it is something I'm not doing in the raw conversion process because .jpegs don't have it albeit .jpegs have their other weaknesses. Sometimes the black slider will remove the haze, but many times I'm left with too many areas that are dark. I think it is a contrast issue, but I really stuggle getting rid of the haze and keep a sharp contrasty image without adding more deep shadows to the image.