Lightroom :: Image Count Not Shown In Library Filters?

Nov 27, 2013

In LR4 the Library Filters showed the image count in each category.

No longer shows in LR5.

 Is there a preference I can change or is this just an oversight/bug?

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Lightroom :: Where Is Photo Count In Library Filter

Nov 2, 2013

This is from an online tutorial and is a typical view of the Library Filter. Notice that there are photo counts to the right of each of the search criteria. For example, All (2 Cameras) - 487 photos. Canon EOS 5D - 404 photos, etc.
Now notice a screen shot from my iMac with Lightroom 5.2 on OX 10.9 Mavericks.Notice that there are no photo counts after the search criteria. WHERE DID THEY GO? Or for that matter, were they ever there in this iteration of LR?Incidentally, I am aware the count will appear in the filmstrip (see the next photo) but that is not nearly as useful.

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Lightroom :: Library Filter - Photo Count Missing On OS X Mavericks

Nov 23, 2013

When using the library filter on metadata no numbers are shown anymore, even not after clicking restore default presets?

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Lightroom :: Library Filters Does Not Work

Mar 19, 2012

Yesterday, Library Filters worked in Lightroom 4, but today they do not.  Whenever I pull up the Metadata filters and select a parameter, the title of the filter switches to "Custom Filter" and nothing is selected. 

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Lightroom :: Cannot Use Library Filters In Collections - Getting No Photos Match

Mar 12, 2012

I can't use the library filters in collections as they return no results despite there being valid search criteria. Images with one star rating are not shown when filters are set to rated in the collection. The filters do return results when searching in collection sets however.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening In Develop Module Is Not Shown When Switching Back To Library Module

Feb 7, 2014

Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT".  With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.    
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
I hope this is a way to get support from Adobe.

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Lightroom :: Prevent Adobe DNG Converter 7.4 From Cutting Image Pixel Count?

Apr 20, 2013

I converted 5D Mark III Raw files to DNG with Adobe DNG Converter 7.4. When I import the DNGs into LR I noticed that the total pixel count has been significantly reduced. The original Raw images are 22 megapixels (5760 x 3840), the DNG files are 10.5 megapixels (3960 x 2460). I tried it without lossy compression, and with Lossy compression (making sure preserve pixel count was selected). Either way the image's pixel count is reduced. How do I avoid loosing half the image?

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Lightroom :: Library Search Filters Criteria Randomizes When Toggling Search On And Off

Aug 15, 2013

I'm using Lightroom 5.2RC. Not sure if this started happening with the 5.2RC version or if it's been an issue for a while.
While in Library mode, when I choose a library search filter preset, say all 5 stars, and then toggle the filter off and on again, the search criteria randomizes to something wildly different than what I was just searching for, for example, adding text and metadata to the search queries when I only had star attributes selected a few seconds before.
I've experimented with turning the filter lock icon on and off and that seems to have no effect. Switching between folders in my catalog and toggling search off and on, results in the same random search criteria being generated.

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Lightroom :: Image In Library Changes To Another Image In Develop Module

Nov 11, 2012

I can see a previously processed image in the Library module. When I try to open that image in Develop, it changes to another image in the same folder. This only happens with certain images.

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Lightroom :: Edit Image In The Library Is Not The Same As The Image In Develop?

Feb 6, 2012

My edit image in the Library is not the same as the image in Develop.. How do I get them to be the same image? I want the image in Develop.

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Lightroom :: Saving Photos With Filters Applied Onto Actual Image Files?

Sep 22, 2013

I tried opening the images that I applied lightroom filters on, and the images did not change at all, though when I go to lightroom the filters are present. Does that mean that lightroom filters only work inside lightroom? Is there a way to save the photos with the filter(s) applied?

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Image From Library To Clipboard

Aug 8, 2012

I can't find the option to copy an image from LR's library to the clipboard - I'm sure I'm just overlooking it -

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Lightroom :: Image Selections In Library Module

Jun 13, 2013

I happened upon a rather odd glitch whilst using LR5 this evening, possibly related to the bug that's been discussed on here where images selected in grid view in a publish collection don't correspond to the selections indicated in the film-strip. However, it's not quite the same thing...
I noticed that the display under the histogram had a rectangle with a '2' next to it. I had no idea what that represented (just getting used to some of the LR5 changes) and had to consult the PDF to find out. It in fact indicated that I apparently had two images currently selected, both of which were original images with no smart-previews. Fair enough (not using smart-previews), expect that I only had one image selected, not two. I repeatedly tried deselecting all images (ctrl-d), but as soon as I re-selected one image, the '2' symbol re-appeared. Switching modules/view/moving between various collections and 'all photographs' failed ot prevent this - it was stuck on telling me I had two images selected no matter what.

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Lightroom :: Can't Get Image To Display In Library Mode

Oct 10, 2012

I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade.  Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.

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Lightroom :: Photos Downloaded To Image Capture But Not To LR3 Library

Jul 11, 2012

Is there a procedural way to download my photos to LR3 instead of Image Capture on my iMAC? I had Apple Store Geniuses fix the Safe Mode problem (which i posted in a different thread) so when I got home and tried to download my photos from the CF card reader it showed up in the Image Capture screen but not in LR3. I had the CF card reader attached to the computer's USB port before turning on the computer.
Should I have turned on the computer first and then open LR3 before connecting the card reader? My guess is that because LR3 was not opened first, the downloading went somewhere else.

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Lightroom :: Delete Image From Library Is Not Appearing In Trash

Jul 14, 2012

If I delete an image from my library it is not appearing in 'Trash'. I am pretty sure it used to, and this may be since the upgrade to LR4.1, but I am not sure. I am on an iMac with Lion.

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Lightroom :: Difference In Image Quality From Develop To Library?

May 2, 2012

I'm a light room noobie (as in I downloaded it 2 days ago).  I'm loving the experience so far, however, I have a quick question, I have edited a few photos I took at a gig, I've developed them, however, when I look at them in Library, there is a loss of sharpness in some, in others where I've reduced noise in Develop, there is still noise when viewed in Library. 

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Lightroom :: Image Doesn't Come Up / When Switch From Library To Develop Module

May 21, 2013

The image does not come up when i switch from the library to develop module.

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Lightroom :: How To Only View Final Edited Image In Library Module

Nov 5, 2012

I was wondering if it was possible to set a setting in Lightroom such that when looking through my images in the Library module, I only see the final edited image.  For example, if I send the image to Photoshop to do any retouches, it creates a copy of the file.  When I save the file in Photoshop, I then have two images in the Library module.  However, I would like to keep all the history, but when browsing through my images  I would only like to see the final image.

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Lightroom :: Image On Screen Changing When Switch Between Library And Develop Modules?

Jul 6, 2012

I've noticed in the past couple of days that I will be refining an image in the develop module, feel I've gotten it the way I want it to look, and then switch back to the library module to export. When I do so, I notice the colors are quite different than they were just a second ago in the develop module. When I switch back to the develop module, it goes back to the way it looked in the develop module. How might I fix this?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Keyword Count Incorrect

Sep 2, 2012

I have Lightroom 4.1; 64 bit; Win7. All of a sudden my keyword list is not showing the correct number of photos to which a particular keyword is attached. It doesn't show any for some when there are a number photos with that particular keyword (although it also does not show "0"). For other keywords, it dispolays a number but it is incorrect (apparently always a lower number than actually applicable. I do not seem to be using a filter that might reduce the number. 

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Lightroom :: Different File Count Between Photo Elements 12 And 5?

Jan 10, 2014

When I check properties the file count in Photo Elements 12 is different than that of Lightroom 5.
In one case Photo Elements shows 743 files and 51 folders and lightroom shows 734 files. I counted each a every file and found Lightroom to have the correct count and Elements the same count but properties shows a count of 743.

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Photoshop :: Image Not Shown Up When Attached To Email

May 26, 2012

ok, i have a jpeg i want to email.  i click on attach and the drop down comes up, i navigate to the image i want and highlight.  at this point--always in the past up until last week--a thumbnail of the image shows up in the column to the right of the name of the image, so i can make sure i'm sending the right image.  suddenly, i'm no longer seeing the image to the right. (see attached).

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Photoshop :: CS2 Bridge - Instead Of Image Thumbnail Just An Icon Shown?

Feb 4, 2013

I have been using Photoshop CS2 for many years and have constantly "lived with" a bug in Bridge whereby, instead of an image thumbnail, there is just an icon shown.

This is the same icon that appears before Bridge has read all the images to produce the thumbnails - but some of them get "stuck" and there seems to be no way to make Bridge "read" the image and produce the thumbnail. Pressing "View" "Refresh" (or PF5) does not work. Is there any fix I can download for this?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Is Displaying Menu Dropdowns As Shown In Image

Oct 30, 2012

I have Windows 7 and recently unistalled PSE 10 and it did not have this issue; Now Photoshop CS6 is displaying the menu dropdowns as shown in Image 1. Bridge CS6 does not have the issue;it is showing the menu bars correctly (see Image 2). I downloaded and installed all updates.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Lines Not Shown When Tracing An Image

Apr 16, 2013

I'm almost finish tracing my image in AutoCAD but suddenly the lines are not showing on top of the image. But it is at the back of the image.

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Xara :: Remove Trailing Shadows Shown In First Image

Mar 11, 2011

The example I use in this question has already been solved by friendly posters here and this is not a rehash... just using the materials at hand to illustrate the point.The effort here was to remove the trailing shadows shown in the first image (at the included URL below).

In that thread 2 posters showed how to do this using a completely different approach.That is, using Arrange/Apply ClipView..However, I used the help manual to try to do this, at a section headed Combining Shapes

When subtracting, intersecting and slicing, you can either use the topmost selected shape to do the "cutting" of the lower shapes, or you can use a mask.To use a mask to cut shapes, first select the shapes and then turn on mask mode. All objects except for the selected shapes disappear while mask mode is on.

Then draw your cutting shape using the main drawing tools (Freehand Tool, Shape Editor, Rectangle Tool, etc.) or paste the shape if you already drew it and copied it. Then select the Arrange->Combine Shapes operation. The mask shape is used to cut the shapes underneath. I never did see anything describing the details of how to do the cutting with one of the shapes already in the composition so I went the mask route, which is explained there.

So I selected all, then went to mask mode, drew a rectangle (at the right in 2nd screen grab below) then Arrange/Combine shapes/ and none of those selections: Add, subtract, intersect and slice... appear to do a darned thing to the objects.

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InDesign :: Keep Exported Image Size In HTML As Shown In PDF

Mar 9, 2014

I have many inline formulas (imported from Word file via using mathtype) in PDF article made by ID. But when I export the articles as HTML, the images for formulas become much larger than shown in PDF version. How can i keep the exported images to the same size as they are shown the PDF file? I know I can edit the html file to specify image size, but that is the ideal work flow.

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Lightroom :: 5 - MP4 Files Not Shown When Go To Import

Aug 28, 2013

I'm trying to import a slideshow created and rendered out of LR5 as an MP4. When I go to import it does not show any MP4 files?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Map Is Not Shown Only White Space?

Jan 27, 2013

When I open the map module, I don't see a map. The area where the map should be shown is just white. I reinstalled ALR but that did not work. MacOS 10.8.2 ALR 4.3

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Lightroom :: Where Are External Drives Shown

Oct 25, 2011

When I am in Lightroom all I see in the Folder Section is my internal hard drive.  I have many images on my external hard drive.  How do I get the external hard drives to show up along with the internal hard drive?

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