Xara :: Moving All Layers At One Time In Animation?
Feb 5, 2013
I'm editing an animation that I have, but when I drag it in to the Layer Menu, it appears on the left side of the screen, off the stage. Is there a way to select all layers, and move them all at one time?
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Apr 25, 2012
How to make so that when you move any object in scene(3ds max), your time slider is moving, for example to 3 keys and creates the keys.
If its an script option, Give me some code for example of doing something like that, using functions of slider, so i can logically came to solution in this hard stuff(will take time i guess).
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Aug 11, 2012
How do you edite all animation frames at the same time? Can't figure out how to do it...
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Feb 28, 2012
I am trying to synch several biped characters to an HD background video I have placed in the environment slot. The problem is that when I scrub the animation slider or hit the play button, Max cannot play the background video in real time. When I hit play, the video remains frozen on whatever frame it was last on, but then updates to the correct frame when I hit the stop button.
It is pretty difficult to get the timing right on the foreground biped animation without a real time background reference. I also tried a lower res version of the background video (standard 720 x 480 DV), but that also does not play in real time. Is there any way to get max to play the background video in sync i.e., updating the frames in real time? Is there a way to improve max performance (ideal settings?)for a background video? Would a Tiff sequence play quicker than a .mpg or .mov files? If so how do set up an .ifl for playing an image sequence?
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Nov 5, 2011
I'm new to the animation aspect of 3Ds Max and I have a running cycle that is stationary but would like to figure out how to get it to move forward? I didn't use Footsteps in the Motion Panel to have a base to work with and modify it. What are my options? I have the weekend off from work to mess with it and if I have to do the hard part of moving the biped forward myself, I'll do so. Would I be able to create Footsteps and attach them to my biped with the animation I have? Or is there a system, option, etc. that I should set up in the beginning before animating that would allow me to move the feet and the rest would follow using the biped?
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May 9, 2013
I would like to increase the font size in many text layers at a time by selecting them in the layers panel. The font increases, but the text boxes don't expand to fit the increased size text. So I am having to make each box bigger manually. Is there a way to have the boxes expand to fit bigger text automatically through the layers panel?
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Aug 16, 2010
I have an animation layer that I have exported and Im trying to import it into a new file and then merge it down to the base layer.
what ends up happening is that when I do the merge i get two additional layers. and the layer with the animation stays there. and nothing gets baked. the animation stays in the imported layer.
I should be able to import/export animation layers right?
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Mar 15, 2012
I'm working on a lengthy video highlights project with many clips less than 5 seconds and want to know the easiest way to bulk move at least 10+ clips at a time on the timeline to either an earlier or later point than they're currently at. In essence, I'm hoping that I can "bulk" cut and paste all these clips together instead of doing it one clip at a time by either dragging each individual clip or cutting and pasting.
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May 29, 2011
I have a PDF that I need to place a picture of my DL on. But when import it the photo (JPG) it is behind the PDF and I can't seem to get it to come from behind the PDF so I can attach to it. I'm pretty sure I've clicked everything I can with no success. I tried importing the jpg first then importing the PDF, but it still goes behind the PDF.
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May 18, 2011
I have reached the limit of 3 installations and I want to move my XD6 installation to my new work laptop.
Is it possible to de-register the license on the old machine and free one license or how do I do this?
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Sep 28, 2013
I'm following some tutorials on digital tutors and I see that an easy way to preview the frames is just by simply moving the time indicator, and the frames will play in real time by just moving the current-time indicator back and forth.
However, it doesn't work for me for some reason, when I move my current time idncator, the only thing see is the frame what it was on, and won't update until I let go of time time indicator.
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Feb 18, 2011
I don't seem to be able to open space between letters in text more than two letters at a time. I can't believe it's supposed to work like this, but selecting all characters in a string of text greys out the kerning option completely.
It only allows me to kern between two letters at a time. Click, kern, click, kern. Inconvenience like this is not often encountered in Xara!
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May 17, 2011
I am trying to move my camera from an angle shot, to a side field with no FOV. I can't use 0 FOV because iray won't render it properly. So I animation the FOV from 45 to 2. The problem is that I have to move the camera so far away from the object to make the shot fill the camera with an FOV of 2. My camera appears to move way out and then zoom in again on the object. It's not actually doing this, but the combination of the FOV animation and the distance the camera moves is making it appear to move far away, then zoom in again. Is there some trick for animation FOV?
my specs are this quad processors, 8 Gb RAM, windows xp64bit, 3ds max 2011
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Mar 12, 2011
I am currently working on a project with a mech, I have the leg modeled and partially rigged as seen in the picture below. My issue is that when I move the leg the cables (I'm mostly concerned with the ones in the front) don't deform with the mesh of the leg, like it's resting on top of the leg. I know why the cable isn't going with the leg mesh thats obvious, but I can't get it to go with the mesh.
I've tried reactor, and I haven't even been able to get the cables to come up in the preview window, I tried using a soft body for the cable and rigid for the leg. Another issue I was having though is I was wondering if it was possible to use something other than reactor so the cable moves with the leg in the view port, just like bones moving other parts in real time.
So to try achieving this is actually went and created a bone system for one of the cables and tried applying a skin modifier to the mesh, I feel like this would work great, except I haven't figured out what to attach the bones, or mesh to.
The first picture is the leg in a neutral stance, the second is showing the leg moving and the cable just sitting there. The one I'm particular about is the one in the front with the "U" dip at the bottom.
I'm running 3ds Max 2011 x64
Intel Core i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
ATI Radeon 5900 Series
3DS Max 2013
Maya 2013
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Jun 13, 2011
When I try to open my Xara Photo and Graphic Designer 6 software, I get a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error due to "abnormal program termination"
I don't recall the program shutting down abnormally. Do I need to reload the software?
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Mar 16, 2012
I've noticed something keeps happening: when I bring a button in from the design gallery and I change the text on the button from "button" to "click here" or whatever, the text is no longer centered in the button. When I check the Mouse-Over layer, the text is also misaligned. When I go to center the text on one layer, it then gets misaligned on the other!
The only way I've found around it is to make the button in a new document and then cut & paste it into the web page.
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Mar 16, 2012
Somehow I must have activated an option to only be able to move any object a certain distance at a time. For example, I have a circle that I want in a certain position but I can not move it there with my mouse. Instead it insists on moving 18,9 pixels in any given direction whenever I'm moving it with my mouse. To get a specific position I have to enter its position manually.
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Aug 28, 2012
I have a simplistic model (4 parts, 10 or so screws) that I am trying to render an animation through using Studio with the lowest possible output settings, my concern is that the render time is extraordinary long even for the most basic of assembly, why is this ? I have also tried the animate when in an IPN file which does improve render time but the quality is not very good.
I will now try using keyframe animation in Showcase to see if I can get an animation with good quality completed within the hour !
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Apr 25, 2011
In the expression editor, is it possible to get the position of an object at a different time ?
For example, we are at time 100, and I would like to get a given object's position when we were at time 50. Is it possible?
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Jan 13, 2014
When animating, I have to manually key all the bones on frame 1, and then manually key all the bones on frame "whatever". If I don't key every bone myself, then bones I missed on frame one will become the same as the ones on frame "whatever". I was wondering if there a way to select and key all the bones at the same time? I tried, just slecting all the bones in one 'left-click', and that only seems to key the root bones.
I am actually a 3D modeler from a different program trying to learn Maya. I have spent the past 5 days just watching youtube tutorials, but for some reason they do not seem to have the problem I am having.
Here are what my setting look like: [URL]...
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Apr 2, 2013
I'm working on a time-lapse project where I have taken 240 shots of a highway heading into my city, and have erased the cars from the shot, creating the look of an "empty city". This will be one of many sequences like this.
I got the highway background plate perfect, no cars, and I threw that into my AE comp (CS6), along with the 240 images as a JPEG sequence. I've layered the background plate on top of the image sequence and used a mask to "hide" the cars from the highway. The problem is, some of the cars are taller than the roadway (trucks, busses, etc), so they push into the upper part of the frame where the motion is supposed to happen. If I extend the mask upward, you can see a literal bisection between the still plate and the animated JPEGs. If I just move the mask path to hide cars as they go by, the moving mask becomes VERY obvious in the exported QuickTime.
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Apr 10, 2012
I am trying to use it to do something for school. I imported a 3d object from a dwg file and there is a channel that curves along it cut into that. I want to move a cylinder in this channel. I cannot seem to find anything that will allow me to make a spline that mirrors the edge of the object or to constrain the cylinder to the object.
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Sep 23, 2012
I have 3ds Max 2012 and I am trying to do a simulation with mass fx. I am trying to do a simulation where a minecraft character (dynamic object) is walking and then gets hit with a small box (kinematic object) causing him to blow backward into his seperate pieces. My problem i encounter during this is I cant run the simulation unless the parts of the Character are a dynamic body but when i bake the dynamic body it just erases all the keyframes i already had on the minecraft character.
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Nov 28, 2013
My animation timeline and moving gizmo is gone.
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Dec 22, 2011
I'm working on a project where I need to animate some dots exactly the same way as the attached youtube video.
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Dec 23, 2013
I rigged a model and everything was working fine. I then started going into the blocking phase of some animation I was going to do with it. After a review it was requested that I put some extra bit of rigging on the model. We basically wanted to have the ability to grab both eyes with a controller and pull them around positionally and have the bit of skin they cover follow along with the eyes. So I dropped in some bpones where the eyes are, made the controller bits, linked everything up, so far so good. My problem comes when I try to skin the mesh to the new bones I just dropped in. The verts I have selected, even when given a weight of .1 seem to shoot forward in space. They dont seem to be respecting the bones current position that they are being weighted to.
I fear this may have something to do with the fact that I have animation in this scene which I know isnt ideal but were doing a series of xreffing so our master rig file also contains our master animation data. Seperate files are saved out as backups but as far as working files, yeah, its all in there. So could this be whats causing my verts to jump forward in space when I am skinning a bone that they currently are at its position? Or perhaps some errant transform? In the image I have selected the two rings beneath his eyes and given them a weight of .1. As you can see the verts are shooting out in front of the mesh when they should be staying in place at the eye bone I am trying to skin them to.
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Nov 17, 2011
Is there a setting for the time range where I only see frames that have keys? say I have the keys spaced out over time for my animation. but now I want to just veiew the keys and I don't want to use < and > to run through all the keys and I don't want to have hundreds of frames to scroll through..
like a Show-key frames only. type of thing.
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Jun 26, 2011
I'm animating a scene with a lot of trees in the background. I'm using forest pack with proxies of xfrog trees. The scene needs to look as realistic as possible but unfortunately, even though they are proxies, the trees are killing my render time.
Any good way that I might be able enhance render time but keep the quality? Maybe another solution to placing trees without using forest pack/proxies?
Autodesk 3ds Max 2010
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Jun 24, 2011
I used an example to represent a more complex animation that I am working on. Basically I have a block moving in vertex space because it is morphing.A proboolean cut has been applied to the block with a diamond shaped object, so that as the block morphs through space, it is being cut by the boolean operand (diamond shape object).
However, I want to achieve an outcome that when the object moves through the boolean cutting operand, whatever geometry that has been cut, stays cut and removed. So in a way, the boolean cut operand object acts as a "geometry eraser". Obvioulsy I would like to be able to control this behaviour too (soft selection, animating boolean cutting operand).
Is this achievable? Or do I have to look at another set of tools/modifiers?
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Oct 25, 2012
Trying to figure out the best way to control the random movement of objects..
Imagine a row of 10 spheres, positioned right beside each other in one long orderly chain. I want to make these spheres move about randomly in space. A perfect way is to use a position and rotation noise controller on each one with a separate seed. Great no problem.
But I would like to animate the noise of the spheres as if I had a volume select over all of them together, so that all the spheres would not move and stay still until I animate or move the gizmo box of the volume select. So as the gizmo box leaves the sphere, the noise controllers would be activated.
I could place a soft selection to the volume select so that it would be a smooth transition between noise and calm.
Now I understand volume select only control vertices and noise controllers control the object in space so I dont think they would work with each other but IS there some other method that I am missing that I can use to achieve this result??
Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000
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Dec 25, 2007
I only just got photoshop yesterday and I barely know a thing but I have got an image with 3 layers and I want to make it into a simple animation, displaying each layer in turn.
I am a novice user using C2
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