I don't seem to be able to open space between letters in text more than two letters at a time. I can't believe it's supposed to work like this, but selecting all characters in a string of text greys out the kerning option completely.
It only allows me to kern between two letters at a time. Click, kern, click, kern. Inconvenience like this is not often encountered in Xara!
Couldn't wait for the CD so started into Ver 7 Designer Pro. (Win 7 Pro 64 bit) I opened a PDF I had created in another graphics package (Canvas) and every letter of a word was like a single text entry.
I opened same file in my PDF writer and selected some text, copied to word and it copied as words not text entities.
Currently working on a PowerPoint styled animation.I've parented the source text of 5 text layers to 1 text layer so I can easily alter the text. It is essential that I have 5 identically texted layers.
My requirement isn't much: To assign colors to individual words without having to separate those words into different layers.
I used some white rectangles to change the shape of black letters on a white background. Now I want this combination of letters & rectangles to be just letters when I select them etc. (make the white rectangles blend with the background and still have the shape they left on the letters) How can I do that?
I'm having in CS6..I have a text block with a couple of styles in it (headings have one look, body copy has another). Here and there, some words are on bold. When I select some bold words and change the color of them, some other bold words in some other paragraph also change color. Not all bold words... just some. The behavior is unpredictable, so the exact words that get changed will vary, but once it starts to happen it won't stop. When I try to manually fix the other words (hopefully I noticed them before my client!) and change them back to black, sometimes that change reverses the color on the original words too. Sometimes not; it's like the effect is sometimes two-way and sometimes one-way. It becomes a real logic puzzle sometimes, a maddening game where every change affects something else and you can't find the combination of actions that will do the simple thing you want.
I haven't noticed it happening with non-bold text, but that could just be coincidence.
When this happens, the only fix seems to be to rebuild the text from scratch in a new text box. (Copying it all and re-pasting it does not seem to work—unless possibly I paste into a different document entirely.)
I'm editing an animation that I have, but when I drag it in to the Layer Menu, it appears on the left side of the screen, off the stage. Is there a way to select all layers, and move them all at one time?
I have variable text that I need to print using the Print Merge in CDX6. One field of text requires that the "kerning" be set at +30. No problem in my template. However, after I have create the print merge to a new file, the kerning is gone.
What I am missing that will force the text "kerning" or spacing as in the original?
when I highlight some type... the Tracking/Kerning option is grayed out in the Character dialog box. It's not adjustable at all.
If the type tool is selected and the cursor not selecting any character the track/kern options are there and active. But if I select even one character the then all of the track/kern options are grayed out and no tracking or kerning options are selectable.
I thought it might be some Vista 64 problem, but in searching the internet I can't find anyone else with this problem and nothing in the KB.
I've tested TT, Type 1, and OT fonts. They all work the same. All of the tracking and kerning options in the character dialog box are grayed out if any (or all) characters are selected.
I can't seem to find the keyboard shortcut to kern between characters in the text effect - is there one? Pretty much every caption generator I've ever used has something like alt arrow to adjust between characters - even Avid title tool! I know I can use the kerning slider but that's a bit slow on larger amounts of text.
I'm trying to see how tracking and kerning differ through the Character panel. Tracking adjusts the space between characters, though isn't that the same thing that kerning does?
Is there a way to adjust the kerning between 2 characters of text? I don't want to adjust the kerning of the entire word, just between 2 letters in the word. The font has too much space between the "V" and "A". I've tried using Paragraph Formatting, but that adjusts the entire word.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled my x5 and while it fixed the error causing my default text cursor to start at 270 degrees for some reason instead of 0, I still cannot edit ANY font text as far as the kerning goes. When i drag it, it snaps right back everytime. This is extremely frustrating when aligning text to a curved path and all the letters are squished together.wth? This just happened in the last week randomly.
i need to type a text in corel of a specific size in millimeters. i know there is a setting in the corel options that allows sizing text directly in millimeters, instead of points. problem is that i need to type in romanian language, which has these points and marks above or bellow certain characters like A, T or S and the size in millimeters that i enter in the text size box will give that size to the "marked" characters, whereas i need only the pure, normal letter to be given that size. for example, an S with a comma under it.. i want just the S to be given a certain size and the comma scaled proportionally. furthermore, i would like to add an even spacing between all the letters that i type, also expressed in millimeters. i could only find a percent expressed setting in the text properties panel, i dont even know percents of what.
how can i do this in the fastest way possible, or automatically?
Ok some times when I go to run details it pops up that it can not load the component database AecDtlComponents (US).mdb file. I go to options and can not do anything there. So I have to close it all down and hope when I reload AA it works. 9 out of 10 times it does. But this is a pain to do when ever you need to add detail stuff. Oh also this happens on more then one computer in the office. running 2012 with sp and all updates on windows 7
I'm trying to change "capture time" of multiple photos to a specific time.
I know that there is "Edit Capture Time" feature under Metadata. But when I try to edit multiple photos, it says that "Modify the capture time stored in the selected photos by entering the correct time adjustment for the photo displayed to the left. Other photos (but not vidieos) will be adjusted by the same amount of time". And it really does.
For example, If A file's capture time is 1/11/2011 B file's capture time is 1/11/2012 C file's capture time is 1/11/2013 I would like to change their capture time to 1/11/2014. All the three files.
But the current "Edit Capture Time" feature of Lightroom just adds three years to each file like this:
A file's capture time -> 1/11/2014 B file -> 1/11/2015 C file -> 1/11/2016 So their capture times remain as different ones. And this is not I want...
I've googled a lot and tried several programs other than lightroom as well, but the "Capture time" recognized by lightroom could not be changed by other programs.
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.
I have been trying to figure out if I can make capture time changes to adjust for time zone errors or the daylight saving time mistakes where the capture time in the Metadata panel is off by 1 hour or so, and then have these adjustments saved permanently to the original files (master photos). This works for JPEG files and it also works for DNG files (after converting from CR2 to DNG). But it doesn't seem to work for CR2 files directly. If I used the "Save Metadata to file" option from the Metadata menu I might just get sidecar XMP files.
Then I found this option "write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" in the Catalog Settings. This seems about right. But what does it do? I tried enabling that, created a new catalog and then imported some new CR2 files. I then changed the captured time and tried the Save Metadata to file option. It still spits out these sidecar files. It doesn't actually write this to the CR2 files.
Or does it? Perhaps I am not seeing it in Windows Explorer? Like IPTC vs. EXIF? I'm not sure Windows reads both. These are like different types or sections of metadata information about a file. So I just wonder what the benefit or consequence is of having this option enabled? Whatever it is, it is not very apparent. And as you can see from the screenshots above the capture time has not changed (not been saved) when you look at the file in Windows Explorer. Any changes are held in the XMP sidecar. Even thou I have enabled this EXIF option in Catalog Settings.
I was given this image from a client which is their outdoor sign with their logo and name. The problem is I'm not sure if there are any easy ways to get the word cut out of the image. I have been selecting each individual letter one at a time. I tried selecting the sign and do an invert but that doesn't seem to work very well, I think it's because its outdoors so there is alot of things going on.
I note that from time to time I can't see the counter and this is quite an annoyance. When the invisible pointer hover over or passes over an object, the latter will highlight as usual. I have to close and restart the drawing each time due to this issue. Is there an explanation for it, even a solution to prevent this from happening?
NOTE : This is limited to the drawing area only. I can see the pointer in the menu/toolbar area and outside autocad but not in the drawing area.
I want to add a watermark to a photo which encompasses a progress time or finish time of a sports event. For example, if an event starts at 7.00 am, photos taken at 8.05 am, in the watermark I want to display 1:05 hr (or 65 mins).
ok so im trying to make a background... its pretty basic seeing is how i am new to PS.. Im using cs3 extended and im trying to give my words a black outline, to try to diminish the pixil look... i did it to the few basic pictures in it but cant seem to do it with the words.. can anyone help me out?
I need help on how to outline my words in white with a 2px outline ... I don't want the full words to be outlined in white just the top sides and bottom to be outlined in white.. for example look at the Right Guard Xtreme sport deoderant, it's outlined in black but not around the individual words. How can I do but just in white?
I am trying to put words over a transparent background....These words will be placed on a deer hunting video that I am making......Can anyone help me with getting the background transparent? When I try to do it i always get a white background....