CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Text Kerning Not Working
Apr 20, 2012
I have uninstalled and reinstalled my x5 and while it fixed the error causing my default text cursor to start at 270 degrees for some reason instead of 0, I still cannot edit ANY font text as far as the kerning goes. When i drag it, it snaps right back everytime. This is extremely frustrating when aligning text to a curved path and all the letters are squished together.wth? This just happened in the last week randomly.
i need to type a text in corel of a specific size in millimeters. i know there is a setting in the corel options that allows sizing text directly in millimeters, instead of points. problem is that i need to type in romanian language, which has these points and marks above or bellow certain characters like A, T or S and the size in millimeters that i enter in the text size box will give that size to the "marked" characters, whereas i need only the pure, normal letter to be given that size. for example, an S with a comma under it.. i want just the S to be given a certain size and the comma scaled proportionally. furthermore, i would like to add an even spacing between all the letters that i type, also expressed in millimeters. i could only find a percent expressed setting in the text properties panel, i dont even know percents of what.
how can i do this in the fastest way possible, or automatically?
Is there a way to adjust the kerning between 2 characters of text? I don't want to adjust the kerning of the entire word, just between 2 letters in the word. The font has too much space between the "V" and "A". I've tried using Paragraph Formatting, but that adjusts the entire word.
I have variable text that I need to print using the Print Merge in CDX6. One field of text requires that the "kerning" be set at +30. No problem in my template. However, after I have create the print merge to a new file, the kerning is gone.
What I am missing that will force the text "kerning" or spacing as in the original?
macros are all disabled and i remembered there is a command to disable all the events but i could not figure out where exactly it is located and even i tried to reinstall the using modiy and repair twice times to install the software but still persists to activate the macros.
all the macros are grayed out and even Alt F11 also not working.
I have set the automatic backups to end up in a specific folder on an external hard drive, which is always on. However, none of the auto backups end up there. They end up in the same folder as the actual file on my regular HD - which absolutely defies the purpose of having a backup on a different medium. I wish I could attach a screenshot of the setting page to prove my point, but Corel has not advanced to that level yet as it seems. Not even in "Support", which, unless you own the latest version of a Corel software, is non-existing anyway.
Every time I go into Corel Photo-Paint x5 and try to use Cutout lab, there's no pop up window with the lab, the program stops working until I hit escape. I have a lot of cutouts to do.
A graphic exported in Draw & PP in X4 as a .png works fine.
The same graphic copied & pasted into Draw or PP in X6 does not.Repeatable 100%...The eyedriopper selection of the transp[arent color seems to pick up the right color, but the output presents like a .jpg. Viewed in IE9, Firefox & Chrome with same results.
When I open PhotoPaint X5, which is part of my CroelDRAW X5 Suite, I receive an error message; "PhotoPaint has stopped working". CorelDraw X5 opens correctly without any problem.
I have un-installed and re-installed the CDX5 Suite, but the problem still persists.
Below is the 'Problem Signature', which means nothing to me!
The scanner shortcut doesn't work unless you go to acquire first. It keeps working until you close CorelDraw. When you reopen Corel, you must then go to acquire first.
The brush tool is no longer working - when I select on any of the brush tools, spray, Art burhs, spray , line, marker etc, they will not work. When I select the drop down nothing is listed. Additionally, none of the other tools in the box, Effect Tool, Image Sprayer too ect, do not work as well. Did I select something to turn off the tool?
I've tried to uninstall and re-install and that did not work.
When I try to draw an ellipse (or circle) and drag it on to my sheet, nothing happens. All of my other shape tools work as they should. What has happened. It worked originally.
For years I have used the clone tool happily which has been great for touching up photo's on Photo-paint 12
A few days ago - imported a jpg into Paint as usual, went to use the clone tool and it just doesn't work any more. I can select the icon and the little circles come up but it just doesn't 'clone' anything. Its as if there is mysterious setting that has been turned on that just makes nothing happen.
I have reinstalled the software: no luck - still the same.
I am working with some very large images in X5, ~ 2500 mm x 1200 mm at up to 600 DPI sometimes. (And before you say it, yes, I do need this. It is a very specific application that we work on daily and I do need the ability to basically control every single pixel at that size & that resolution). I'm using WinXP 32-bit (company mandate).
When I need precisely sized objects, I am using CorelDRAW and occasionally when I need pixel perfect placement, PhotoPaint gets the call. The images may go through both before it runs through a final backend processor (some specialized software) and then going to print.
The problem is that I am running into limits when I go beyond 300 DPI (depending on the image dimensions). For example, CorelDRAW often will fail to export a TIFF correctly when I try a 450 DPI image at that size (some TIF file comes up but nothing can load it, it's corrupted). Or for even smaller images, if I enable transparent background, I also get a similar problem. Sometimes, e.g. Photo Paint, just chokes up with out of memory problem and fails to load images at all.
Thing is, we actually have Photoshop CS5 available and while there are many things I don't like about it, it actually can handle stuff of this size. So there is also a push to get Illustrator as well under the same assumption that it will work. However, Adobe stuff is way more expensive, feels more bloated and slower and (for me at least) a pain to use compared to Corel, so I'd rather not.
Would moving to 64-bit WinXP work? Or would I need to go to CorelDRAW X6? This is already a quad-core machine with 4GB of RAM.
I upgraded my Corel Draw to X6 version about 3 months ago. It worked perfect until a few days ago, since in started to freeze when doing simple operations as copying a vector image or a text or exporting a document (for example a vector image to .png or .pdf)
The funny part is that we have two computers in our office with Corel installed, and both of them have the same problem. We checked with our IT department, did all the upgrades to Corel and Windows, did a repair to Corel, and still, same problem.
We purcased X6 and installed on 3 PC. two are Windows XP and one has Windows 8 operating system.
X6 work fine and fast on Windows 8 system.
But both X6 on both Windows XP are nightmare. Just creating new document can take up to 10 sec. Printing is also very slow, but exporting simple JPG file knock-me down. It take half minute or more...
Previous we worked many year's with X4 on same PC's, now we format PC's, Install Windows XP with all service pack's and updates, reboot machine and install X6.
It is not possible to install Windows 8 on those two PC's, because they drive two machines, that only support Windows XP...
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
Often whatever I'm working on in X4 disappears off the document page when I zoom in or out. It's still there (I can see it in the print preview)and I can print it, but I can't see it no matter what view (e.g., normal, draft, etc.) I select. If I select the entire page I can see the graphic and text handles, but nothing else. The only way I can see my work again is to save it, close the program, and then re-open the file. My computer is a Dell Precision Work Station T3400 running Vista Ultimate with an Intel Core2 Quad CPU, 4GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 256MB. All my software and drivers are up to date. The problem occurs no matter what screen resolution or refresh rate I'm using.
X5 Recently have begun missing parts of print out. Tried to duplicate but appears completely random.
Output to both Full colour laser and Wide Format printers will miss either text or part of objects. Today printed the text but not the text effects. Initially closed and reopened, rebooted, However this has become a now daily feature so regardless tried reprint from the same screen so next print has everything included.
Very costly and time consuming - print preview shows all correct but output is not the same.
I've just installed CorelDraw X6 onto a W7 PC. Pasting bitmaps from clipboard is not working. Nor is bitmap editing when a bitmap has been imported into a document. I've loaded X6 onto two other computers with the same result (or lack of).
There were some patches available at one time but I'm not able to find them anymore. I have recently installed X3 on a W7 machine and have so far found everything to work fine except for an issue of half of my fonts being blank when trying to choose one from the drop down menu. Existing files with these blank fonts also come up with the fonts completely missing as if the entire set of words was deleted. Here is the list of patches that I've heard is necessary for X3 to be compatible with W7...
Below is a message from an older post:
I too have CorelDraw X3 on a Windows 7 machine, in order to get the best from it you will need to visit Corel's website [URL] and install the following patches Service Packs and patches in this order, re-start after each:1. CGSX3 Hot Patch1.exe2. CGSX3SP1.msp3. CGSX3SP2.msp4. Font Nav Fix.msp .. which will fix the problem with the Fontsand then run the program in Compatibility Mode with Windows XP+SP2
I recently have installed Corel Draw x5 and everything was working perfectly fine when all of a sudden it stopped opening .cgm files. It will pop up the message of Corel Draw has stopped working and then I click OK and it closes the program. Every other file extension I have tried opens prefectly fine.
Here are a couple of things that I've done so far:
1. Reverted back to a Default Workspace.
2. Closed out all Dockers.
3. Reinstalled entire program and all features. Updated all patches and Clean booted the PC with only MS Services running. (As instructed by Corel Support)
Most of my Command Line Commands have stopped working !!! I noticed when I wanted to mirror/flip an object, I could not get those Command Line commands to "expand". When I tried other Command Line commands under "Image", "Effects", etc, most of these would not work either.
Copy drop shadow properties is not working for me. When I click on the object to copy to, it tells me, "you did not click on an object." What do I need to do?
Edit: actually, I'm seeing that this is not working in Contour, either. And it may not be working in other effects as well, although I haven't tested those.