CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Copy Function Quit Working?
Oct 3, 2012
All of a sudden my Copy Function quit working in Corel x5.
I can copy from other programs and paste into Corel, but I cannot copy from one file to another file (or the same file even) within Corel.
I was told it could be a possible update from Windows 7 causing it and that I need to reinstall my software.
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Jun 14, 2013
Copy drop shadow properties is not working for me. When I click on the object to copy to, it tells me, "you did not click on an object." What do I need to do?
Edit: actually, I'm seeing that this is not working in Contour, either. And it may not be working in other effects as well, although I haven't tested those.
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Dec 4, 2012
1, the commands DO work if the text is confined to just ONE page, even if there are multiple linked text frames.
2, it's only the Copy command that doesn't work. Once copied, text does paste irrespective of the amount of text or linked pages.
And do I have to wait for 6.3 to get a resolution ? On Win 7, 64 bit
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Jun 5, 2012
I do not know why this function does not come by default in CoreDraw: "Center mouse when zooming with mouse wheel" From my point of view is much more accurate. The default option in recent versions is a mess when zooming with wheel.Is there a reason?There are some other features that you think have no reason to be?
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Jul 4, 2011
I am using Corel Draw X4 to create stuff to cut on a laser engraving system and am having trouble with the bitmap trace function. For example: I create a line of text. First, I convert it to a bitmap. Then I trace the bitmap using the logo option. After doing this, when I move the text on the page, it appears several of the letters (the tall ones like capital letters and so forth) are missing during the moving process, but when I stop moving it, they appear again.
My problem is when I save the file and then open it in my laser program, these missing letters that are present when I move the text in corel draw translate into missing letters in the laser program, so it seems this is a Corel Draw problem but I don't know how to get rid of it.
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May 24, 2013
I've noticed that DRAW seems to forget whatever settings I choose for duplicate.
So, I found the following in the index:
"Copying objects quickly. You can use other methods to create copies of objects quickly, without using the Clipboard. You can use the plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad to place a copy of an object on top of the original object, or you can create copies instantly by pressing the Space bar or right-clicking while dragging an object."
The + sign thing is cool. Wish I had known. But the Space bar drag either doesn't work at all or puts down one copy at what is apparently a set distance from the original, and then a second copy wherever I release the mouse button. ? Win7, DRAW X6.
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Jul 26, 2012
I am using Windows7 (64 bit) machine and CorelDRAW X6 (64 bit) software and also installed HP 5610 all-in-one scanner / printer but i noticed in CorelDRAW X6 / Corel PP x6 acquire image >> select source... and acquire.. are disable.
it is bug or need some more software to enable for CorelDRAW x6 because HP 5610 Scanner work with other software.
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Aug 1, 2011
How do I get a normal brush or spray function? Now, when I release the mouse button, the lines turn into a fancy balloon image. I know that comes from the Brush Stroke List or the Spraylist File List, but how do I turn those functions off?
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Aug 31, 2012
Holding a key modifies the fucntion of a macro.
Ie hold shift and run the macro and it does this, hold Crtl and it does this... etc.
A great way to make your macros multi functional.
I also lightly touch base on Option Explicit which makes variable declaration necessary.
I also quickly talk about If, Else, ElseIf conditionals and colors.
Option Explicit#If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As LongPtr) As Integer#Else Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer#End If'Private Const VK_ESCAPE = &H1B'Private Const VK_RETURN = &HDPrivate Const VK_SHIFT = &H10Private Const VK_CONTROL = &H11Sub makeRect() Dim s As Shape, sRect As Shape Dim x As Double, y#, h#, w# Dim dMarg# Dim col As New Color If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) Then dMarg = 0.25 col.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0 ElseIf GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) Then dMarg = 0.25 col.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0 Else dMarg = 0.1 col.RGBAssign 0, 0, 255 End If ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch Set s = ActiveShape If s Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 's.GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h myGetBoundingBox s, x, y, w, h Set sRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle2(x - dMarg, y - dMarg, w + (dMarg * 2), h + (dMarg * 2)) sRect.Fill.UniformColor.CopyAssign col sRect.OrderToBack End SubPrivate Function myGetBoundingBox(ByVal s As Shape, ByRef x As Double, y#, w#, h#) h = s.SizeHeight w = s.SizeWidth ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft x = s.PositionX y = s.PositionYEnd Function
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Dec 14, 2012
I have a question about using the outline trace function and resolution of images.
Say for instance, I am trying to create an existing logo for a customer in which I have to pull the image off the internet. I am unable to find an image that is high resolution, so I pick one with a lower resolution, because after all, I am going to trace the logo to cut out on my cutter with a heat transfer application. It is a simple design, a heart for instance. So when I use Corel Trace, no matter how small beforehand I make said heart, when it traces it comes out jagged, like the pixelation you see on a low res image. Is there any way to smooth this out? Or do I just need to look harder for a higher res image?
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Jun 9, 2011
complete Corel X4 uninstall 3 times already .... even went so far as to reboot the registry to a date before I installed Corel X4 Suite to no avail.
The program has had no issues until the last 2 weeks. The actual issue I am having is Paint works fine as a separate entity however when I try to edit a bitmap from within X4 an error pops up telling me "Failed to launch server application" This is a major PITB as I own a graphics company and this is causing no end of problems
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Oct 29, 2013
Is there a way to copy a portion of a drawing in X6 for instance to replicate the portion inside the red square only.
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Mar 2, 2012
I have a problem with each time I move a image, it makes a copy for the last position.
What setting would cause this?
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May 24, 2013
What is happening with objects that are extruded on page 1 being copied to page 2
and the extrude flies out of rage, is that some sort of special effect ?? I wish I could animate it.
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Apr 26, 2012
When i copy the property using the copy fill property dialog box the gradients are not copying exactly, see the video
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Mar 30, 2012
For some reason i can no longer copy and paste text from one page to another properly.
I write the text out as normal (not using a text box) but when i copy and then try to past to another page it then does several other things.
It changes the font and cap height, puts it onto a text box and centres it on the page?
If i copy and paste text along with an object (say a simple box) everything copies and pastes perfectly, just not text on its own
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Oct 2, 2013
Is there a way to copy the names of all the fonts I have listed in X-5 so that I can print the list?
I want to be able to check some things off the list and add other fonts to the list.
I tried opening the font list and highlighting to copy it to a clipboard.
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Jun 1, 2011
With X4 I can right click a piece of text - with pick tool - and drag the selected text to an open area and the text is duplicated. With X5 this does not work - text is locked. The only way to duplicate is to copy / paste. Is there a setting that needs to be reset.
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Oct 10, 2012
I will attach a cdr picture. Nothing wrong with it, until I save it as svgz. I don't get an exact copy of the original. Things are moved. When I save it in version x5, I can save it as a perfect copy to svgz. What is the problem with x6?
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Jan 23, 2013
Something strange happened today when I was working on a cdr project. I think I have by mistake somehow managed to completely delete the original rgb palette, copied the cmyk palette and saved it as "rgb" palette. As a result if I try to change the color palette, the rgb and the cmyk options are exactly the same palettes.
This happened whilst I was working on a cdr drawing. Somehow I managed to press a wrong key combination whilst trying to save (probably CTRL-something and then CTRL-S immediately after) and noticed that the colors on my drawing changed. I tried to undo, but nothing happened.
After some checking I realized that the original rgb color palette has been replaced with a copy of cmyk. If I now try to switch color palettes, the cmyk and the rgb are exactly the same palettes regardless of which cdr project I open (new or saved).
This is how I tried to fix the issue:
I tried F8 during startup - no change
I tried with the repair option of the installation cd - no change
I tried a removal and a new installation of the Suite - no change.
Could be worth a try: Maybe someone could send me a copy of their rgbstd.cpl-file so that I could replace mine in the C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4LanguagesENProgramsData
How to restore the rgb color palette to it's original status as I work mainly with drawings displayed on the net, not on printed materials and I'm getting desperate as I have a deadline tomorrow.
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Oct 26, 2012
the speed of cutting and pasting, as well as saving a drawing in CorelDraw X5 has drastically slowed down.Could it be a Windows issue and not a Corel issue? I have plenty of RAM and I've defragged.
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May 9, 2011
I have a word that has an orange outline. Then it has a transitional blend going from yellow to the same orange as the outline.
I have worked out that I can use the eye dropper tool then use the right mouse button with the fill bucket, this will give me the color that the eye dropper picked.
But how do I then use the eye dropper tool to do a fountain fill. The yellow I need to copy is not a standard color that is found on my colors to my right. So I need to some how use the eye dropper tool to set the first and second transition colors.
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Jul 8, 2012
I'm using Corel Draw 12 and on some of my computers, if I resize or flip an image the original image remains on screen as well as the resized or flipped version. On other computers it doesn't happen.
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Jan 29, 2013
I am using CorelDraw 12, and recently when I try to drag a drawing, I do a left click and drag. But in doing so, depending on how far I move the object, and how long I hold the left click down, it will just continue making duplicate copies of my object. So as I drag the object, it is also copying. I have had to restart my computer to get it to stop, but this is getting old.
how to disable the drag copyiing? Everywhere I have looked, I find that people are right-clicking, so to clarify, this is a left click issue with my mouse.
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Apr 5, 2013
I have a problem in trying to copy text from an existing multi column text box and pasting it into another existing text box. It just doesn't work. If I copy text from a single column text box into another text box, single or multi column, it does work.
The only was to copy text from a multi column text box is to use paste special which then creates a completely new single column text box and pastes the text there. I loose all the formatting.
I can then copy the text from the text box created by that paste special process and then copy that to where I want it to go, but of course I then have to reset all the formatting.
I'm using the latest version of Corel Draw X6 -this probem however seems to have been introduced in X6 as I've just open X5 on my system and the copy/paste functon works as it shoud.
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Feb 12, 2013
My project: I want to create a drawing based on a photo. The usual way is to place the picture on the working space in Draw and fix it there.Then draw all parts I want to have in my copy.Problem: I can't always really see what I am drawing.
Now my question:Is there a possibiltiy to "calk" a drawing to different coordinates than above the picture itself?For example: The photo is on the left, I "draw" above the picture and the drawing action, e.g. the stroke, happens right from the photo. The y-coordinates of the copy could stay the same while the x-coordinates are x plus a certain value.
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Oct 9, 2011
When I copy, I only get an outline of what im copying in blue lines.
I must have played in the settings somewhere.. how to put them back?
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Mar 24, 2012
macros are all disabled and i remembered there is a command to disable all the events but i could not figure out where exactly it is located and even i tried to reinstall the using modiy and repair twice times to install the software but still persists to activate the macros.
all the macros are grayed out and even Alt F11 also not working.
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Jun 18, 2013
I have set the automatic backups to end up in a specific folder on an external hard drive, which is always on. However, none of the auto backups end up there. They end up in the same folder as the actual file on my regular HD - which absolutely defies the purpose of having a backup on a different medium. I wish I could attach a screenshot of the setting page to prove my point, but Corel has not advanced to that level yet as it seems. Not even in "Support", which, unless you own the latest version of a Corel software, is non-existing anyway.
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Jan 18, 2013
Every time I go into Corel Photo-Paint x5 and try to use Cutout lab, there's no pop up window with the lab, the program stops working until I hit escape. I have a lot of cutouts to do.
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Mar 20, 2012
I'm assuming eye candy is not working in x6 because x6 is now true 64 bit.
how to install the 64bit eye candy so it works in Corel PP x6?
Win 7, 64 bit, 16G Ram
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