CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Acquire Image Function Disabled?
Jul 26, 2012
I am using Windows7 (64 bit) machine and CorelDRAW X6 (64 bit) software and also installed HP 5610 all-in-one scanner / printer but i noticed in CorelDRAW X6 / Corel PP x6 acquire image >> select source... and acquire.. are disable.
it is bug or need some more software to enable for CorelDRAW x6 because HP 5610 Scanner work with other software.
I installed the X5 suite and updates, set up my macros, and everything was working fine. When I restarted Coreldraw, all my macros were disabled? I uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled, and the same thing happened again. Everything works fine in X4.
In my color separations in print preview the "use advanced settings" is disabled.
I have loaded cdr graphics suite 12 on my new laptop w/windows 7, and also on my old machine that I have loaded windows 7 on. Cannot register the program any more due to outdated version. problem exists on both computers.
There are other minor issues but this one I use regularly.
After a likely upgrade to windows update opentype fonts are no longer 'displayed in coreldraw X3 X4 X5 X6 on any computer. it was necessary to restore the computer to the previous date, coreldraw uninstall and disable automatic updates. The problem is only on Coreldraw. In word and photoshop fonts were displayed correctly. The problem is serious because many studies have Opentype fonts and files appear blank.This update from window I will not have 'never install it?
I do not know why this function does not come by default in CoreDraw: "Center mouse when zooming with mouse wheel" From my point of view is much more accurate. The default option in recent versions is a mess when zooming with wheel.Is there a reason?There are some other features that you think have no reason to be?
I am using Corel Draw X4 to create stuff to cut on a laser engraving system and am having trouble with the bitmap trace function. For example: I create a line of text. First, I convert it to a bitmap. Then I trace the bitmap using the logo option. After doing this, when I move the text on the page, it appears several of the letters (the tall ones like capital letters and so forth) are missing during the moving process, but when I stop moving it, they appear again.
My problem is when I save the file and then open it in my laser program, these missing letters that are present when I move the text in corel draw translate into missing letters in the laser program, so it seems this is a Corel Draw problem but I don't know how to get rid of it.
I've noticed that DRAW seems to forget whatever settings I choose for duplicate.
So, I found the following in the index:
"Copying objects quickly. You can use other methods to create copies of objects quickly, without using the Clipboard. You can use the plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad to place a copy of an object on top of the original object, or you can create copies instantly by pressing the Space bar or right-clicking while dragging an object."
The + sign thing is cool. Wish I had known. But the Space bar drag either doesn't work at all or puts down one copy at what is apparently a set distance from the original, and then a second copy wherever I release the mouse button. ? Win7, DRAW X6.
How do I get a normal brush or spray function? Now, when I release the mouse button, the lines turn into a fancy balloon image. I know that comes from the Brush Stroke List or the Spraylist File List, but how do I turn those functions off?
Option Explicit#If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As LongPtr) As Integer#Else Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer#End If'Private Const VK_ESCAPE = &H1B'Private Const VK_RETURN = &HDPrivate Const VK_SHIFT = &H10Private Const VK_CONTROL = &H11Sub makeRect() Dim s As Shape, sRect As Shape Dim x As Double, y#, h#, w# Dim dMarg# Dim col As New Color If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) Then dMarg = 0.25 col.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0 ElseIf GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) Then dMarg = 0.25 col.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0 Else dMarg = 0.1 col.RGBAssign 0, 0, 255 End If ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch Set s = ActiveShape If s Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 's.GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h myGetBoundingBox s, x, y, w, h Set sRect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle2(x - dMarg, y - dMarg, w + (dMarg * 2), h + (dMarg * 2)) sRect.Fill.UniformColor.CopyAssign col sRect.OrderToBack End SubPrivate Function myGetBoundingBox(ByVal s As Shape, ByRef x As Double, y#, w#, h#) h = s.SizeHeight w = s.SizeWidth ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft x = s.PositionX y = s.PositionYEnd Function
I have a question about using the outline trace function and resolution of images.
Say for instance, I am trying to create an existing logo for a customer in which I have to pull the image off the internet. I am unable to find an image that is high resolution, so I pick one with a lower resolution, because after all, I am going to trace the logo to cut out on my cutter with a heat transfer application. It is a simple design, a heart for instance. So when I use Corel Trace, no matter how small beforehand I make said heart, when it traces it comes out jagged, like the pixelation you see on a low res image. Is there any way to smooth this out? Or do I just need to look harder for a higher res image?
I have a problem with my scanner canonscan lide 100, when i try to scan directly from coreldraw, acquire image function seems diabled, this problem starts when i changed my os to 64bit, i've downloaded 64bit driver for my scanner but still acquire image function don't work.
complete Corel X4 uninstall 3 times already .... even went so far as to reboot the registry to a date before I installed Corel X4 Suite to no avail.
The program has had no issues until the last 2 weeks. The actual issue I am having is Paint works fine as a separate entity however when I try to edit a bitmap from within X4 an error pops up telling me "Failed to launch server application" This is a major PITB as I own a graphics company and this is causing no end of problems
I'm the IT manager at a rather large company which uses graphics quite often. Currently, our art staff uses CorelDraw x3 & x4. Most of what they work with is CDR & EPS files but occasionally PLT as well..
I have looked all over Google for a program that will display a CDR file, but cannot find a good one. A found a couple that will display the thumbnail, but not much else. I wouldn't mind that, but it's not legible on most images.
What we are looking for is an app to install on our reps machines so that they can view these files with a customer.
Is there a easier way to clean up this image, I have been going through and deleting nodes and moving some. I am still learning but there has to be a better way.
I've been using Photopaint 12 for years. This seems like it should be very simple to do, but I've never found a really quick way.
All I want to do is put a single colour 1 or 2 pixel border around a load of images. I don't mind if it is inside or outside the existing image size (the choice would be nice).
I know I can simply draw an unfilled rectangle, but it's easy to drag the shape outside the edges of the image, or to end up a few pixels in, and it's quite time consuming doing it manually.
Is there a way to tile one of my own images? I want to make a 6x6 image into a 12x12 image so it reproduces a blend of that image 4 times, rather than having 4 images with visible edges.
It was something I could do in PSP years ago when I used it.
I am trying to put a client's qr code png on a file I am creating for them. It seems to be a regular png file, but when I try to import or paste in either CD or PP all I get is a black square.
What is strange is I can open this same png with Intraview no problem, I can copy and paste it into Word with no problem, I can open it in Adobe PHotoshop Elements without a problem. I also can open and view it in Windows Live Photo Gallery. It is just in CorelDraw X5 that I am experiencing the problem.
I am trying to export an image to PNG, tried watching the videos here but it doesnt seem to work, im still getting the white background. I have corel graphics suite 11
When I used the erasor to remove the fill from inside an image which has been powertraced, the bits which have been erased turn black, rather than transparent.
I am fairly inexperienced using Corel. I work with Corel in a technical capacity for my job. We use it to transform DXF (AutoCAD) files into image files that can then be imported into another very specialized program for weaving.
The problem I am having is this. I would like to be able to export image files from corel that have a specified height, in pixels, larger than 10,000. In the woven program, the pixels of the incoming drawing have a real, physical representation. Namely, the number of pixels wide and high in the drawing translates directly into the number of yarns wide and high in a woven cloth repeat (weft (pick count) and warp (end count) for those who are familiar). We have some designs that require the length be longer than the 10,000 limit, and until recently we have been working around this by resizing ("scaling") the image without keeping the aspect ratio in the woven image editing program. This does ok, but when the lines and curves in the drawing get "stretched," they become very uneven and this is frustrating.
We cannot use jpg file formats because when the lines and curves of a dxf file are converted to an image and then exported from corel as a jpg, the lines do not remain smooth and complete. In other words, they become a series of standalone dots. This severely complicates working with the image in other steps. Currently, our standard is to use .tif files, and .bmp files also seem to work. However, neither seems to allow the exportation of images in excess of 10,000 pixels long.
Is there a different way we could be creating these images in order to get the type of accuracy we are looking for? DXF files have to be successfully made into image files that maintain the proportions set out in AutoCAD and which also are longer than 10,000 pixels.
Being in the Heat Transfer business, there is a new paper out that rids the paper print called "Image Clip", it has a procedure that to make it work. Printing a mirrored image on transfer paper and printing another image with laser but a "NEGATIVE". I have suite X4, any quick ways to make the image using my Corel, their instructions is only in Photoshop, I prefer Corel?
i have an image on my workspace. its a rectangular image. Now, I want to crop an oval out of it. So everything else around it will dissapear. How do i do this? I was thinking the CUT tool, but that only cuts from point to point.