VideoStudio :: Render Video To A File - Failed To Open MPEG Encoder

Jun 28, 2011

Error message:

"Failed to open MPEG encoder".

I'm using Ulead VideoStudio 11+ and when I try to render a completed video to a file I receive this error message. The video is a little large, one hour fourteen minutes, so I cut it in half, saving it under a different name and it still gave me the same error message. However, if I render a very small clip then it renders as it's suppose to.

I've never had this trouble before. I reloaded the software for 11+ but that didn't work.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video File - Unable To Open MPEG Encoder

Aug 19, 2012

I was trying to 'create a video file' when I received this message, 'Ulead VideoStudio [2000:1:1] Failed to open the MPEG encoder.

I've made countless movies and this is the first time I'm having this problem. Maybe I had it in 2008, but I've just turned 70 and remembering what I did then is a thing of the past!

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VideoStudio :: X2 - Failed To Open MPEG Encoder

Dec 13, 2010

I've been using VideoStudio Pro X2 for the past 2 years and it has been working just fine since, up until mid last week. I was rolling right along, creating MPEG-2's of the Classic 39 Honeymooners episodes, until I got up to Episode 24, when I started getting the 'Failed to open the MPEG encoder' error message. I searched through this forum to find any possible solution and the only solutions I found were to check to see if the MPEG-2 encoder CODEC is installed, which it appears to be according to the InstalledCodec utility and to uninstall/reinstall VS, which I did. I still receive the same error message, however. What could cause it to go from working one moment, to not working the next?

I tried to attach a text file listing all of the installed codecs on my system, so you can look to see if the needed codecs are installed, however I was unable to attach the file...says 'extension not allowed'. How to upload the file.

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VideoStudio :: Error Message - Failed To Open MPEG Encoder

Jun 29, 2011

I completed a video and when I went to 'Create a Video File' I would receive the following error message...

"Failed to open MPEG encoder"

I'm using Ulead VideoStudio 11+. The 'vsp' file is too long...One hour fourteen minutes. I made a 'Part 1' and cut the vsp to forty-five minutes and still received the same error message.

I cut the 'vsp' to one minute thirty seconds and it would "Create a Video File'. I've never had this problem before.

It seems with Ulead VideoStudio 11+ whenever I have a problem like this I can resolve it, by backing up all the files, then removing the program, thoroughly clean the hard drive and re-install 11+.

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Photoshop :: Get Video Render Into Adobe Media Encoder Queue Instead Of Doing Individually?

Jan 19, 2013

How do I get a video render into the Adobe media encoder queue instead of doing individually?

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VideoStudio :: Render In MPEG And MP4?

Oct 4, 2011

If I render a Videostudio-file of 15 minute in .mpeg, it is about 750 000 great, if I render it in .mp4 it grows to 1.200 000, why?

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VideoStudio :: X2 Slow To Render In MPEG

May 8, 2010

Up until recently I had been able to capture a VHS movie using the ADVC-110, edit the avi files and put in transitions, save to a vsp file. Next I would go to Share> Create Video File> Custom. Since this an old movie of only fair quality I would select a bitrate of 6000. I was previously able to render 3 different movies of approx. 70 minutes in lenghth to mpeg-2 in 1 1/2 hours each. Now it suddenly takes 6 to 8 hours per movie. The cpu will go like gangbusters and render the first 50% of the movie in just 20 minutes, and then slow down and take hours for the last 50%. I have Spy Sweeper and other running progs. and apps. shut off, screen saver disabled, internet connection off and D-Link not in use. I am using my "D" drive for all my files, which has nearly 1 TB, and I have plenty of available memory. what causes it to slow down, and what I might try? OS: XP; MB: ASUS P5QL-E; GC: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT; SC: Real tek High Def Audio; Processor: Intel 2 Core Duo @ 3.33 GHZ; Hard Drive: C: 300 GB, D: 1 TB; Memory: 3GB.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Render Or Burn 3D Video File Onto BD Disc?

Dec 30, 2011

(1) whether VS Pro X4 will support the 3D video clip taken from Panasonic HDC-SDT750 3D capable camcorder?

(2) If it is supported by VS Pro X4, how do you render or burn the 3D video file onto BD disc so that it would be recognised as a 3D video format disc and playable in a 3D Blu-ray player?

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Can't Export 640 X 360 In MPEG Video

Apr 26, 2012

I am having a difficult time Exporting my 640 X 360 Video In an Mpeg Format, I am making a YouTube Video in 640 X 360 ( 360P I believe the size is called ) only because that is what my source video size is. My original source video is " AVI - 30Fps " I have cut and fine tuned my 8 Second Video that took me 8+ hrs to figure out how to make

Under the Project Properties there are 2 format types available, MPEG and AVI. Under MPEG Project Options --> General, I have only 4 sizes to choose from in the frame size box, 720 x 480 - 704 X 480 - 352 X 480 - 352 X 240, And the user defined selection bullet is GREYED out.

Is it possible that because im using the trial version that I just cannot fully use the software, If so then I can go back and install my VideoStudio X4, I was hoping to Upgrade to X5 because I can directly import my Paint Shop Pro Layers as well as CorelDRAW too.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Crash Rendering MPEG-4 720p Video

Jun 8, 2012

I want to render a video that consists of two parts: A small intro (8 sec) and a video (~2min). I want to render it on iPhone 4/iPad HD (720p). Now, after rendering the intro (~9%) the program crashes with the message "Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 doesn't respond..." System Specs in profile.

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VideoStudio :: No Audio In AVI Or MPEG File

May 7, 2012

Working with family project (captured by someone else-not me). Gist is that the raw AVI file doesn't have any sound when I play in media player or VSX2. The avi video format shows up as mpeg4s Decoder DMO and the audio as "Unknown ACM Format". I naively used this to make an mpeg vid file and tried to tweak the audio using LPCM but the resulting file has no audio either. The avi shows the video compression as mpeg4 but when I use my mpeg4 converter it doesn't recognise it so it's obviously an avi file with an mpeg4 video compression used.

Is there any way to recover the audio in these circumstances?

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VideoStudio :: Error / Failed To Initialize Video Capture Plugin

May 1, 2012

After not having much luck with the last video card, I changed my video card to a device with the Philips 713x chipset

Now when I select video capture I get the following message:
failed to initialize the video capture plugin
Open driver failed
cannot create the video capture filter

I have just installed card (SAA7130 TV PCI card) with latest drivers excluding the software so Video Studio 12 pro is the only capture software on the machine . I also re-installed both card and Video Studio after doing a complete system restore and used CC cleaner to remove any residual data before re-installing.

I need to use video capture within the Video Studio software as I need to use the scene detection functionality.The reason I had to change the card in the first place is that video studio only allowed me to capture in AVI 320x240 and gave 'capture failed' errors with anything else.

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VideoStudio :: MPEG-4 HD Output File With Glitch

May 7, 2012

I have the following problem. I've created a project which takes about 20 minutes. The projects contains foto's and video's (MTS 1920x1080). When I create an output file in the MPEG-4 HD format there is one point is my video where there is a Glitch.

There is one MTS file in my video where I see some white flickering, which is very disturbing.

I've performed some tests to try to solve the solution, but I think it seems that there is a fault or error in the VSX file.

Below I've added some of the results of some things I've have tried:

When I drag that one MTS file in my project to another location the flickering seems to stay at the same place but then in another video.

When I remove that one MTS file from my project the flickering is gone. It's a solution, but not at this point, it should be working.

When I play the video in Windows Media Player then I see the flickering, but when I play it with Video Lan then I don't see it. If I play the video on some computer with Media Player it also should be working.

Also when I export the video in the AVCHD (1920x1080P) format the flickering doesn't occur.

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VideoStudio :: MPEG-4 Media File - Proxy Settings

May 28, 2011

Loaded a MPEG-4 Media File 3Gb, went to setting, clicked on Smart Proxy cue manager, waited 40min and clicked ok. I check my Smart proxy file manger and it was there. My power went out, when I reload CV my files in Proxy manager were no longer there, and my file is back to being slow and jerky, that means I have redo this again.

does this mean I have to cue manger every time I wish to work with the same file?

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VideoStudio :: Photos Flickering / Stroking In MPEG Output File

Sep 11, 2013

I have created a video consisting a many photos with some video. Some photos, e.g. a horizontal close striped golf shirt, gives a flickering effect in the output video file.

I do have the anti-flickering filter checked. Ran a test with filter off, but this did not correct it. Offending photos are approx. 2.5 meg JPEGs.

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VideoStudio :: Render Video At 60 Frames Per Second?

Jun 20, 2011

I have Video Studio Pro X3. I've never had a problem since I got it, but recently I've been trying to render video at 60 frames per second. I've looked everywhere online for tutorials but still don't understand how to do it. I keep getting 29.97fps in the end. I need it for a project and I need it very soon.I use MP4 video files at 60fps.

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VideoStudio :: Video Won't Fully Render?

May 28, 2011

I am trying to render to DV 4:3 with video studio 4 but the finish video is missing a piece.

Video Studio 4

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Render A Frame-based Video

Apr 15, 2011

Why I cannot render a frame-based video when selecting (Share/Custom/MPEG Transport-stream)? My goal is to create an AVCHD video and burn it to a DVD (4.7G). My video is 16min long and the calculated bitrate is around CBR 15,000 kbps. If I use the (Share/ADVCHD/1920) option, I don't have any control over the settings. I have already deinterlaced my video using Neoscene. That is why I want to create a frame-based video.

Below is my workflow.

Two video sources:
.mov(1080p) from ContourHD 1080p camea
.mts(1080i) from Canon Vixia HF S100

1. Trim .mts files in CSV PX3
2. Trim .mov files in Contour S/W
3. Convert trimmed clips to .avi with Cineform Neoscene
4. Edit in CSV PX3
5. Planned to render in AVCHD, 1920x1080p, 29.97 fps, 15000 kbps

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Render Video - Unspecific Error

Nov 24, 2013

I have been using X5 for almost a year and everything seems find until lately when I up graded my system to window 8.1. I have assemble a 40 min video but when I tried to use 'share' to output to MP4 iphone/ipad HD,the rendering go halfway then the VideoStudio crashed with an error 'The program has encountered an unspecified error' and a DMP file and ask me to contact Corel support. My project only has 1 video tack, 1 voice track and 1 music track and the project file is 17,426 KB. If I disable the voice track, then the project can render successfully. Since the voice track is recorded using VideoStudio voice over with WAV format, I went back and convert all voice into mp3 to smaller size but still crash when render halfway. My system should have enough resources to process this 40 min video.

Window 8.1 pro 64x
16GB ram
CPU i7
Hard drive 2T.

I have assemble 40 min video with heavy voice before in XP and it render without any problem. Is there are issues between VideoStudio and window 8.1 64x ? Is there a limit to VS project size, or voice track size ? I read some of the posts and you recommend to manfully uninstall the software and reinstall the software. I am reluctant to do this, not at least after I can output my project to mp4, because it might wipe out my setting, templates, libraries, and even my project file. Do you know of any tool so I can read the DMP file ? I don't understand what good to have a DMP file when my software have passed the 30 day or 1 time support warranty?

It has been very frustrate to spend all this time to assemble a video and at the end cannot produce a sharable version. I was about to upgrade to X6 but now I have to think twice if this issue is not resolved. What good are all thees fancy new features in X6 to me if I cannot produce a sharable version of my project ?

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VideoStudio :: Choppy Video When Panning After Render?

Jun 3, 2013

I'm using VS x5.

Basically, I have a Sanyo HD camera which I've used to capture quite a bit of holiday footage. I've edited some together but when I output the project to either mp4 or mts the picture is choppy when panning.

The camera was set to 1080p @ 30fps (there's no option of 25fps even though the camera was bought here in the UK) which I have matched by choosing the "Custom" option when creating the movie. I've matched the bitrate (16789bps on the source) but this ends up being 15540bps on the output file. (??) According to the properties on the source file it's 29.97fps which I have also matched in the Custom settings option.

I understand I should expect dropped frames if I was trying to output the file as PAL compliant, but I've got VS set to NTSC so I don't think this is an issue.

The source file is mp4 and looks fine when viewing the panning scenes.

PC Spec:

Intel quad core 2.4Ghz
ATI Radeon 5430 Graphics card
Windows Ultimate x64

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VideoStudio :: Render Completed But There's No Video In Computer

Aug 28, 2013

source video
1080i(tv capped) format:ts 25 fps no audio

output optinos:
MPEG Transport-Stream Files
24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 25 fps
(HDMV-PAL), 16:9
H.264 Video
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 9900 kbps)
Audio data rate: 384 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)

i tried many times , sometimes the render was comple without warning or error , sometimes the render process was failed by the message "File format mismatch" . but there`s no output video in my computer in either way

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VideoStudio :: Video Format To Create DVD (Render VSP)

Jul 30, 2012

Given that it seems to be a good idea to render VSP projects to a single video file before attempting to create a DVD through Share Create Disc, I am wondering what is the most optimal type of video file to initially render the VSP into.

The video from my camera comes in a ACVHD 1080/60i. My target final disc is either 1) standard DVD, or 2) Blu Ray. I have been rendering the VSP into a 1920x1080 AVCHD format.

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VideoStudio :: Editing Video Using X3 - Render AVCHD Lite?

Mar 2, 2011

I am editing a video using VS X3 and am using both AVCHD 1080i and AVCHD lite 720p clips.

What would be the best format to retain quality when I render as a file and then copy onto a USB stick to play on my Bluray player? My player seems able to read most formats.

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Photoshop :: Render Video Dialog Box Taking 3 Minutes To Open In CC

Aug 17, 2013

I was using photoshop cs5 and am currently on a trail of CC, everything else is working fine, just File>export>render video takes along time for the dialog box to appear, which was not the case in cs5 (almost instatly opens).
Any settings I can change to speed this up? Im using Windows 7 32bit.  

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VideoStudio :: X2 - Render MTS Clips Into AVI Video / Catastrophic Failure Error

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to render MTS clips into an AVI video

Project Properties -

NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 480, 16:9, 29.97 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- NTSC, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo.

When the rendering completes, a "Catastrophic Failure" error code comes up. When I try to play the video in VLF, I get the following message

"AVI Index

This AVI file is broken. Seeking will not work correctly."

If I press "don't repair", the file plays, but the indexing bar does not run along the bottom of the player. Obviously something is wrong, but I can't seem to work it out.

The input files are as follows:

Video Type: H.264 video, upper field first
Attributes: 24 bit, 1920x1080, 16:9
Frame rate: 29.970
Data rate: variable, 16,800 kbps max

Audio type: Dolby digital
Attributes: 48000 hertz
Layer: none
Bit Rate: 256 kbps

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, with no luck.

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Photoshop :: Why Can't File-export-render Video Into MPEG4 Rendering Into Small MOV File Format In CS6

Dec 5, 2012

I create short videos using the PS frame animation panel. I used to be able to FILE-export-render video- and choose MPEG-4 Video in the settings panel which would render my file into a small .mov file. Now in CS6 the new render video panel does not have that option. I tried the QT options in the export window and my file is hugh! The H.264 option gives me an .mp4. I put the .mp4 into my web page via Dreamweaver and my video does not play when uploaded into the sever. The video plays fine in Dreamweaver before I upload to the server. After I upload to the server I just get a Q and no video on my web page.  If I render the same file in CS5 I am able to view it in my web page. ADOBE WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR EXPORT VIDEO RENDERING OPTIONS in CS6?

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3ds Max :: Error / File Open Failed

Apr 14, 2011

After a system crash, I was unable to open any of the autoback files. I get a "File Open Failed" error.

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Photoshop :: Rendering Video From PSD In Media Encoder?

Jun 21, 2013

I'v graded a video clip with a camera raw smart filter applied to it.  I try to render it out in AME and it only renders 1 frame for the length of the video. 

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AutoCad :: Drawing File Has Failed To Open?

Jul 7, 2011

my drawing file has failed to open. when i try to open i geta feedback of drawing file invalid.i need this drawing before saturday 9th 2011.

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3ds Max :: Cannot Render Linked Video File Using Backburner

Jan 31, 2013

I am working with the animation sequence where I have a video file linked to the object (camera moving through the room showing a TV screen on the wall with a move playing on the TV screen, the movie is linked .mov file). When I make the rendering using the BB everything works fine if I just use one server (the one where I have the main max installation, where all the maps and linked items are located). As soon as I try to use other BB servers in the network I get the error message referring to the linked .mov file. I have the Include Maps ticked in the Network Job Assignment window and if I change .mov video file to static image like. jpg the network rendering works without problems. How and where the .mov video should be set to get the BB network rendering to work correctly in distributed rendering.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Macro Failed When PDF File Is Already Open

Sep 17, 2013

I created a macro for generate a PDF drawing, but when one file has been already created, AND he's already open, the macro don't work.

How to stop the macro automatically and notify that the macro has been stopped because the file is open.

Below, the current macro :
Sub PublishPDF()'Get the PDF translator Add-In.Dim PDFAddin As TranslatorAddInSet PDFAddin = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{0AC6FD96-2F4D-42CE-8BE0-8AEA580399E4}")'Set a reference to the active document (the document to be published).Dim oDocument As DocumentSet oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oContext As TranslationContextSet oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContextoContext.Type = kFileBrowseIOMechanism
[Code] ....

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