VideoStudio :: Preview Display Freezing While Playing

Nov 15, 2013

I have come across - the 1st time - a series of mpg video clips which, assembled into a project file on a 3rd party usb memory stick, irregularly freezes the preview image and sound while playing, usually in the 1st or 2nd clip in the file. Searching for a reason, I have played the file on two machines across both usb2 and usb3 connections, and using different versions of VS, and the freezing of the play occurs in all of them. At different places in successive events. The same thing happens with individual clips in VS, and individual clips in other video player software like media player and VLC.

I've no reason to believe that the software or even the files are causing this. At least, not yet. The only common element seemed to be the memory stick, so I copied the files from the 3rd party item to one I know is usb3, opened the project file and after re-linking, played it. Same thing happened in the 3rd clip. The results to date suggest that the player software (any of them) in doing the background data load from the memory stick at some point is taking too long, and thus the freeze. Which led me to review the file formats and size.

The freezing files are interesting - mpg format, but way bigger than I had expected for the duration involved. For example, one of the freezing ones is 1min18sec duration and 99,791Kb in size. Compared to a 51sec 22,224Kb file taken on a different camcorder. The duration versus size differences are substantial (for only a 27 sec duration difference the size difference is nearly 5 times), and one wonders why? Both of them loaded into VS show as MPEG-1 format on a right click properties display.

As far as I am aware, mpeg-1 is the same as avi format, and mpeg-2 and mpeg-4 are compressed and thus smaller versions of the same file length without loss of quality. Why mpg file should freeze during play in VS X6, X5, media player and VLC, on a desktop and a separate laptop machine?

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VideoStudio :: Video Not Playing Smooth In Preview Bar?

Jun 17, 2013

I am a amateur editor and do the basic stuff with the editing like color fixing and cropping/cutting. Since the time, i switched to HD videos the video does not render and playback smoothly in preview mode.

However in other editing programs like Vegas it plays back like butter but i am not into Vegas and i dont like vegas. I use Videostudio only.

the video plays back like in 1FPS or like 2-3FPS i mean the videos one picture is shown then directly after 2-3 seconds. The audio is howver smooth.

I have a Duo Core 2ghz Intel Processer,

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After Effects :: RAM Preview Not Playing Back Realtime FPS In CC

Jan 16, 2014

I'm having trouble with AE CC playing a RAM preview at a realtime framerate - it's lagging behind at random speeds. This is a short image sequence (of many more to come) My iMac just seems to struggle with this, I can't figure out why. Is this a Graphics card issue?? We have an older mac here which has an older card with more ram (1024 MB)  on the  card, which takes longer to render the preview (is that due to less system RAM?) But, plays back with a solid 30fps framerate no worries..Is this a problem with the particular Graphics Card on this iMac? There seems to be little info about this card that I can find with After Effects.
Project task:
- I am  only previewing a short (15 sec) 1920 X 1080 image sequence (either TIFF or EXR) at 30 FPS. Ram preview going at around 20-28 fps: 'fps: 20.271 / 30.00 NOT realtime' 
- RAM Preview set to Full Res, 30 fps Frame Rate, Composition settings 30fps, footage 30fps
- tried lower quality settings, tried cropping video - same jerky framerate
- Even when video is rendered to a .Mov Lossless file the video is still juddery and appears to be dropping frames when played in Quick Time - VLC is better slightly.
System / Memory Preferences:
Ram shared by other apps: 4GB Ram reserved for AE: 28GB..After Effects Multiprocessing: ON Installed CPUs: 4 CPUs reserved for other apps: 2 RAM allocated per bg CPU: 6GB actual CPUs used: 2
Extra notes:
- Have tried with using less memory on the system, no diffeence - not a problem with the RAM in the iMac (which is above the recommended standard, I know, but works fine with everything)
- Running After Effects CC - no other programs running
- Works fine with other Mac we have - which is OSX Lion & After Effects 5.0 with ATI Radeon 5750 HD 1024MB Graphics Card.
- Had the same issues with After Effects 5.5
- Tried with After Effects 5.5 with Apple RAM 12GB no difference on this machine
- Monitored System CPU & GPU - no problem running at  CPU 25% & GPU 40-50%

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Illustrator :: 3-D Effect Freezing When Clicking Preview Box?

May 9, 2013

i am trying to do my online assignment for Adobe Illustrator.  I am using the 3-D effect and everytime I click on the preview check box, it freezes up.  Which is very frustrating, because that effect is used alot in this chapter.  If it is a computer memory problem, how do I fix that?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Closes When Playing MPA

Nov 1, 2011

When I'm working on a project, "Corel needs to close" when I play the supplied .mpa (sound effect) files whether it be as a clip or in the project. I've downloaded the X4 update.

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VideoStudio :: Playing Blu-ray PC File Created With X5?

Aug 13, 2012

I have created 2 Bluray discs with Video Studio X5 using clips from my HS700 Panasonic. The clips are high quality HD 1920x1080 AVCHD and import into VS as .mts files. I have created two discs and menus and burned them successfully and at the same time used the function that enables a file version to be stored. The discs play beautifully with menus working well on my Samsung Bluray player and TV and also in my PC drive E using WIN DVD Pro 11 (trial version).

My problem is when I try to play the VSX5 created file on C drive, with WIN DVD Pro 11, if I select the BDMV file it says "media not supported" and if I select the STREAM file it plays the files in the order that VSX5 created them, therefore playing the file 0000.m2ts first and onward to the last. In this case there were 4 AVCHD 1920x1080 h264 files rendered to video files and onto the disc and PC file with menus, therefore VSX5 created 18 .m2ts files in the stream file, 4 video files numbered 0000,0001,0002, 0003 and 14 menu files 0004, through to 0018, all of these .m2ts.

WinDVD Pro 11 plays the stream file as a Playlist in strict numerical order therefore playing the menu files last and not as a selectable thing.I guess my big questions are.1) Am I doing something incorrectly OR 2) Does WIN DVD Pro 11 ever play a Corel VSX5 created PC file as a menu selectable Bluray file like it does with a disc?I am running Windows 7-64 Professional with two 1TB hard drives, I have tried the files on either hard drive without success in playing as I expect (like a disc).

To go back a bit, I have a library of DVD VS created files and play through the Windows Media Centre, however with the Bluray ones it tells me I need to have a Bluray Player, hence my downloading the trial WINDVD Pro 11. The old DVD files had a TS file which contained the files necessary to play the video with menu, but there does not seem to be an equivalent in the Bluray folder.

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VideoStudio :: No Sound When Playing Project?

Jan 2, 2013

i was work on some project and it's was going well and everything was just fine but then i've saved it and close the program (went to watch tv). after few minutes i've opend the program again but then the sound didnt play with "project" but only when i play the clip alone or in edit sound mode. * when i'm playing the project on "audio" instead of "thumbnail" it's working fine...

i'm using X5

ii've record some of my screen in here: [URL]

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VideoStudio :: No Audio When Playing As Project?

Nov 11, 2013

I am working on creating a project and it all goes well when I have it in the edit tab. I am able to listen to the audio and watch the video.

When I hit the Share Tab and watch it the audio disappears and I can't hear anything anymore but can still see the picture.

I have split the audio from the video to see if this corrects the problem and it doesn't. I know my microphone is picking up the audio or I wouldn't be able to hear it in the edit tab. I have made several videos before using the program and have never encountered this before.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - No Audio For Any Video Playing

Sep 24, 2011

I'm using Corel VideoStudio X4. I'm facing problem that there is no any audio for any type of video playing. AVI, MP4.. any type of file I play, no audio plays.. All files are checked & plays correctly in any video player, GOM, VLC player etc...

No problem with video files. there is no audio for sample files provided by corel itself. When I play mp3 like audio files, sound plays perfectly. But some problem with video files only... I edited one file but no audio for that file also when I play edited clip in video player like VLC.

PC Configuration:
Windows 7 Ultimate.
HP DV6 laptop. 1GB graphic card, i5 2nd Gen.

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VideoStudio :: No Audio When Playing Project But Clip?

Jan 25, 2011

I have few avi video clips which I believe I imported from camcorder using windows moviemaker. When I play those clips in any media player they play fine.

I have latest Corel Video Studio Pro X3. When I import this videos into timeline and play clips sound plays fine but when I play the project there is no audio. Even if I render it there is no sound.

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VideoStudio :: Clips Freeze When Playing While Editing In X5?

Jan 5, 2013

When I am editing clips and play them, the first second plays, then the vision freezes. The control bar continues across the program and the sound continues, only the picture freezes. Thus I can't judge where to cut.

This is a new computer:
Windows 8 Pro X64,
Gigabyte EP45 DS3 M'board,
2.85 Intel Quad core with
2GB Hard drive,
VidStudio X5.

The video was taken on my Canon XA10 HD camcorder. HD footage internally copied to Standard Play on 32GB SanDisk Extreme card and input to computer via card reader and USB2 (front of computer).

On my old Win7 computer I had some problem with jerkiness in the final product, but it was tolerable.

This however, is not.

I have downloaded X5 Patch 1.
Video is MPEG2,
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25fps, variable frame rate.
PAL system

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VideoStudio :: Movie Clip Sound Not Playing In X4?

Jul 1, 2012

The movie clips in my "project" are not playing the audio. Yes, volume is on and I have ensured that the volume is all the way up and that the "mute" option has not been selected. Screen cap is attached of the video tab.

When I click on the individual "clip" the sound works no problem. The other audio files are also working no problem.

I should mention that the original file was an IFO file from a Sony Handicam that I converted to AVI which I dragged into the program.

why the clips are not playing the audio?

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VideoStudio :: MP4 File - No Audio Playing In Project

Jan 2, 2013

I am using VS Pro X2 - I have 3 small MP4 files in my project timeline (filmed on my mobile phone) and for some reason although they play fine on the clip, the audio doesn't come out on the Project, or on the finished DVD, which is a real pain...I have 94 minutes of good quality DVD and 45 seconds of silence! If there was no audio at all I could understand it, but the MP4 clips all play fine on the "clip"''s just that when I play them under the 'Project', there is no audio.

My original DV files (which are all ok) are MPEG Audio Layer 2 files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 224kbps

The MP4 clips are MPEG AAC Audio files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 113kbps

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VideoStudio :: Crashing When Playing Video Clips?

Mar 29, 2013

I had VisualStudio x5 working fine on my Windows 8 Pro machine. I've been using this for a few months without issue. I imported some video from my phone in .MOV format, and had the message that I needed install quicktime to work with this video. I did so, edited video, and posted it.

However when I then imported video from my Canon camcorder, AVCHD format, I received a crash dump in trying to play any of the clips. What's strange is that I was able to look at old sections of clips I'd saved and play them find. Only the newer clips were an issue. I suspected corrupt files, re-imported things and it didn't work. I even recorded new video and that didn't work. I was up to date on patches from Corel, according to the product.

I was in a bind, so I decided to upgrade to x6, even though none of the features were really important. I upgraded, imported the same videos I'd had issue with in x5 and they worked. Problem solved, or so I thought.

I had to run x5 to access some old clips to put together a short reel. I did that and things worked fine. I then went back to x6 and received crash dumps on all imported files, including the video I had just imported. I can still play the edited pieces of clips I separated out in x6, but I cannot play any full clips.

I've rebooted multiple times, removed quicktime, uninstalled and reinstalled x6, no go.

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VideoStudio :: No Video When Playing Project - Version 10

Feb 6, 2011

when I try to preview my project, I do not get any video. I can hear the audio though. When I preview individual clips I have both audio and video.

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VideoStudio :: No Sound In Edit Mode When Playing Project?

Mar 7, 2013

In VS Pro 4, in edit mode, I get no sound when I play the project but sound is OK when I play the clip. Then if I switch on the sound mixer I get sound when I play the project.

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VideoStudio :: No Audio When Playing Project In Share Or After Rendering?

Jan 22, 2012

I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out what is wrong with my audio in VSPx4.

When I put a video in the timeline and click on it so it is on the "clip" the video plays fine but the minute I switch it to "project" the audio dissappears. If I render it in any format, the audio doesn't return. Also, if I multi-trimm a video I am no longer able to get audio either.

Lastly, if I split the audio from the video I cannot play the project at all. It just gives me a frozen screen...

I have re-installed VSPx4 and have all the patches updated.

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VideoStudio :: Sound When Playing Clip In Overlay Track?

Jul 23, 2013

In edit, when I select Clip and play a clip on an overlay track, there's no sound. Yes, I can first click on the sound mixer and then it plays but what a waste of time. Project will play but then I have to isolate the clip. How do I get sound playing under Clip when the segment is in one of the overlay tracks?

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VideoStudio :: MP3 Files Not Playing In Library But Plays In Project

Nov 19, 2012

I just upgraded to Windows 8. All with Videostudio X5 is working fine, except MP3 files will not play in the Library. I get this strange hiss. If I drop the mp 3 file into the time line on any audio track and then play the project it plays fine. Wave files play fine. I did a uninstall and re-install of X5 to see If that would fix the problem.

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VideoStudio :: X3 - AVCHD 1920 Output Stutters And Stops Playing

Feb 6, 2010

I just installed VS X3 and I'm very impressed with the improved AVCHD editing capabilities. Unfortunately, I'm having a problem with the output. When I import a single AVCHD 1920 clip from my Canon HF100 to my VS X3 project, perform a simple trimming operation, and then save back to the same format as the original clip (no re-rendering), the output file is virtually unplayable. It will usually start playing okay, but after 5-10 seconds start stuttering and even stop playing altogether for 10-15 seconds at a time. I've tried several different players. This problem affects ONLY the output from VS X3. The original footage in the same format plays just fine in any player.

I reverted back to VS X2, tried the same operation with the same clip, and the output is just fine. This must not be a widespread problem, because I searched the forum briefly and couldn't find similar reports. I can continue using VS X2 for the time being, but I really wish I could take advantage of the editing improvements in X3.

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VideoStudio :: Project Freezing In V12?

Aug 25, 2011

In the past I've used a Panasonic SDR-S7 video camera which produces MPEG files with no problem.

I now have a Panasonic Lumix still camera which also takes AVCHD video. The individual files play perfectly in VS12, but as soon as I try to play the project to preview it, the picture keeps freezing. I thought this could be due to the new video's being HD but I don't think the individual files could be played either.

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VideoStudio :: VSP File Keeps Freezing?

Dec 4, 2011

In VSX4, a particular VSP file is freezing but other VSP’s can be edited without problem.

It freezes during playback of the project, and individual scenes - audio and video. I have deleted individual clips - but it freezes at a different clip or at a different place entirely. I can play the first 17 minutes or so, but then it freezes. If I restart the program and play at any point after the 17 minute mark it freezes, sometimes immediately other times after a few munutes. Even scrolling after the 17 minute mark sometimes triggers it.

The message is: “Corel VS Pro has stopped working”. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

To try and resolve this I have:

Uninstalled and reinstalled VSX4 Pro

Updated to SP2

Updated QT and Direct X

System Restore

Full system scan

Project Details:

From camcorder using EasyCap
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 4:3
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo

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VideoStudio :: Activate Scroll Line When Playing Clips In Storyboard View?

Jan 15, 2011

how I can activate the scroll line when playing my clips in the Storyboard view.

VS pro X2 has this feature, but I'm unable to find it in VS proX3. It's impossible to see which clip is being played let alone be able to edit.

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VideoStudio :: Display 2 Horizontal Lines On Display

Dec 4, 2011

New to this video editing game, just have a question regarding 4.3 and 16.9. i have a Canon XM2 which has a setting in the menu for 16.9 wide screen format. When this is selected on the camera the view finder shows a distored image (squshed). I have also found a setting that when 16.9 is turned off you can display 2 horizontal lines on the display. my question is am i better off shooting footage with the 16.9 turned off on the camera and then using Videostudio pro x4 to create the 16.9 format(if this can be done).

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Don't Display In Preview Or Finder But Okay In 5

Aug 23, 2013

Virtually all of my DNGs from the last four years do not display properly when previewed in OSX's Finder or opened in the Preview app. Everything in Lightroom works just fine. I note that the "linear" option is off (seems to be the default) when I import from the SDHC card to LR. I have LR "Copy as DNG" and I apply nothing other than a renaming of the file (
I've dumped the files in Library/Quicklook but that doesn't do anything.
All the importing has been done with the latest version of ACR (Camera Raw 7.1 is the latest I have).
When I use Quicklook (spacebar) in the Finder or open the file using Apple's Preview app, all I see is a large black rectangle sometimes with some "noise" appearing in the frame. Yet LR has no trouble and I can export as jpeg or tiff without any issue.
I'm running 10.8.4 fully updated. I've dumped all the caches and cleaned everything using Onyx and restarted. Still not working.
The only thing I've noticed is my older DNGs (which came from a Fuji S9100) are 12-bit (and I -can- see those files in Finder preview and the Preview app!) whereas the newer DNGs (from 2009 and newer) which were shot with my S100fs are 14-bit. All the newer DNGs have the problem.
I've uploaded one of the "problem" images: [URL]

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AutoCad 3D :: Materials Editor Preview And Model Space Display

May 2, 2013

Other than rendering this scene, I was trying to see if I can get the object in model space to show the details of the material I have in the browser more accurately.

I butchered the .dwg trying to compress it to an uploadable size, so I hope it can be viewed..

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Display In Full Screen Preview Page Only?

Mar 11, 2012

Is there a way to display in full screen preview page only, meaning nothing outside page borders, no bleed or objects around page just.

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VideoStudio :: DVD Preview Aborting?

Jul 28, 2012

Recently purchased Corel X5. I really like the editor and find it intuitive, fast, and stable, but the program that creates DVDs is giving me fits with a long list of issues. One of the main issue I have is that when I go to preview a DVD, more than half of the time the program immediately aborts and kicks me entirely out of Corel. I end up having to re-start Corel, go back into the DVD creation portion, and try again. Eventually, the preview works. If I don't close the DVD program and then save the project in the editor before running the preview and it aborts, I lose my changes, so I have to constantly go back to the editor and save my project when working on a DVD menu.

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VideoStudio :: X6 Hangs On Preview

Jul 15, 2013

Downloaded trial version, seems to have issues with the editor. Clip playback ok but when I try to do a project playback, it hangs after a few seconds of play back and then only creeps forward a second or two every time I attempt to hit play to have it continue through to the end. I use other video editing programs, never encountered this kind of issue. Cool effects but if the editor doesn't function right, what's the point.

I am running a new ASUS, windows home premium 64bit and have 6GB ram.

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Preview By Rendering

Dec 14, 2010

I test at the moment Videostudio X3 and made a small test project. If i produce a AVCHD project i don't have a preview by rendering this project and i can't find a option to enable this ?

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VideoStudio :: Preview And Output Are Not The Same?

Feb 22, 2012

I am working on a simple video with two (3 second) overlay video clips. In the preview window everything looks great. After compressing the overlay clips shrink in height revieling the top & bottom of the main clip. If I over-stretch the overlay clips they still shrink down. I have gotten it to work once (don't know why) but that rendering the audio dropped off when the overlay started and never came back. That's a separate issue.

I saw where one person trying to solve a different issue mentioned to streach the overlay clip by the corners only? Is that important? I also tried turning on and off the "stretch to fit" option. I am not seeing a patern? I have also tried keeping the aspect ration on and off but that does not seem to give consistant results. I am sure it is a combination of some type.

Main clip:

Data rate: 9421 kbps
Video: Windows Media Video 9
24 bit, 1920x1080, 29.970 frames/sec
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1.00

Overlay clips:

Data rate: 1309 kbps
Video: Windows Media Video 9
24 bit, 1280x720, 25 frames/sec
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1.00

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