VideoStudio :: VSP File Keeps Freezing?
Dec 4, 2011
In VSX4, a particular VSP file is freezing but other VSP’s can be edited without problem.
It freezes during playback of the project, and individual scenes - audio and video. I have deleted individual clips - but it freezes at a different clip or at a different place entirely. I can play the first 17 minutes or so, but then it freezes. If I restart the program and play at any point after the 17 minute mark it freezes, sometimes immediately other times after a few munutes. Even scrolling after the 17 minute mark sometimes triggers it.
The message is: “Corel VS Pro has stopped working”. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
To try and resolve this I have:
Uninstalled and reinstalled VSX4 Pro
Updated to SP2
Updated QT and Direct X
System Restore
Full system scan
Project Details:
From camcorder using EasyCap
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 4:3
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
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Aug 25, 2011
In the past I've used a Panasonic SDR-S7 video camera which produces MPEG files with no problem.
I now have a Panasonic Lumix still camera which also takes AVCHD video. The individual files play perfectly in VS12, but as soon as I try to play the project to preview it, the picture keeps freezing. I thought this could be due to the new video's being HD but I don't think the individual files could be played either.
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Nov 15, 2013
I have come across - the 1st time - a series of mpg video clips which, assembled into a project file on a 3rd party usb memory stick, irregularly freezes the preview image and sound while playing, usually in the 1st or 2nd clip in the file. Searching for a reason, I have played the file on two machines across both usb2 and usb3 connections, and using different versions of VS, and the freezing of the play occurs in all of them. At different places in successive events. The same thing happens with individual clips in VS, and individual clips in other video player software like media player and VLC.
I've no reason to believe that the software or even the files are causing this. At least, not yet. The only common element seemed to be the memory stick, so I copied the files from the 3rd party item to one I know is usb3, opened the project file and after re-linking, played it. Same thing happened in the 3rd clip. The results to date suggest that the player software (any of them) in doing the background data load from the memory stick at some point is taking too long, and thus the freeze. Which led me to review the file formats and size.
The freezing files are interesting - mpg format, but way bigger than I had expected for the duration involved. For example, one of the freezing ones is 1min18sec duration and 99,791Kb in size. Compared to a 51sec 22,224Kb file taken on a different camcorder. The duration versus size differences are substantial (for only a 27 sec duration difference the size difference is nearly 5 times), and one wonders why? Both of them loaded into VS show as MPEG-1 format on a right click properties display.
As far as I am aware, mpeg-1 is the same as avi format, and mpeg-2 and mpeg-4 are compressed and thus smaller versions of the same file length without loss of quality. Why mpg file should freeze during play in VS X6, X5, media player and VLC, on a desktop and a separate laptop machine?
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Jun 19, 2013
32 times and 16 reboots later Photoshop 32 bit keeps freezing and not responding on a 2 gig 5 layers PSD file.
Its not the OS, its not the file format of the drive, its not the machine, as it worked last week on CS6 Works on a 64 bit machine no problem.
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Mar 26, 2010
When I try to import a file it freezes up. It doesn't even give me an option to select type of file. It pulls up the screen where you would be able to but freezes and will not let me do anything. I use Windows XP.
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Sep 6, 2011
I am having issues with my computer completely freezing while performing a File, Open process. I'm in drawing 1, I save it, then go to open drawing 2. Drawing 1 will save, the open file window pops up. With me so far? While navigating through the file directory tree, my computer freezes. I do not chose a file that freezes during opening. It is during the process of getting to the folder drawing 2 resides in, and then it freezes. This happens to me multiple times a day. Ctrl +Alt+Delete will not work. I have tried letting my computer sit, as you would with a program not responding, and it doesn't unfreeze. The only option I am left with is a hard reboot. The only other program I have running is my MS Outlook.
I have been back and forth with our IT person, and because he can't replicate the problem (after trying one file open), he can't figure it out, or doesn't want to.
I am running AutoCad 2012 with a Dell Precision T3500, 2.13ghz, intell xenon E5506 processor, and 4gb of RAM. After looking at the system requirements, and reading that 2012 needs a 3.0 or higher processor, could this be the route of my issue?
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Apr 22, 2012
This happens repeatedly as I open the program and attempt to open a file. The "open file" dialog box flashes for a split second then disappears and the Photoshop program freezes up.
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Feb 21, 2013
-Inventor 2013 SP1.1 (Issue)
-Inventor 2011 SP2 (No Issue)
Templates have been coverted up from 2011, keeping copies of the old templates in separate folders all under the same parent directory.Have 2013 mapped to the folder with updated templates located on a network drive. Total of 18 temolates including the standard templates.
Computer specs:
Win 7 Pro 64bit Service Pack 1
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @ 2.66GHz
8GB Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 2000
The Issue:I start Inventor 2013 or open an .ipt/.iam ect. I now want to create a new file so I click the "New" Icon.Inventor freezes for 10-15seconds and finally shows the templates.After that if you click on any of the templates it freezes instantly. Or if you scroll the browser bar down to navigate the folder. 15-35 seconds
After selecting the correct template it freezes for about 15 seconds.For those keeping track Thats 40-65 seconds just to open a drawing...
For Inventor 2011.Click, Click, Click. Open...Takes maybe 5 seconds.
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Aug 16, 2013
I have used an exceptionally good website called [URL]...... for a number of years with no problems. I have just downloaded from them a .mp3 file lasting 5 minutes but when I come to load it into my project , I get an error message saying "File format mismatch". The only difference that I see between this and all the previous files I have downloaded from them is that this one has a bitrate of 320kbps compared to the previous ones of 130-190kbps.
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Jun 20, 2011
I have several AVCHD folders I've copied to my HD in the last year from my Panasonic HDCSD20. Now I'm ready to edit them in VSX4. Is there any advantage to using "file/import media file to library" (which makes a copy in the working folder) vs just clicking on the folder icon and adding them? I've looked at the file size on both the original clip and the imported one and they are identical. It does seem as though VS extracts the original date and time shot and uses that as the imported file name,
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Feb 13, 2011
I have done a lot of editing with VideoStudio Pro on current system but never ran into somthing like this:
I have a 2.7G file that I pulled from my DVR (mpg). Plays well on my ThinkPad but when I try to load it into VideoStudio Pro X3 ( the software stops responding (get the "not responding" message) and I have to end the process.
I updated to SP3, no luck. Uninstalled and reinstalled VideoStudio, no luck. Search Corel and various boards and found nothing about file size being an issue. Even adjusted virtual memory settings.
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Mar 3, 2009
I can't get my photoshop to work. It freezes when its initializing palettes... I've read a bunch of forums about this deleted settings had a look at startup programs etc.. reinstalled the program and just repaired it and nothing its still freezes at initializing palettes...
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Mar 31, 2008
I'm running the Adobe Photoshop CS3 trial on a HP Pavillion tx2000z (2 gig ram) in Vista. I'm on day 14 and suddenly it doesn't work anymore.
When I open it, it lets me open a photo or create a new canvas. Then, I can do one thing-like create a type layer/mask, a fill layer, etc etc. After that, all the options in all the menus become unclickable, except 'open recent,' but I can't select an option within that menu, so a lot of good that is. It won't even let me save unless I exit the program, in which case it brings up the "are you sure you don't want to save before you quit" dialogue box.
I originally thought that it was part of the trial that I would lose these features.
I realize that if it was part of the trial, I would be able to click "Activate" or "Register."
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Feb 13, 2005
Have a problem with Photoshop 7 freezing sometimes when I use any of the painting tools, then have to restart the computer. Running Mac, OS 9.2.2, 500mb ram.
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Jul 21, 2008
Asus AM3
AMD X2 6400+
2x Kingston 512MB 533
2x Corsair 1GB 533
Thermaltake Purepower 2.0 - 600W
Running Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP Pro SP2
It is a very fast machine, but when I'm using Photoshop CS3, it freezes, like a slow CPU...
It runs fast for heavy operations, like applying filters, but freezes with very simple operations, like creating a new blank layer... when I press CTRL+L for levels, it takes a long time to appear the levels window...
Also, the mouse pointer 'jumps', freezes...
I tried to change the "scratch disk" options... and it still freezes...
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Nov 17, 2012
I just loaded CS6 on my Windows 7 computer. It worked fine yesterday, but today every time I open it it freezes up and does nothing. No error messages appear, it just sits there. I can't click on anything. Should I remove it and reload it?
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Apr 26, 2013
I upgraded to Creative Suite 6 about 3 months ago and Photoshop has been freezing up when I am working. I can not figure out what action I do that provokes this. I either have to wait about 60 to 90 sec. before I can continue to work or I have to restart the program by using "force quit".
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Apr 24, 2013
PS CS6 keeps freezing. I can' t work at all. I am working on CS4 again and I'm reconsiderind my creative membership.
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Mar 10, 2009
I thought Adobe fixed the complaince issues with Vista already? It freezes up and crashes constantly,
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Feb 2, 2009
I can open up PS just fine, but when I try to open a new document or open an existing one, it freezes. if anyone knows how to disable Version Cue, .
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Mar 15, 2013
I've never been into animation very much but recently, while making an avatar, I couldn't make up my mind which of the three chipmunks from Alvin and the Chipmunks I should put into it. I decided to try an animated gif and put them all in a constant loop one-by-one. How hard can it be, I thought.
Well, turns out it wasn't and here it is:
On paper, it works fine but in practise, it doesn't for reasons I can't fathom. I've tested it on three forums and on every one of them, it occasionally freezes in the last frame and refuses to execute the animation while other people's animated signatures and avatars animate just fine so it's safe to assume that there's something wrong with my gif.
Here are the settings I used while exporting:
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Jul 10, 2011
I have just upgraded to 2012 and I get a brief freeze when I enter a command such as line.
It only appears to happen when dynamic input is on or while I am in ortho mode. It seems to freeze while computing the coordinates for displaying. I have looked up the help files on direct entry thinking it might be linked to that but that didn't find any solution.
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Jul 1, 2013
I've had Gimp 2.8.6 for awhile now but suddenly within the past week it has begun to freeze during the startup process. It will get to 'loading fonts' and then it will stop. I don't have any extra fonts, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times, and I've also tried installing previous versions and then updating them but nothing seems to be working.
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Sep 24, 2012
I'm on an OSX Lion machine (10.7.4) with 7GB of memory.
I have the following shortcuts in Illustrator:
Cmd +Shift + = : To export a file
Cmd +3 : Select the same fill color
Cmd + 4: Select the same stroke color
Cmd + . : Rotate
Cmd + , : Reflect an object
It doesn't matter which shortcut it is what will happen is that Illustrator and my Mac will freeze up not allowing me to force quit the program. This will happen randomly and the only way around it is to restart the mac and restore default preferences via Cmd + Option + Shift when opening the program.
I have tried re-installing the suite and it still happens, so I'm wondering is it the specific shortcuts I am using or is it the computer? I only ask because Illustrator has no issues when everything is defaulted, however when I add the shortcuts this issue will happen.
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Apr 6, 2013
I have always had multiple files open at a time when using illustrator but all day today the program has been freezing everytime i open more than one document. I am able to use the program now if i only have one file open but it freezes as soon as i open the second file. I have restarted my computer twice and i have closed every other program on my computer. I have a macbook pro and i save all of my illustrator files on an external hard drive.
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Jan 26, 2014
i've been running LR5 for 2 months and updated to 5.3 4 weeks ago.Fine till this week when it hung on start and clicking anywhere including the help menu just causes the blue working circle to turn endlessly.i've uninstalled and reinstalled but the same result. I've also tried uninstalling 5.3.
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Nov 17, 2012
My Lightroom starting freezing recently. It says the program is not responding. I was on the phone with Tech Support two days ago. They re-loaded the program and I re-imported the catalog and it worked as usual, but today again the same problem surfaced; upon start-up of the program it locks up and if I click anywhere in the Lightroom window it says the program is not responding and whites out moments later a Window's message says the program is not responding giving me choices of "Close the program" or wait till it responds, which it never does. I see others that are having a similar issue with 4.2 . I have a Gareway computer with Windows 7 64 bit.
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Oct 12, 2012
I am working in Mac OS 10.7.5 and CS5 applications are freezing constantly. I have to force quit them. They freeze randomly while I am working in them and if I ever leave them running and come back later to work then they are almost always frozen.
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Nov 5, 2012
Basically PS is freezing up temporarily, after 2-3 minutes then it becomes usaable again until it decides to feeze again. I do most of my editing in Lightroom, and only use PS because I like to just do soem finally touch ups if needed (bit of dodge/burn) and i like to use photokit sharpener (I like to brush in sharpening with actions i have created).So, i can't say for sure what initiates the freezing. Sometiems its while trying to brush in sharpening, other times it won't allow me to save.
I'm on Mac using Snow Leopard. 4Gb RAM. I use a logitech mouse. I had previous been using CS4 with zero problems.I've tried unchecking "save in backgrorund" as well as "use graphics processor"
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Oct 16, 2012
bridge is freezing up. Win7. installed latest upgrades etc.
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Feb 20, 2013
My Photoshop CS5 freezes the first time I try to open a JPEG file. As soon as I choose the Open command and try to being in a jpeg file it locks up.
I had uninstalled and re-installed the program twice now with no change. My operating system is Windows XP Pro.
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