VideoStudio :: No Audio When Playing Project But Clip?
Jan 25, 2011
I have few avi video clips which I believe I imported from camcorder using windows moviemaker. When I play those clips in any media player they play fine.
I have latest Corel Video Studio Pro X3. When I import this videos into timeline and play clips sound plays fine but when I play the project there is no audio. Even if I render it there is no sound.
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Nov 11, 2013
I am working on creating a project and it all goes well when I have it in the edit tab. I am able to listen to the audio and watch the video.
When I hit the Share Tab and watch it the audio disappears and I can't hear anything anymore but can still see the picture.
I have split the audio from the video to see if this corrects the problem and it doesn't. I know my microphone is picking up the audio or I wouldn't be able to hear it in the edit tab. I have made several videos before using the program and have never encountered this before.
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Jan 2, 2013
I am using VS Pro X2 - I have 3 small MP4 files in my project timeline (filmed on my mobile phone) and for some reason although they play fine on the clip, the audio doesn't come out on the Project, or on the finished DVD, which is a real pain...I have 94 minutes of good quality DVD and 45 seconds of silence! If there was no audio at all I could understand it, but the MP4 clips all play fine on the "clip"''s just that when I play them under the 'Project', there is no audio.
My original DV files (which are all ok) are MPEG Audio Layer 2 files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 224kbps
The MP4 clips are MPEG AAC Audio files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 113kbps
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Jan 22, 2012
I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out what is wrong with my audio in VSPx4.
When I put a video in the timeline and click on it so it is on the "clip" the video plays fine but the minute I switch it to "project" the audio dissappears. If I render it in any format, the audio doesn't return. Also, if I multi-trimm a video I am no longer able to get audio either.
Lastly, if I split the audio from the video I cannot play the project at all. It just gives me a frozen screen...
I have re-installed VSPx4 and have all the patches updated.
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Aug 18, 2011
Describe your problem: Once I've inserted a video file or files into the project timeline, playing the videos with the word "Project" under the screen highlighted, the audio (which is speech only) breaks up - all I hear is parts of words every second or two. Highlighting the term "Clip" just under "Project" provides clear, unbroken audio. This condition is new, first occurring after I installed VideoStudio Pro X3 Fix for MLE Database Incompatibility with PaintShop Photo Pro X3. Since then, I have re-loaded VSX3 and all the patches but to no avail. Note: the same video files can be processed by Windows Live Movie Maker and the audio and video come out fine, even if the effects are primitive.
What devices are involved and their mode of connection?: NONE, files are either in the VS Projects file or in my Videos folder. The Version of program is being used: Video Studio Pro X3. Please list all patches/updates that have been installed relating to that version of the program. I've installed all three patches and updates available on the Corel site (thru the User to User board) plus any updates offered by Corel.
Details of the source files. Quick Time movie, 24 bits 1280 x 720, 1 video track, 1 sound track - sound track is MPEG-4, low complexity
Where did they originate: camcorder
How did they get onto your hard drive USB cable
Type of video: Quick Time Movie
Video data rate: 29.970 frames/second
Type of audio: MPEG 4 low complexity
Audio data rate: 48,000 KHz, 16 bit, Stereo
Project Settings: As the software was shipped. I haven't changed any settings.
Did this error occur at the: EDIT step - but it continues in the SHARE step - except the sound goes completely away after processing. OR have you gone directly to the SHARE - NO
Error Codes NONE
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a short 5min film for a student film fest, all the audio and visual plays perfectly in the timeline. However, when exported, the last audio clip (which is a 'button' and comes after two soundless title slides) does not play at all. Again, it works perfectly in timeline. All audio files are .WAV and I've tried exporting it in several different fashions, none of which have made a difference.
For the film fest I need to export in 16:9, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). I tried this, among regular Quick Time export, Vimeo export, and others...every single export the audio on the 'button' didn't play at all but the clip is there.
Side Note: I tried adding low volume audio to bridge the last clip to the button to see if that made a difference so there would be no gaps in the audio timeline, but it did nothing.
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Jul 1, 2012
The movie clips in my "project" are not playing the audio. Yes, volume is on and I have ensured that the volume is all the way up and that the "mute" option has not been selected. Screen cap is attached of the video tab.
When I click on the individual "clip" the sound works no problem. The other audio files are also working no problem.
I should mention that the original file was an IFO file from a Sony Handicam that I converted to AVI which I dragged into the program.
why the clips are not playing the audio?
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Sep 24, 2011
I'm using Corel VideoStudio X4. I'm facing problem that there is no any audio for any type of video playing. AVI, MP4.. any type of file I play, no audio plays.. All files are checked & plays correctly in any video player, GOM, VLC player etc...
No problem with video files. there is no audio for sample files provided by corel itself. When I play mp3 like audio files, sound plays perfectly. But some problem with video files only... I edited one file but no audio for that file also when I play edited clip in video player like VLC.
PC Configuration:
Windows 7 Ultimate.
HP DV6 laptop. 1GB graphic card, i5 2nd Gen.
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Jul 23, 2013
In edit, when I select Clip and play a clip on an overlay track, there's no sound. Yes, I can first click on the sound mixer and then it plays but what a waste of time. Project will play but then I have to isolate the clip. How do I get sound playing under Clip when the segment is in one of the overlay tracks?
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Jul 10, 2011
I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.
Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.
I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.
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Jan 2, 2013
i was work on some project and it's was going well and everything was just fine but then i've saved it and close the program (went to watch tv). after few minutes i've opend the program again but then the sound didnt play with "project" but only when i play the clip alone or in edit sound mode. * when i'm playing the project on "audio" instead of "thumbnail" it's working fine...
i'm using X5
ii've record some of my screen in here: [URL]
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Feb 6, 2011
when I try to preview my project, I do not get any video. I can hear the audio though. When I preview individual clips I have both audio and video.
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Mar 7, 2013
In VS Pro 4, in edit mode, I get no sound when I play the project but sound is OK when I play the clip. Then if I switch on the sound mixer I get sound when I play the project.
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Nov 19, 2012
I just upgraded to Windows 8. All with Videostudio X5 is working fine, except MP3 files will not play in the Library. I get this strange hiss. If I drop the mp 3 file into the time line on any audio track and then play the project it plays fine. Wave files play fine. I did a uninstall and re-install of X5 to see If that would fix the problem.
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May 27, 2011
I've been using Videostudio Pro X4 for a few days now and I've seem to have run into the problem of losing the audio of clips after I have muli-trimmed them. It doesn't matter where I multi-trim them in the timeline, after I have confirmed the trim I lose the audio for the clip?
Let me be clear: the audio for the clips work perfectly before any editing ie. trimming and they are placed in the main video track. The clip formats are mainly AVI, MP4 and DivX AVI and have varying lengths.
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Mar 8, 2012
I recently upgraded my Corel VideoStudio X2 to Corel VideoStudio x4 Pro. After removing the old program and installing the updated version,I then restarted my computer and attempted to use it to edit a video. I placed the youtube video that I'd converted to AVI format into the timeline on the program. I then proceeded to attempt to trim <cut> the video at the first place that needed to be fixed and also at the end of the area to be repaired. After fixing it,I then reset the video to the beginning and watched for the expected changes. Much to my surprise,there was audio all way to the first cut spot on the video and absolutely nothing for the entire rest of the video;even in the cut or changed area. I was naturally puzzled as I never had this issue with the previous version. I then checked all my system audio controls and those of the program to make sure that nothing had changed or been accidently muted;including all audio settings were at proper levels,and everything was on and working as should be. I then checked the device manager to see if I found any yellow "?" marks on it for some strange reason to insure that all drivers were installed correctly;and found nothing amiss there. I then went to youtube and played a video and then a music CD in my computer to insure that my audio system was still functioning correctly and,as expected,they both worked fine and gave me audio output. Puzzled,I closed out the VideoStudio and all programs and re-started my computer. I then re-opened VideoStudio and tried again. I placed the same video on the timeline and played it without any changes. It played perfectly fine and I had audio thru-out the entire video. I then re-tried to adjust the video by clipping it and once sound for the rest of the video. I re-checked all drivers and audio connections without finding anything amiss. I even tried other videos that I'd converted to AVI format in the program timeline,that I still had on computer with the same exact results after picking a spot and clipping them as audio. I even tried clipping the video in different spots;both by clicking on the scissors and with the editing options located in the program interface with the exact same audio after the cut. I searched thru the program interface. I enjoyed the previous version immensly so was looking forward to using the updated version;but can't unless I can get this problem reesolved. Worse case,I can go back to the old version that worked fine for me but I hope not to.
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Aug 25, 2013
I had noticed this when I tried using a loud audio sound effect so I removed it and changed it to something else but I am concerned about this. Here is the situation:
Segment 1: talking head video
Segment 2: black block with animation and no sound
Segment 3: black block with animation and a short sound effect (breaking glass)
Segment 4: black block with the end of animation and voice from the video
Segment 5: back to the talking head video as a continuation of segment 1
The problem I notice is that the sound, in segment 4 is very low as if the video is "recovering" from the sound effect in the previous segment. It is like it adds a fade-in where I don't need one at all.
Is that a normal "reaction" of the audio after a sound effect?
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Dec 22, 2010
How to fade the volume out completely at the end of a audio clip. I have read the manual on the subject and have tried to follow the instructions that it gives. Until now I have not had any success. I know that I am missing something I just don't know what it is. I would like the audio to fade out completely so that I can fade in to another audio clip. I have clicked the fade out tabs but the volume only decreases a little at the end of the clip.
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Nov 15, 2011
when I split an Avi file I have, if I have the clip selected and highlighted, I get audio. If I click on the time line, so no specific clip highlighted, I don't get any audio?
If I create a file, the produced file has no audio
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Dec 22, 2010
I downloaded a 20 sec RAW .mts clip taken with a Panasonic TM700. I wanted to test it in VS X3 to see if the program would handle the file.
I noticed that when selecting "Project" to play the file in the preview window that certain elements of the clip look very noisy or overly sharp...Grainy, if you will. Other elements look slightly blurred. The playback seems smooth though.
However, If selecting "Clip" it looks much better. When I drag the sliders to expand the preview window to it's max size, the "Clip" playback looks flawless yet the "Project" playback, while slightly better, still looks less than desirable.
1). Why?
Here are the properties copied from the Time-line.
2)assuming I were to edit several clips from this camera in X3 to create a short 5-10 min film for upload to Vimeo, how would I best render to maintain the highest quality?
Before I decide to buy this camera, I just want to be sure that X3 can handle the files and that I have a fairly decent grasp of how to properly render the final video. In the mean time, I'll keep editing some sample clips and see how the program handles them. I'll also attempt to render a short film or 2 and see how that goes.
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Jul 8, 2011
I'm running VideoStudio X2...
Let's say that there is several seconds of a dog barking in one of my clips. The dog bark is a bit faint, so I need to boost the audio level of the dog barking. Can this be done?
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Dec 5, 2010
I am attempting to completely strip and/or delete the audio from a video clip after I drag it into the time line.
The purpose is to not only eliminate the audio entirely since it will never be used with the video, but to also make the total file size smaller.
I notice that when I "split the audio" from the video clip, the audio clip is still present in the video and the file size is the same -- even after I have deleted the "now split audio" from the time line. When I right click on the video clip, I also notice that the audio is simply muted, not deleted.
Is there any way to totally delete the audio?
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Apr 2, 2012
I've just bought VideoStudio Pro X4 and I want to mute the sound on my clips as I'm going to have music playing instead. On page 115 of the manual it says I will find the clip volume control in the Music and Voice tab. I have been all over the program interface and clicked on virtually everything but I cannot find a Music and Voice tab. In the end I had to split the audio for each clip and delete it. how to find the Clip audio volume control?
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Jun 4, 2012
I'm wondering if it is normal for my clips to have jerky preview. I am editing 1080p MOV clips and I've made sure that Smart Proxy is enabled and that the files do exist. Smart Proxy settings are default to activate with any clip that is larger than 720X480. After I've dragged a clip onto the timeline I get jerky preview if I select "clip" and then click play. But if I select "project" it plays smoothly. Scrubbing is also smooth. My question is why are my clips so jerky? It seems that "clip" preview is automatically using the original video file and not the proxy. I'm on a slow computer, but that's not the issue because everything except the individual clips plays smoothly. And yes, the Smart Proxy icon is on my clips and it's had plenty of time to complete the proxy creation. I've even completely removed VS with Revo Uninstaller and reinstalled it. No change.
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Apr 13, 2013
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..
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Jul 12, 2011
I add a video to the timeline video track (not the overlay track), and with 'clip' selected and playing... I have audio just fine, for the most part... sometimes the audio jumps and skips, and sounds garbled. With 'project' selected and the video playing, either the same thing happens as the 'clip' or there is no audio at all.
What I have discovered, is that this is common with AVI files. Other files, such as WMV, don't seem to have this problem. It affects only AVI files. The video plays just fine in WMP and VLC, as well as other video editors such as PowerDirector... so why dos VideoStudio have this odd sound issue? And I'm sure as Hell not gonna convert all my videos to WMV just to edit them.
This is on a fresh install of VideoStudio Pro X4 (as well as Windows), no updates, no Service Packs, no nothing... even WITH SP1 it's still does it. I've also removed and reinstalled my codec packs (from K-Lite to Shark007) with no difference.
I've also hear that people are now having this issue with VS Pro X3 as well (I have X3 to) so I assume it's pointless to install X3 as well. I really do NOT like using any editing software other than X4, since it's the best one I've used... so I do not want a reason to use something else.
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Jul 16, 2008
I've recently upgraded the PC and re-installed VS10 onto the new, improved, beast in front of me now, but have hit a hurdle.
Whether I'm looking at an imported project or starting a new one from scratch, I seem not to be able to get the audio tracks to play when playing the project as a whole.
I can select the music track and play it from within the timeline without a problem, but select the project and all I get is the sound of silence.
after scanning and searching the forum I can't find anything that fits my bill so far.
Drivers have been checked and updated where found wanting. I'm at a loss to explain why. I never had this problem back on the old slow-coach...!
For info I'm running Vista on a dual core 2600Ghz machine with Asus P5K Pro 'board (on-board audio) and a GeForce 8600 GTS graphics card.
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Mar 26, 2013
Audio in clips (video or audio) plays but will not play in project preview or in created video files or DVDs.
No special devices just the normal PC setup (using 3 monitors).
Video Studio version:
VSX4 Pro: SP1, SP2 and SP3 added with nothing else added (templates etc).
Source files:
Codecs Note:
I first tried VSX4 with only the codecs on the PC from a new install - that is a total wipe of the two SSD drives in the PC and a reinstall from 'clean' of Windows 8 Pro on the 'c:' main SSD and a new install of VSX4.
The PC then had adobe flash player added - mainly just for 'YouTube', 'DivX' and 'Xilisoft - Video Convertor Platinum' - a package I have used extensively before and along sided VSX4 without issue.
When I found that the audio issue continued I installed the latest available 'K-Lite' package via 'CNet - Downloads'. Throwing codecs at the problem is not necessarily I have used 'K-Lite' on and off for years though and have had no issues from 'K-Lite' (with VSX4).
Regarding .avi:
I am told there are some 800 plus known versions of files that have the .avi extension and this is problematic. However, I have tried many files and converted some to the somewhat 'standard' DivX, Xvid or H.264/MPEG 4 and had no luck thus far!
Have tried various source files from various sources. Have mostly tried .avi (DivX /Xvid) files but have also tried mpeg and mpeg 2. Have tried converting files from one type to other also.
I use the audio as it is per file and have tried splitting the audio and saving it as a .wav directly from VSX4 then using that .wav as a voice or music track. Split audio works in independent player (Windows Media Player) and plays directly in VSX4 as a clip but not when playing the project.
Project Properties:
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
I have not deliberately set any of the properties manually and they seem correct for my usage.
In the UK using Pal.
Error Codes:
Trying to make:
So far just testing VSX4 in Win 8 and looking to make standard DVD of legally acquired old B&W movie(s) or home video only.
All my PC drivers are up to date - I check video and audio drivers regularly and run windows update often.
I have .net as standard with Windows 8 but had to install an earlier version as it was reported as required by a game (Lord of the rings online).
I know I have not given precise audio and video data but this is because no matter which video I use the problem is present - I have tried many videos and audio over the last week or so.
I wonder if this is a Windows 8 Pro issue only as when I had the same PC setup with the same VSX4 and the same software previously on Windows 7, VSX4 worked a treat! That is as close to 'same' as is possible - I know Windows 8 is a bit different to Windows 7.
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Dec 11, 2012
I trimmed a wav audio file with the little yellow markers in the clip by placing the markers where I want them and using the scissors, then saved it, but when I drag it down to the timeline it comes down as the original long file.
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Dec 27, 2011
X4. I created a 48hz sample rate 24 bit WAV file on my portable Tascam recorder.. I am creating a sales presentation for my invention. I have brought in many different videos I created on my camera and have edited them successfully with single clip and multi clip. Also have been able to split audio out of video. adjust sections using the nodes with the sound mixer.. move audio after split to different areas on the timeline.. However I need to do some voice over work. I figured it would be much easier and better quality for me to use my tascam to create the wav's and then just drop them into the project, edit them and place them where I want them, mute the voice I have on the video..
I was able to bring the .wavs in just fine.. and while editing them in clip mode they play just fine, I can shorten them or cut them where I need too. But when I choose to play back the project with the .wav in one one of the additional sound/music tracks I get very nasty static only. None of my recorded voice is audible. click to clip mode on the wav audio and it plays perfect. I tried moving it to the voice over track area and same exact problem.
am I missing a switch function somewhere? I made sure I muted the video clips above the .wav in the timeline. The manual says to use import option to bring in audio files but I do not see an import button anywhere? missing something? seems to me the drag and drop or add to library a wave file should work.. ??
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Oct 30, 2012
I have imported 5 clips into Videostudio Pro X4, all taken concurrently with the same camera/settings etc. If I play back a single clip, the quality is as I would expect it to be. If I switch to playing back project rather than clip, there is a noticeable drop in quality.
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